World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

'We ain’t doing no damn good': volunteer rescuers struggle in Houston

Posted: 30 Aug 2017 01:42 AM PDT

The 'Cajun navy' force of helpers from Louisiana are hitting an unexpected problem in the Harvey-flooded city – residents declining to evacuate

The three men drove through the night from Louisiana hauling three boats, ready for whatever the storm would throw at them.

Brad Johns and his dad Wayne, and their friend John Utesch, helped save lives during Hurricane Katrina and planned to do the same in Houston as part of a volunteer rescue force, paying their own way.

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North Korea's Kim Jong-un says missile launch a prelude to 'containing Guam'

Posted: 29 Aug 2017 06:44 PM PDT

UN security council unanimously condemns launch and demands Pyongyang halt its ballistic missile and nuclear weapons programmes

North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, has warned that Tuesday's missile launch over Japan was a "meaningful prelude to containing" the US Pacific territory of Guam, adding that his regime would conduct more ballistic missile tests.

North Korea confirmed the test hours before the UN security council unanimously condemned the launch and repeated demands that Pyongyang halt its ballistic missile and nuclear weapons programmes.

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Mumbai paralysed by floods as India and region hit by heaviest monsoon rains in years

Posted: 29 Aug 2017 11:26 PM PDT

More than 1,000 people killed in India, Nepal and Bangladesh in recent weeks and millions forced from their homes

Heavy monsoon rains have brought India's financial capital to a halt, with authorities struggling to evacuate people with the scheduled high tide adding to the chaos.

Incessant rain flooded several parts of Mumbai on Tuesday and paralysed train services used by millions of commuters daily, with many stranded at stations and hundreds of others walking home through waist-deep water on railway tracks.

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Traces of 6,000-year-old wine discovered in Sicilian cave

Posted: 29 Aug 2017 10:00 PM PDT

Residue in terracotta jars suggests drink was being made and consumed on the island in the fourth millennium BC

Researchers have discovered traces of what could be the world's oldest wine at the bottom of terracotta jars in a cave in Sicily, showing that the fermented drink was being made and consumed in Italy more than 6,000 years ago.

Previously scientists had believed winemaking developed in Italy around 1200 BC, but the find by a team from the University of South Florida pushes that date back by at least three millennia.

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Japanese minister Taro Aso praises Hitler, saying he had 'right motives'

Posted: 29 Aug 2017 09:46 PM PDT

Finance minister forced to retract comment after criticism that he appeared to be defending Hitler's motives for the genocide of millions of Jews

Japan's finance minister, Taro Aso, has courted fresh controversy after expressing admiration for the Nazis, describing Adolf Hitler as "having the right motives".

"Hitler, who killed millions of people, was no good even if his motive was right," Aso told a meeting of his faction of the governing Liberal Democratic party, according to Jiji Press.

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Sport doping study revealing wider usage published after 'scandalous' delay

Posted: 29 Aug 2017 10:16 AM PDT

Almost six-year wrangle delays release of anonymous surveys done after elite athletics events in 2011, in which 57% of competitors doing admitted doping compared to under 4% in Wada results

A controversial study suggesting that doping in sport is far more prevalent than was found to be by conventional testing has finally been published after years of wrangling.

The research, based on anonymous surveys carried out at two elite athletics competitions in 2011, found that up to 57% of competitors admitted doping in the previous 12 months, a figure far surpassing the 1-2% identified by blood and urine tests carried out by the World Anti-Doping Agency (Wada), and higher even than the 14% prevalence estimated from the athlete biological passport.

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France: fears nine-year-old girl was kidnapped from wedding reception

Posted: 29 Aug 2017 06:09 PM PDT

Maelys de Araujo not seen since around 3am on Sunday when she was at party with parents in town of Pont-de-Beauvoisin in the Alps

Divers, police dogs and a helicopter have taken part in a massive search for a missing nine-year-old girl in the French Alps after she vanished during a family wedding at the weekend.

"Obviously we are exploring all leads," local prosecutor Dietlind Baudoin told a news conference more than 48 hours after the disappearance of the girl, named as Maelys de Araujo.

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Australian scientists dispute Darwin's theory about whale's teeth

Posted: 29 Aug 2017 04:37 PM PDT

Finding debunks long-held idea that teeth of prehistoric animals were shaped to allow water to sieve through them

Australian researchers have produced new evidence disputing a popular theory of whale evolution proffered by scientists from Charles Darwin onwards about the development of baleen, the hair-like strands used to filter krill out of the water and down the gullet of the largest mammals on the planet.

Using 3D modelling of a prehistoric tooth dug out of the rocks near Torquay on Victoria's southern coastline in 2016 and comparing it to similar modelling of modern predators, a team of scientists based at Museums Victoria found that rather than being shaped as a precursor to filter-feeding, the teeth of ancestral whales were surprisingly sharp.

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Judge throws out Sarah Palin lawsuit against New York Times

Posted: 29 Aug 2017 01:06 PM PDT

Judge Jed Rakoff said the editorial in question had a few factual inaccuracies that were rapidly corrected and did not amount to defamation

A federal judge has thrown out a defamation lawsuit that former Alaska governor Sarah Palin brought against the New York Times over an editorial.

Judge Jed Rakoff in Manhattan said Tuesday there were a few factual inaccuracies somewhat pertaining to Palin that were rapidly corrected. He says it may have been negligent, but was plainly not defamation of a public figure.

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'Essential rights': Chile's President Bachelet introduces gay marriage bill

Posted: 29 Aug 2017 08:21 AM PDT

Signed a week after the country's landmark easing of its abortion ban, the bill is expected to allow same-sex couples to adopt children

The Chilean president, Michelle Bachelet, has introduced a bill to legalise gay marriage, a move that follows a string of liberal reforms in one of Latin America's most conservative nations.

In 2015, Chile's congress approved same-sex civil unions after years of legislative wrangling. In March, Bachelet, a centre-left politician, pledged to send a full marriage bill to legislators before the end of the year. On Monday, she fulfilled her promise.

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David Torrence, Olympic 5,000m finalist, found dead at age of 31

Posted: 29 Aug 2017 01:09 PM PDT

  • Peruvian American's body found in Arizona swimming pool
  • Scottsdale police are not treating death as suspicious

The Olympic 5,000m runner David Torrence has been found dead in a swimming pool in Scottsdale, Arizona. He was 31.

Torrence was from California and had come to Scottsdale to train a few weeks ago. Police said they were not treating the death as suspicious. "Firefighters removed the male subject from the pool and he was pronounced deceased," said Sergeant Ben Hoster of the Scottsdale police department. "Detectives learned that there were no obvious signs of foul play."

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Sky stops broadcasting rightwing US channel Fox News in UK

Posted: 29 Aug 2017 08:00 AM PDT

Sources say decision to stop broadcasting controversial channel is not connected to Fox's £11.7bn takeover bid for Sky

Rupert Murdoch has taken the rightwing US channel Fox News off the air in the UK after 15 years.

His US media group 21st Century Fox said it would withdraw Fox News from Sky in the UK on Tuesday because it no longer regarded the service as commercially viable.

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Iranian police seize carrier pigeons used to smuggle drugs

Posted: 29 Aug 2017 07:22 AM PDT

Birds trained to deliver substances contained in small bag attached to legs

Police in western Iran have seized 100 carrier pigeons used to smuggle drugs.

Anti-narcotics officers seized homing pigeons trained for delivering drugs carried in small blue plastic bags attached to their legs, the Irna state news agency reported.

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The low-cost device saving newborns in India

Posted: 30 Aug 2017 02:12 AM PDT

Birth asphyxia – lack of oxygen – is the cause of 20% of newborn deaths in India. A simple piece of equipment is helping revive babies and prevent long-term damage

Farzana Qureshi's happiness over a smooth and uncomplicated pregnancy ended abruptly the day she went into labour. Tired by the end of eight hours of contractions, the 30-year-old was unable to push out her baby, whose umbilical cord was wrapped around its neck.

When the baby emerged, he was limp and bluish, and did not cry for 15 minutes. "For a while I was scared that something may go wrong with my child because of my lack of effort," Qureshi says.

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Markets recover after Korea shock and ahead of US GDP - business live

Posted: 30 Aug 2017 02:10 AM PDT

Investors calmer after Wall Street shrugs off missile launch; US growth and jobs data awaited

  • UK consumer credit falls but mortgage approvals rise
  • Moody's raised growth forecasts for France, Germany and Italy

More from the Bank of England lending figures:

Corporate borrowing surged again in July. Might signal ↑capex. But timing hints could just reflect rate hike fears stoked by June's MPC meet

More on UK consumer credit:

Year-on-year growth in net consumer credit lending slowed v slightly to 9.8% in July. Slowest since Apr-16, but still elevated

Total debt relative to household income remains lower than at the start of the financial crisis, but it's heading back up. Now at 145%

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'Body-slam' congressman Greg Gianforte reneges on promise of Guardian interview

Posted: 30 Aug 2017 02:00 AM PDT

Republican congressman pleaded guilty to assaulting Ben Jacobs in June but has so far failed to keep promise to the journalist of on-the-record meeting

The Republican congressman who assaulted a Guardian reporter has failed to honour a commitment made in court to grant the reporter a one-on-one interview.

In June Greg Gianforte pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor assault charge for "body-slamming" Ben Jacobs.

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Posted: 30 Aug 2017 02:00 AM PDT


大象有着一 副如此悲伤的面孔,很难现象任何人会去伤害它们。它们有着苍白的嘴唇和下垂的肩膀;它们的姿态悠长而松弛,眼睛若有深意,可以让罪过者动容。但似乎单凭负 疚感并不能拯救大象。八年前,非洲象和亚洲象的种群总数大约有600万到900万头。如今,大约只剩50万头。日复一日,大象距离灭绝越来越近。


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Rightwing alliance plots assault to 'defund and defang' public sector unions

Posted: 30 Aug 2017 02:00 AM PDT

  • Conservative campaign aims to strike 'mortal blow' on government unions
  • 'A once-in-a-lifetime chance to reverse the failed policies of the American left'

Rightwing activists across the US have launched a nationwide campaign to undermine progressive politicians by depriving them of a major source of support and funding – public sector unions.

A network of conservative thinktanks with outposts in all 50 states has embarked on a "breakthrough" campaign designed to strike a "mortal blow" against the American left. The aim is to "defund and defang" unions representing government employees as the first step towards ensuring the permanent collapse of progressive politics.

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Tropical storm Harvey: Houston mayor imposes curfew – as it happened

Posted: 30 Aug 2017 01:49 AM PDT

At least 18 confirmed dead, including police officer Steve Perez, as flooding from former Hurricane Harvey devastates Texas and storm heads to Louisiana

The number one thing after talking to him just a little bit ago that he wanted to reinforce from today was that this is all about people, making sure that we are taking care of the people of Texas – that is his number one priority.

Kevin Vitto only moved to Houston in February. What he did not realise until Harvey struck is that his family's apartment in a smart new complex backs onto a reservoir with a dam that feeds a bayou.

Levels rose to record highs on Tuesday. As officials struggled to manage both deliberate and uncontrolled water releases from the Barker and Addicks dams, more neighbourhoods flooded in an already badly-hit area about 20 miles west of downtown.

Related: Locals ready for worst as Harvey's rising water strains Houston dams

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'Unesco-cide': does world heritage status do cities more harm than good?

Posted: 29 Aug 2017 11:15 PM PDT

The gambling-ridden clan jetties of Malaysia's George Town were saved from ruin by the award of Unesco world heritage status, but their new fame left locals overwhelmed by a tide of invasive tourism. Can we ever get the balance right?

Chew Jetty in Malaylsia's George Town attracts tourists by the boatload. Historic homes are now commercial stalls branded with neon signs; one-time fishermen peddle T-shirts, magnets and postcards. Tour buses deposit vacationers from early in the morning until well after sunset.

The daily intrusion has clearly taken a toll: windows are boarded, "no photo" signs are pervasive, and tenants quickly vanish at the sight of a foreign face.

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A river runs through it: the global movement to 'daylight' urban waterways

Posted: 29 Aug 2017 03:08 AM PDT

Rivers have been forced to flow underground as cities have developed over time, but Sheffield is the latest to join a global movement to recover these lost waterways

Tucked away in a corner of Sheffield's cultural quarter, among the graffiti and red-brick housing blocks and a derelict industrial site, lies a green oasis. Porter Brook is a "pocket park" – a small amphitheatre, sloping down to the banks of the river Porter, where wild trout spawn in spring and students from the technical college picnic and paddle.

Two years ago, the pocket park did not exist. There was just a crumbling car park with the river Porter nowhere to be seen, save for a brief glimpse before it disappeared into a culvert.

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Two years on, has Angela Merkel's welcome culture worked in Germany?

Posted: 29 Aug 2017 10:00 PM PDT

One Syrian family's story of adjusting to a new life speaks volumes about Germany's attitude towards refugees on the eve of national elections

When Ruaa Abu Rashed arrived in Germany after weeks of treacherous travel, including a near fatal boat journey across the Mediterranean, the cold was her first big shock.

The 23-year-old did have a winter coat, but only thanks to a young Italian man at a railway station who had taken it off his own back and handed it to her mother. "I, my mum and brother took it in turns to wear it – for weeks it was the only coat we had between us," Ruaa says. She knew no word of German. She could not even locate the country on a map.

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Queensferry Crossing across the Firth of Forth opens to traffic

Posted: 30 Aug 2017 02:01 AM PDT

Long-awaited crossing joins Forth road and rail bridges connecting Edinburgh and Fife, with hope of queue-free travel for motorists

Britain's newest road bridge, suspended by 23,000 miles of cables over the Firth of Forth, has opened with motorists facing long delays.

At 1.6 miles (2.7km), the Queensferry Crossing is the longest bridge of its type in the world and, at 210m (689ft) high, Britain's tallest, say its designers. For motorists, only one thing will matter: the new crossing promises a queue-free drive home at motorway speeds.

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Tortured and abused: hidden horror of 'disappeared' women in Syrian prisons | Hannah Summers

Posted: 29 Aug 2017 11:00 PM PDT

On International Day of the Disappeared, campaigners are calling on the UN to bring the world's attention to the terrible plight of Assad's detainees

It was after travelling to Damascus to seek treatment for her sick baby that Rima Mulla Othman was arrested and incarcerated in one of Syria's prisons.

In the underground cell where she was tortured, she begged security guards to take her three-month-old son, Omar, to hospital for the medical attention he desperately needed.

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Scientists devise early thunderstorm alerts for fishermen in Africa

Posted: 29 Aug 2017 01:30 PM PDT

Team develops storm warning system based on satellite observations in hope of reducing boating deaths on Lake Victoria

Every year thousands of fishermen in east Africa are killed in boating accidents due to intense night-time thunderstorms that whip up unexpectedly on Lake Victoria. Now a new satellite-based forecast system may help to provide early warnings of the storms.

Lake Victoria, Africa's largest lake, is the perfect setting for brewing thunderstorms. During the day hot air rises over the land surrounding the lake (in Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya) creating onshore breezes. At night-time the opposite occurs, with air rising over the now warmer lake, pulling air offshore from the cooling land.

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Welcoming Haitian refugees to Canada isn’t about generosity but justice | Martin Lukacs

Posted: 29 Aug 2017 09:36 AM PDT

Canada has a hand in the misery Haitians are fleeing. Asylum should serve as reparations

The minders of Canadian PM Justin Trudeau's brand are surely displeased. He's spent two years cultivating an image of Canada's refugee system as the political equivalent of airport hugs and teddy-bears. And now the pressure is on him to act like that were remotely the truth.

The image of the country as a welcome haven was pitched to win the support of millions of people in Canada who rightly feel two things: compassion for the plight of refugees and disgust for the antics of Donald Trump. But refugee rights advocates had warned what would come to pass: desperate people would take Trudeau at his word.

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Postman who survived Nagasaki bombing dies aged 88

Posted: 30 Aug 2017 01:41 AM PDT

Sumiteru Taniguchi, who campaigned for nuclear disarmament after experiencing the US atomic bomb, has died of cancer

A prominent nuclear disarmament campaigner who was delivering mail in Nagasaki when the US dropped an atomic bomb in 1945, has died at the age of 88.

Sumiteru Taniguchi, once considered a frontrunner for the Nobel peace prize, died of cancer at a hospital in the south-western Japanese city, according to Nihon Hidankyo, a group that represents survivors of the atomic bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

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Coalition tells high court same-sex marriage survey has no 'effect on rights'

Posted: 30 Aug 2017 01:36 AM PDT

In submissions to a high court challenge, government says Mathias Cormann 'unaware of any proposal' to conduct survey when budget was delivered

The allocation of $122m to the postal survey on same-sex marriage has "no effect on rights" of Australian citizens and the survey itself has no "immediate consequences", the Turnbull government has claimed.

The claims are contained in the commonwealth's submissions, written by solicitor-general Stephen Donaghue, for the defence in the high court challenges to the postal survey.

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Wednesday briefing: 'What a crowd!' says Trump in flood-ravaged Texas

Posted: 29 Aug 2017 10:36 PM PDT

President makes flying visit to disaster zone … Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale resigns in surprise move … and clues to origin of Sussex 'toxic cloud'

Hello – it's Warren Murray with your morning reading.

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Monsoon rains bring India's financial capital Mumbai to standstill – video

Posted: 29 Aug 2017 08:15 PM PDT

Heavy monsoon rains brought India's financial capital Mumbai to a grinding halt on Tuesday, with authorities struggling to evacuate people before a high tide

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Life inside one of Hong Kong's coffin homes – video

Posted: 29 Aug 2017 05:30 PM PDT

Guardian correspondent Benjamin Haas spent a week living in one of Hong Kong's notorious coffin homes. He describes being inside one of the tiny cubicles that are home to some of the city's poorest residents as 'hot, stuffy, loud, musty'. 'You can hear everything that's happening,' he says. 'You can hear snoring, people watching kung-fu movies, you can hear when people begin to take drugs.'

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Donald Trump on North Korea: 'All options are on the table'

Posted: 29 Aug 2017 05:17 PM PDT

US president says missile launch over Japan shows Pyongyang's contempt for international standards of behaviour

Donald Trump has said "all options are on the table" after North Korea launched a missile designed to carry a nuclear payload over Japan, and vowed the US and Tokyo were committed to increasing pressure on Pyongyang.

The mid-range missile, which passed over Japan just after 6am local time, was one of the most provocative launches yet by North Korea and sent a clear message to Washington just weeks after Kim Jong-un threatened to target the US Pacific territory of Guam with similar weaponry. Officials in South Korea said the missile may have flown further than any other tested by North Korea.

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Kay Goldsworthy to be Australia's first female Anglican archbishop

Posted: 29 Aug 2017 04:21 PM PDT

Bishop of Gippsland will become Archbishop of Perth next year after resignation of Roger Herft

Kay Goldsworthy has been elected Archbishop of Perth, the first woman to hold that office in the Anglican church in Australia.

She will replace Archbishop Roger Herft, who stepped down a year ahead of schedule after admitting he had let down survivors at the royal commission into child sexual abuse.

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Mixed race harmony requires a clear identity | Letters

Posted: 29 Aug 2017 11:12 AM PDT

Growing numbers of young people are not accorded their chosen mixed-race identity, writes Dinah Morley

It was good to read Georgina Lawton's piece ('I'll do it my way', Family, 26 August). We hear similar stories from people struggling to establish a clear identity. Society has not accommodated the growing number of young people of mixed race, in that they are frequently categorised as black, rarely as white, and not accorded their chosen mixed identity. People in Harmony has commissioned a report on the status of mixed race in the UK today. The preliminary findings will be presented at our annual seminar on 7 October. The richness of the mixed experience which Georgina Lawton describes is to be cherished and, while it is not, as she says, the post-race utopia, it is increasingly the future and demands better recognition.
Dinah Morley
Vice-chair, People in Harmony

• Join the debate – email

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'I can't pay': taxing times for small traders in Ethiopia hit by 300% rate hike | William Davison

Posted: 29 Aug 2017 05:33 AM PDT

Strikes and protests in volatile Oromia state reflect widespread anger over business tax rises as the government tries to reduce its reliance on aid

In the dense cobblestone streets of Burayu town, outside Addis Ababa, Melaku Abdella* and his family had been making a living selling basic items such as vegetables, cooking oil and soft drinks at competitive prices from their kiosk. But after the Ethiopian government stung him with a more than 300% tax increase last month, Abdella says he was left with no option but to close the business.

Like many low-income traders in the country's Oromia region, the family didn't keep accounts, meaning the authorities based their annual tax demand of 7,000 Ethiopian birr (£231) on an estimate of income. "It's beyond my capacity to pay. I will have to hand in my business licence," Abdella says.

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Houston, take heed from us Katrina survivors. This is what lies ahead of you

Posted: 29 Aug 2017 10:18 AM PDT

New Orleans residents learned some hard lessons about human nature, Mother Nature and politics as usual. But we promise: good news lies ahead

Houston, this time it's you that's got the problem. And after your kindness sheltering so many of us in the Astrodome after Hurricane Katrina, it hardly seems fair that now you're the city going underwater.

Just how big your problem will get remains to be seen. The week's rain totals – verging on 50in – could bring devastation that is "unprecedented … unknown and beyond anything experienced", according to the National Weather Service. Here in New Orleans we've had some practice with that. So here are some tips on what may lie ahead.

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The Houston area affected by Harvey: a visual guide

Posted: 29 Aug 2017 08:24 AM PDT

A look at the area hit by the hurricane turned tropical storm

Some parts of Texas may experience 50 inches (127cm) of rain or about a year's worth of rainfall in just over a week.

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How can the world respond to North Korea, short of military action?

Posted: 29 Aug 2017 05:50 AM PDT

UN security council will be unified in its condemnation but, with little scope for further economic sanctions, the best course of action is unclear

Amid the welter of 14 missile tests by North Korea this year, the firing of a missile over the Japanese mainland on Monday stands out as representing an unprecedented escalation, but it is not clear how the rest of the world can meaningfully provide an equally powerful response, short of military action.

The UN security council will meet on Tuesday, unified in its condemnation of Pyongyang, but China has already voted to strengthen economic sanctions to the maximum point that the UN collectively, and China specifically, would find politically tolerable.

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Tropical storm Harvey: the story so far – video report

Posted: 30 Aug 2017 01:24 AM PDT

Harvey has lashed Texas since Friday, causing catastrophic flooding. At least 18 people are reported to have died during the storm and subsequent floods, with many more people needing urgent care and shelter. Donald Trump has said he wants the response to the storm to be better than ever

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‘What a turnout!’: Donald Trump visits Texas to view flood damage – video

Posted: 30 Aug 2017 12:02 AM PDT

'What a crowd, what a turnout,' says US president outside a fire station in Texas where he went up a ladder to talk to crowds before unfurling the state flag. The president greeted people in campaign style as he toured areas affected by Tropical Storm Harvey

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Donald Trump promises ‘better than ever’ support for Texas – video

Posted: 29 Aug 2017 10:52 AM PDT

Donald Trump speaks to the press and assembled Texan emergency response teams in Houston on Tuesday. Trump arrived on Tuesday to meet with the governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, and give his support. Trump praises the efforts of the services helping people in Houston and promises a historic response

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Trump confused by blonde Finnish reporters – video

Posted: 29 Aug 2017 05:14 AM PDT

US president Donald Trump got confused at a press conference with the Finnish president Sauli Niinisto on Monday, mixing up two blonde reporters who attended the event. Trump is corrected by Niinisto after expressing surprise when his Finnish counterpart chose one of the reporters to ask a question, having assumed she had already had a chance to speak earlier in the press conferencev

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