World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Saudi Arabia intercepts 'missile' fired from Yemen

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 12:50 PM PDT

State-owned media reports missile was brought down north of King Khaled airport near Riyadh

Saudi Arabia intercepted and destroyed a "ballistic missile" north-east of the capital, Riyadh, on Saturday after it was launched from Yemen, Saudi state media reported. "Saudi air defence intercepts ballistic missile northeast of Riyadh," it said.

State-run news channel Al-Ekhbariya said the missile "was of limited size (and) no injuries or damage" was reported. The missile was destroyed near Riyadh's King Khaled international airport, which was functioning normally, it added.

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‘There’s a lot more there’: Mueller ups the stakes in Trump-Russia inquiry

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 01:00 PM PDT

Paul Manafort and Rick Gates were indicted on financial charges, but George Papadopoulos was the surprise as the Russia inquiry enveloped the capital

For a moment in court, the mask slipped. Paul Manafort glanced at his lawyer and smirked, like a TV mafia boss with reasons to be confident. It was the look of a man who, after decades of work as a lobbyist for murderous dictators in Africa and Asia, was not about to be rattled by the prospect of house arrest.

But less than a mile away, another man displayed rather less equanimity. Donald Trump woke before dawn on Monday and, instead of heading to the Oval Office, lingered in the White House residence. "Trump clicked on the television and spent the morning playing fuming media critic, legal analyst and crisis communications strategist, according to several people close to him," the Washington Post reported.

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China’s patriotic crackdown: three years in jail for ‘disrespecting’ national anthem

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 01:45 PM PDT

New law issued as part of President Xi Jinping's crackdown on disloyalty to the state alarms democracy movements in Hong Kong and Macau

China has made disrespect of the national anthem a crime punishable by up to three years in jail, as it focuses on cementing the patriotic "China dream" of its increasingly authoritarian president, Xi Jinping.

The new law is likely to alarm citizens of Hong Kong and Macau, where the March of the Volunteers has been a flashpoint for unrest, amid growing concerns about Beijing's efforts to exert its control over the city states.

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Spy mystery of British sisters who helped Jewish refugees flee the Nazis

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 05:04 PM PDT

Producers of biopic tell of CIA files on opera-loving secretaries Ida and Louise Cook who repeatedly flew to Germany to rescue refugees

The extraordinary story of two British sisters who became unlikely heroines in helping Jews to flee Nazi persecution is to be told on the big screen.

Ida and Louise Cook were two unassuming civil service secretaries whose passion for opera became their pretext for travelling repeatedly to Germany in the 1930s. While they toured the country's opera houses, they also secured a safe passage for dozens of people who would otherwise have perished in the Holocaust.

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Lebanon's PM quits over Iran tensions and concern for his safety

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 07:44 AM PDT

Saad Hariri quits in speech televised from Saudi Arabia, citing Iranian influence in region and saying he fears assassination

Saad Hariri has unexpectedly resigned as Lebanon's prime minister, citing Iranian influence across the region and claiming he feared the same fate as his assassinated father if he remained leader.

In a speech delivered from the Saudi capital of Riyadh on Saturday, Hariri blindsided both his government and staff in Beirut, bringing a dramatic end to an 11-month government that had largely failed to impose authority on a parliament split along regional lines, or on an economy weighed down by debt and corruption.

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North Korea looms large as Donald Trump embarks on Asia trip

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 05:55 AM PDT

US president reiterates his threats to Pyongyang as he visits five nations in 11 days on regional tour

Donald Trump's five-nation trip to Asia may take him away from his battles with opponents and prosecutors in Washington, but it will inject his volatile, combative personality into the heart of the most dangerous nuclear standoff in the world.

The president has broken precedent by clearly and repeatedly threatening to carry out a first strike against North Korea. On the eve of his Sunday departure, he did it again.

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George HW Bush calls Trump a 'blowhard' in book The Last Republicans

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 11:40 AM PDT

In an interview with the New York Times, author Mark K Updegrove describes how the values of the Bush era stand in contrast to the party today

George HW Bush has followed his son, George W Bush, in criticising Donald Trump. The 41st president was more direct than the 43rd, however, saying in a new book that the 45th president is a "blowhard" who is "driven by a certain ego".

Related: Is it too late to save the world? Jonathan Franzen on one year of Trump's America

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UK ‘deeply concerned’ by detention of human rights lawyer in Egypt

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 11:29 AM PDT

Ibrahim Metwally Hegazy, an expert on forced disappearances who is working on the murder of Italian student Giulio Regeni, has been held since September

Several European countries, including the UK, have criticised the detention of an Egyptian human rights lawyer who is helping investigate the murder of the Italian student Giulio Regeni.

For the first time, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Britain, as well as Canada, said they were "deeply concerned" at the continuing detention of the human rights lawyer Ibrahim Metwally Hegazy.

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Typhoon Damrey hits Vietnam with deadly force

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 08:59 AM PDT

At least 15 killed by flooding or collapsed buildings as typhoon causes extensive damage to houses, boats and crops

Typhoon Damrey has made landfall on Vietnam's south-central coast, killing at least 15 people.

In the worst-hit province of Khanh Hoa, 14 people were killed by collapsing houses or were washed away by floods, the provincial disaster agency said in a statement on Saturday.

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Ratio of indigenous children in Canada welfare system is 'humanitarian crisis'

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 03:00 AM PDT

Minister Jane Philpott says disproportionate number of Aboriginal children taken from families echoes horrors of residential school system that affected 150,000

The disproportionate number of indigenous children caught in Canada's child welfare system is a "humanitarian crisis" that echoes the horrors of a residential school system that saw 150,000 Aboriginal children forcibly removed from their homes, the Canadian minister responsible for indigenous services has said.

Describing the issue as one of her top priorities, Jane Philpott noted this week that Canada removes indigenous children from their families at a rate that ranks among the highest in the developed world.

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China extends national anthem 'disrespect' law to Hong Kong

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 05:43 AM PDT

Critics say move to incorporate law in Hong Kong constitution undermines island's autonomy

China's parliament has formally extended a law banning disrespect of the national anthem to cover Hong Kong, a move that critics say undermines the city's autonomy and freedoms.

In the past few years, some Hong Kong football fans have booed the national anthem during World Cup qualifiers and other matches.

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New JFK assassination files say Oswald-CIA link 'totally unfounded'

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 06:07 AM PDT

  • New release contains 1975 CIA memo denies 'any conceivable' link
  • Many documents in latest batch are still heavily redacted

Government documents newly released on Friday regarding the assassination of President John F Kennedy say allegations that Lee Harvey Oswald was connected to the CIA were "totally unfounded".

Related: Files will shed light on a JFK shooting conspiracy – but not the one you think

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The COP23 climate change summit in Bonn and why it matters

Posted: 05 Nov 2017 01:00 AM PST

Halting dangerous global warming means putting the landmark Paris agreement into practice – without the US – and tackling the divisive issue of compensation

The world's nations are meeting for the 23rd annual "conference of the parties" (COP) under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) which aims to "prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system", ie halt global warming. It is taking place in Bonn, Germany from 6-17 November.

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Airbus braces for a difficult landing after corruption allegations

Posted: 05 Nov 2017 01:02 AM PDT

The company is facing numerous investigations. Why? Because, in most cases, it voluntarily turned itself in

"Prepare for turbulent and confusing times" is rarely a reassuring injunction, least of all in an all-staff email from the boss. But those were the words of Thomas Enders, chief executive of Airbus, as he warned employees in October that they would soon be reading about yet another allegation of corruption in the morning papers.

Within days the German magazine Der Spiegel had published a lengthy investigative piece alleging that Europe's largest aerospace multinational had operated a London slush fund, distributing millions of dollars to accounts held by companies in tax havens. Before the month was out, the firm would reveal to investors that it had reported itself to authorities in the US, this time over potentially breaching regulations on the use of agents to sell sensitive weapons technology.

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Fun Home creator Alison Bechdel on turning a tragic childhood into a hit musical

Posted: 05 Nov 2017 01:00 AM PDT

The acclaimed graphic novelist, who gave the world the famous movie equality 'test', on exposing her family, appearing in The Simpsons and why comics are her Trump therapy

Last summer, Alison Bechdel returned to the small Pennsylvania town where she grew up (population: 700) to see a production of the musical based on her 2006 graphic memoir, Fun Home a comic that, to sum it up rather brutally, tells the story of how her closeted gay father killed himself a few months after she came out as a lesbian. "It was super-surreal," she says. "It was the same theatre where my mother would do her amateur dramatics and my father was on the board. I was a little afraid. I felt anxious, like, oh my God, I'm going to see all these people and they're going to be pissed off with me. Because there were people in my hometown who did not think Fun Home was a good thing. They thought it dishonoured my family." So how did it go? Even now, she sounds amazed. "There was this great warmth that I just hadn't expected. I had thought I was going back to 1977, but the place has changed. It has… evolved."

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Syrian graphic novelist Hamid Sulaiman: ‘I don't present villains or heroes’

Posted: 05 Nov 2017 01:00 AM PDT

The author of Freedom Hospital on dealing with the trauma of war in exile, the late friend his book is dedicated to, and why he still has hope

Hamid Sulaiman was born in Damascus in 1986 to a middle-class family and studied architecture before the civil war began in 2011. Having fled the country for Egypt, then Paris, he began working on his first graphic novel, Freedom Hospital, which was published in France last year and has just been translated into English. Strikingly drawn in black and white, it centres on a clandestine hospital set up by a young woman, Yasmin, in the early days of the Arab spring and tells the story of the doctors, patients and revolutionaries who shelter there. Sulaiman now lives in Berlin and is finishing his second book.

How long did you stay in Syria after the conflict began?
Six months. I was one of the young guys who had a lot of hopes for the Arab spring. And even though a lot of people don't believe in it any more, even though the reality is really shocking, I still hold on to this dream.

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Jerome Powell: a boring choice for Fed chair, despite the interesting times

Posted: 05 Nov 2017 12:59 AM PDT

The lawyer's main qualification for leading the world's most powerful central bank seems to be his lack of strong views

Jerome Powell was Wall Street's choice to run the Federal Reserve. Given Donald Trump's record on doing the unexpected, there was always the chance the president would pick another candidate, but for once he did not make waves.

Powell was the business-as-usual candidate. Nothing he has said or done since he first joined the Fed's board five years ago suggests he intends to make life difficult for Trump or rattle the financial markets. Well, not deliberately at least, for while Powell is the boring choice, he may not necessarily prove to be the safe choice.

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Lewes bonfire night celebrations 2017 – in pictures

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 05:19 PM PDT

Lewes holds Britain's largest bonfire night celebrations. The event marks the uncovering of the Gunpowder Plot in 1605 and also commemorates 17 Protestants from the town who were burned at the stake between 1555 and 1557

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Democrat official considered replacing Hillary Clinton with Joe Biden

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 10:08 PM PDT

Donna Brazile, former head of Democratic National Committee, says Clinton's pneumonia and campaign's 'odor of failure' made her ponder drastic option

Hacks review: Brazile lifts lid on Hillary and Democrats' disaster

The former head of the Democratic National Committee says she considered initiating effort to replace Hillary Clinton as the party's presidential nominee with then vice-president Joe Biden.

Donna Brazile makes the revelation in a memoir being released on Tuesday entitled Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns that Put Donald Trump in the White House.

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‘For us, the land is sacred’: on the road with the defenders of the world’s forests

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 05:25 AM PDT

A busload of indigenous leaders have been crossing Europe to highlight their cause before the start of UN climate talks in Bonn

Of the many thousands of participants at the Bonn climate conference which begins on 6 November, there will arguably be none who come with as much hope, courage and anger as the busload of indigenous leaders who have been criss-crossing Europe over the past two weeks, on their way to the former German capital.

The 20 activists on the tour represent forest communities that have been marginalised over centuries but are now increasingly recognised as important actors against climate change through their protection of carbon sinks.

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Warm relations as Turnbull and Ardern stow differences in chilly bin

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 11:53 PM PDT

Australia's prime minister basks in the glow of 'Jacindamania' but the kayaks stay in the shed

Has there ever been a visit from a New Zealand dignitary more anticipated or fraught than this one? And has there ever been a prime minister more in need of the reflected glow of Jacindamania than Malcolm Turnbull?

Bundled into the tight confines of Kirribilli House on a wet November morning in Sydney, a largish press pack tried not to catch cold while Australian PM Turnbull did his best to warm a relationship that has recently turned chilly.

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Typhoon Damrey kills at least 27 along Vietnam's south-central coast

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 11:52 PM PDT

Powerful typhoon battering Vietnam also leaves 22 people missing amid extensive damage

A powerful typhoon battering Vietnam has killed at least 27 people and left 22 others missing amid extensive damage along the south-central coast, officials said on Sunday.

The missing include 17 crew members of cargo ships that were sunk off the coast of the central province of Binh Dinh, Vietnam's disaster management authority said in a statement. Seventy-four other crew members were rescued earlier.

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Gordon Brown says Pentagon misled UK over case for Iraq invasion

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 11:00 PM PDT

Secret US intelligence report on weapons of mass destruction was not shared with Tony Blair's cabinet, new book claims

The US defence department knew that Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction but kept Britain in the dark, according to an explosive new claim from Gordon Brown.

In an extraordinary allegation, the former prime minister states that a secret US intelligence report into Iraq's military capabilities was never passed to Britain and could have changed the course of events. The revelation leads Brown to conclude that the "war could not be justified as a last resort and invasion cannot now be seen as a proportionate response".

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Saudi king sacks top ministers and gives more power to crown prince

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 08:37 PM PDT

Sweeping purge consolidates crown prince's authority as dozens of princes and officials detained in anti-corruption bid

Saudi Arabia arrested 11 princes, including a prominent billionaire, and dozens of current and former ministers, reports said, in a sweeping crackdown as the kingdom's young crown prince consolidates power.

Saudi King Salman appointed two new ministers on Saturday to key security and economic posts, removing one of the royal family's most prominent members as head of the national guard, as part of a series of high-profile sackings that sent shock waves in the kingdom.

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'I miss them so much': Myanmar's lost Rohingya children plead for their parents

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 08:09 PM PDT

With half a million Rohingya refugees under the age of 18 in Bangladeshi camps, it has been labelled a 'children's crisis'

The lost boy wails. Tears stream down his face as he looks around, frantic.

"I found him by the main road, so I brought him here," says a middle-aged Rohingya woman who cradles the toddler in her arms and gestures towards a shack made from wood and corrugated iron.

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US airstrikes kill scores of civilians in Kunduz province, Afghans say

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 02:30 PM PDT

  • Estimates of fatalities from 'ongoing' operation vary
  • US soldier dies of wounds sustained in Logar province

US airstrikes have killed scores of civilians in the northern Afghan province of Kunduz, according to officials and residents in the area, a fierce battleground that has been hit by several errant US airstrikes in recent years.

A US soldier was killed on Saturday after sustaining injuries on an operation in Logar in the eastern part of the country, the US military said.

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‘For freedom and the republic’: Catalan leader urges independence parties to unite

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 01:49 PM PDT

Deposed president Carles Puigdemont wants secessionist politicians to stand together in December election to create 'second referendum'

The ousted Catalan leader, Carles Puigdemont, has called for separatist parties across the political spectrum in Catalonia to form a united front in December's regional elections, effectively turning the polls into a de facto referendum on his drive for independence.

Tweeting from self-imposed exile in Brussels, the deposed regional president on Saturday launched an online petition yesterday to establish a broad secessionist coalition, the day after Spain issued an international warrant for his arrest.

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Trump's unusual plea to Saudis: list your oil company on New York Exchange

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 09:48 AM PDT

US president tweets he would 'very much appreciate' if Saudi Arabia would list its state-run oil company Saudi Aramco, due to go public in 2018, on NYSE

Donald Trump pleaded on Saturday for Saudi Arabia to list its massive state-run oil company, Saudi Aramco, on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

While previous presidents have championed the NYSE's role in international finance – Ronald Reagan and George W Bush visited the floor during their presidencies – typically a president would not weigh into the private company decision of where to list its shares.

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The week in patriarchy: the New York attack revealed the best and worst in us | Jessica Valenti

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 07:00 AM PDT

As New Yorkers came together to support one another and rise tall, the racist backlash against Muslims followed closely behind

This week's terror attack in New York brought out the best and worst in Americans: As New Yorkers came together to support one another and rise tall, the racist backlash against Muslims followed closely behind.

And the same people who insisted that we not "politicize" the nearly 500 people shot and 58 killed in Las Vegas suddenly became very interested in policies that would discriminate against Muslims and immigrants. So much for not politicizing.

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Is New York's preternatural calm a sign of resilience or is terror the new normal?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 11:00 PM PDT

The bike path along the Hudson river is as busy as ever with little beyond a small memorial to indicate it was site of the city's deadliest terrorist attack since 9/11

You just wouldn't know.

On an unseasonably warm November afternoon, as New Yorkers swoosh by on bicycles, some with young kids on the back, others riding the distinctively sky-blue shareable Citi bikes, you just wouldn't know that 48 hours previously this exact spot was the setting of unthinkable carnage.

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20 Dems for 2020: who might the Democrats field next time around?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 10:00 PM PDT

As Trump celebrates his first anniversary and Democratic thoughts turn to the next election, we run down the contenders, from big names to dark horses

Democrats had thought they would be celebrating the one-year anniversary of Hillary Clinton being elected the first female president in American history, at long last breaking that "highest, hardest glass ceiling".

The Democratic party has instead been relegated to watching from the sidelines as Donald Trump continues to flout institutional norms, often choosing to govern in 140 characters or less.

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Donald Trump warns 'dictators' not to underestimate American resolve – video

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 09:30 PM PDT

Donald Trump begins his tour of Asia with a warning that 'no dictator' should underestimate America, in a thinly veiled reference to the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un. 'No one, no dictator, no regime … should underestimate American resolve,' Trump tells US military personnel after landing at Yokota air base near Tokyo on the first leg of a five-nation trip

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Several dead as Typhoon Damrey batters Vietnam – video

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 08:15 AM PDT

Typhoon Damrey has made landfall in south-eastern Vietnam, bringing downpours and heavy winds. It is the strongest typhoon in at least 16 years to hit the country's central and southern regions, with strength equivalent to a category 2 storm, according to Nasa. At least 15 people have been killed, and the typhoon has destroyed more than 370 homes, blown roofs off more than 25,000 others, and sunk 112 transport and fishing boats, according to the Vietnamese government and the provincial disaster agency. Damrey is expected to bring heavy rainfall across the central area, including Vietnam's third largest city, Da Nang, where the Apec summit will be held on November 8-10. Widespread blackouts were reported in the region, and dozens of flights have been cancelled

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The Trumps visit Pearl Harbor ahead of Asia tour – video

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 07:04 AM PDT

US president Donald Trump and his wife Melania made a visit to Pearl Harbor before embarking on a trip to Asia that will take in five nations in 11 days. It will be the longest trip to Asia by an American president in more than a quarter of a century, with stops in Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam and the Philippines. Alongside trade talks, the issue of North Korea will hang over Trump's meetings with Asian leaders.

• North Korea looms large as Donald Trump embarks on Asia trip

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