World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Ratko Mladić convicted of war crimes and genocide at UN tribunal

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 03:00 AM PST

Former Bosnian Serb army commander sentenced to life imprisonment more than 20 years after Srebrenica massacre

Profile: the 'warlike youth' turned Balkan war criminal

The former Bosnian Serb commander Ratko Mladić, nicknamed the 'butcher of Bosnia', has been sentenced to life imprisonment after being convicted of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

More than 20 years after the Srebrenica massacre, Mladic was found guilty at the United Nations-backed international criminal tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague of 10 offences involving extermination, murder and persecution of civilian populations.

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Argentinian submarine hunt to return to previously searched area

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 01:04 AM PST

Move comes as relatives of those onboard express fury at delay in launching rescue and RAF aircraft arrives to help with search

Ships and planes hunting for an Argentinian submarine that went missing in the south Atlantic a week ago are to return to a previously searched area as relatives of those onboard voiced their frustrations with rescue efforts.

An Argentinian navy spokesman, Captain Enrique Balbi, said search teams would return to the area about 30 miles north of the ARA San Juan's last registered position after a "hydro-acoustic anomaly" was determined by the US and specialist agencies to have been produced just hours after the final contact with the submarine on 15 November.

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Family of murdered Maltese journalist file lawsuit against police

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 11:22 AM PST

Family allege Maltese police are failing to carry out impartial investigation into Daphne Caruana Galizia's killing

The family of the murdered Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, who was a relentless critic of corruption in the country, are taking legal action against the police force for allegedly failing to ensure the investigation into her killing is impartial and independent.

Caruana Galizia was killed on 16 October after her rental car was blown apart by a powerful explosive device.

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John Cantlie: plea for release of British Isis hostage five years after kidnap

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 04:43 PM PST

Media rights watchdog Reporters Without Borders says Cantlie is one of around 22 journalists and media workers still held

Media rights watchdog Reporters Without Borders has called for renewed efforts to secure the release of British photojournalist John Cantlie held by the Islamic State group on the fifth anniversary of his kidnapping.

Cantlie was taken near the Turkish border in northern Syria along with US journalist James Foley, who was beheaded by Isis in 2014.

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Pakistani court orders release of alleged mastermind of Mumbai attacks

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 07:59 AM PST

Ruling on Hafiz Saeed, who has a $10m US bounty on his head, is likely to worsen Pakistani relations with Washington

A Pakistani court has ordered the release of Hafiz Saeed, an alleged mastermind of the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks, in a move likely to worsen the country's tattered relationship with the US.

The Islamist cleric, who heads Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) – listed by the UN as a terrorist group – and has a $10m(£7.5m) US bounty on his head, is expected to be freed on Friday after less than a year in detention.

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China and Vatican to exchange artworks in bid to boost relations

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 05:33 AM PST

Each will send the other 40 works to go on display simultaneously from March

The Vatican is to send 40 works of art to China in a cultural exchange amid signs that attempts at rapprochement between the two powers are faltering.

The Vatican museums, home to the Sistine chapel and countless other works of importance, and the China Culture Industrial Investment Fund (CCIIF) announced the exchange initiative in Rome this week. Simultaneous exhibitions will open in March in the Forbidden City in Beijing and the Vatican's Anima Mundi Museum.

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How Brexit looms over the Irish border: 'It's the Berlin Wall approaching us'

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 11:00 AM PST

In the communities that straddle the divide between Northern Ireland and the Republic, anxieties about a hard border are becoming very real. Many business owners fear for their livelihoods, while local people warn of a return to the days when IRA smugglers ruled 'bandit country'

Mervyn Johnston sips his tea while sizing up the pristine-looking 1957 Mini Cooper that has come in for repairs from across the border. As the UK's historic decision to quit the EU plays out, it doesn't take much for the softly spoken 78-year-old and five-times rally-driving champion to cast his mind back to the days when customs posts and army checkpoints brought life in the picturesque village of Pettigo to a halt.

"We had about half a dozen incendiary bombs before the big one," he says, tilting his chin to the other classic-cars garage across the road, now run by his son. "That blew the garage right into the river."

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Putin brings Iran and Turkey together in bold Syria peace plan

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 09:47 AM PST

Russian leader meets Iranian and Turkish counterparts amid flurry of diplomatic activity, with US and EU sidelined

A peace settlement to end the six-year Syrian civil war will require compromise by all sides, including the Assad government, Vladimir Putin has said as the presidents of Iran and Turkey arrived in the Black Sea resort of Sochi amid some of the most audacious Russian diplomatic activity in decades.

The summit between the three powers, all deeply involved in the conflict, is designed to pave the way for a settlement likely to leave Syria's Russian- and Iranian-backed president, Bashar al-Assad, in power within a reformed Syrian constitution.

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Lebanese PM Saad Hariri suspends resignation

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 08:09 AM PST

Hariri, whose resignation prompted fears Saudis had forced him out, eases regional tension by putting decision on hold

The Lebanese prime minister, Saad Hariri, has said he is suspending the resignation that he announced two weeks ago from Saudi Arabia, easing a crisis that had deepened tensions around the Middle East.

"Our nation today needs at this sensitive time exceptional efforts from everyone to protect it against danger," Hariri said during independence day celebrations, having returned to Beirut late on Tuesday. "We must dissociate from wars, external struggles and regional conflicts."

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British risk complicity in Yemen 'famine crime', says Alex de Waal

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 02:00 AM PST

Africa analyst believes UN inaction makes security council members accessories to crisis in Arab nation gripped by cholera, hunger and violence

Britain is in danger of becoming complicit in the use of starvation as a weapon of war in Yemen, academic and author Alex de Waal has said.

"The UK and the US, and others on the security council risk becoming accessories to the worst famine crime of this decade," said De Waal.

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Facebook to tell users if they interacted with Russia's 'troll army'

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 01:45 AM PST

Social network says tool will let users see if they have liked or followed accounts created by organisation that carries out misinformation operations

Facebook has promised to tell users whether they liked or followed a member of Russia's notorious "troll army" who are accused of trying to influence elections in the United States and the United Kingdom.

The social network says it will create a tool allowing users to see whether they interacted with a Facebook page or Instagram account created by the Internet Research Agency (IRA), a state-backed organisation based in St Petersburg that carries out online misinformation operations.

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Global firms accused of importing timber linked to Amazon massacre

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 11:40 PM PST

Greenpeace alleges 12 companies continued to trade with Madeireira Cedro Arana after its founder was accused of ordering torture and murder

More than a dozen US and European companies have been importing timber from a Brazilian logging firm whose owner is implicated in one of the most brutal Amazonian massacres in recent memory, according to a Greenpeace investigation.

The first-world buyers allegedly continued trading with Madeireira Cedro Arana after police accused its founder, Valdelir João de Souza, of ordering the torture and murder of nine people in Colniza, Mato Grosso, on 19 April, claims the report by the NGO's Unearthed investigative team.

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'Sweet freedom': remarkable recoveries in a mental health project in Croatia | Tracy McVeigh

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 11:00 PM PST

Lives that were dominated by medication and restraints behind the locked doors of an old-style asylum in Osijek are being transformed. Now many of its residents are enjoying greater independence in shared apartments in the nearby community, with carers to give them support when they need it

Photographs by Robin Hammond/NOOR for Witness Change/The Guardian

Stjepan Getto, 83, lived in an institution for 27 years. He went in to tackle his alcoholism, the only help offered by social welfare. Getto could have left at any time, but there was never a realistic option where he could live outside but still have the mental health support he needed.

In 2014 he was given a flat in Osijek, eastern Croatia, where he lives with Jelica Getto, a woman he met in the mental health centre and married in 2016.

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'It's just the start': LGBT community in Turkey fears government crackdown

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 11:00 PM PST

Respondents to a Guardian callout say they are not surprised by a ban on gay cultural events but fearful of what may follow

Turkey's LGBT community says the government's banning of LGBT events is not only an illegal curtailing of personal freedoms but further proof of the government's anti-secular agenda, with some saying they are increasingly worried for their safety.

Respondents to a Guardian callout said they thought Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was waging a war against them, and they felt a change in mood towards their community across the country – including in areas where they had previously enjoyed personal freedom.

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Chinese Burn - the new show savaging Chinese stereotypes

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 10:21 AM PST

Tired of being cast as gymnasts or great table tennis players, the women behind new sitcom Chinese Burn shaved their heads and came out fighting

'Chinese girls," says the voiceover. "Sweet, innocent, submissive Chinese girls. Conservative and virginal – good at maths, ping pong and looking after men." The voice is accompanied by a sequence of appropriate images: a gymnast, an engineer, a table tennis player. Then we suddenly hear the sound of a needle scratching across a record and an unruly voice spits: "Screw that! Here are three Chinese girls who kick that shit in the ballbag!"

Which is pretty much the premise of Chinese Burn, a caustic sitcom in the style of Fleabag. Its ballsy leads – Jackie, Elizabeth and Fufu – are on a mission to shake up the way east Asian women are perceived.

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Rain causes flooding in Lancashire and north Wales – video

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 01:43 AM PST

Dozens of people have been rescued in north Lancashire after heavy rain caused serious flooding. Anglesey in north-west Wales was also hit. The Met Office said about 1.7in (4.3cm) of rain had fallen in 24 hours in parts of Lancashire. The flooding has led to widespread travel disruption.

• Dozens rescued from floods as severe UK weather continues 

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Zimbabweans are delighted at Mugabe’s fall, but democracy won’t come overnight | Basildon Peta

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 01:13 AM PST

Mugabe clung on to power through vote-rigging. The system is inherently biased and needs overhauling before we can have free and fair elections

To fully understand the euphoria that greeted the news on Tuesday night that Robert Mugabe had finally resigned as president of Zimbabwe, consider the case of Mathanda Mbo-Dube. A few years ago, Mbo-Dube was enjoying a drink with friends when Mugabe, then 88, appeared on a TV screen in a sports bar near Bulawayo. Mbo-Dube commented that the president was "too old". Overheard by members of Mugabe's secret police, Mbo-Dube was arrested and jailed for the crime of "undermining and insulting the president".

Mugabe's removal after nearly 40 years is currently uniting all shades of opinion in celebration. But what will it take to move the country forward now, after decades of crisis?

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Three missing after US navy plane crashes in Philippine Sea

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 10:31 PM PST

  • Eight people rescued after C-2A transport plane fails to reach aircraft carrier
  • Crash is the fifth accident this year for US Seventh Fleet

Eight warships have joined a US aircraft carrier and scores of helicopters and planes to search for three American sailors who went missing after their plane crashed in the Philippine Sea.

A US navy transport plane carrying 11 people crashed in the Philippine Sea south of Japan on Wednesday as it flew to the aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan, the US Seventh Fleet said.

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Labor states push for further investigation of Turnbull energy guarantee

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 12:21 AM PST

Jay Weatherill says South Australia opposed to policy in current form and ACT 'very concerned' before energy meeting

Labor states appear likely to back further investigation of the Turnbull government's national energy guarantee when energy ministers meet on Friday.

But they could seek a direct comparison between the current policy and alternatives, like an emissions intensity trading scheme for the electricity sector.

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US calls Myanmar treatment of Rohingya 'ethnic cleansing'

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 10:52 PM PST

Rex Tillerson also hints at possible sanctions as UN envoy on sexual violence condemns 'war crimes'

The United States has called the Myanmar military operation against the Rohingya population "ethnic cleansing" and threatened targeted sanctions against those responsible for what it called "horrendous atrocities".

"The situation in northern Rakhine state constitutes ethnic cleansing against the Rohingya," secretary of state Rex Tillerson said in a statement, using a term he avoided when visiting Myanmar last week.

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Thursday briefing: Spain waves Gibraltar card in Brexit talks

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 10:30 PM PST

Madrid wants to settle Rock's status before trade deal … digesting Hammond's autumn budget … and does Grace Mugabe deserve the hate?

Hello, it's Warren Murray with your sampling platter of news. The weather is looking quite filthy this morning, especially in Scotland where heavy snow is forecast to bring transport disruption. Now for the other stories to start your day …

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China blocks debate about downfall of internet censor Lu Wei

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 09:59 PM PST

Government order tells online publishers to 'find and delete negative comments attacking the system'

China has moved to censor discussion of its censor-in-chief's censure, apparently fearful the country's 750 million internet users might use his downfall to assail the Communist party's draconian online controls. 

One week after China was re-crowned the world's worst contravener of internet freedoms, a leaked censorship directive indicated online publishers had received orders to extinguish debate over the toppling of former internet tsar Lu Wei. 

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Vanuatu leads push to make narcotic drink kava a worldwide favourite

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 07:25 PM PST

Impoverished Pacific island nations aim to capitalise on famously potent spirit that can only be made from local plant

The Pacific archipelago of Vanuatu is leading a push to standardise production of kava in a bid to increase exports of the narcotic drink and improve the quality for local drinkers.

The kava plant – Piper methysticum only grows in the south Pacific islands, with each one producing different varieties according to growing conditions, soil and climate, much like the different varieties of tea, coffee or wine.

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Protesters build Holocaust memorial at home of far-right German politician

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 05:40 PM PST

Replica of Berlin monument erected by art collective after AfD's Björn Höcke told Germans to stop atoning for wartime guilt

A group of activists unveiled a replica of Berlin's Holocaust Memorial secretly erected outside the home of a far-right AfD politician who says Germans should stop atoning for Nazi guilt.

Art collective Centre for Political Beauty set up 24 large concrete slabs in a garden next to Björn Höcke's house, saying it wanted to send a daily reminder of the second world war horrors that led to deaths of 6 million Jewish people.

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Russian billionaire senator under investigation in France

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 05:38 PM PST

Resources magnate Suleiman Kerimov was arrested in Nice on suspicion of aggravated laundering of tax fraud proceeds

A French judge has placed the Russian businessman and senator Suleiman Kerimov, whose interests the Kremlin has pledged to defend, under formal investigation after his arrest in a tax evasion case.

The investigation, a step that often but not always leads to a trial in the French legal system, was opened on suspicion of aggravated laundering of tax fraud proceeds, a crime that carries a prison sentence of up to 10 years.

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Teacher at London girls' school resigns after claims of sexual abuse

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 04:00 PM PST

Staff member leaves St Paul's private school with immediate effect after being implicated in allegations by former students

A teacher at St Paul's girls' school, a prestigious independent school in west London that has been at the centre of historical sexual abuse allegations, has resigned after being implicated in some of the claims.

Former pupils received a letter on Wednesday from the headteacher, Sarah Fletcher, saying that several women who had been students had recently reported "troubling events" which they said had happened during their time at the school.

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Paris scraps ferris wheel in fresh blow to city's 'fairground king'

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 10:51 AM PST

Councillors vote against renewing Marcel Campion's licence for the Grande Roue, months after axing his Christmas market

Paris councillors have voted to axe the Grande Roue, the city's version of the London Eye.

The ferris wheel, operated by the "fairground king" Marcel Campion, will be closed from July 2018.

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'Famine as mass atrocity': in conversation with Alex de Waal – podcast

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 04:01 PM PST

When the Nazis invaded the Soviet Union, they planned to starve 30 million people to death. Seven decades on, famine as a weapon of war is making a comeback, says the author of an authoritative new history

Twenty years after publishing an influential book on starvation as a crime against humanity, Alex de Waal returned to the subject to find that political and military elites continue to act with scant regard for human life. Yet since famine is manmade, political decisions could end it for good, says the executive director of the World Peace Foundation ahead of the publication of his new book Mass Starvation: The History and Future of Famine

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‘Screaming in terror’: teen survivor relives ordeal of Guatemala children’s shelter fire

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 02:43 AM PST

Eight months after the fire that killed 41 girls locked in a room at an orphanage in San José Pinula, memories of the tragedy continue to haunt those seeking justice

There was so much smoke that Estefani Sotoj Hernández couldn't see anything. But she could hear the screams as girls struggled to escape the flames that engulfed the Virgen de la Asunción children's home.

"[The fire] was really small at first, and then it got really big and there was so much smoke," says Estefani. "I was very afraid. Everybody was screaming in terror. You couldn't tell what was happening to your body. It was really hot and many [of the girls] lost consciousness, others were burning."

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Trump's judicial picks: 'The goal is to end the progressive state'

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 04:14 AM PST

Donald Trump is radically reshaping the same federal courts that have been the biggest bulwark against his agenda – by picking mostly white, conservative men

Donald Trump has sustained more than his fair share of political losses during the first 10 months of his presidency, mostly at the hands of the federal courts.

It was the federal courts that struck down his "Muslim travel ban" on three separate occasions, that blocked his ban on trans people in the military and that did the same to his attempt to defund so-called sanctuary cities.

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Backstage at the opera and pole vaulting: Wednesday's best photographs

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 06:44 AM PST

The Guardian's picture editors bring you a selection of photo highlights from around the world including daily life in Honduras, politics in London, Libyan bikers and famine in Yemen

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Ratko Mladić, the 'butcher of Bosnia' – video profile

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 05:47 AM PST

Ratko Mladić has been sentenced to life in prison after being found guilty of genocide by a UN tribunal at The Hague. He ordered the murders of more than 8,000 men and boys at Srebrenica during the Bosnian civil war in 1995 and then spent 14 years in hiding before his arrest

Ratko Mladić convicted of war crimes and genocide at UN tribunal

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'I came down here to be forgotten': life in the tunnels beneath Las Vegas – video

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 04:00 AM PST

An estimated 300 people live in the flood tunnels underneath Las Vegas, and many of them struggle with substance abuse and addiction. Paul Vautrinot was one of them, but he now works for the community organization Shine a Light, which offers services including housing and counseling to people living in the tunnels. Vautrinot visits the tunnels regularly to try to help residents find a way out

  • Outside in America is a year-long series on homelessness in the western US. The project focuses on people on the frontline of a devastating crisis and enables readers to take action to help solve the problem. Find out more and sign up to our monthly newsletter
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Mladić removed from court after angry outburst – video

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 03:32 AM PST

Ratko Mladić is removed from the courtroom of the international criminal tribunal for the former Yugoslavia on Wednesday, the day of his conviction from genocide and war crimes

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