World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

At least seven killed in suicide bombing at high-profile funeral in Kabul

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 07:39 AM PDT

More than 100 injured at funeral attended by high-ranking Afghan officials just days after deadly truck bomb in capital

At least seven people have been killed and more than 119 wounded in three separate explosions at a high-profile funeral in Kabul, the third attack in four days in the Afghan capital.

Related: Why deadly Kabul bombing is crisis for all of Afghanistan | Emma Graham-Harrison

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Jared Kushner's redemptive mission threatened by tangled Russian web

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 03:00 AM PDT

The sins of the father have shadowed Kushner's slick ascent – now claims of contact with Moscow have landed him in a spotlight he had hoped to avoid

In the middle of December last year, Jared Kushner, the smooth-skinned, impeccably tailored and inscrutable son-in-law of Donald Trump, was riding high. He was basking in the glow of having helped his father-in-law become the most powerful man on earth; was about to take up the role of senior adviser to the President of the United States, which would make him one of the most influential people in the administration; and on the home front he and his wife Ivanka Trump were sitting on a real estate pile worth up to $740m.

Related: Who is Sergei Gorkov, the powerful Russian banker who met Jared Kushner?

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Prostate cancer trial stuns researchers: 'It's a once in a career feeling'

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 03:30 AM PDT

Study with 'powerful results' finds that combining two existing therapies could extend the life of men with advanced, high-risk prostate cancer by 37%

Combining two existing prostate cancer therapies could extend the life of men with advanced, high-risk prostate cancer by 37%, according to a study presented at the world's largest cancer conference. The new findings could change how doctors first approach treatment of prostate cancer.

"These are the most powerful results I've seen from a prostate cancer trial," said Nicholas James, the lead author of the abstract presented as the American Society of Clinical Oncology. "It's a once in a career feeling. This is one of the biggest reductions in death I've seen in any clinical trial for adult cancers."

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Bill Maher sorry for use of N-word as HBO calls it 'inexcusable and tasteless'

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 12:51 PM PDT

Real Time host's conversation with Nebraska senator Ben Sasse, who tweeted regret over not responding, will be edited to omit exchange in future airings

Bill Maher has apologised for using the word "nigger" on his HBO talkshow on Friday night, in an exchange with the Nebraska senator Ben Sasse that prompted calls for the comedian to be fired.

Related: Tearful Kathy Griffin says 'bully' Donald Trump is trying to ruin her career

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North Korea a 'clear and present' threat, says US defence secretary

Posted: 02 Jun 2017 08:31 PM PDT

James Mattis says Washington is encouraged by China's efforts to restrain Pyongyang but will not accept Beijing's militarisation of South China Sea

The United States is encouraged by China's efforts to restrain North Korea but Washington will not accept Beijing's militarisation of islands in the South China Sea, US defence secretary, James Mattis, said on Saturday.

The comments by Mattis, during the annual Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, show how Donald Trump's administration is looking to balance working with China to restrain North Korea's advancing missile and nuclear programmes while dealing with Beijing's activities in the South China Sea.

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US navy hopes cannon found by divers is from wreck of the USS Revenge

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 06:13 AM PDT

Amateur divers located gun at likely site of sunken schooner commanded by hero Oliver Hazard Perry, who beat the British in the War of 1812

US navy archaeologists are hoping to confirm that a cannon that rested in waters off Rhode Island for two centuries is from a schooner commanded by a hero of the War of 1812.

Related: Boston archaeologists unearth 19th century shipwreck under skyscraper site

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'Like prisoners of war': North Korean labour behind Russia 2018 World Cup

Posted: 04 Jun 2017 02:00 AM PDT

Claims of long hours, few breaks, dire living conditions, low pay and death emerge from construction of stadium in St Petersburg

A test opening of St Petersburg's Zenit Arena in February treated 10,000 spectators to car racing, motorcycle tricks, dancers and a performing bear introduced as "Russia's greatest hero". But the patriotic ceremony failed to note that the stadium, in which Russia kick off the Confederations Cup in a fortnight in preparation for next year's World Cup, was built mostly by immigrant workers from Asia, including from one of the world's most repressive countries, North Korea.

A subcontractor who asked to remain anonymous said at least 190 "downtrodden" North Koreans had worked long hours with no days off between August and November last year and that one, a 47-year-old, had died on site. "These guys are afraid to speak to people. They don't look at anyone. They're like prisoners of war," the subcontractor said.

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Forget far-right populism – crypto-anarchists are the new masters

Posted: 04 Jun 2017 01:30 AM PDT

Many are concerned about the internet's role in politics. But more worrying is the digital tsunami poised to engulf us, as machine intelligence and a rising tech elite radically restructure life as we know it

Those who mistakenly thought 2016 was an anomaly, a series of unprecedented events, should have few remaining doubts. Marine Le Pen may have stuttered but still picked up almost 11 million votes. Her opponent, the "normal" candidate, was leader of a party only one year old. The ongoing terror attacks, fake news panic, Trump's tweets and James Comey: last year never really ended, it just carried straight on into this one.

After decades of exaggerated prediction, the internet is finally transforming politics, but not in the way the digital prophets expected. The 90s, you may recall, were awash with optimism about our online future: limitless information and total connection would make us more informed, less bigoted and kinder citizens. But the internet is an overwhelming mess of competing facts, claims, blogs, data, propaganda, misinformation, investigative journalism, charts, different charts, commentary and reportage. It's not the slow and careful politicians who have thrived in this busy environment, it's the people with the shareable cut-through messages. Donald Trump might very well be the first truly social-media politician: his emotion-filled, simplistic blasts are perfect for the medium.

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Outcry as Pauline Hanson turns UK police warning into anti-Islam meme

Posted: 04 Jun 2017 12:30 AM PDT

Malcolm Turnbull confirms at least one Australian injured in London attack, as Bill Shorten criticises Hanson's response

• Follow developments in London, live

Malcolm Turnbull has been briefed by counter-terrorism experts and offered condolences to the UK after an attack in London, which killed seven people and injured at least 48, as Pauline Hanson was criticised for her response.

UK police shot dead three people suspected of carrying out the attacks, which occurred less than two weeks after the Manchester bombing killed 22 people and just over a month after an attempted attack on the Houses of Parliament in Westminster was allegedly thwarted..

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How Lego clicked: the brand that reinvented itself | Johnny Davis

Posted: 04 Jun 2017 12:00 AM PDT

The revival of Lego has been hailed as the greatest turnaround in corporate history, ousting Ferrari as the world's most powerful brand. Johnny Davis reports

From its founding in 1932 until 1998, Lego had never posted a loss. By 2003 it was in big trouble. Sales were down 30% year-on-year and it was $800m in debt. An internal report revealed it hadn't added anything of value to its portfolio for a decade.

In some ways Lego CEO Jørgen Vig Knudstorp is a better model for innovation than Steve Jobs

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Disturbing the Peace review – voices from the Israel-Palestine conflict

Posted: 04 Jun 2017 12:00 AM PDT

Mixing poetic footage with first-hand accounts, this documentary attempts to unpick hatreds through dialogue

Competing voices – the call of the muezzin, the bark of radio news bulletins – drift like wood smoke across the rooftops of an unspecified Middle Eastern town. We don't know at first glance whether it is in Israel or Palestine and that's perhaps the point. The same, but different. It's a poetic opening for a documentary that soon settles into a more conventional approach. Through talking-head interviews, archive footage and woozy dramatic recreations, the film gives a hearing to people from both sides, unpicking their ingrained hatred and exploring the moment when they decided that enough was enough. The subjects – including a Palestinian woman who was arrested hours before she was to carry out a suicide bombing, and an elite Israeli soldier – are all members of Combatants for Peace, an organisation that promotes dialogue and non-violent solutions. But since, as one of the film's most potent scenes demonstrates, even husbands and wives can't agree, the film's message of hope is tempered by depressing realities.

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Donald Trump criticised for using London attacks to promote his Muslim travel ban

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 10:49 PM PDT

Donald Trump's first response to the news of the London attacks was to retweet a conservative news website better known for sensationalism and partisanship than for accurate reporting.

Related: 'Multiple casualties' after terrorist incidents in central London

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Philippine sectarian bloodshed unites Muslims and Christians

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 03:00 AM PDT

Despite Islamist militants' attempts to cause division, their violence has prompted selfless interfaith compassion

They were devout Christians, but it was Islamic prayers that would ultimately save their lives.

Islamist militants in black masks were stationed on bridges – the only way out of the besieged city of Marawi – looking for Christian hostages. A priest had already been kidnapped. Risking his own life, a local Muslim leader had hidden dozens of Christians in a rice mill.

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London Bridge attack: seven killed and three suspects shot dead by police – live updates

Posted: 04 Jun 2017 02:11 AM PDT

Kieran Lovelace was on his way home from work in Liverpool Street and crossed London Bridge moments after the attack.

I was strolling home, Snapchatting away. As I'm walking across the bridge I saw (what) I thought was a car accident because I saw a lady talking to the police. I saw an injured couple probably in their mid-30s.

There was a load of people crowding around her. Everyone was civilians like myself trying to help out. I probably arrived there a minute after it happened. As I was going down the bridge I saw probably six or seven people from one end of the bridge to the other, injured, passed out, covered in blood.

I saw the armed forces come in. It happened so quickly, I have to give props to the forces because they got there so quickly.

I wasn't aware of the incident in Borough Market, I was only aware of the bridge. People poured out of London Bridge station as it was evacuated and everyone was directed towards Tower Bridge.

Nobody knew what was happening: I had to ask people. I just saw all this carnage.

There's a statue and there was a lady there with three kids. They were all hiding, she was blocking them. Just to see the terror on their face was a horrible thing to see.

#LondonBridge boy dem response on point.

Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour leader, has just told Sky News that the London Bridge attack was "dreadful" and praised the "brilliant" work of the emergency services.

He confirmed Labour was suspending national campaigning for a time, but he said the party would not let this disrupt its campaign for long.

We won't be campaigning nationally during today, but we will resume later on because I think it's important to give a message that democracy must prevail. If we allow these attacks to disrupt our democratic process, then we all lose.

I hope it will not disrupt our process, because we have to have a democratic process. But I also hope we will reflect on the need to have sufficient police officers on our streets, but also sufficient intelligence to look at the terrorist threat.

But in response, as in Manchester, all communities must come together. Our strength is the strength of our community unity. That was shown in Manchester straight after the horrible event there and I'm sure it will be the same in London.

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Oath Keepers militia will attend Portland 'free speech' rally, says leader

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 08:36 PM PDT

Stewart Rhodes tells Guardian group will 'protect' an 'alt-right' event set to go ahead Sunday in aftermath of double murder despite mayor's attempt to block

Members of the Oath Keepers militia will attend an "alt-right"-hosted "free speech" rally in Portland, Oregon, on Sunday, according to the group's leader. The rally is due to take place little more than a week after the deaths of two men who came to the aid of women being subject to racial abuse on a train in the city.

Related: 'Alt-right celebrities' are holding a rally in Portland. Who are they?

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As Canada’s Pemberton event folds, is era of indie festivals reaching an end?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 04:05 PM PDT

Music executive warns of danger to 'festival ecosystem' after British Columbia event collapses without refunds for ticket-holders

Concert promoters are warning that the era of independent music festivals could be drawing to a close, following the abrupt collapse of two events.

The Pemberton festival was due to take place in British Columbia in mid-July, with performances by Chance the Rapper, Haim, Muse and A Tribe Called Quest. But late last month the festival was abruptly cancelled, placed in bankruptcy, and ticket holders informed they would not be refunded.

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Bones found in Royal national park confirmed to belong to Matthew Leveson

Posted: 04 Jun 2017 01:19 AM PDT

DNA results released on Sunday after human remains found at Royal national park search site on Wednesday

Human remains found in dense bushland south of Sydney have been confirmed as belonging to murdered man Matthew Leveson.

The major breakthrough in the search arrived when police scouring a section of bushland in the Royal national park at Waterfall found human remains about 2.30pm on Wednesday.

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A neo-Nazi gathering in Kentucky – in pictures

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 11:00 PM PDT

Members of the KKK, the Traditionalist Worker party and the National Socialist Movement gathered for a weekend of speeches and demonstration in rural Kentucky, one state where one neo-Nazi is hoping to make inroads in local elections in 2018

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Is there a neo-Nazi storm brewing in Trump country?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 11:00 PM PDT

Can national socialism, repackaged as 'white identity' politics, earn votes in rural counties that voted for Trump?

When the men in black walked into her restaurant one Friday morning and sat at the round table in the corner, Brittany Porter knew exactly what they were.

Pale, skittish, aggressively tattooed, they wore black T-shirts with a cryptic white logo over their hearts. One had a razor inked along his left jaw and two SS lightning bolts dripping next to his eye like a double set of tears. One wore a handgun on his hip.

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Philippine police say casino attacker was indebted gambler and former public servant

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 10:53 PM PDT

President Rodrigo Duterte says there is no connection to Isis, but national police chief is more cautious

Police in the Philippines say the suspect behind the casino attack that left dozens dead was a heavily indebted Filipino who was hooked on gambling.

Police chief Oscar Albayalde said on Sunday the family confirmed the man's identity as Jessie Javier Carlos, a 42-year old Filipino, a former employee of the finance department.

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Sunday briefing: terrorists strike at heart of London

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 10:52 PM PDT

At least six people killed in knife and vehicle rampage … three suspects shot dead within minutes … mayor decries 'cowardly attack'

Good morning, Graham Russell here bringing you an extra edition of the morning briefing to help you make sense of the horrific events in central London last night.

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Timor-Leste journalist threatened with jail in defamation case found not guilty

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 08:55 PM PDT

Raimundos Oki set free, but supporters warn case brought by prime minister will have a chilling effect on press freedom

A journalist has avoided jail over an erroneous article about the now prime minister of Timor-Leste, after a Dili court threw out the criminal defamation charges.

Raimundos Oki, a senior reporter for the Timor Post, and his former editor Lourenco Martins Vicente, were found not guilty of "slanderous denunciation on Thursday at the district court in Dili.

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Far right raises £50,000 to target boats on refugee rescue missions in Med

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 04:01 PM PDT

Aid charities have saved more than 6,000 from drowning this year. Now anti-Islam 'Identitarians' are crowdfunding to pay for vessels to chase them down

Far-right activists are planning a sea campaign this summer to disrupt vessels saving refugees in the Mediterranean, after successfully intercepting a rescue mission last month.

Members of the anti-Islam and anti-immigrant "Identitarian" movement – largely twentysomethings often described as Europe's answer to the American alt-right – have raised £56,489 in less than three weeks to enable them to target boats run by aid charities helping to rescue refugees.

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Mediterranean death rate doubles as migrant crossings fall

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 02:30 PM PDT

Aid agencies point to shortage of search-and-rescue vessels and the increasingly unsafe boats of people traffickers

The death rate among migrants attempting to cross the Mediterranean to enter Europe has almost doubled over the past year.

Comparing the first five months of this year with the same period last year, UN agency data reveals that the mortality rate grew from 1.2% to 2.3%. The death rate during all of 2015 was 0.37% – a sixth of its current level.

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Police question two men after 6kg of Semtex discovered in Dublin

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 01:30 PM PDT

Gardaí granted extra time to question 21-year-old and 28-year-old after plastic explosive and detonators found in taxi

Police have been given more time to question two men arrested after a massive cache of Semtex was discovered in Dublin.

Gardaí seized the plastic explosive after armed officers stopped a taxi in the Ballybough area of the city at about 6pm on Friday.

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Macron’s fresh faces introduce themselves to France’s voters

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 01:00 PM PDT

Many of those standing for La République En Marche party in the legislative elections have never run for elected office

Caroline Janvier introduced herself to shoppers in the small Saturday market at La Chapelle-Saint-Mesmin, a small commune on the banks of the river Loire, while her supporters handed out election leaflets. "Hello, I'm your En Marche candidate for the legislatives," she told them. She smiled. They smiled.

Many of those buying plants, fruit and dried sausages had no clue who she was, but most agreed that this was not necessarily a bad thing. Nearly all wished her well, even those who admitted they would not vote for her.

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Giles Duley: ‘I stood on those Lesbos beaches in floods of tears’

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 11:00 AM PDT

More than a million refugees made the perilous journey westward from the Middle East to Europe in 2015. Giles Duley documented some of their stories in a series of deeply affecting images

• See more images from Duley's book, I Can Only Tell You What My Eyes See

In October 2015, photographer Giles Duley was commissioned by the UNHCR to document the refugee crisis. Over seven months, he visited 14 countries in the Middle East and Europe, from the refugee camps of Iraq, Lebanon and Jordan to the beaches of Greece, to tell the stories of the individuals and families forced to flee their homes. The photographs from that assignment are collected in a new book.

What I've never seen is people moving en masse like that, risking everything for freedom, for safety

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Who is Sergei Gorkov, the powerful Russian banker who met Jared Kushner?

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 03:00 AM PDT

The FBI are scrutinising the December meeting between Kushner and the head of Vnesheconombank, the US-sanctioned bank that funds Putin's pet projects

When it first emerged that Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner had met Sergei Gorkov, the head of Russian state investment bank Vnesheconombank, after the presidential election, the meeting was not a focus of the FBI investigation into possible Russian collusion.

Related: Jared Kushner's redemptive mission threatened by tangled Russian web

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March for Truth protests in US – in pictures

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 01:43 PM PDT

Thousands of marchers gathered in cities across the US to call for a fair and impartial investigation into alleged Russian influence in 2016 US elections, and for US President Donald Trump to release his tax returns

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North Korea is a clear and present danger, says US defence secretary – video

Posted: 03 Jun 2017 06:28 AM PDT

Speaking during the annual Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, the US defence secretary James Mattis says North Korea poses a threat to global security. Ge says the Trump administration has made clear that 'strategic patience' with the country is over, and the US believes China will soon come to see North Korea as a 'liability, not an asset'

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