World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Hurricane Irma: storm weakens to category 1, but surge threat remains – live

Posted: 11 Sep 2017 02:02 AM PDT

Irma is now moving up the west coast of Florida but has been downgraded to a category 1 storm with winds of less than 100mph

Some better news ... Hurricane Jose, the next Atlantic weather system behind Irma, has weakened to a category 2 storm and is lingering over the western Atlantic.

According to the latest update from the US National Hurricane Centre Jose now has sustained wind speeds of 105mp, which means it has weakened from a category 3 to a category 2 storm.

Jose is moving toward the north-northwest near 10 mph (17 km/h), and a turn toward the northeast is expected by tonight, with a reduction in forward speed. Jose is then expected to move slowly toward the east and southeast Tuesday into Wednesday. Maximum sustained winds are near 105 mph (165 km/h) with higher gusts. Steady weakening is forecast during the next 48 hours.

Related: France steps up Hurricane Irma aid as UK defends response

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UN: Myanmar's treatment of Rohingya 'textbook example of ethnic cleansing'

Posted: 11 Sep 2017 01:27 AM PDT

Top UN human rights official denounces security crackdown against Muslim minority in Rakhine state

Myanmar's treatment of its Muslim Rohingya minority appears to be a "textbook example" of ethnic cleansing, the top UN human rights official has said.

In an address to the United Nations human rights council in Geneva, Zeid Ra'ad al-Hussein denounced the "brutal security operation" against the Rohingya in Rakhine state, which he said was "clearly disproportionate" to insurgent attacks carried out last month.

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Migrant sea route to Italy is world's most lethal

Posted: 10 Sep 2017 04:01 PM PDT

Most deaths since 2014 have occurred in Mediterranean, following clampdown on Balkan border route, IOM study finds

More than 22,500 migrants have reportedly died or disappeared globally since 2014 – more than half of them perishing while attempting to cross the Mediterranean, according to a study by the International Organisation for Migration (IOM).

A clampdown on Europe's eastern borders has forced migrants to choose more dangerous routes as the death toll in the Mediterranean continues to rise despite a drop in the overall number of arrivals, data compiled by the UN's migration agency shows.

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Norway goes to the polls with the future of its oil and gas industry in play

Posted: 10 Sep 2017 08:11 AM PDT

Small but fast-growing Green party, which is demanding an immediate halt to gas and oil exploration, seen as potential kingmaker

When Truls Gulowsen began campaigning in the 1990s, telling Norway it had both a moral obligation and an economic interest in phasing out the industry that has made it rich was not what might be called a vote winner.

But as Norwegians go to the polls on Monday, the future of their country's giant oil and gas business is a major electoral issue – with parties that back curbs or even a shutdown of the industry set to play a key role in post-election coalition-building.

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Australia condemned for trying to make asylum seekers 'homeless and destitute'

Posted: 10 Sep 2017 11:00 AM PDT

Turnbull government's decision to withdraw financial support and housing draws complaints to UN rapporteurs

Australia's sudden decision to withdraw financial support and housing from a group of asylum seekers and refugees in Australia has drawn international criticism and formal complaints to three senior rapporteurs at the United Nations.

It has also inspired a public pledge by the Victorian government to house, feed and financially support any refugees and asylum seekers left homeless or destitute by the commonwealth's decision.

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Catalans to celebrate their national day with independence protests

Posted: 10 Sep 2017 04:52 AM PDT

Hundreds of thousands will gather across Catalonia less than a month before regional government's controversial referendum

On Monday afternoon, hundreds of thousands of people will gather across Catalonia to remember a disastrous defeat. Many among them, however, will be hoping that an equally momentous victory is not too far off.

Although Catalonia's national day, the Diada, commemorates the fall of Barcelona in the Spanish war of succession in 1714 – and the region's subsequent loss of institutions and freedoms – it recently has come to serve a rather different purpose.

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Merkel offers German role in Iran-style nuclear talks with North Korea

Posted: 10 Sep 2017 08:43 AM PDT

Chancellor says deal with Tehran could be a blueprint for a process in which Germany and Europe would play a very active part

Angela Merkel has offered German participation in any future nuclear talks with North Korea and suggested that the 2015 agreement with Iran could serve as a model for negotiations.

The chancellor's intervention reflects growing alarm in Europe that Donald Trump is worsening one nuclear crisis by repeated threats to use military force against North Korea, and seeking to trigger a second one by torpedoing the Iran deal to which Germany, France and the UK are among the signatories.

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Myanmar accused of planting landmines in path of fleeing Rohingya

Posted: 10 Sep 2017 07:54 AM PDT

Amnesty International points to cases where anti-personnel mines may have caused injuries on border with Bangladesh

Myanmar's military has been accused of planting landmines in the path of Rohingya Muslims fleeing violence in western Rakhine state, with Amnesty International reporting that two people were wounded on Sunday.

Refugees' accounts of the latest wave of violence in Rakhine have typically described shootings by soldiers and arson attacks on villages, but there are at least several cases that point to anti-personnel mines or other explosives as the cause of injuries on the border with Bangladesh, where 300,000 Rohingya have fled in the past two weeks.

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Hillary Clinton: Trump inaugural speech was 'cry from the white nationalist gut'

Posted: 10 Sep 2017 10:27 AM PDT

Speaking in her first televised interview since her stunning defeat in the election in November, Clinton says she was 'gobsmacked' by Donald Trump's win

Hillary Clinton on Sunday called Donald Trump's inaugural speech as president "a cry from the white nationalist gut".

Related: The Wall Street Journal's Trump problem

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Marriage equality rallies: Malcolm Turnbull says yes is a vote for 'fairness'

Posted: 09 Sep 2017 09:17 PM PDT

Bill Shorten addresses Sydney same-sex marriage rally after PM says change compatible with 'traditional marriage'

Malcolm Turnbull has thrown his support behind the "yes" vote in the same-sex marriage debate, telling like-minded Liberals and Nationals it is a question of "fairness".

Addressing the New South Wales Liberals and Nationals for Yes campaign launch in Sydney on Sunday morning, Turnbull said this change had already happened in many countries around the world.

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Trauma as travellers face a gender issue going through security

Posted: 11 Sep 2017 01:55 AM PDT

Determining sex is often a requirement of checks at airports and stations. But if staff are unsure, how they respond is key

When Londoner Jamie Liang reached the Eurostar security checkpoint at London St Pancras International he put his possessions on the conveyor belt and entered the body scanner. It beeped. Instead of searching him, he said officials summoned him to one side, demanded to see his passport and, when he repeatedly asked why, threatened to call the police. The reason was eventually explained loudly, he says, in front of other passengers: security staff were unclear whether he was male or female and wanted proof of his sex before deciding which official should search him.

"I identify as a gay male," says Liang. "If you benchmark me against a cage fighter you might consider me to be a bit on the feminine side. 'Gender-neutral' is probably the best way to describe me. The protocols of Eurostar St Pancras seem to have an issue with processing passengers like myself. I was treated like a criminal by security pulling me aside and shouting rudely and I was publicly humiliated by being asked private information in front of a large audience."

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Eat, pray, live: the Lagos megachurches building their very own cities

Posted: 10 Sep 2017 11:30 PM PDT

Redemption Camp has 5,000 houses, roads, rubbish collection, police, supermarkets, banks, a fun fair, a post office – even a 25 megawatt power plant. In Nigeria, the line between church and city is rapidly vanishing

"Ha-lleluuuu-jah," booms the distinctive voice of Pastor Enoch Adeboye, also known as the general overseer.

The sound comes out through thousands of loudspeakers planted in every corner of Redemption Camp. Market shoppers pause their haggling, and worshippers – some of whom have been sleeping on mats in this giant auditorium for days – stop brushing their teeth to join in the reply.

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Police watchdog to hold misconduct hearing in secret over man's death

Posted: 10 Sep 2017 10:00 PM PDT

IPCC criticised for barring press and public from disciplinary hearing of six Met officers over death of Olaseni Lewis

A disciplinary hearing of six police officers who have been accused of gross misconduct over the death of a 23-year-old man who died after a prolonged period of restraint seven years ago will begin in secret on Monday.

The decision to hold the IPCC hearing without press or public in attendance takes advantage of a loophole in misconduct regulations and has been sharply criticised by the parents of the victim, Olaseni Lewis.

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The UK’s faith in a ‘sweet Brexit’ isn’t just deluded – it’s dangerous | Joris Luyendijk

Posted: 11 Sep 2017 01:00 AM PDT

Even remainers believe that it's in the EU's interest to treat Britain kindly. But there can be no special deals if Europe's single economy is to survive

As the UK political class zigzags towards the abyss, saying one thing about Brexit today and another thing tomorrow, any illusions in EU capitals that the summer holiday may have brought British MPs to their senses must now be put to rest. Indeed, the daily British displays of hope for a sweet "soft Brexit" deal illustrate not only the tenacity of British self-delusion. More than that, they lay bare a persistent and dangerous ignorance of the internal logic of the EU.

The EU will be damaged if Britain crashes out of the EU, the way your suit is ruined with blood stains if the person standing next to you decides to shoot themselves in the foot

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Will accused 9/11 architect Khalid Sheikh Mohammed ever come to trial?

Posted: 10 Sep 2017 11:00 PM PDT

The chief suspect in the attacks that changed the world will spend another anniversary in Guantánamo. His own lawyer says he may die before he is tried

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the accused "architect" of the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, will spend the 16th anniversary of the atrocity sitting in Guantánamo Bay, preparing for his 25th pre-trial hearing.

Related: How we learned all the wrong lessons from 9/11 | Moustafa Bayoumi

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Steve Bannon compares China to 1930s Germany and says US must confront Beijing

Posted: 10 Sep 2017 10:53 PM PDT

Former senior aide to Donald Trump prepares to visit Hong Kong and warns that China is at 'economic war' with America

Steve Bannon, Donald Trump's former consigliere, has compared China to 1930s Germany, warning the country could go down the same dark path if the US fails to challenge its rise.

"A hundred years from now, this is what they'll remember — what we did to confront China on its rise to world domination," Bannon told the New York Times.

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Bureau of Statistics reveals same-sex marriage survey form – as it happened

Posted: 11 Sep 2017 01:28 AM PDT

Matt Canavan says everyone should 'grow a spine' in the same-sex marriage debate, while the Greens try to wedge Labor on Liddell power plant. Follow all today's events in and around parliament

A much more sedate start to the week than we have seen lately, but we have learnt a few things

AGL chief Andy Vesey fronted for his meeting with the prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, and energy minister, Josh Frydenberg, over the future of the Liddell power station. Both sides described it as "constructive" but nothing concrete has come from it.

As the government and Labor attempt to nut out urgent safeguards for the marriage equality campaign, keep an eye out for the materials.

Same-sex marriage survey: help us track dubious claims and misleading material

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'You can't hide from the water': Irma hits Florida with surges and flooding

Posted: 11 Sep 2017 01:54 AM PDT

Storm weakens as it moves up coast towards Tampa but officials warn of continued danger and full extent of damage may not be known for days

Hurricane Irma has battered Florida with gusts of up to 145mph, flooded downtown Miami, brought dangerous storm surges to the west coast and cut off the Florida Keys.

Related: Evacuees face a desperate plight at Florida shelters as Irma strikes

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Covering Hurricane Irma: journalists go to extremes to report storm

Posted: 11 Sep 2017 12:01 AM PDT

Journalists from US and international media networks sought out the storm for their viewers' benefit

Evacuate or stay indoors was the general advice given to Florida's residents ahead of Hurricane Irma. Many packed up their cars or sought refuge at home but, there was one particular group of people who remained.

Related: Hurricane Irma: storm moves towards Tampa with risk of life-threatening surges – live

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France steps up Hurricane Irma aid as UK defends response

Posted: 10 Sep 2017 11:51 PM PDT

President Emmanuel Macron to visit ravaged islands as British territories plead for help amid 'unbelievable' devastation

France's president, Emmanuel Macron, has announced he will visit the hurricane-damaged French territories in the Caribbean as the UK government defended its response to the huge storm.

Macron said he would visit St Martin and also announced a doubling of military and police forces to bolster security in the region.

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Monday briefing: Irma's storm surge is the 'biggest fear'

Posted: 10 Sep 2017 10:28 PM PDT

'Pray for us,' urges Florida governor … Davis urges against 'chaos' as Brexit bill vote looms … Apple pipped to naming of its latest iPhone

Good morning to you, Graham Russell here bringing you the news to start your week.

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Storm surges threaten as Irma hits Florida – video

Posted: 10 Sep 2017 10:11 PM PDT

Hurricane Irma has submerged streets, knocked out power to millions and destroyed construction cranes as the storm continues to move north along Florida's west coast

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China to ban production of petrol and diesel cars 'in the near future'

Posted: 10 Sep 2017 09:52 PM PDT

Announcement aimed at tackling pollution will prove a huge incentive to development and sale of electric and hybrid vehicles

China, the world's biggest vehicle market, is considering a ban on the production and sale of fossil fuel cars in a major boost to the production of electric vehicles as Beijing seeks to ease pollution.

Related: Britain to ban sale of all diesel and petrol cars and vans from 2040

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North Korea warns US of 'greatest pain' if Trump pursues oil sanctions threat

Posted: 10 Sep 2017 09:17 PM PDT

Kim Jong-un's regime lashes out as UN security council prepares to meet over possible new restrictions

North Korea has warned that it will inflict "the greatest pain and suffering" on the US if it continues to call for fresh sanctions in response to the regime's sixth nuclear test last week.

According to a draft resolution leaked to the media, Washington wants the UN security council to support a halt to oil exports to North Korea and a freeze on the assets of its leader, Kim Jong-un.

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Pope Francis injured while riding in popemobile in Colombia

Posted: 10 Sep 2017 08:01 PM PDT

Concluding trip to Colombia, pope appeals to people to 'untie the knots of violence' after 50-year civil war

Pope Francis, his eye bandaged and blackened after an accident in the popemobile, wrapped up his trip to Colombia on Sunday appealing to the country to "untie the knots of violence" after a 50-year civil war.

His last day in the country got off to a rocky start when he lost his balance and bumped his head while riding in the popemobile. He bruised his cheekbone and cut his left eyebrow, blood staining his white cassock.

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Road crashes cost Australian society almost $30bn a year – report

Posted: 10 Sep 2017 07:25 PM PDT

Automobile Association says government's approach to the cost of road trauma is 'neither effective nor proportionate'

Road crashes are costing Australian society almost $30bn a year, a new report estimates.

The Australian Automobile Association (AAA), which commissioned the report, is warning that efforts to reduce road trauma are failing, and calls on the federal government to show leadership and boost safety funding.

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’Antisemitic’ robbers target Jewish family near Paris

Posted: 10 Sep 2017 06:06 PM PDT

Authorities say Jewish family beaten, held hostage and robbed in their home because of their religion

A Jewish family was beaten, held hostage and robbed in their home near Paris because of their religion, French authorities and anti-hate groups said on Sunday.

Three attackers burst into the house in the Paris suburb of Livry-Gargan late on Thursday, cut off the electricity and confined three members of a Jewish family, beating them and threatening to kill them, until one of them managed to escape and alert the police, said antisemitism watchdog BNVCA.

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'They lied': Bolivia's untouchable Amazon lands at risk once more | Myles McCormick

Posted: 10 Sep 2017 11:00 PM PDT

Locals blame coca interests for the state's broken promise on protecting Tipnis national park, biodiversity hotspot and home to thousands of indigenous people

When Ovidio Teco's Amazon homeland was declared "untouchable" by the Bolivian government in 2011, his war had been won.

The concerns of people like him had been listened to: their beautiful and ancient land would not be carved in two by a 190-mile highway.

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Norway's general election: all you need to know

Posted: 10 Sep 2017 08:11 AM PDT

With the ruling rightwing bloc of parties and the opposition neck and neck, smaller parties may find themselves kingmakers

Norway goes to the polls on 11 September to decide whether the Conservative prime minister, Erna Solberg, or her Labour rival, Jonas Gahr Støre, will lead the country for the next four years.

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Barack Obama makes surprise visit to Washington DC school – video

Posted: 10 Sep 2017 04:52 AM PDT

The former US president drops in unexpectedly on a class at McKinley Tech high school in Washington DC, where he asked students: 'You don't mind me crashing, right?' Obama posted a video of the encounter on his Instagram account, writing that young people such as those he met at the school made him feel hopeful about the future

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Michael Fallon rejects criticism of UK's Irma response – video

Posted: 10 Sep 2017 04:46 AM PDT

The defence secretary appears on The Andrew Marr Show and defends Britain's response to Hurricane Irma, insisting: 'We were not late.' Critics say the UK has been less effective than other countries in dealing with the devastation caused by the storm in overseas territories such as the British Virgin Islands

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