World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Robert Mugabe to get $10m payoff and immunity for his family

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 12:11 AM PST

Ousted president was also promised that his salary would continue to be paid for life, reveals senior Zanu-PF official

Robert Mugabe and his wife will receive a "golden handshake" worth many millions of dollars as part of a deal negotiated before the resignation of the ageing autocrat last week. The exact sums to be paid to the former president and his wife Grace are still unclear, though one senior ruling party official with direct knowledge of the agreement said the total would not be less than $10m.

The official said that Mugabe, who has been granted immunity from prosecution and a guarantee that no action will be taken against his family's extensive business interests, would receive a "cash payment of $5m" immediately, with more paid in coming months.

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Bali's Mount Agung volcano monitored after second eruption

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 11:05 PM PST

Volcano rumbled into life with a series of eruptions that temporarily disrupted international flights to the tourist destination

A second eruption in less than a week of the Mount Agung volcano in Bali has intensified the watch for a more serious explosion.

The volcano rumbled into life with a series of eruptions that temporarily disrupted some international flights to the popular Indonesian island tourist destination.

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Pakistan calls on army to restore order as blasphemy protests spread

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 09:30 AM PST

Cleric Khadim Hussain Rizvi has called for his followers to bring the entire country to a halt, and at least 200 have been injured in the demonstrations

The Pakistani government has called on the army to restore order in Islamabad and disperse anti-blasphemy protesters who have been demonstrating in the capital for the past fortnight.

The protests, which spread on Saturday to several other cities in Pakistan, have left about 200 injured, including dozens of police officers.

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Donald Trump 'incorrect' over Time person of the year claims, says magazine

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 12:13 AM PST

  • Time says: 'The president is incorrect about how we choose person of the year'
  • Trump claimed he rejected request for an interview and 'major photo shoot'

Donald Trump was "incorrect", Time magazine said, when he claimed on Saturday to have taken a "pass" on an interview and "major photo shoot" because the publication told him he was only "probably" going to be named its person of the year.

Related: Outgoing US consumer chief moves to thwart Trump by naming own successor

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Sexual violence in war zones at ‘worst ever’ as drive to protect women falters

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 04:05 PM PST

Fall in global funding and weak UK initiative hamper attempts to save Rohingya and help victims in other conflict areas

The head of UN Women has condemned the inadequate response to the widespread use of rape and sexual violence in conflicts, and warned that the amount of money dedicated to fighting such war crimes is shrinking.

Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, executive director of the UN organisation dedicated to gender equality and empowerment, said "new types of violence and torture, worse than anything we've ever seen before" have been used against Rohingya women in Myanmar, yet only 2% of money sent to conflict settings is spent on improving women's rights, while funding for UN Women fell 5% between 2013 and 2016.

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Sinai mosque death toll raised to 305 as reports claim gunmen carried Isis flags

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 04:05 PM PST

President Sisi pledges extreme force in revenge for Egypt's worst atrocity

Egypt was reeling on Saturday from the worst atrocity it has suffered in recent years, with officials putting the death toll from the bomb and gun assault on a Sinai mosque at 305. The figure includes 27 children.

A further 128 people were wounded in the attack on the Rawdah mosque in Bir al-Abed, north Sinai. A bomb ripped through the mosque as Friday prayers were finishing, before militants opened fire on worshippers. In response, airstrikes were directed at "terrorist" locations, said military sources.

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Nepalis prepare for historic election 10 years after end of civil war

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 03:25 PM PST

Two-phase polls billed as the beginning of a new era following brutal national conflict and brittle coalitions

Millions of Nepalis are to vote in historic polls billed as a turning point for the impoverished Himalayan nation, hoping to end the ruinous instability that has plagued the country since the end of a bloody civil war a decade ago.

The two-phase elections for national and provincial parliaments are the first under a new post-war constitution born out of a peace deal that ended the 10-year Maoist insurgency in 2006 and set the country on a path from monarchy to democracy.

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Echoes of the Weimar Republic as German politicians lose knack of coalition-building

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 12:30 PM PST

Angela Merkel has struggled to form a coalition, as the rising influence of extreme parties in Germany transforms the political landscape

Danyal Bayaz has experienced many things during his first few weeks as a new MP, but boredom is not one of them. Two months after entering Germany's parliament as a Green party candidate, Bayaz, 34, from Heidelberg, has watched rightwing politicians give each other standing ovations for Eurosceptic diatribes, leftwingers heckle the far right as racists and a former climate activist with dyed hair form unlikely alliances with Christian Democrats in tailored suits.

Last week Bayaz saw the dramatic collapse of coalition talks that would have seen his Green colleagues catapulted into government and now faces the possibility that his seat may come up for grabs again in fresh elections next spring. "Right now I am not even sure if it's worth me getting a loyalty card here," he quips as he orders a cappuccino in the Bundestag's canteen.

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A hero reborn: ‘China’s Tolkien’ aims to conquer western readers

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 04:04 PM PST

The world's most popular kung fu fantasy series is finally set to become a UK bestseller

Guo Jing, a young soldier among the massed ranks of Genghis Khan's invading army and son of a murdered warrior, may soon become as familiar a questing literary figure as Frodo Baggins from Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, or Jon Snow from Game of Thrones. In fact, this Chinese fighting hero is already part of phenomenon that can match both of those epics in size. For the books of Guo Jing's creator, the author known as Jin Yong, have already sold more than 300m copies.

The world's biggest kung fu fantasy writer, Jin Yong enjoys huge popularity in the Chinese-speaking world. In the west, however, his name is barely known, largely due to the complexity of the world he has created and the puzzle that has posed for translators.

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Charles Barkley decries Roy Moore links to 'white separatist' Steve Bannon

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 03:07 PM PST

  • NBA Hall of Famer speaks against Republican Alabama Senate candidate
  • Barkley: 'I'm not even going to get into the women stuff"

The NBA Hall of Famer Charles Barkley on Saturday denounced Roy Moore, the Republican Alabama Senate candidate who faces allegations of sexual misconduct with teenage girls, for his ties to "white separatism".

Related: Republican lawmaker on Roy Moore abuse allegations: 'I'd break his face'

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Trump: Obama consumer agency with two acting directors is 'a total disaster'

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 02:28 PM PST

  • CFPB director Richard Cordray resigns and elevates Leandra English
  • Chaos as Trump announces CFPB critic Mick Mulvaney for same role

Donald Trump on Saturday called the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), which has been left with two competing acting directors after the resignation of an Obama appointee, "a total disaster".

Related: Trump 'incorrect' over Time person of the year claims, magazine says

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Caribbean travel update: after the hurricanes – how the worst-hit islands are recovering

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 01:00 AM PST

Following hurricanes Irma and Maria, the most damaged islands are having to rebuild homes and infrastructure, before the often vital tourism industry can thrive again

"Your visit to our islands is more important now than ever. By coming to the Caribbean you will be contributing to our assistance to our fellow islands who are still recovering." So writes Allen Chastanat, prime minister of St Lucia, on the dedicated post-hurricane website

Related: Hurricane Irma diary: '3am: I'm truly exhausted, my body has been operating on overdrive'

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Why climate change is creating a new generation of child brides

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 12:00 AM PST

As global warming exacerbates drought and floods, farmers' incomes plunge – and girls as young as 13 are given away to stave off poverty

It was the flood that ensured that Ntonya Sande's first year as a teenager would also be the first year of her married life. Up to the moment the water swept away her parents' field in Kachaso in the Nsanje district of Malawi, they had been scraping a living. Afterwards they were reduced to scavenging for bits of firewood to sell.

So when a young man came to their door and asked for the 13-year old's hand in marriage, the couple didn't think about it for too long, lest he look elsewhere. Ntonya begged them to change their minds. She was too young, she pleaded. She didn't want to leave. But it was to no avail. Her parents sat her down and spelled it out for her: the weather had changed and taken everything from them. There was not enough food to go around. They couldn't afford another mouth at the table.

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Chapecoense tragedy one year on: victims’ loved ones tell their story

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 11:30 PM PST

As the anniversary approaches of the plane crash that claimed so many of the Brazilian club's staff, victims' families speak about the battle to rebuild their lives

Amanda Machado's two-year-old son saved her from suicide. Adriana Saroli sees her granddaughter Ana Clara, a newborn baby, as the hope for better days and a new life. Guilherme Biteco has stopped watching football but still looks at recordings of his brother playing to find inspiration. It was not only the six people who were left alive after the Chapecoense plane crash who are survivors. As Tuesday's anniversary of the disaster that killed 71 passengers and crew approaches, there are many more who are still rebuilding.

Twelve months ago the Brazilian club's squad, the coaching staff, officials and the media were on their way to Medellín in Colombia for the first leg of the Copa Sudamericana final against Atlético Nacional. Having started out in São Paulo, they changed planes in the Bolivian city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra. The flight developed fuel and electrical problems and crashed into a mountain ridge a dozen miles from its destination. One journalist, two crew members and four players were found alive, but one of the Chapecoense quartet – the goalkeeper Danilo – soon died of his injuries.

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Gaza City in the spotlight: hesitant hope in a city where everyone still wants out

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 04:00 AM PST

As the UN's day of solidarity with Palestinians nears, Gazans have restored a hesitant bustle to their colourful markets, parks and grand Byzantine buildings – but the crushing monotony remains

Today Medinat Ghazzah, or Gaza City, is running on empty – and yet still going. Gaza City, the Gaza Strip's principal urban centre, carries various scars of war. Since 2006, Gaza has endured one civil war between Palestinians, three wars between the ruling Hamas militant group and Israel, a decade of Hamas' repressive rule, and a crushing blockade by neighbouring Israel and Egypt – all of which have crippled the economy and turned the tiny territory into a site of humanitarian crisis.

Gaza City's dusty buildings and bumpy roads, many still damaged or half-rebuilt from the last war, are at times reminiscent of facades found in Egypt and the Palestinian West Bank. But it is the crushing monotony and suffocating limits of life that define the city for residents who have walked the same streets for a decade without a chance of getting out. Still, the city carries on, with coffee shops, traffic, clothes stores, restaurants and even a new upscale mall offering diversions for those who can afford them.

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'Women are pissed': Trump protest turns to action – and surge in female candidates

Posted: 24 Nov 2017 07:22 AM PST

In the presidential race, some women stayed at home because they didn't want to vote against their husbands. Now they have had enough.

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In the months before Donald Trump was elected president, Tara Zrinski knocked on thousands of doors in Pennsylvania's Lehigh Valley to talk with voters about environmental policy. She hoped that the conversations might help elect Hillary Clinton.

But some of her most poignant interactions were not about policy. They were about husbands.

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Five killed after stolen car hits tree in Leeds

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 01:27 AM PST

Two 15-year-old boys in custody following the crash on Stonegate Road in the city on Saturday night

Five people, including three boys, have died after a stolen car hit a tree in West Yorkshire.

Two 15-year-old boys were in custody following the crash on Stonegate Road in Leeds on Saturday night.

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The Observer view of the Irish border farce and Brexit | Observer editorial

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 04:06 PM PST

The Irish government has done us all a service by highlighting a fatal flaw at the heart of Theresa May's exit strategy

A scathing critique of the British government's conduct of the stalemated Brexit negotiations, compiled from reports by Irish diplomats in EU countries, slipped into the public domain last week. The timing of the leak was not coincidental. It precedes a critical heads-of-government summit in Brussels next month, when Theresa May is gambling the negotiating impasse will finally be broken. This summit is shaping up to be a watershed moment for Britain's misconceived and ill-managed bid for a deal with the EU before the door slams shut a short 16 months from now.

The impact of the Irish leak was twofold. The contempt privately expressed by some EU government officials for the flailing efforts of David Davis, the Brexit secretary, and Boris Johnson, the foreign secretary, provided further evidence that they are making an epic mess of things. That's important in terms of the shifting mood in Britain, where public awareness of the unaffordable economic and social cost of Brexit, especially a hard Brexit, is growing by the day. The leak also helped remind Westminster of Dublin's acute worries about the likely negative consequences for Ireland, whose economy is uniquely dependent on exports to Britain and British transit routes.

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The ‘iron fist’ response to terror attacks in Egypt never works | Simon Tisdall

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 04:05 PM PST

Egypt's recent history shows that indiscriminate military responses to terror only escalate the situation

Egypt's president, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, cultivates a hard-man image. His response to Friday's atrocity at al-Rawdah mosque in northern Sinai was wholly predictable. Hours after Islamic State-linked gunmen killed more than 300 Sufi worshippers, Sisi sent waves of warplanes to exact revenge. "The air force has … eliminated a number of outposts used by terrorist elements," the military said.

If only it were that easy. If Sisi and his generals knew the location of such terrorist outposts, why had they not already been destroyed? It is probable the targets were chosen randomly and yet more innocent lives may now have been lost. This, in turn, may exacerbate Egypt's long-running problem with Islamist insurgents.

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Mexico creates vast new ocean reserve to protect 'Galapagos of North America'

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 04:38 AM PST

Fishing, mining and new hotels will be prohibited in the 'biologically spectacular' Revillagigedo archipelago

Mexico's government has created the largest ocean reserve in North America around a Pacific archipelago regarded as its crown jewel.

The measures will help ensure the conservation of marine creatures including whales, giant rays and turtles.

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Deaths as major explosion flattens part of Chinese port city

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 10:45 PM PST

Buildings collapse and vehicles destroyed as explosion in eastern port city of Ningbo leaves more than 30 casualties

A factory explosion in a port city south of Shanghai on Sunday killed at least two people and injured at least 30 others as it knocked down buildings and left streets littered with damaged cars and debris, news reports said.

The explosion struck a factory in a riverfront neighborhood in Ningbo, one of China's busiest ports, the official Xinhua News Agency and other outlets reported. A police statement said the cause of the 8.55am blast was under investigation.

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Manus Island: MSF denied access to refugees as thousands rally in Australia

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 07:58 PM PST

Despite approval from Papua New Guinea immigration, humanitarian organisation blocked from seeing sick and injured men

Médecins Sans Frontières has been denied access to asylum seekers and refugees on Manus Island in order to assess their health and wellbeing, despite having been granted approval earlier in the week.

It comes as thousands of people attended snap rallies across Australia, calling for the men to be evacuated to Australia.

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Explosion at factory in China kills at least two – video

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 10:42 PM PST

A major explosion at a factory in a port city south of Shanghai has killed at least two and left many more injured. Witnesses say the explosion caused buildings to collapse.

Emergency personnel are carrying out rescue work.

The cause of the explosion remains unclear.

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China: kindergarten teacher arrested in abuse scandal

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 08:28 PM PST

22-year-old woman, identified only by her surname Liu, has been fired amid protests at the school

Police in China have detained a woman on suspicion of abusing children at a kindergarten in a case that has caused widespread anger and sparked protests at the school.

The 22-year-old woman, identified only by her surname Liu, was a teacher at RYB Education, the school at the centre of the scandal. Police did not release additional information but the investigation is ongoing, and the school announced it had fired the teacher in response to the arrest.

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The bishop’s prescription for war ‘conchies’: bomb therapy

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 04:05 PM PST

UK establishment feared conscientious objectors were the vanguard of revolution, research shows

October 1917 and the world is teetering on its axis. Revolution is in the air. In Russia, the Bolsheviks are about to overthrow the government. In Britain, crippling food shortages and the growing list of casualties following Passchendaele, and the Somme and Verdun battles of the previous year, are having a profound impact on public morale. People are war weary and there are fears that Britain might go the way of Russia if the socialist threat sweeps the country.

Into this maelstrom enters Lord William Cecil, the bishop of Exeter, with a controversial plan to stop the rot.

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‘Before I had everything to eat. Now it’s one bite’: Yemenis’ struggle for survival

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 04:04 PM PST

Saudi Arabia and Iran are using Yemen's conflict as a proxy in their struggle to dominate the region

Ahmed Abdu was six when the civil war started in Yemen. Nine years old now, he is small for his age, but once a month he makes a four-mile trek from his mountain village of A'unqba, in the country's central highlands, to the nearest market where food is available. For half his life, hardship and scarcity have been the norm.

"Before the war you could eat whatever you wanted – chicken, chocolate bars, anything," says Ahmed, sitting cross-legged in a terraced maize field. "Now it's a bit of tea and just a handful of food, one bite only."

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How India is battling sexual violence: gender classes for Delhi rickshaw drivers

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 02:00 PM PST

Five years after a notorious rape and murder, 100,000 taxi drivers are being conscripted in the fight to change traditional male mindsets

In the dim classroom, the low lights form a halo around Achyuta Dyansamantra as he strides back and forth before a whiteboard, intoning into the microphone like a preacher.

"If you stare at a woman for more than 14 seconds, that can land you in jail," he tells the audience. Singing to women in public or passing lewd remarks is also banned, he says. "Whether you agree with it or not, the law is the law."

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Let's be thankful for all the women speaking out about abuse | Jessica Valenti

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 06:00 AM PST

The #MeToo movement offers a much-needed glimmer of hope. To those ending the silence, at great risk to their reputations: thank you

In the midst of the #MeToo movement, it somehow makes sense that the most powerful serial harasser and misogynist in the country would find the time to defend an alleged child molester. Trump scoffed at the allegations, saying that Roy Moore denied multiple women's accounts – as if that made them less than true. As if we were supposed to be believe the word of one man rather than a handful of women and even more witnesses.

Related: Can Trump spare us his outrage on sexual harassment? | Jessica Valenti

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Peak bike: are China's dockless cycles becoming a public nuisance? - video

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 05:18 AM PST

Once hailed as 'Uber for bikes', China's cycle-hire startups have sparked questions about the future of dockless bike-sharing in China, amid concerns there are too many bikes and insufficient demand. Shanghai currently has 1.5m shared bikes on the streets. The large number of cycles on Chinese streets has led to clogged pavements and piles of mangled bikes that have been illegally parked

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