World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Hurricane Irma batters Bahamas and Haiti as Florida evacuates – latest updates

Posted: 08 Sep 2017 02:05 AM PDT

While Irma has lost a little strength, two other Hurricanes in the region Katia and Jose have gained strength, according to the latest warnings from the National Hurricane Center.

Irma is still packing devastating sustained wind speeds of 155 mph (down from 185mph).

Hurricane #Jose Advisory 12: Jose a Little Stronger.

Hurricane #Katia Advisory 11: Katia a Little Stronger.

Captain Stephen Russell, of the Bahamas national emergency management agency, has expressed fears for hundreds of people who ignored evacuation orders on islands in the archipelago.

Speaking to the BBC Radio 4's Today programme he said there were five islands that are likely to be worst hit by Irma: Great Inagua ( population 913); Mayaguana (277) Acklins (population 428); Crooked Islands (population 350); and Ragged Island (population 72).

The eye of Hurricane #Irma passes over Little Inagua Island in The Bahamas with winds near 160 mph

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Trump says military action against North Korea not 'inevitable'

Posted: 07 Sep 2017 12:58 PM PDT

During a press conference the US president said he would prefer not to go the military route with the rogue regime

Donald Trump said military action against North Korea was not "inevitable" in a foreign policy focused press conference with the Emir of Kuwait.

Trump also told reporters "we have very little to do in Syria but kill Isis" and expressed caution about success in the push for the Israel-Palestinian peace process.

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Massacre at Tula Toli: Rohingya recall horror of Myanmar army attack

Posted: 07 Sep 2017 03:29 PM PDT

Exclusive: Villagers who fled attack and crossed border into Bangladesh recall seeing their family and neighbours killed

It was the fast-flowing river that doomed the inhabitants of Tula Toli.

Snaking around the remote village on three sides, the treacherous waters allowed Burmese soldiers to corner and hold people on the river's sandy banks. Some were shot on the spot. Others drowned in the current as they tried to escape.

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Trump Jr says he was open to intel on Clinton's 'fitness' at Russia meeting

Posted: 07 Sep 2017 10:26 AM PDT

President's son says he was open to hearing about Hillary Clinton's 'fitness, character or qualifications' for presidency ahead of meeting with Russian lawyer

Donald Trump's eldest son denied colluding with any foreign government but told Senate staffers that when he accepted a now infamous meeting with a Russian lawyer last year, he was open to receiving information about Hillary Clinton's "fitness, character or qualifications" for the presidency.

Related: Steve Bannon defends Trump and calls Catholic church 'terrible' on immigration

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Nigel Farage to address far-right rally in Germany

Posted: 07 Sep 2017 08:34 AM PDT

Former Ukip leader was invited to speak at event held by AfD party by the granddaughter of Hitler's finance minister

Former Ukip leader Nigel Farage will appear at a rally held by Germany's far-right party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) inside a renaissance fortress in Berlin on Friday.

The South East England MEP will appear at the Spandau Citadel in the west of the German capital to talk about "developments in the European Union, Brexit, direct democracy" and "how to make the impossible possible", according to AfD MEP Beatrix von Storch, who is hosting the event.

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Emmanuel Macron calls for solidarity as he vows to lead EU rebuild

Posted: 07 Sep 2017 11:56 AM PDT

French president uses Athens speech to position himself as the leader to fix EU's crisis of confidence, calling for the shoring up of shared European values

The French president Emmanuel Macron has vowed to lead a "rebuilding" of the European Union, warning that "sovereignty, democracy and trust are in danger" and that its citizens no longer understand the project.

In a speech in Athens, Macron called for greater European Union cooperation and solidarity, reiterating his longstanding calls for an integrated eurozone with its own financial minister, parliament and a standalone budget to head off future crises.

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Inflated figures: Irish police invented almost 1.5m breathalyser tests

Posted: 08 Sep 2017 01:41 AM PDT

Internal Garda report finds that in County Tipperary nearly four times more breath tests were recorded than were carried out

Irish police grossly exaggerated the number breath tests it carried out on motorists, an internal report has found.

The report found that 3,498,400 tests were recorded on the police computer system dating back to 2009, but only 2,040,179 were carried out.

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Bell Pottinger’s Asian arm separates from UK parent company

Posted: 08 Sep 2017 02:09 AM PDT

Asian PR operation rebrands as Klareco – 'clarity' in Esperanto – in an attempt to make 'clean break' with disgraced firm

The management team of Bell Pottinger's Asian arm is buying the agency and rebranding it with a name that translates as "Clarity" in a bid to distance itself from the scandal-racked parent company which is on the brink of going into administration.

The Asian operation, which is chaired by parent company co-founder Piers Pottinger, has put in an offer to accountancy firm BDO, which is struggling to find buyers for Bell Pottinger, which it believes will be accepted.

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Patterns of Barcelona: photographer captures symmetry of city facades – in pictures

Posted: 07 Sep 2017 05:11 AM PDT

Instagrammer Roc Isern shows another side to Barcelona's architecture by capturing the beautiful geometric shapes and patterns of the city's buildings

Barcelona is known for its iconic landmarks, but Roc Isern turns his camera to buildings others may tend to look past.

Isern is a technical architect and photographer based in the Catalan capital. Since 2014, he has been capturing the facades of Barcelona's buildings for tens of thousands of followers on Instagram at @barcelonafacades.

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Former MP to sue Scotland Yard over child sexual abuse investigation

Posted: 07 Sep 2017 11:37 AM PDT

Harvey Proctor says he has been 'mentally and physically destroyed' by fallout from Operation Midland, which collapsed last year

A former MP is to sue the Metropolitan police over their handling of the investigation into historical child sex abuse allegations against him.

Harvey Proctor was cleared by the Met in 2016 after the collapse of Operation Midland, the £2.5m investigation into accusations of a paedophile ring operating in Westminster.

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MPs to question City watchdog over Saudi Aramco float

Posted: 08 Sep 2017 12:37 AM PDT

FCA to detail whether or not it met ministers ahead of planned rule changes that could lure oil giant's £1.5tn float to London

The Financial Conduct Authority is facing questions from MPs about whether political influence was behind proposed City rule changes that could lure the $2tn (£1.5tn) float of Saudi Aramco to London.

Andrew Bailey, the chief executive of the FCA, is being asked by the chairs of two powerful Commons committees whether there were any discussions between the City watchdog and ministers ahead of the consultation on the planned changes.

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Somaliland's women show kindness and leadership in the face of a humanitarian crisis | Holly Miller

Posted: 07 Sep 2017 03:49 PM PDT

As in any emergency, women are most affected by the drought in Somaliland. There is much that Australia could learn from how they respond to the disaster

For three years now, Somaliland, like much of East Africa, has experienced extreme drought. Drought that has become more and more severe, until earlier this year, with thousands on the brink of starvation, the government of Somaliland declared a national emergency.

The crisis should serve as a warning to the rest of the world to prepare – and prepare well – for extreme weather events, which are occurring with greater frequency and ferocity than ever before.

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Bunk beds, roaches and nerdy geniuses: my year in a Silicon Valley hacker house

Posted: 08 Sep 2017 02:00 AM PDT

The lives of tech entrepreneurs aren't always as glamorous as they're made out to be, as I learned living among them on a dangerous San Francisco street

For the past 12 months of my life, I paid the bargain price of $1,250 per month to sleep diagonally in a bunk bed in a 10ft by 10ft room that I shared with a 32-year old man. Because I am 6ft4in, sleeping diagonally in my undersized accommodation was the only way I could make it through the night without getting cramps.

Welcome to my life in the hacker house.

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Liquidators counter Clive Palmer claim asset freeze would hurt his companies

Posted: 08 Sep 2017 02:06 AM PDT

Lawyers claim former MP has taken no steps to revive failed refinery as lawsuit over Queensland Nickel's collapse rolls on

Government-appointed liquidators have denied Clive Palmer's claims that successfully freezing more than $200m worth of assets would result in a "serious loss of business and confidence" for his publicly trading companies.

In submissions filed on Friday, Queensland Nickel's liquidators claim "real doubt must be had" about whether such orders could "sensibly further erode" commercial sentiment, given events such as the failure of the Yabulu nickel refinery.

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After the storm: how should cities rebuild post hurricanes like Harvey and Irma?

Posted: 08 Sep 2017 02:00 AM PDT

The aftermath of a disaster is often focused on getting back to normal. But do cities need to think harder about how to withstand the next one?

Donald Trump visited a hurricane-stricken Houston and promised the "best ever" government response before pumping his fist from the steps of Air Force One as he departed.

Greg Abbott, the Texas governor, marveled that the state's "resilient spirit is alive and well". The phrase "Houston Strong" has been daubed as graffiti on city underpasses and held aloft as placards at home baseball games.

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Before and after Hurricane Irma: images of Caribbean destruction

Posted: 08 Sep 2017 01:50 AM PDT

Photos show impact of category 5 storm on Caribbean islands, including Sint Maarten and British Virgin Islands

The category 5 Hurricane Irma has ripped through the Caribbean, causing deaths, flash foods and flattened landscapes.

Before and after images show the devastation that Irma has wrought on Sint Maarten and British Virgin Islands.

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Aftermath of 8.4-magnitude earthquake off Mexico – video

Posted: 08 Sep 2017 01:23 AM PDT

Emergency services in Mexico clear debris after a powerful earthquake struck off the west coast. The earthquake toppled houses in Chiapas state, caused buildings in Mexico City to sway violently and set off a tsunami warning

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Mexico earthquake: tsunami confirmed after 8.1 magnitude quake kills five

Posted: 08 Sep 2017 12:26 AM PDT

Initial waves reach 1 metre above tide level as some residents on the south western coast reportedly told to evacuate

A magnitude 8.1 earthquake has struck off the coast of Mexico leaving at least five people dead, sparking mass evacuations and prompting warnings of tsunamis across the region.

The quake occurred 165km west of the state of Chiapas just before midnight on Thursday local time, and was said to be the strongest earthquake to hit the country since 1985, according to the civil protection agency.

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Hurricane Irma: Cuba and Florida prepare – in pictures

Posted: 08 Sep 2017 12:22 AM PDT

Hurricane Irma is expected to bring six-metre storm surges to the Bahamas, before moving to Cuba and ploughing into southern Florida as a category 4 storm on Sunday, with surges and flooding due to begin within the next 48 hours

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A refugee's tale: they gave me asylum - and then made me homeless

Posted: 08 Sep 2017 12:00 AM PDT

Nasir, a 28-year-old from Eritirea, explains how failings in Britain's support for people granted asylum left him homeless

When Nasir* was given refugee status in the UK, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Asylum meant he was safe from being returned to a grim future in his home country of Eritrea. But it also meant he would rapidly become homeless.

While his case was being considered he was housed in cramped quarters in Stratford, east London, and given support payments of £36.95 a week. But as soon as people are given refugee status, they are expected to apply for mainstream benefits and find somewhere to live within 28 days.

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'Destitution is routine': refugees face homelessness even after gaining asylum

Posted: 08 Sep 2017 12:00 AM PDT

'Home Office will give you refugee status, but not refuge,' says a victim of bureaucracy and delays in survey for the Guardian

People granted asylum in the UK are routinely driven immediately into homelessness and destitution because of Kafkaesque quirks in the system to deal with refugees, according to research conducted for the Guardian.

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Desmond Tutu condemns Aung San Suu Kyi: 'Silence is too high a price'

Posted: 07 Sep 2017 10:39 PM PDT

Nobel laureate issues heartfelt letter to fellow peace prize winner calling for her to speak up for Rohingya in Myanmar

Nobel laureate Desmond Tutu has called on Aung San Suu Kyi to end the violence against her country's Rohingya Muslim minority in a heartfelt letter to the Myanmar leader.

The 85-year old archbishop said the "unfolding horror" and "ethnic cleansing" in the country's Rahkine region had forced him to speak out against the woman he admired and considered "a dearly beloved sister".

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Friday briefing: 'My heart breaks' – Desmond Tutu's plea to Aung San Suu Kyi

Posted: 07 Sep 2017 10:37 PM PDT

Stop Myanmar bloodshed, one Nobel laureate implores another … May faces crunch Brexit debate in Commons … and 13-year-old organ donor saves eight lives

Hello – it's Warren Murray with the news on a Friday morning.

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Iraq's killing fields: the lethal legacy of landmines – in pictures

Posted: 07 Sep 2017 11:00 PM PDT

After decades of conflict, Iraq has been left littered with unexploded booby-traps. The Mines Advisory Group has spent 25 years in the country working to destroy and clear some of the millions of pieces of deadly ordnance. These images show members of the organisation at work, and the people whose lives have been touched and transformed by their efforts

All photographs by Sean Sutton for the Mines Advisory Group

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Indian girl allowed abortion amid claims doctors ‘afraid to help’ child rape victims

Posted: 07 Sep 2017 05:43 AM PDT

Supreme court approves termination for 13-year-old who fell pregnant after assault but case highlights concerns that medics do not understand relevant law

The Indian supreme court has ruled that a 13-year-old rape victim in Mumbai who was left pregnant after the attack can have a termination. It follows a landmark ruling last month that said doctors should make greater effort to support victims of sexual assault regardless of the country's abortion laws.

On 25 August, the court ruled that precious time was lost, and added distress caused, to girls and their families when they were forced to bring their individual cases to court. Doctors have been criticised as being far too fearful when dealing with the victims of child rape.

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‘A very sad day for North Korea’ if the US attacks, says Trump – video

Posted: 07 Sep 2017 12:44 PM PDT

Donald Trump said he would prefer to avoid military action to deal with North Korea's nuclear threat, but added that previous diplomatic efforts had failed to pressure Pyongyang not develop its missiles. He told reporters at the White House on Thursday: 'North Korea's behaving badly and it's got to stop'

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Nancy Pelosi: Trump supports legislative path to protect Dreamers – video

Posted: 07 Sep 2017 11:52 AM PDT

The Democratic leader in the House of Representatives said Donald Trump supported and would sign into law legislation that offered a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants brought to the country as children. Pelosi told journalists that Trump signaled his backing in a White House meeting with congressional leaders on Wednesday – and in conversation with her on Thursday

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'Cars flew over our heads': Hurricane Irma survivors recount the havoc - video

Posted: 07 Sep 2017 04:24 AM PDT

Residents of Barbuda describe the destruction caused by Hurricane Irma. A two-year-old child was killed as a family tried to escape a damaged home during the storm. Irma has caused widespread destruction across the Caribbean, reducing buildings to rubble and leaving at least 10 people dead. It is currently north-east of the Dominican Republic, heading towards Turks and Caicos

Death toll rises as 'apocalyptic' Irma wreaks havoc across Caribbean

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