World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Southern California mudslide leaves at least 15 dead

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 06:03 AM PST

At least 15 people were killed and homes were swept from their foundations on Tuesday as heavy rain sent mud and boulders sliding down hills stripped of vegetation by southern California's recent wildfires.

Rescue crews used helicopters to lift people to safety because of blocked roads, and firefighters slogged through waist-high mud to pull a muck-covered 14-year-old girl out of the ruins of a home in Montecito, north-west of Los Angeles, where she had been trapped for hours. She was taken away on a stretcher.

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Tunisia rocked by protests over price rises

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 09:20 AM PST

Widespread violence flares in Tunis and other areas during protests against government's austerity measures

One person has died and more than 200 people have been arrested in two nights of widespread and violent protests across Tunisia, driven by anger over steep price rises resulting from austerity measures.

Police and army forces were deployed in several cities, including Tebourba, 20 miles (30km) west of the capital, Tunis, where hundreds of young people took to the streets after the funeral of a 45-year-old man who died in the unrest on Monday night.

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Astronomers may be closing in on source of mysterious fast radio bursts

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 10:00 AM PST

Pulses may be from a neutron star cocooned by a strong magnetic field – though experts are not ruling out more unorthodox explanations such as alien ships

Astronomers appear to be closing in on the source of enigmatic radio pulses emanating from space that have become the subject of intense scientific speculation.

Previous candidates for the origin of the fleeting blasts of radiation – known as fast radio bursts, or FRBs – have included exploding stars, the reverberations of weird objects called cosmic strings or even distant beacons from interstellar alien spaceships.

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UK court grants £1m bail to man arrested over Sarkozy-Gaddafi inquiry

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 11:19 AM PST

French police seeking Alexandre Djouhri for questioning over alleged financing of presidential election campaign by dictator

A French businessman wanted for questioning in relation to an inquiry into the alleged illegal financing of Nicolas Sarkozy's 2007 presidential election run by the late Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi has been granted £1m bail by the high court in London.

French police are seeking to extradite Alexandre Djouhri to Paris, where he has been evading a summons for questioning on his connections with Sarkozy.

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North Korea: Trump promises 'peace through strength' and denies strike plan

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 02:00 PM PST

Trump shrugged off reports suggesting US is considering air strikes, and reportedly expressed openness to talks with Pyongyang 'at the appropriate time'

Donald Trump has promised "peace through strength" on the Korean peninsula, reportedly telling his South Korean counterpart that no US military action against Pyongyang is being contemplated while diplomacy is underway.

Related: Moon Jae-in credits Donald Trump for inter-Korea talks

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Rolling in the aisles: Russian man smashes stolen tank into supermarket

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 09:00 AM PST

The man stole the armoured personnel carrier from a military driving school, drove it through his town and crashed through the front of a grocery store

A Russian man believed to be drunk has been detained after stealing an armoured personnel carrier and smashing it into a supermarket.

The man stole the tank-like vehicle on caterpillar tracks from a military driving school in the far northern Murmansk region, RIA Novosti news agency cited a traffic police spokeswoman as saying.

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New York City plans to divest $5bn from fossil fuels and sue oil companies

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 10:35 AM PST

Mayor Bill de Blasio: 'It's up to the fossil fuel companies whose greed put us in this position to shoulder the cost of making New York safer and more resilient'

New York City is seeking to lead the assault on both climate change and the Trump administration with a plan to divest $5bn from fossil fuels and sue the world's most powerful oil companies over their contribution to dangerous global warming.

Related: Hurricanes and heatwaves: stark signs of climate change 'new normal'

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Ikea invites customers to 'pee on this ad' to check for pregnancy – and a crib deal

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 11:32 AM PST

The Swedish store's new ad is made of paper which contains similar technology to a pregnancy test – and if it's positive, the ad reveals a special sale

Ikea, the Swedish homeware giant, has come up with a novel way to get would-be parents streaming through the doors to the company's cavernous outlets – a magazine advert for baby cribs that doubles as a pregnancy test.

Ikea is encouraging the possibly pregnant to pee on the ad in its latest catalogue, the paper of which contains similar technology to a pregnancy test. If the test is positive, then the ad reveals a special discounted price on cribs.

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Republicans retiring in record numbers fuel fears of losing House at midterms

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 11:03 AM PST

The Democrats need to win 25 seats to take control of the House of Representatives in 2018 and there are now 31 open seats held by Republicans

The announcement by Congressman Darrell Issa on Wednesday that he is retiring brings to 31 the number of open seats held by Republicans in the 2018 midterm elections.

Related: A year after Trump's election, what are Democrats' chances in 2018?

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Florida monkeys excreting rare disease that can kill humans, scientists warn

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 09:47 AM PST

Wildlife agency says free-roaming monkeys at state park are a public health concern, as 30% may have Herpes B that can spread to visitors via bodily fluids

Wildlife managers in Florida say they want to remove roaming monkeys from the state in light of a new study published on Wednesday, which finds some of the animals are excreting a virus that can be dangerous to humans.

Scientists studying a growing population of rhesus macaques in Silver Springs state park say that rather than just carrying herpes B, which is common in the species, some of the monkeys have the virus in their saliva and other bodily fluids, posing a potential risk of spreading the disease.

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Spanish activist in Moroccan court over people smuggling charge

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 08:20 AM PST

Helena Maleno is thought to have saved hundreds of lives by alerting maritime authorities to plight of vulnerable migrants

A Spanish journalist and human rights activist who is thought to have saved hundreds of lives by alerting maritime authorities to the plight of vulnerable migrants in the Mediterranean has appeared in court in Morocco over allegations that she has been colluding with people traffickers.

Helena Maleno and her Walking Borders NGO have, over the past few years, fielded distress calls from people crossing from north Africa, passing on their details and locations to the Spanish coastguard so they can be rescued.

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Papua New Guinea chief justice attacked as sorcery-related violence escalates

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 09:00 AM PST

Police say Sir Salamo Injia targeted in ambush because his tribe had not paid compensation for the death of a man said to have been killed with sorcery

A chief justice has been ambushed and attacked in another incident related to Papua New Guinea's escalating problem with sorcery-related violence.

The ambush followed the kidnapping and torture of two women from the judge's tribe, who were accused of killing a man with sorcery.

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Moon Jae-in credits Donald Trump for inter-Korea talks

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 02:12 AM PST

South Korean leader says US-led sanctions and pressure on North Korea helped bring about first meeting in more than two years

South Korea's president, Moon Jae-in, has credited Donald Trump for creating the political backdrop to this week's inter-Korea talks, and echoed the US president's warning that Pyongyang faced more pressure if it continued to conduct missile and nuclear tests.

Speaking a day after senior North and South Korean officials met for the first time in more than two years, Moon suggested that US-led pressure on North Korea over the past year had helped bring the two sides together.

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Building boom in China's tropics as Beijing's 'smog refugees' flee toxic air

Posted: 09 Jan 2018 09:00 PM PST

Jaded urbanites keen to outrun hustle and bustle of country's big smoke put down roots near border with Myanmar and Laos

It was on 3 January last year, days after Beijing's last major airpocalypse, that Ji Feng began to put into action his plan to escape one of the world's most polluted cities.

After more than two decades as a resident of China's smog-choked capital, he boarded a flight for Jinghong, an azure-skied river town in Yunnan province, close to China's borders with Myanmar and Laos.

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Scotland to become first UK country to ban plastic cotton buds

Posted: 11 Jan 2018 02:14 AM PST

Crackdown on manufacture and sale of product will cut Scotland's contribution to marine plastic pollution by half, says expert

The Scottish government plans to ban the manufacture and sale of plastic-stemmed cotton buds in a move that will cut the country's marine plastic pollution by half, according to campaigners.

Related: Plastic microbeads ban enters force in UK

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Gorbachev: His Life and Times by William Taubman review – the mysteries remain

Posted: 11 Jan 2018 01:00 AM PST

A phenomenally researched life of the man who did more than any other to change Europe and the world in the last half of the 20th century

If Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma, the same holds true for its most famous living citizen, Mikhail Gorbachev. From March 1985 to December 1991 he was under an unrelenting national and international spotlight as the Soviet Union's leader. He wrote several autobiographical books while in power and has written more since retirement. At least a dozen associates have published memoirs in which he features prominently. Yet in spite of all this scrutiny, key questions about the man who did more than any other to change Europe and the world in the last half of the 20th century remain without clear answers.

How did a secret reformist get chosen by deeply conservative elders to be their country's next leader? Gorbachev felt his country needed fundamental change, so why did he not quickly develop a programme of political and economic action once he had secured the top job? Why did he fail to foresee the rise of nationalist unrest that eventually led to the Soviet Union's fragmentation? Why did he consent to Germany's reunification inside Nato without demanding anything in return, except cash to pay for Soviet troops' rehousing?

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Hundreds arrested in Tunisia as violent protests spread

Posted: 11 Jan 2018 01:27 AM PST

Army deployed and more than 300 people arrested as demonstrations against price and tax hikes erupt in several cities

More than 300 protesters have been arrested and the army deployed in several Tunisian cities after violent demonstrations over prices, taxes and unemployment swept the country.

In Thala, near the Algerian border, troops were sent in after protesters burned down the national security building, forcing police to retreat from the town, witnesses said.

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California in revolt: how the progressive state plans to foil the Trump agenda

Posted: 11 Jan 2018 02:00 AM PST

From immigration to the environment and recreational cannabis, state leaders and activists are finding paths to circumvent the administration. Will it work?

California prides itself on being first with progressive laws on climate change, labor rights and marijuana. In 2018, the Golden State's "firsts" are defensive – bold proposals and legal maneuvers to protect citizens from Donald Trump.

Related: Federal court blocks Trump plan to end Daca program for immigrants

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US 'do not travel' advisory puts five Mexican states on same level as Syria

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 02:35 PM PST

Government warns citizens to avoid Tamaulipas, Sinaloa, Colima, Michoacán and Guerrero amid high levels of crime and cartel violence

The US state department has warned Americans to completely avoid five Mexican states plagued by crime and drug cartel violence, putting the regions on the same level as war-zones such as Syria, Yemen and Afghanistan.

In an advisory issued on Wednesday, the state department said "do not travel to" the border state of Tamaulipas, as well as the Pacific coast states of Sinaloa, Colima, Michoacán and Guerrero.

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China church demolition sparks fears of campaign against Christians

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 10:49 PM PST

Footage has emerged of the Golden Lampstand Church in Shanxi province being razed by local authorities

A church in northern China was demolished this week, the second in less than a month, sparking fears of a wider campaign against Christians as authorities prepare to enforce new laws on religion.

Police cordoned off the area around the Golden Lampstand Church church in Linfen, Shanxi province, on Sunday before construction workers detonated explosives inside, according to witnesses and the head pastor. After the initial explosion, crews broke apart the remaining pieces with diggers and jackhammers.

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Coroner criticises authorities for not telling family Indigenous prisoner was dying

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 11:30 PM PST

Kwementyaye Japaljarri was serving a five-month sentence when he became critically ill. His family were not told until after his death 12 days later

A coroner has criticised Northern Territory authorities for not telling the family of an Indigenous man in custody that he was critically ill until after he died, 12 days after being admitted to hospital.

Kwementyaye Japaljarri*, 34, was serving a five-month prison sentence for non-violent driving-related offences. He had a long history of illness and the coroner, Greg Cavanagh, said his medical care was adequate.

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Ritz Paris robbery: jewels worth €4.5m seized in armed heist

Posted: 11 Jan 2018 12:15 AM PST

Terrified guests hide in kitchen as masked men wielding axes and knives make off with valuables from display cases

Five masked men armed with axes and knives walked into the Ritz hotel in central Paris on Wednesday and left shortly afterwards with an estimated €4.5 million worth of jewels.

French police on patrol outside the five-star hotel caught three of the robbers after tasering them as they fled on foot. The remaining two escaped through a back door and made their getaway on a scooter.

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I have seen first-hand how the horrors of Mugabe’s Zimbabwe haunt our people | Dixon Chibanda

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 10:00 PM PST

As a psychiatrist in Zimbabwe, I've witnessed the mental scars caused by years of death, deprivation and struggle. Post-Mugabe, we need a psychological salve

The euphoria that greeted the end of Robert Mugabe's autocratic 37-year rule over Zimbabwe is giving way to a sobering realisation of what lies ahead to heal the trauma of our nation. The events of the past four decades have had a severe impact. It is thought more than 10% of the population are affected by mental health issues; among people using primary healthcare facilities, the figure is about 30%.

Four generations have had their lives marked by chronic fear. They have endured the liberation war, the Matabeleland massacres, enforced land redistribution, the destruction of homes, and a general atmosphere of violent suppression and economic struggle.

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'One guy took a cutlass': gay women at greater risk of violence in Ghana

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 06:40 AM PST

Research shows Ghanaian women are likelier than men to be abused and cast out of homes and jobs because of their sexual preferences

Women in Ghana are more likely than men to experience violence at the hands of their families because of their sexuality, with many forced many into marriage or sex work, researchers have found.

LGBT women interviewed by Human Rights Watch (HRW) said they had been beaten, evicted from their homes and ostracised by their communities. Many struggled to find accommodation and employment.

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Rohingya children left stranded amid garbage and muck in Myanmar

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 03:52 AM PST

UN warns of 'toxic fear' among tens of thousands of children trapped in Rakhine state, some of whom have become separated from their parents

Tens of thousands of Rohingya children have been left "trapped and almost forgotten" in remote, squalid camps and isolated villages in Myanmar's Rakhine state, the UN has said.

Stringent restrictions on the movement of Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine, which have worsened amid the increased violence over the past 15 months, have left an estimated 60,000 children stranded, in need of aid, and suffering from "high levels of toxic fear", said Unicef, the UN children's agency.

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Trump-Russia inquiry: transcript reveals ex-spy and FBI's cloak-and-dagger dance

Posted: 11 Jan 2018 12:36 AM PST

Private investigator stopped cooperating with FBI as he suspected it had been compromised, his employer told committee

It was nine days before the 2016 US election and Christopher Steele suddenly had a bad feeling about what was going on inside the FBI.

Two months earlier, the British former spy turned private investigator had decided to take his concerns about Donald Trump's campaign and its alleged ties to the Kremlin to senior US law enforcement officials, mostly out of a sense of duty and worry about the Republican candidate for the White House.

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'Seems unlikely’: Trump casts doubt on Russia inquiry interview – video

Posted: 11 Jan 2018 01:19 AM PST

Donald Trump has apparently reversed a commitment to meet the special counsel investigating alleged collusion between his election campaign and Russia, saying that such an interview 'seems unlikely'. Robert Mueller's team of investigators has reportedly expressed interest in speaking to the president in person, potentially in the next few weeks, though no date has been set

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Officials demolish Golden Lampstand Church in Shanxi, China - video

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 10:46 PM PST

Footage of the demolition of the Golden Lampstand Church by Chinese officials in Linfen, Shanxi province, China.

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Trapped teenager rescued from mudslide in California – video

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 08:56 AM PST

A 14-year-old girl covered in mud is pulled from a collapsed home in Montecito, California, after being trapped for hours following mudslides. She told firefighters working on the ground: 'I thought I was dead for a minute there'

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California mudslides: ‘It looked like a world war one battlefield’ – video – video

Posted: 10 Jan 2018 04:42 AM PST

At least 13 people have been killed in southern California after heavy rain caused homes to be swept from their foundations by mud and boulders sliding down hills stripped of vegetation by the state's recent wildfires

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