World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

New York attack: five Argentinian friends named among eight killed – as it happened

Posted: 01 Nov 2017 12:17 AM PDT

He seemed like a nice guy, but he didn't talk much."

We must not allow ISIS to return, or enter, our country after defeating them in the Middle East and elsewhere. Enough!"

I have just ordered Homeland Security to step up our already Extreme Vetting Program. Being politically correct is fine, but not for this!"

Five friends from Argentina celebrating the 30th anniversary of their high school graduation were among those killed in the attack.

Argentina's foreign ministry confirmed that Hernán Diego Mendoza, Diego Enrique Angelini, Alejandro Damián Pagnucco, Ariel Erlij and Hernán Ferruchi were among the eight people killed when a truck was driven into a cycle lane in Manhattan.

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US nuclear arsenal to cost $1.2tn over next 30 years, independent CBO report finds

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 03:20 PM PDT

  • CBO finds total price tag marks 25% increase from previous estimate
  • Nuclear Posture Review under way and expected by end of the year

The cost of the US nuclear arsenal over the next 30 years will be over $1.2tn, even before any new weapons ordered by the Trump administration, and is unlikely to be affordable without cuts elsewhere in the defence budget, according to a independent congressional report.

Related: Trump team drawing up fresh plans to bolster US nuclear arsenal

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Victims of New York attack include five Argentinian friends on school reunion

Posted: 01 Nov 2017 12:28 AM PDT

Officials have confirmed eight people have died and at least 11 are injured and being treated in hospital after the incident in Manhattan

Five friends from Argentina celebrating the 30th anniversary of their high school graduation are among those killed in the deadly New York terrorist attack on Tuesday.

Argentina's foreign ministry confirmed the identities of the victims, all from the city of Rosario in central Argentina.

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White House defends Kelly's civil war remarks and calls criticism 'outrageous'

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 04:04 PM PDT

Chief of staff John Kelly defended Confederate monuments and claimed a failure of both sides to compromise led to the American civil war

The White House on Tuesday stood by chief of staff John Kelly's defense of Confederate monuments and his assertion that a failure to compromise led to the American civil war.

In an interview with Laura Ingraham on Monday night, Kelly suggested that both the Union and the Confederacy acted in "good faith" and "made their stand where their conscience had them make their stand".

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Power shut off to final Manus compounds as 600 men refuse to leave

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 07:29 PM PDT

Detainees say they fear for their lives in the Papua New Guinean community as Julie Bishop defends Australia's 'tough' stance

The Manus Island detention centre has officially closed but more than 600 men are still refusing to leave, saying they fear for their lives in the Papua New Guinean community.

The UN has also supported claims by observers that community accommodation for detainees is not ready, refuting assurances given by the Australian government.

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Lawsuit seeks release of disabled immigrant, 10, held after hospital visit

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 03:21 PM PDT

Rosa Maria Hernandez, who has cerebral palsy, has been in Border Patrol custody in Texas following stop at checkpoint en route to hospital

A lawsuit has been filed seeking the immediate release of a disabled 10-year-old girl detained by the US Border Patrol after she went through a checkpoint on the way to hospital for an operation.

Rosa Maria Hernandez has been in custody at a shelter in San Antonio since last Wednesday after she was discharged by a hospital in Corpus Christi following gallbladder surgery.

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Donald Trump tweets dismiss George Papadopoulos as 'low level volunteer'

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 01:50 PM PDT

  • President issues first reaction to guilty plea linking campaign with Russia
  • Moscow calls allegations 'hysteria' but declines to go into specifics

Donald Trump has tried to distance himself from a former foreign policy aide who pleaded guilty to perjury over his contacts with Russians during last year's US election campaign.

The president fired off a series of tweets on Tuesday in which he publicly addressed for the first time the indictment of ex-adviser George Papadopoulos, which was revealed on Monday shortly after Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manafort was charged with a catalogue of serious federal crimes.

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Catalonia crisis: deposed leader Puigdemont says he'll respect elections

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 11:06 AM PDT

In latest twist to independence drama, Carles Puigdemont tells press conference in Brussels he will return home if fair judicial process is guaranteed

Catalonia's deposed president, Carles Puigdemont, has promised to respect the results of December's snap regional elections and said he would leave Belgium and return home immediately if a fair judicial process were guaranteed in Spain.

Puigdemont, who could face charges of rebellion, sedition and misuse of public funds over his administration's push for independence, travelled to Brussels hours before Spain's attorney general announced the possible charges on Monday.

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'Beer bikes': Amsterdam calls time on drunken, urinating processions

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 05:27 PM PDT

Mobile bar tables pedalled along canals by rowdy groups have been deemed too much of a nuisance by city council and courts

Amsterdam has banned "beer bikes" after years of complaints by local people about rowdy tourists getting drunk and disorderly while pedalling along the city's famous canals.

As from Wednesday "the beer bicycle may be banned from the city centre to stop it from being a nuisance", the Amsterdam district court said in a statement.

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Pope Francis admits: 'When I pray, sometimes I fall asleep'

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 12:34 PM PDT

Eighty-year-old Argentinian pontiff, who often prays for long periods with his eyes closed, claims saints also napped while praying

Pope Francis has confessed he sometimes nods off while praying, and claims saints too have been known to grab some Holy shut-eye.

Related: Catholic and Protestant leaders unite to mark start of Reformation

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Pacific Islanders call for Australia not to fund Adani coalmine

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 10:00 AM PDT

Caritas says thousands face threats to their wellbeing, livelihoods and 'their very existence' due to rising sea levels

Pacific Islanders whose homes face eradication by rising sea levels have called on Australia to not fund the Adani Carmichael coalmine, as a new report reveals the worsening impact of climate change across Oceania.

Residents of the endangered islands have described their forced displacement as like "having your heart ripped out of your chest" as they called on the Australian government to do more to combat climate change.

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Facebook, Google and Twitter grilled by Congress over Russian meddling – as it happened

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 02:40 PM PDT

The tech giants went before Senate judiciary committee to explain how and why Russian operatives were given free rein to tamper with 2016 US election

We're going to wrap up our coverage of a senate panel questioning representatives of Facebook, Google and Twitter.

Here's what we learned:

The tech reps are done. There's a second panel featuring Clint Watts of the Foreign Policy Research Institute and terrorism analyst Michael S Smith.

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Trolls force shutdown of French anti-harassment hotline

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 11:10 AM PDT

Phone number launched as tool for women being pestered by over-insistent men closes after intimidation and death threats

Internet trolls carrying out an orchestrated campaign of intimidation and death threats have forced the shutdown of a French telephone hotline aimed at shaming men who refuse to take no for an answer.

The anti-harassment phone number was launched on Friday afternoon as a tool for women being pestered by over-insistent males.

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Russia blamed for attack on Chechen pair who fought with Ukrainians

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 10:56 AM PDT

Ukraine officials suspect Russian secret services or pro-Kremlin Chechens behind attack which injured Adam Osmayev and killed Amina Okuyeva on Monday

Ukrainian officials said they believed either Russian secret services or pro-Kremlin Chechen assassins were behind an attack on a Chechen man accused of plotting to kill Vladimir Putin.

The Chechen man, Adam Osmayev, who leads a battalion of Chechens fighting alongside Ukrainian forces in the east of the country, was wounded in the attack, near Kiev, on Monday, and his wife, Amina Okuyeva, who also fought in the battalion, was killed.

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Human rights groups condemn Trump's 'warm rapport' with Philippine leader

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 10:47 AM PDT

The US president is being criticized for his eagerness to meet with Rodrigo Duterte, who is accused of presiding over mass killings in Philippine war on drugs

The White House has been condemned by human rights watchdogs after stating that Donald Trump enjoys "a warm rapport" with Rodrigo Duterte, the Philippine president whose war on drugs has led to thousands of extrajudicial killings.

Related: Thousands dead: the Philippine president, the death squad allegations and a brutal drugs war

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One in four people say those in same-sex relationships 'should be charged as criminals'

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 06:06 AM PDT

Major survey across 77 countries and territories finds that 28% of respondents – including 17% of participants in the UK – share this view

More than one in four people across the world think people engaging in same-sex relationships should be charged as criminals, according to a new survey of 77 countries and territories.

However, there were major divisions in attitudes towards the criminalisation of those engaging in same-sex relationships when broken down across regions, the 2017 Ilga-Riwi global attitudes survey to sexual and gender minorities found.

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Japanese man killed and dismembered nine victims over two months – reports

Posted: 01 Nov 2017 02:14 AM PDT

Prosecutors question Takahiro Shiraishi, who reportedly admitted cutting up bodies and throwing parts out with the rubbish

A Japanese man arrested after police found nine dismembered corpses in his house has confessed to killing all of his young victims over a period of two months after contacting them via Twitter, according to media reports.

Takahiro Shiraishi, 27, has also confessed he "assaulted" all of his eight female victims, the Fuji TV network said, using a Japanese media euphemism for sexual attacks.

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'Time has created distance': Peru's film-makers take on country's long conflict

Posted: 01 Nov 2017 02:00 AM PDT

A wave of domestic cinema is setting its sights on the internal clashes of the 1980s and 90s, still a highly divisive topic: 'People haven't wanted to look back'

The camera zooms in on two lovers embracing on a park bench, the man looking anxiously over the woman's shoulder at the doorway of nearby house. Nearby in a corner shop, a long-haired man peers over his sandwich in the same direction.

The tense scene from a new Peruvian thriller is based the true story of how years of undercover police work led to the capture of the most wanted man in Peru's recent history.

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Amsterdammers v tourists: 'It's worst when they throw up in your plant box'

Posted: 01 Nov 2017 12:30 AM PDT

A decade ago Amsterdam pumped money into tourism to recover from the global financial crisis but – even as the city bans 'beer bikes' – can it be saved from a monster industry of its own making?

Last weekend, Els Iping caught a group of male tourists ripping out the shrub in front of her house in the centre of Amsterdam. They were wearing pink dresses and they were very drunk. "These kind of things happen all the time," she says matter-of-factly. "It's worse when they throw up in your plant boxes, because you can't rinse it away– you have to scoop it out."

Over the last 10 years, Iping – a 64-year-old, stylishly dressed consultant – has witnessed her picturesque neighbourhood change due to an unparalleled growth in the number of visitors. "Every day throngs of tourists pass by my window. The weekend now starts on Thursday afternoon; the screaming and shouting of tourists boozing it up is deafening. And the rubbish they leave behind!"

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Wittenberg in the spotlight: Luther rules, 500 years after Reformation

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 04:27 AM PDT

The home of Martin Luther is celebrating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation today – and trying to use that momentum to lasting effect

Today is exactly 500 years since Martin Luther famously (or, for exacting historians: reputedly) nailed his 95 Theses to the door of Wittenberg's Schlosskirche, turning a rumbling religious rift into a roaring ecclesiastical schism and starting what became to be known as the Reformation. Without Luther, the course of history would be unrecognisable. Yet without Wittenberg, a hive of pioneering intellectual debate in late-medieval Europe and a prosperous power centre of the Holy Roman Empire, Luther would neither have developed his rebellious ideas nor enjoyed the political support to propagate them against the long arm of the papacy.

#95thesen #95theses #schlosskirche #luther2017 #martinluther #lutherstadtwittenberg

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'The good Lord couldn't get rid of them': Louisiana's quest to hunt the swamp rat

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 04:00 AM PDT

A new documentary, Rodents of Unusual Size, follows the hunters waging war against an invasive species that 'put New York City sewer rats to shame'

There are no medals to be earned for the hunters who are fighting the swamp rat takeover of southern Louisiana. Instead, their reward after waging a successful battle against the 20lb, orange-toothed critters is $5 for each severed 12-18in tail they collect.

Louisiana's government collects the tails as proof of a kill and gives a cash payout to incentivize citizens to help the state's efforts to rein in the swamp rats, known as nutria, whose grazing has accelerated coastal erosion of land already vulnerable to hurricanes.

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Vulnerable women ‘still locked up in Yarl's Wood immigration centre’

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 11:00 PM PDT

Report reveals breaches of UK government policy stating survivors of sexual violence should not be detained

Severely traumatised survivors of sexual violence are being routinely locked up at the notorious Yarl's Wood immigration detention centre, in breach of the UK government's own policies.

A year ago, in response to widespread concerns about immigration detention, the Home Office introduced a new "adults at risk" policy, which stated that people most likely to be harmed by detention, including women who have experienced sexual and gender-based violence, should not normally be locked up.

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The Balfour Declaration review: conflict and coexistence in Israel’s promised land

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 11:30 PM PDT

Jane Corbin's primer on Palestinian-Israeli history highlights how bad Britain has been at solving problems it helped create

In the garden of his home in the Orthodox Jewish Israeli West Bank settlement of Tappuah, Lenny Goldberg rubbished the idea that it was us Brits who made modern Israel possible. "The only reason we have a country here," he told Jane Corbin, "is not because of the Balfour Declaration. It's because Jews sacrificed themselves with blood and fire and bullets."

Goldberg, a tough New York Jew turned tough West Bank settler, is among half a million Israelis living in 140 towns and villages that have sprung up on the ostensibly Arab West Bank in the past 30 years. When Corbin told him that these settlements were illegal according to international law, Goldberg replied that he didn't care about mere secular laws. He was interested in the word of God as expressed in the Bible and that, according to that higher authority, there is no Palestine and so there can be no question of Arabs having a claim to live there. "This is where Abraham walked. Why should we give it up for a bunch of murderers?" he asked rhetorically.

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Morocco's gag on dissent in Rif region fuels exodus to Europe

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 10:00 PM PDT

Crackdown on Hirak movement protests has contributed to threefold increase in attempts to cross western Mediterranean

In Hoceima's Mohammed VI Square – the scene of year-long unrest in this clifftop city in northern Morocco – a giant rainbow can be seen in the sky above the Mediterranean.

On the ground, however, the lives of the ethnic Amazigh people in the impoverished Rif region are less colourful. Officers in riot gear pack the square in preparation for protests around the anniversary this week of the death of a local fishmonger, Mouhcine Fikri.

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By the skin of his teeth: learning to walk again without health insurance

Posted: 01 Nov 2017 02:00 AM PDT

An injury left professional bull rider Joseph Dewey paralyzed – now, like countless other Americans, he's recovering without health insurance

In the weeks after professional bull rider Joseph Dewey suffered an injury that left him paralyzed from the waist down, an outpouring of support kept him buoyed above the undertow of hopelessness and despair.

Related: 'They're sentencing me to death': Medicaid recipients on the Republican healthcare plan

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Barnaby Joyce stokes Coalition tensions by backing National as Senate president

Posted: 01 Nov 2017 01:50 AM PDT

Joyce says John 'Wacka' Williams would be a 'straight shooter' after the resignation of Stephen Parry

Barnaby Joyce has upped the internal ante by backing his National party colleague, John "Wacka" Williams, to be the next president of the Senate, as the Turnbull government absorbs the latest blow in the citizenship debacle – the resignation of Stephen Parry.

Joyce, who is campaigning to hold the seat of New England after having been ruled ineligible by the high court last week because of a dual citizenship, told Guardian Australia that Williams would do a good job as Senate president.

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Labour activist says she was raped at party event and told not to report it

Posted: 01 Nov 2017 01:21 AM PDT

New allegation emerges after female Westminster staffer reports being assaulted on a hotel bed by an MP

Allegations of sexual misconduct in Westminster took a new turn on Tuesday as a Labour activist spoke of being raped at a party event after a woman had described being assaulted on a hotel bed by an MP last year.

The two women both criticised the lack of proper processes for reporting their allegations, as political parties struggled with a fifth day of serious revelations about harassment and abuse in British politics.

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Wednesday briefing: Truck terror arrives in New York

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 11:27 PM PDT

Eight killed and 11 injured, with suspect shot and arrested … Brexit robs households of £600 a year … and the advent of the 'closet in the cloud'

Good morning – Warren Murray here with overnight developments.

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WA premier apologises to those convicted of crimes for homosexual acts

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 10:51 PM PDT

Mark McGowan says 'state-sanctioned discrimination' is 'the foundation upon which much current homophobia is built'

The Western Australian premier, Mark McGowan, has formally apologised in parliament to West Australians who had criminal convictions imposed in the past for homosexual acts due to now defunct laws.

Law-abiding gay Western Australians should never have had criminal records for consensual acts that are no longer considered crimes, he told state parliament.

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EU silence over Catalan leader's call for action speaks volumes

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 10:00 PM PDT

Based on the icy silence Carles Puigdemont encountered in Brussels, it appears the EU will continue to rely on Spain to resolve crisis itself

It was no accident that the sacked Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont turned up in Brussels, after vanishing from Spain. "I am here in Brussels as the capital of Europe," he told reporters, dismissing suggestions he wanted political asylum. "I am asking for Europe to react."

This vague call for European action was greeted with resounding silence in the corridors of Brussels and other EU capitals. Only the Belgian government offered any response, forced by the media furore his arrival created. "Mr Puigdemont is in Belgium, neither at the invitation or the initiative of the Belgian government," said a statement from the prime minister's office, calling for political dialogue in Spain.

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Extend paternity leave and enshrine it in law, says French petition

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 10:00 PM PDT

Appeal to Macron draws almost 58,000 signatories, including Thomas Piketty and other well-known figures

A group of high-profile French men have signed a petition demanding the right to longer paternity leave to enable them to better support their partners. The petition, so far signed by nearly 58,000 people and addressed to the president, Emmanuel Macron, and two of his ministers, calls for the "derisory" 11 days leave awarded new fathers to be extended to six weeks and made obligatory.

It says this measure should be enshrined in law to stop recalcitrant employers bullying men into returning quickly to work.

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Hong Kong's poor live in homes smaller than prison cells – study

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 09:55 PM PDT

The average living space for per person in the city is just 50 sq ft, the equivalent of just half a parking space

Poor residents in Hong Kong have less living space than prisoners in the city's maximum security jails, according to a new study.

The average living space per person was just 50 sq ft (4.6 sq metres), the equivalent of just half a parking space, a survey of 204 families in one neighbourhood by a local residents association found.

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'Racism can appear with face of respectability' – Tim Soutphommasane

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 07:58 PM PDT

Race discrimination commissioner says suggestion racism exists in Australia often taken as insult, preventing proper debate

Tim Soutphommasane says Australia needs to acknowledge forms of racism that appear "with the face of respectability" and not dismiss racist acts done with good intentions if it is to have a racially equitable society.

Speaking at a Deakin University conference on institutional racism in Melbourne on Wednesday, the race discrimination commissioner said that many Australians took the suggestion that racism exists in Australian society as "a grave insult" and said that reaction prevented a proper national conversation around race and equality.

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'It feels like Dominica is finished': life amid the ruins left by Hurricane Maria | Janise Elie

Posted: 01 Nov 2017 12:00 AM PDT

With almost every building damaged or reduced to rubble, no power and little water, survivors of September's storm are relying on shelters and a trickle of aid

When it rains or the wind blows in the tiny fishing village of Scotts Head, the youngest residents run for cover. With Dominica's once-lush landscape deeply scarred by the unprecedented fury of Hurricane Maria only weeks earlier, the signs of nature's wrath are everywhere and felt by everyone.

Related: Hurricane Maria: the slow road to rebuilding stricken Dominica – in pictures

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Father finally reunited with daughter lost in chaos of Rwanda's 1994 genocide

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 03:00 AM PDT

Leonard Sebarinda had not seen Jeanette Chiapello since she was taken to Italy for adoption aged two, but a brother's search brought a joyful reunion

A 70-year-old father has been reunited with his daughter, 23 years after she was taken from Rwanda to Italy for adoption during the genocide, having been mistaken for an orphan.

Jeanette Chiapello flew to Rwanda this month from Italy to meet her father, Leonard Sebarinda, after a brother had spent years tracking her down.

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Who is 'handsy in taxis'? Spreadsheet of sexual allegations alarms Tories

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 08:37 AM PDT

List of 40 named Conservative MPs and ministers that details some potentially career-ending claims is being shared widely

It is a list that nobody wants to be on: a spreadsheet with the names of 40 Tory MPs and ministers and allegations of sexual harassment and misconduct, almost all of which are unverified.

The document has been shared widely among MPs, staff and increasing numbers of journalists, and briefly describes some as having affairs, being "inappropriate" with female and male staff or in other cases as "handsy in taxis".

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Black Lives Matter in Australia: ‘Incarceration is a way to destroy a community' – video

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 09:10 PM PDT

Exclusive: Ahead of receiving the Sydney Peace prize, founder of Black Lives Matter Global Network Patrisse Cullors, and Canadian lead organiser Rodney Diverlus travelled to Mildura in Victoria to meet Indigenous communities. In this special film with Guardian Australia and IndigenousX, the pair reflect on what they learned about the workings of the Koori justice system – and the long shadow of colonialism

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Suspect in New York terror attack runs through streets before being shot – video

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 08:24 PM PDT

Amateur footage appears to show the man suspected of killing at least eight people in a truck attack running through the streets of Manhattan brandishing what looks like a firearm as gunshots ring out

* New York attack: five Argentinian friends named among eight killed – latest

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NYPD responds to 'act of terror' – in pictures

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 05:49 PM PDT

Eight people were killed and 11 others seriously injured when a truck rammed into cyclists outside a school in New York. A 29-year-old man wielding a paintball gun and a pellet gun is under arrest in hospital after he was shot by police. Here are images from the scene

• Suspect named after eight killed in 'act of terror' – live updates

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Bill de Blasio condemns 'cowardly act of terror' in New York - video

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 04:55 PM PDT

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio urges New Yorkers to continue about their business in the wake of a truck attack that left 8 people dead and several injured. "New Yorkers are strong, New Yorkers are resilient,' he says. 'Our spirit will never be moved by an act of violence.'

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Eight people killed after truck drives on to New York bike path – video report

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 03:07 PM PDT

New York City police say several people were killed and numerous injured after a car drove through a bike path in Manhattan on Tuesday afternoon

• New York attack: eight killed in 'act of terror' – live updates

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Donald Trump's bizarre Halloween encounters – video

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 10:01 AM PDT

The Trumps host their first Halloween events for children at the White House this year, involving trick or treating and decorating the White House for Tuesday's celebrations. President Trump welcomed the children of the White House press corps into his office on Saturday while also sharing some White House goodies 

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Catalonia's ousted president ‘not seeking asylum in Belgium’ – video

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 06:23 AM PDT

The former president of Catalonia, Carles Puigdemont, told a press conference in Brussels on Tuesday that he did not intend to seek political asylum in Belgium, but had travelled to the country so he could 'act with freedom and safety'. Puigdemont was removed as leader of the Spanish region after its parliament declared independence last week

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'Oh my God, we've been saved': women rescued at sea – video report

Posted: 31 Oct 2017 03:44 AM PDT

Two women from Hawaii who were rescued after being stranded at sea for five months had a distress signal on board that they  did not activate, according to the US Coast Guard. A spokesman for the agency said the women, who ran into trouble after their engine failed and they lost their main mast, reported they did not turn on the beacon because they never felt 'like they were truly in distress'

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