World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Trump claims Nunes memo 'totally' vindicates him as FBI says 'talk is cheap'

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 08:13 AM PST

Amid swirling partisan rancor in Washington, mere days after Donald Trump appealed for unity in his State of the Union address, the president fired yet another broadside at special counsel Robert Mueller and the investigation into Russian election meddling.

Related: Justice department: Mueller inquiry lawful, Manafort suit lacks merit

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Justice department: Mueller inquiry lawful, Manafort suit lacks merit

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 10:39 AM PST

The justice department has backed special counsel Robert Mueller over a lawsuit filed against him by Paul Manafort, Donald Trump's former campaign manager, and argued that the case should be dismissed.

Related: Nunes memo release is Trump's attempt quell threats to him and his circle

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Can Europe’s new xenophobes reshape the continent?

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 03:48 PM PST

From Poland to Austria and Hungary, a new nationalism and hostility to migrants are rife. What does the spread of 'illiberalism' mean for the rest of Europe?

In the House of Terror, one of Budapest's most popular tourist attractions, two mannequins' torsos stand back to back on a rotating platform, one wearing the uniform of Hungary's communist secret police, the other that of the Arrow Cross fascist party. They bear mute testimony to the traumas of 20th-century history in this corner of Europe. Mária Schmidt, the museum's director, says she would like to show her display to Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, thus reminding her that in 1945 Hungary was occupied by the two most brutal totalitarian regimes of the last century in the space of a single year. This would, she believes, explain why the country remains fiercely proud of its independence and suspicious of "neocolonial attitudes" towards eastern Europe from Brussels.

"We are Hungarians, and we want to preserve our culture," Schmidt says, sitting in the museum's boardroom. "We don't want to copy what the Germans are doing or what the French are doing. We want to continue with our own way of life." When the German chancellor visited Budapest in 2009, Schmidt claims she sent her an invitation to a commemorative event but got no response. "There is only one explanation for this," she says. "She has a heart of ice."

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India’s sanitary towel hero Pad Man bound for Bollywood glory

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 04:05 PM PST

Big-screen musical tells story of welder Arunachalam Muruganantham, who became a pioneer for menstrual health

Menstruation isn't the most obvious topic for a blockbuster, but the story of how a lower-caste man from a village in India dropped out of school at 14 and became the unlikely champion of menstrual health in the subcontinent has become the subject of a Bollywood film released this week.

Related: 'Silly and regressive': Indian firms introduce period days

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Border treaty blamed for Calais migrant surge that has led to violence

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 12:30 PM PST

A deal to speed refugee processing has resulted in a 25% rise in arrivals at the port, stoking national tensions

A sudden surge of refugees arriving in Calais is stoking new tensions between migrant communities and led to the mass brawl and multiple shootings that shocked France last week.

There has been a 25% increase in the number of migrants heading for the French port, placing pressure on food handouts and increasing competition for routes into the UK.

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Ireland divided as vote on abortion tests faith and the old order

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 12:45 PM PST

In the only Irish county to vote against same-sex marriage, a close vote is expected in May

The eighth amendment of the Irish constitution makes Ireland, depending on your point of view, either a unique beacon of humanity in a godless world or a superstitious hamlet determined not to enter into the 21st century. The amendment was signed into law in October 1983 after two-thirds of the electorate voted in a referendum to accord equal status to the life of a child growing in the womb with that of its mother. As a result, only in extreme circumstances can an abortion take place.

Pointing out that no one under the age of 52 had ever voted on the issue, the taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, last week announced that a referendum would take place by the end of May to repeal the amendment.

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Plan to save Europe’s synagogues receives high-profile backing

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 01:00 PM PST

Simon Schama, Howard Jacobson and Natasha Kaplinsky among supporters of campaign to protect Jewish heritage

Its gothic twin turrets and stained-glass window featuring a six-pointed star look out from a hillside over a town in south Wales. A Welsh dragon decorates the building's gable. But rooms that once resonated to the murmur of prayers and readings from the Torah are abandoned; windows are broken, plaster is crumbling and the roof is open to the sky.

But now the Old Synagogue in Merthyr Tydfil, built in the 1870s, could be reborn. It is part of an extraordinary scheme – to be launched this week by the historian Simon Schama – to map more than 3,300 historic synagogues across 48 European countries, and restore the most significant sites.

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Hawaii worker who sent missile alert was '100% sure' attack was real

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 10:13 AM PST

  • Worker fired over false alarm that spread panic speaks out
  • Man in his 50s says: 'It's been hell for me the last couple weeks'

A former Hawaii state worker who sent a false missile alert last month said on Friday he was devastated about causing panic but had been "100% sure" at the time that the attack was real.

Related: Hawaii official who sent false missile alert has been fired

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New wave of Afghans seek a way out as fear grips Kabul

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 12:30 PM PST

The capital's citizens are caught in the middle again as the Taliban responds to increased US military pressure in its rural heartlands

Even six years ago, the words rang hollow. The Taliban's "momentum has been reversed", the UK's General Adrian Bradshaw insisted to a room of incredulous journalists at the Nato headquarters in Kabul.

Violence was rising across Afghanistan, slowly yet undeniably. But the US and its allies had a war to end, a 2014 deadline for their departure, and a withdrawal under way; reality took second place to the schedule set by Washington.

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Italy: failed Northern League candidate held over migrant shootings

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 08:41 AM PST

Far-right election candidate arrested in city of Macerata after shooting spree targeting Africans

A failed election candidate for Italy's far-right Northern League has been arrested after a gunman targeted African migrants in a two-hour drive-by shooting spree in the Italian city of Macerata.

Luca Traini, 28, was arrested after six people were shot in the small city near Italy's east coast, 200km (125 miles) east of Rome. Police said the attack appeared to be racially motivated.

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Russian warplane shot down in north-west Syria

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 09:27 AM PST

Russia says pilot died after Su-25 jet brought down near rebel-held town of Saraqeb in Idlib province

Syrian rebels have shot down a Russian warplane and killed its pilot in the north-west of the country during fierce fighting with the forces of President Bashar al-Assad and his foreign backers.

Related: Syrian Kurds outraged over mutilation of female fighter

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Uma Thurman breaks silence over Harvey Weinstein

Posted: 04 Feb 2018 01:28 AM PST

The Kill Bill actor told the New York Times of encounter in London: 'He tried to shove himself on me. He tried to expose himself'

Uma Thurman has broken her silence about her experiences with the disgraced film producer Harvey Weinstein. In an interview with the New York Times, the actor described an attempted sexual assault in Weinstein's suite at the Savoy hotel in London in the mid-1990s.

Weinstein has been accused of sexual harassment, assault and rape by multiple women. Thurman, the star of movies including Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill, said last year she would come forward about her experiences with Weinstein when she was ready to do so.

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Marx bicentenary to be marked by exhibitions, books – and pub crawls

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 03:04 PM PST

Renewed interest in philosopher fires celebrations of 200 years since his birth on 5 May 1818

A spectre is haunting Europe in 2018 – to borrow from one of his catchier one-liners – the spectre of Karl Marx himself.

Two hundred years after the philosopher's birth, a small industry is gathering pace, from plans for major events in Trier, the city on the Moselle where he was born, to a new tour of the Manchester streets that he and Friedrich Engels walked as they discussed the condition of the city's emerging working class. The bicentenary on 5 May will be marked with exhibitions, lectures, conferences, histories and novels.

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'His death kills me each day': Mosul residents return home – to what?

Posted: 30 Jan 2018 11:30 PM PST

After Isis were driven out of Mosul, traumatised families slowly returned to their devastated neighbourhoods. Over more than two months, they told Mona Mahmood their harrowing stories

Warning: this report contains distressing details

Overwhelmed with grief and anger, families have been returning to what is left of their homes in the Old City of Mosul, following its liberation from Isis.

In a set of interviews conducted over more than two months, people haunted by the memories of their loved ones gradually opened up about the traumatic experiences they survived, and the uncertain future they now face.

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Dangerous little things: how I learned the importance of protest at an Indian university

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 11:00 AM PST

That one hour achieved something. It introduced me to non-cooperation. Mahatma Gandhi had used it against the British. Now I understood it.

My grandfather was once in jail.

As a kid, I'd pronounce this with a little flush of pride. My grandpa! Way back in the 1941.

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Royal Marines cuts would undermine security, say MPs

Posted: 04 Feb 2018 01:39 AM PST

Reducing ability to carry out amphibious operations would be dangerous, a report has warned

Cuts to the Royal Marines and the ability to carry out amphibious operations would significantly undermine the UK's security, MPs have said in a strongly-worded report.

The capability of the Royal Marines must not be sacrificed to the demands of "Treasury bookkeeping", the defence select committee said in response to speculation that amphibious capabilities could be reduced in a Whitehall review.

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It’s not only in Ireland that we need a new view on abortion | Sarah Ditum

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 04:05 PM PST

Dublin might be preparing for change, but in Poland and elsewhere women's rights are under threat

Before the end of May, Ireland will hold a referendum that could finally give Irish women legal access to abortion in their own country. It feels like the time is right for change. The taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, who made the announcement last week, called himself "pro-life" as recently as 2015; now he says he'll be campaigning against the repressive eighth amendment that values a foetus's right to life equally with a pregnant woman's (or, in the language of the constitution, the "unborn" and the "mother"). It's a stunning and very welcome reversal.

It's also overdue. Any change in the law will be too late for Savita Halappanavar, who died of sepsis in 2012 after doctors refused to terminate the pregnancy she was already miscarrying. Too late, too, for the unnamed migrant, pregnant by rape, who was denied an abortion and then legally forced to give birth by caesarean at 25 weeks in 2014. Too late for the thousands of women each year who have had to travel to England to end their pregnancies, some unwanted and some very much wanted but agonisingly unviable; too late for the uncounted others who were never able to make the trip.

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North Korea’s Berlin embassy used to acquire nuclear tech, says spy chief

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 06:30 PM PST

German intelligence head says equipment acquired by North Korea has military use

Germany's domestic intelligence agency chief has claimed North Korea has been acquiring equipment and technology for its nuclear and weapons programmes through its Berlin embassy.

"We have noticed that so many procurement activities have taken place from the embassy," said Hans-Georg Maassen, head of the Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV), or Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution.

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Water crisis in Cape Town as 'day zero' approaches – video report

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 09:17 AM PST

After years of severe drought, Cape Town officials are preparing to shut off mains water supplies to a million homes. Residents have also been asked to limit their use to 50 litres a day as 'day zero' approaches

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What is the Devin Nunes memo about and how does it affect Trump?

Posted: 04 Feb 2018 01:20 AM PST

The four-page document released on Friday is at the heart of a firestorm over Donald Trump, Russia and special counsel Robert Mueller. What's in it?

The memo was written by aides to Republican Devin Nunes, chairman of the House intelligence committee, a staunch defender of Donald Trump and a member of his transition team.

Related: Memo release is Trump's scramble to torch threats to himself – and his circle

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Mexico protesters fear US-owned brewery will drain their land dry

Posted: 04 Feb 2018 01:00 AM PST

A deal between a state government and the US's third biggest brewer could put beer for Americans before water for Mexicans

Carmelo Gallegos used to sow wheat in the cool winters and cotton in scorching-hot summers of the Mexicali valley. These days, water is so scarce he can only plant one crop a year.

But on top of drought and a sinking water table, the 61-year old farmer now has another preoccupation. A huge brewery is being built in the nearby city of Mexicali, and Gallegos – like many others – fears it will suck up what little water remains to make beer for export to the US.

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Anthony Albanese targets Shorten with call for party reform

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 09:37 PM PST

Albanese states support for rank-and-file input after two Shorten picks for Senate

Anthony Albanese has backed a left-faction push for Labor members to gain more power over preselections and declared loyalty to the Labor cause rather than the current leader, Bill Shorten.

Despite Labor riding high in the polls, Shorten faces a test in the Batman byelection, along with the difficulties of managing factional deals in Victoria and a renewed push for party democracy by the ALP president, Mark Butler.

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'A hellish nightmare': how Trump's travel ban hit a Syrian refugee family

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 11:00 PM PST

The Ghazouls arrived in the US days before the travel ban but one daughter applied too late: 'Our family is now scattered'

Naief and Nsreen Ghazoul are seated in a circle around their living room with their children, sipping hot chocolate on a dreary evening in January, beaming as their 18-month-old granddaughter, Shahed, entertains the family with the newest addition to her lexicon.

After coaxing in Arabic, she giggles and lets out a sheepish "I love you" in English.

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Women are rising – and that makes me proud

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 07:45 AM PST

Feminism is the most talked-about political movement of the moment. And that is something to celebrate

I was traveling last week – in Copenhagen with my family. The first time I visited that city was almost a decade ago, when I went to speak at a conference on International Women's Day.

What I remember so clearly was how the day, 8 March, was celebrated so fully – it was on the front page of newspapers! It stood in such stark contrast to the US, where feminism was still somewhat considered uncool and man-hating. (If you only knew how many bra-burning jokes we had to endure at the time!)

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Nunes memo release is Trump's attempt to quell threats to him and his circle

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 06:42 AM PST

By seeking to discredit investigators, Trump may only deepen his predicament – ensnaring his family members and closest aides

Huddled with his twentysomething communications director on Air Force One somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean, Donald Trump needed a cover story. The news that the president's son, Donald Trump Jr, had hosted Russian operatives at Trump Tower a year earlier was about to erupt in the headlines.

Related: What is the Nunes memo and why is it important?

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Italy: African migrants shot and injured by driver in Macerata – video

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 07:55 AM PST

Amateur footage shows the scene after a driver opened fire on African migrants in the Italian city of Macerata. At least six are injured in an attack that police said appeared to be racially motivated

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