World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

'Calm before the storm': Donald Trump set to abandon Iran nuclear deal

Posted: 06 Oct 2017 01:17 AM PDT

US president says Tehran is breaking spirit of landmark Obama-era agreement and will reportedly refuse to certify it

Donald Trump has accused Iran of not living up to the "spirit of the agreement" of its nuclear deal amid reports that he plans to withhold endorsement of the landmark agreement with the international community.

At a meeting of military leaders, Trump warned cryptically that those present were witnessing "the calm before the storm". When asked by reporters what he meant, the president, a former reality TV host, said: "You'll find out."

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Iceland PM sold bank assets hours before financial crash, leaks show

Posted: 06 Oct 2017 02:03 AM PDT

Exclusive: Bjarni Benediktsson, current Iceland leader, sold millions of króna of Glitnir assets before state took control in 2008

The current prime minister of Iceland sold almost all his remaining assets in a major Icelandic bank's investment fund on the day the government seized control of the country's collapsing financial sector at the peak of the 2008 crash.

According to leaked documents, Bjarni Benediktsson, then an MP on the parliament's economy and tax committee, sold several million króna of assets in the Glitnir bank's fund in the final days and hours before an emergency law placed Iceland's failed financial institutions under state control.

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Harvey Weinstein to take 'leave of absence' as sexual harassment allegations surface

Posted: 06 Oct 2017 01:32 AM PDT

The acclaimed film producer has issued an apology after the New York Times broke news of allegations of decades of inappropriate sexual advances

Film mogul Harvey Weinstein has issued an apology for his past behavior and said he is preparing to take a leave of absence from work after a bombshell report on Thursday accused him of sexual harassment over decades.

Weinstein made a statement to the New York Times, which broke news of the claims, with the film producer saying: "I appreciate the way I've behaved with colleagues in the past has caused a lot of pain, and I sincerely apologize for it. Though I'm trying to do better, I know I have a long way to go."

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NRA breaks silence after Vegas shooting to call for 'additional regulations' on bump stocks

Posted: 05 Oct 2017 12:28 PM PDT

  • NRA makes rare concession on device that turns guns into rapid-fire weapons
  • But group says banning guns 'will do nothing to prevent further attacks'

The National Rifle Association has broken its silence four days after the deadliest mass shooting in recent US history to call for "additional regulations" on bump-fire stocks, which the Las Vegas shooter used to turn his semi-automatic rifles into rapid-fire weapons.

But alongside the rare concession, the NRA also suggested it was time for further relaxation of laws permitting Americans to carry concealed firearms.

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Nobel peace prize: International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons wins award – live

Posted: 06 Oct 2017 02:18 AM PDT

Norwegian Nobel Committee says award made in recognition of work to draw attention to catastrophic humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons

The Norwegian Nobel Committee's choice amounts to a reprimand to the world's nine nuclear-armed powers, all of whom boycotted the negotiations for the treaty – reached in July at the United Nations – and described the treaty as dangerous.

The treaty was endorsed by 122 countries at the UN headquarters in New York after months of talks an in the face of strong opposition from the nuclear-armed states and their allies.

Well that was a surprise. Most of the pre-announcement chatter had been predicting the winners would be Mohammad Javad Zarif, the Iranian foreign minister, and Federica Mogherini, the EU's foreign policy chief, for their part in the Iran nuclear deal.

Instead the committee has chosen ICAN, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, a global group working to promote adherence to, and full implementation of, the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

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Spanish court blocks Catalan parliament from declaring independence

Posted: 05 Oct 2017 11:27 PM PDT

Constitutional court suspends Monday session, ruling that allowing possible declaration would violate MPs' rights

Spain's constitutional court has moved to stop the Catalan government making a unilateral declaration of independence by suspending the regional parliament session in which the results of Sunday's referendum were due to be discussed.

On Thursday, the court upheld a challenge by Catalonia's Socialist party – which opposes secession from Spain – ruling that allowing the Catalan parliament to meet on Monday and potentially declare independence would violate the rights of the party's MPs.

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Germany to investigate 1,000 skulls taken from African colonies for 'racial research'

Posted: 05 Oct 2017 06:28 PM PDT

The skulls – mostly from Rwanda – were shipped to Europe in 1907-08 for 'scientific' research and could be returned after studying origins

Germany has launched a two-year study to determine the origins of more than 1,000 human skulls, mostly from Rwanda, brought to Europe during the colonial era for racial "scientific" research.

Billed as an important first step to understanding the skulls' provenance the study could one day lead to their return to east Africa.

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Las Vegas gunman rented rooms near other music festivals prior to attack

Posted: 05 Oct 2017 03:15 PM PDT

Stephen Paddock booked rooms overlooking events in Las Vegas and Chicago, authorities say, but it isn't yet clear if he planned massacres at those sites

Investigators are looking into whether gunman Stephen Paddock scoped out bigger music festivals in Las Vegas and Chicago — and perhaps Boston's Fenway Park – before setting up his perch in a casino hotel and raining deadly fire on country music fans.

Paddock booked rooms overlooking the Lollapalooza festival in Chicago in August and the Life Is Beautiful show near the Vegas Strip in late September, according to authorities reconstructing his movements before he undertook the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history.

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Police raid offices of women's groups in Poland after protests

Posted: 05 Oct 2017 12:31 PM PDT

Organisations which help victims of domestic violence have documents and computers seized after women stage marches to protest against abortion law

Women's rights groups have denounced police raids on their offices in several Polish cities that resulted in the seizing of documents and computers, a day after women staged anti-government marches to protest at the country's restrictive abortion law.

The raids took place on Wednesday in the cities of Warsaw, Gdańsk, Łódź and Zielona Góra. They targeted two organisations, the Women's Rights Centre and Baba, which help victims of domestic violence and participated in this week's anti-government protests.

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Prison escapees caught at Canadian escape room interactive game

Posted: 05 Oct 2017 12:03 PM PDT

  • Kelsie Laine Mast and Samantha Faye Toope broke out of Edmonton prison
  • Pair arrested within 24 hours inside puzzle-solving challenge

They scaled the tall barbed wire fence and escaped without trace into the industrial park surrounding the prison in Edmonton, Canada. But within 24 hours, the two fugitives – perhaps keen to again try their luck – were found by police in a nearby "escape room" interactive game.

The two women, Kelsie Laine Marie Mast, 23, and Samantha Faye Toope, 20, were discovered missing from the women's correctional facility on Monday night during an inmate count. Police soon issued a public warning, describing them as violent offenders with a history of weapons offences.

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Video shows Utah police fatally shooting man from behind as he fled

Posted: 05 Oct 2017 01:01 PM PDT

Police face no charges amid accusations of racial profiling and 'brutal execution' in case of Patrick Harmon, 50, who was pulled over for cycling without a light

Police in Utah fatally shot a man from behind while he was running away from officers, according to newly released footage, which has sparked accusations of racial profiling and a "brutal execution".

Prosecutors in Salt Lake City have said officers were justified in killing Patrick Harmon, 50, who was pulled over for riding a bicycle without a light and who attempted to flee when police tried to arrest him. Police are not facing charges despite the fact that the body-camera footage captured officer Clinton Fox shouting "I'll fucking shoot you!" from a distance before he fired three bullets into Harmon, who was running in the opposite direction.

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Goldman Sachs boosts post-Brexit plans with Frankfurt office deal

Posted: 05 Oct 2017 11:27 AM PDT

Wall Street bank leases eight floors of new 37-storey block in German financial capital with space for 1,000 staff

Goldman Sachs has begun to make plans for Brexit by leasing space in a new Frankfurt tower block that could hold up to 1,000 staff.

The Wall Street bank, which employs 6,000 staff in the UK, has been searching for office space in the German financial centre for the last six months as it looks to continue operations across the EU after Brexit.

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Justice department: sex discrimination ban does not protect transgender people

Posted: 05 Oct 2017 11:21 AM PDT

Jeff Sessions memo says federal protections do not include 'gender identity' in move that could weaken safeguards for transgender workers

The US Department of Justice is taking the position that the federal law banning sex discrimination in the workplace does not apply to transgender employees.

The move that could weaken legal protections for people already experiencing higher rates of biaswas announced by the attorney general, Jeff Sessions, in a memo dated Wednesday and obtained by BuzzFeed.

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Carbon emissions from warming soils could trigger disastrous feedback loop

Posted: 05 Oct 2017 11:00 AM PDT

26-year study reveals natural biological factors kick in once warming reaches certain point, leading to potentially unstoppable increase in temperatures

Warming soils are releasing more carbon into the atmosphere than previously thought, suggesting a potentially disastrous feedback mechanism whereby increases in global temperatures will trigger massive new carbon releases in a cycle that may be impossible to break.

The increased production of carbon comes from the microbes within soils, according to a report in the peer-review journal Science, published on Friday.

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Macron accused of 'class contempt' after jibe at protesting workers

Posted: 05 Oct 2017 08:16 AM PDT

French president filmed saying workers should try to get a job elsewhere instead of 'kicking up bloody chaos'

The French president, Emmanuel Macron, has been criticised after he was filmed accusing disgruntled workers of preferring to stir up "bloody chaos" rather than find jobs, weeks after he called critics of his labour reforms "slackers".

Macron, who runs a tightly controlled communications strategy from the Élysée Palace, has often berated journalists and commentators for spending too long dissecting his style rather than the content of his message.

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'There are better things than turnips': Navalny plans Putin birthday protests

Posted: 05 Oct 2017 05:24 AM PDT

Russian opposition leader urges supporters to demand Kremlin allow genuine political competition with protests in 80 cities on Saturday

The Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny is plotting to spoil Vladimir Putin's 65th birthday celebrations with nationwide protest rallies on Saturday, including in the Russian president's home town.

"Let Putin listen and go into deserved retirement," Navalny said in an angry message dictated from prison in which he likened the president to a turnip. "He's been in power for 18 years, which is long enough."

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Catalan government to press ahead with referendum debate

Posted: 06 Oct 2017 02:03 AM PDT

Parliament will defy Spanish constitutional court and could make a unilateral declaration of independence, minister says

The Catalan government will defy the Spanish constitutional court by pressing ahead with a parliamentary debate to discuss Sunday's referendum result and potentially make a unilateral declaration of independence, the region's foreign minister has said.

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This reclusive life: what I learned about solitude from my time with hermits

Posted: 06 Oct 2017 02:00 AM PDT

When the chaos of the big city began to drag, Paul Willis wondered if solitude might be the answer. Would his encounters with hermits yield what he wanted?

A few years ago, beset by the same malaise that I suppose afflicts everyone who spends too much time in the bustle and chaos of a big city, I wondered if solitude might be the answer. I began to read about hermits and became obsessed with the idea of meeting one.

As you might imagine, hermits are a difficult sub-group to track down. But I found out about a newsletter run by a couple in the Carolinas aimed at solitaries and, after posting an ad there, began writing to a few.

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Essen's experiment: can going green revive a post-industrial city economy?

Posted: 05 Oct 2017 11:30 PM PDT

The German city is working to shake off the coal dust of the industrial Ruhr, but will green tourism be profitable enough to regain its former economic strength?

The shores of Baldeneysee, a ribbon of a lake that feeds into the Ruhr river near Essen, are busy. Schoolchildren cannonball into the water as sunbathers sit on beach chairs, nurse their beers and watch the paddleboarders pass by.

It wasn't always like this. "When I was a little boy in the 70s, every morning we used to sweep coal dust and ash off our window panes," recalls Frank Martini, an Essen resident. "Emissions from the furnaces and ovens of coal and steel industries stained our clothes left outside to dry."

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Cheesed off: Amsterdam to curb tourist shops amid visitor influx

Posted: 05 Oct 2017 10:07 AM PDT

New outlets largely catering to visitors, such as bike rentals, will be banned from the city's historic centre

Amsterdam is banning new shops targeting tourists in the city's historic centre in the latest attempt to reclaim it for residents.

The city government announced on Thursday that ticket shops, bike rental companies, cheese shops and other retailers or attractions catering mainly or exclusively for tourists would be prevented from opening in parts of the Centre district.

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Smart tracks and 'smog jogs': the rapid rise of Shanghai's running clubs

Posted: 05 Oct 2017 03:45 AM PDT

With facial-recognition running tracks and an over-subscribed marathon, Shanghai is fast becoming a city of joggers – despite its notorious air pollution

On a clear, balmy night in Shanghai, a group of lycra-clad runners stretch their hamstrings in the city's Xuhui district, sporting an array of headphones, water bottles and Fitbits. The group, known as RunnersHai, are meeting for their weekly training – half are practising for a marathon, others are just in it for the exercise.

"Running in Shanghai initially seemed like an impossible challenge – even walking the streets is dangerous because of cars and other vehicles," says Wang Hui, 26, from Anhui. "But with other runners, we can find better locations together for running."

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Someone like you: winner of £168m EuroMillions jackpot will be richer than Adele

Posted: 06 Oct 2017 01:11 AM PDT

For just £2.50, buyer of winning ticket for Friday night's draw will bank biggest-ever jackpot to be offered in Britain

A very, very lucky person could be propelled to 671st place on Britain's rich list – for the price of a £2.50 lottery ticket.

At £168m, Friday night's National Lottery draw is the biggest-ever jackpot to be offered in the UK. A single winner would become richer than the chef Jamie Oliver, the multiple F1 world champion Lewis Hamilton and the singer Adele.

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UK ivory trade ban to help end 'shame' of elephant poaching

Posted: 05 Oct 2017 10:30 PM PDT

Current UK law allows trade in 'antiques' carved before 1947 but government bows to campaigners and will ban sale of ivory regardless of age

The UK government has bowed to campaigners and will ban the sale of ivory regardless of age, according to a new consultation.

The UK is the biggest exporter of legal ivory in the world and shutting down the trade will help prevent illegal ivory being laundered by criminals. More than 50 elephants are killed by poachers every day on average and the population of African elephants plunged by a third between 2007-14 alone, leading to warnings that the entire species could go extinct.

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Protect indigenous people to help fight climate change, says UN rapporteur

Posted: 06 Oct 2017 01:53 AM PDT

World leaders must do more to defend custodians of natural world whose lives are at risk from big business, says UN rapporteur Victoria Tauli-Corpuz

Global leaders must do more to protect indigenous people fighting to protect their land and way of life if the world is to limit climate change, according to the UN special rapporteur Victoria Tauli-Corpuz.

Speaking ahead of key climate talks in Bonn next month she urged politicians to recognise that indigenous communities around the world were the most effective custodians of millions of hectares of forest "which act as the world's lungs".

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Privacy concerns voiced over photo database link to real-time surveillance

Posted: 06 Oct 2017 12:09 AM PDT

Queensland privacy commissioner says proposal is unprecedented and demands 'proper debate' about security 'trade-off'

Queensland's privacy commissioner has said any proposal to link a national database of photographs to public surveillance in real time could open the door to "more scary surveillance".

The commissioner, Philip Green, praised the federal Attorney General Department's handling of moves towards a new national regime around access to driver licence data, including photos, which he said would enhance privacy by deterring identity theft.

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Irish voters oppose fully liberalising abortion laws, poll shows

Posted: 06 Oct 2017 01:40 AM PDT

Survey reveals just 24% back legalised terminations in all cases up to 22 weeks, ahead of planned referendum next year

Irish voters would reject any move to legalise abortion in all circumstances up to 22 weeks, an opinion poll has found.

As the prime minister, Leo Varadkar, and his minority Fine Gael government prepare to frame an abortion reform referendum scheduled for next year, it has emerged that only 24% of voters are in favour of legalising terminations in nearly all cases.

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Catalonia seeks to prevent business exit in event of independence declaration

Posted: 06 Oct 2017 01:37 AM PDT

Move comes as Spanish government works on using royal decree to change law to facilitate relocation of Catalan companies

The Catalan government has set up a crisis committee in an effort to halt the threatened haemorrhage of business out of the region if the region goes ahead with a unilateral declaration of independence (UDI).

The local economics minister Santi Vila is heading the committee after the secessionists were rocked by the news that Banco Sabadell had decided to relocate its headquarters to Alicante. Executives at CaixaBank, Spain's third-largest bank, are meeting on Friday to discuss relocation, with Madrid and Palma de Mallorca the favoured destinations.

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Trump’s cryptic warning ahead of Iran decision: ‘The calm before the storm’ – video

Posted: 06 Oct 2017 12:08 AM PDT

At a meeting of military leaders and their spouses, Trump says they are witnessing 'the calm before the storm'. When asked by reporters what he means, the US president says: 'You'll find out.' Several media outlets have confirmed what has been suspected in Washington and foreign capitals for some time: that Trump will not certify the 2015 international nuclear deal with Iran on the grounds that it does not serve US security interests

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Europe's business heads aim to keep Iran nuclear deal despite US threat

Posted: 06 Oct 2017 12:01 AM PDT

Tehran given export guarantees as Donald Trump threatens to scupper the agreement by withholding certificate of compliance

EU business leaders have said they are prepared to do everything they can to salvage the Iran nuclear deal in the event of a US withdrawal, as the Danish credit agency extended export guarantees to Tehran in the run-up to a showdown with Donald Trump.

The US president has reportedly decided to decertify Iran's compliance with the landmark nuclear deal next week. On Thursday, he told a meeting of US military leaders that Tehran was not living up to the "spirit of the agreement" and cryptically added they were witnessing "the calm before the storm".

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Santiago Maldonado: missing backpacker takes center stage in Argentina's elections

Posted: 06 Oct 2017 12:00 AM PDT

The case has revived memories of forced disappearances in the country – and become a rallying cry for president Mauricio Macri's top opponent

The last time anyone saw Santiago Maldonado was on the banks of an icy Patagonian river, where he was reportedly surrendering to Argentinian border guards during a raid on a camp of indigenous protesters.

Officers from the Argentinian National Gendarmarie attacked the encampment on 1 August, in an attempt dislodge a group of activists who had occupied part of an enormous swath of land owned by the clothing empire Benetton, but also claimed by the region's Mapuche people.

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A question of identity: readers' views on an independent Catalonia

Posted: 05 Oct 2017 11:00 PM PDT

As regional president Carles Puigdemont prepares to declare independence, people in Spain tell us what it would mean to them

Catalonia's president, Carles Puigdemont, is considering declaring independence from Spain, after a controversial referendum in which 90% of participants voted to break away was marred by violence when Spanish police raided polling stations, beat voters and fired rubber bullets at crowds.

Despite the Spanish government's attempts to stop the referendum, 2.26 million of Catalonia's 5.3 million registered voters took part. But while the yes side won a landslide victory, with turnout at 43%, many who oppose independence are thought to have boycotted the vote.

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Bob Geldof brands Aung San Suu Kyi 'one of the great ethnic cleansers'

Posted: 05 Oct 2017 11:51 PM PDT

Singer takes aim at Myanmar leader and casts Putin and Trump as 'autocrats who insult us as human beings' in forthright speech at Bogotá youth summit

Bob Geldof has excoriated Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump as "autocrats [who] insult us as human beings" and described Myanmar's de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi as "one of the great ethnic cleansers of our planet".

Speaking at the One Young World summit in Bogotá, the Colombian capital, the activist and musician launched into a wide-ranging tirade, saying he was "fed up with this world" and "sick of these leaders".

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When the boat comes in: the Safari Doctors of Kenya – in pictures

Posted: 05 Oct 2017 06:07 AM PDT

In the remote islands in Lamu, near the Kenyan-Somali border, aid groups have stopped working and infrastructure is crumbling as conflict escalates between the military and al-Shabaab fighters. The medical team from Safari Doctors, often under the watchful eye of founder Umra Omar, travel long distances by boat, and by road and air, to bring free medical care to the islands' increasingly isolated people

Photographs by Sofi Lundin

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Rape is an instrument of war in Central African Republic conflict, finds study

Posted: 05 Oct 2017 05:03 AM PDT

Survivor testimony points to widespread use of sexual slavery and violence by warring factions, with women affected unable to access healthcare or support

Rape and sexual slavery have been used as weapons of war across Central Africa Republic, with armed groups carrying out brutal attacks with impunity, human rights campaigners have warned.

Research by Human Rights Watch found that sexual violence is not only tolerated by commanders fighting in the country's ongoing conflict, but in some cases ordered or committed by them.

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Joe Biden: 'We're walking down a dark path' under Trump – video

Posted: 06 Oct 2017 01:21 AM PDT

Joe Biden speaks at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington DC on Thursday after receiving the the Zbigniew Brzezinski annual prize. The former vice-president used his acceptance speech to criticise the Trump administration's bluster and bullying on the international stage and zero-sum thinking. He said Trump's approach was damaging the US's international standing, describing the situation as disturbing 

• 'We're walking down a dark path': Biden hammers Trump in scathing speech

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