World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Rival groups vie for supremacy as fight against Isis reaches tipping point

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 10:23 AM PDT

With Isis close to defeat in Mosul, its various opponents are already competing to define what will happen next

Iraqi forces have advanced to the base of the toppled minaret of Mosul's Great Mosque of al-Nuri, hours after it was destroyed by Islamic State militants, as the bitter eight-month battle to recapture the city reached a tipping point.

Related: Destroying Great Mosque of al-Nuri 'is Isis declaring defeat'

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Nazi spies planned bombings in Chile, archives reveal

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 04:06 PM PDT

Documents show Chilean supporters of the Third Reich received paramilitary training and sent information to Germany during the second world war

Chilean police have released archive documents relating to investigations during the second world war that uncovered how Nazi supporters in the country supplyed information to the Third Reich and planned to bomb mines in Chile.

Related: Hitler bust among Argentina's biggest haul of Nazi artefacts found in secret room

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Supreme court poised to examine Trump's travel ban

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 05:03 AM PDT

Court is considering an appeal by the Trump administration to allow the president's order restricting travel to the US from six Muslim-majority countries

The US supreme court is set to begin action on Donald Trump's travel ban, leading to a potential final resolution to the defining legal battle of the administration's early days.

Related: Another appeals court upholds block on Trump's revised travel ban

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Germany to quash convictions of 50,000 gay men under Nazi-era law

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 01:16 PM PDT

Parliament votes through measure overturning conviction and offering compensation to the estimated 5,000 men still alive

Germany's parliament has voted to quash the convictions of 50,000 gay men sentenced for homosexuality under a Nazi-era law that remained in force after the second world war.

After decades of lobbying, victims and activists hailed a triumph in the struggle to clear the names of gay men who lived with a criminal record under article 175 of the penal code.

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UN vote backing Chagos Islands a blow for UK

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 11:52 AM PDT

Mauritius supported by 94 nations in move to consult The Hague over colonial hold of Indian Ocean territory by British

The UK has suffered a humiliating defeat at the United Nations general assembly in a vote over decolonisation and its residual hold over disputed territory in the Indian Ocean.

By a margin of 94 to 15 countries, delegates supported a Mauritian-backed resolution to seek an advisory opinion from the international court of justice (ICJ) in The Hague on the legal status of the Chagos Islands.

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Senate healthcare bill suffers swift blow as four GOP senators voice opposition

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 11:32 AM PDT

  • Rand Paul and other conservatives say bill resembles Obamacare too closely
  • Decision of quartet puts Republicans' healthcare overhaul in jeopardy

Four Republican senators are preparing to announce their opposition to the new Senate healthcare bill, putting the GOP's attempt to overhaul Barack Obama's signature legislation in jeopardy.

Rand Paul of Kentucky told the Associated Press that the draft bill released on Thursday resembled Obamacare too closely and did not go far enough in repealing the former president's Affordable Care Act.

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Norway issues $1bn threat to Brazil over rising Amazon destruction

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 10:01 AM PDT

Deforestation in the Amazon is increasing amid cuts to protection, putting Norway's financial aid in jeopardy, says minister

Norway has issued a blunt threat to Brazil that if rising deforestation in the Amazon rainforest is not reversed, its billion-dollar financial assistance will fall to zero. The leaders of the two nations meet in Oslo on Friday.

The oil-rich Scandinavian nation has provided $1.1bn to Brazil's Amazon fund since 2008, tied to reductions in the rate of deforestation in the world's greatest rainforest. The destruction of forests by timber and farming industries is a major contributor to the carbon emissions that drive climate change and Norway views protecting the Amazon as vital for the whole world.

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Mexican authorities accused of failures over notorious mass murder

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 03:49 PM PDT

Claims leads were not followed in the deaths of five people, including journalist Rubén Espinosa, in a Mexico City apartment

Human rights officials in Mexico City have concluded that authorities in the country's capital failed to properly investigate one of the capital's most notorious recent crimes, instead launching an "inadequate" inquiry which failed to exhaust all possible leads.

The murder of photojournalist Rubén Espinosa, activist Nadia Vera and three other women in a Mexico City apartment in July 2015 scandalised the country, especially as it was revealed that Espinosa and Vera had sought refuge in the capital after fleeing death threats in the eastern state of Veracruz.

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US refuses to back UN on abortion access in human rights resolution

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 12:32 PM PDT

Washington supports 'the spirit' of a UN resolution calling for women's access to reproductive healthcare but 'does not recognize abortion' as a method

The UN Human Rights Council has unanimously adopted a resolution condemning abuse and discrimination of women, but Washington refused to back one paragraph mentioning access to safe abortions.

The strongly worded resolution, tabled by Canada, expressed "outrage at the persistence and pervasiveness of all forms of violence against women and girls worldwide", calling on countries to take immediate steps to prevent gender-based violence and discrimination.

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly's graveyard comes back from the dead

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 04:20 AM PDT

Documentary honours film fans who laboured to restore setting for 1966 spaghetti western's climactic scene

After more than 50 years, several fistfuls of euros and countless wheelbarrow journeys, one of the most famous graveyards in cinema history has been rescued from oblivion and is to be honoured in a new documentary.

Sad Hill cemetery is the setting for the climax of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, when Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef and Eli Wallach face off against each other to the strains of Ennio Morricone.

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Athens: thousands of public-sector workers march against austerity

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 11:41 AM PDT

Protest, for better employment rights, is latest in series that has hindered rubbish collection in major cities in Greece

Greece has been hit by fresh strike action as thousands of public sector workers marched through Athens in protest against the debt-ridden country's austerity programme.

Related: Creditors agree terms to disburse Greece's €8.5bn bailout funds

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Overheated French male bus drivers don skirts in defiance of dress code

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 05:42 AM PDT

Nantes crew respond to ban on shorts by turning up in skirts in protest against 'unacceptable working conditions'

French bus drivers angry at a ban on wearing shorts in the ongoing heatwave have turned up to work in skirts.

Related: Teenage boys wear skirts to school to protest against 'no shorts' policy

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'Close al-Jazeera': Saudi Arabia issues Qatar with 13 demands to end blockade

Posted: 23 Jun 2017 01:12 AM PDT

The list also demands the nation cut back ties to Iran and sever all links to the Muslim Brotherhood

The closure of the Qatar-funded broadcaster al-Jazeera is among one of 13 separate wide-ranging demands tabled by Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States as the price for lifting its fortnight-old trade and diplomatic embargo of Qatar.

The list, obtained by Associated Press, is the first time Saudi Arabia has been prepared to put in writing the often ill-defined demands it is making of Qatar.

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Theresa May makes 'fair and serious' offer on EU citizens rights in UK

Posted: 23 Jun 2017 12:22 AM PDT

PM tells EU leaders UK will offer those who arrive lawfully before Brexit the chance to build up same rights as British citizens

Theresa May made a "fair and serious offer" to European Union leaders over the contentious issue of the future rights of EU citizens, offering those who arrive lawfully before Brexit the chance to build up the same rights to work, healthcare and benefits as UK citizens.

Speaking at the end of a dinner at an EU leaders' summit in Brussels, after formal Brexit talks kicked off on Monday, May set out the UK's opening offer on the rights of EU citizens – an issue both sides have said they would like to be resolved early in the talks.

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Canada offers places for addicts to shoot up safely. Can the US copy the model?

Posted: 23 Jun 2017 12:00 AM PDT

North America's first supervised injection clinic opened in Vancouver in 2003, and now several US cities are hoping to emulate its success in saving lives

Whenever Dean Wilson walks people through Vancouver's Downtown Eastside neighbourhood, he leads them past an unassuming glass door on Hastings Street before stopping at a community garden.

It's here that he'll casually mention that they just passed North America's first supervised injection clinic.

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Pakistan: 11 dead after car bomb near police chief's office in Quetta

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 11:28 PM PDT

Bomb was planted in a moving car, but officers were trying to determine whether it was a suicide attack

A powerful car bombing near the office of the provincial police chief in southwestern Pakistan on Friday has killed 11 people and wounded 20, officials said.

The explosion near the police chief's office in Quetta, the capital of Baluchistan province, was powerful enough that it was heard across the city, shattering windows of nearby buildings, said police spokesman Shahzada Farhat.

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What are the unspoken rules of using public transport in your city?

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 11:05 PM PDT

From 'manspreading' to a public grooming ban, tell us about the dos and don't of your daily commute

Commuting through a city is stressful enough without other people breaking the unwritten codes of public travel and getting in your way. But the rules aren't the same everywhere, and trying to figure out where to stand or when to give up your seat can take some guessing if you're new to a city.

In Toronto, the city authorities are clamping down on rule-breakers in a new social media campaign encouraging travellers to document transgressions by their fellow travellers, like riding the train without shoes...

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Rider v rider: how transit etiquette campaigns make you the scapegoat

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 11:00 PM PDT

Toronto is just the latest city to run ads on its transit system telling people to behave – but is the real problem our transport networks themselves?

What are the unspoken rules of using public transport in your city?

"OMG!," tweeted Lamont Dex in April 2017. "Why is there always that one person who thinks it's okay to block the door on the train?! #Move #TTC"

At the time, his complaint got little attention. Roughly a month later, it was plastered on advertisements across Toronto's transit system – part of a new etiquette campaign called "You Said It", showing what your fellow riders have tweeted and complained about.

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Police would struggle to deal with repeat of 2011 riots, says senior officer

Posted: 23 Jun 2017 12:25 AM PDT

West Midlands chief constable says he does not want blank cheque but, after cuts and terrorism, force is showing 'red lights'

Police would face "real challenges" tackling a repeat of the 2011 riots following years of budget cuts, one of Britain's most senior officers has warned.

A series of major incidents to hit the country in recent weeks had laid bare the strains faced by forces under financial pressure, Dave Thompson, chief constable of West Midlands police said.

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Juncker says May's EU citizen's offer is 'not sufficient' – Politics live

Posted: 23 Jun 2017 01:12 AM PDT

Rolling coverage of the day's political developments as they happen

EU chief Jean-Claude Juncker didn't seem that impressed with May's offer on the rights of EU citizens living in the UK.

Arriving for the second day of the summit he said it was a "first step, but not sufficient."

.@JunckerEU #EUCO doorstep "PM May's offer on #citizens' rights is a first step, but not sufficient."

This doesn't end uncertainty facing EU citizens who have made their home here. Shameful @theresa_may still using them as bargaining chips

Too little. Too late.

#bbcnews #TheresaMay offer on #rights of EU citizens already living in #Britain is not so generous:

Police would face "real challenges" tackling a repeat of the 2011 riots following years of budget cuts, one of Britain's most senior officers has warned.

A series of major incidents to hit the country in recent weeks had laid bare the strains faced by forces under financial pressure, Dave Thompson, chief constable of West Midlands police said.

Related: Police would struggle to deal with repeat of 2011 riots, says senior officer

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'I buried my smallest one under a bush': starvation and sorrow in South Sudan | Jason Burke

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 10:00 PM PDT

When Mary Cholil sought food and shelter after her village was torched, her three-year-old daughter died. In a country ravaged by hunger and conflict, such tragedies have become all too familiar

The news spreads fast during the day. The raiders are coming. Two columns of fighters, each thousands strong, armed with assault rifles.

"We will fight them. We will take our guns and defend ourselves," says Simon Logocho, a stall holder in a scruffy market in Pibor, a remote town in eastern South Sudan.

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Two Bali prison escapees caught in Timor-Leste, but Australian still at large

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 09:59 PM PDT

Shaun Davidson, from Perth, was one of four inmates who tunnelled out of Kerobokan prison on Monday

Two foreign prisoners who tunnelled their way out of a Bali jail have been captured in Timor-Leste, police said, although there is still no sighting of their fellow escapee, Australian Shaun Davidson.

Dimitar Nikolov Iliev, a Bulgarian, and Sayed Mohammed Said, who is from India, were caught at a hotel in Dili on Thursday after arriving on a boat illegally from Indonesia.

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Medical cannabis workshop: 'incredibly cumbersome' to get drugs to patients

Posted: 23 Jun 2017 01:12 AM PDT

David Caldicott, a senior medical lecturer, tells seminar about cannabis's effectiveness in treating pain and vomiting from chemotherapy

Australia's first doctors' workshop on the medical uses of cannabis has heard about the complex situation around its legality.

The Melbourne conference was held with the hope of improving the medical profession's awareness about the issue.

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MPs to argue Northern Irish women have right to abortion on NHS

Posted: 23 Jun 2017 12:22 AM PDT

Cross-party MPs want amendment to Queen's speech to act as warning to government over DUP pact

MPs from all the major parties will argue that abortion should be provided on the NHS in England for Northern Irish women, in an amendment to the Queen's speech which supporters said would act as a warning to Downing Street about the implications of a pact with the Democratic Unionist party.

The amendment, coordinated by the Labour MP Stella Creasy with the support of the Conservative MP Sir Peter Bottomley, asks the government to consider legislating so women from Northern Ireland have NHS abortion provision when they travel to England to terminate a pregnancy.

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British accountant sentenced to 17 years in Myanmar jail in controversial court case

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 10:57 PM PDT

Niranjan Rasalingam had no lawyer and was at first unaware of his full sentence for role in ATM card scam that he denies

A court in Myanmar has sentenced a 30-year-old British man to 17 years in jail in a case that has attracted criticism after he was held for more than a year without charge.

Niranjan Rasalingam, an accountant from Croydon, was arrested in 2014 alongside three Indian nationals on suspicion of stealing 25.2m kyats (£13,744) using cloned ATM cards in Yangon.

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Friday briefing: It's the EU that is leaving Britain behind

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 10:31 PM PDT

Anniversary of Brexit vote arrives … flammable cladding found on more tower blocks … and China drills shopkeepers to fight 'terrorists' with a big stick

Good morning – it's Warren Murray bringing you today's Briefing.

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Turkish schools to stop teaching evolution, official says

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 10:00 PM PDT

Board of education chairman says subject is debatable, controversial and too complicated for students

Evolution will no longer be taught in Turkish schools, a senior education official has said, in a move likely to raise the ire of the country's secular opposition.

Alpaslan Durmuş, who chairs the board of education, said evolution was debatable, controversial and too complicated for students.

"We believe that these subjects are beyond their [students] comprehension," said Durmuş in a video published on the education ministry's website.

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Iran nuclear chief warns US over support for Saudi Arabia

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 10:00 PM PDT

Ali Akbar Salehi, who helped negotiate 2015 deal on Tehran's atomic programme, says US risks upsetting balance of power in Middle East

Comment: 'US must stop endangering Iran nuclear deal'

The head of Iran's atomic energy organisation, one of the architects of the 2015 landmark nuclear deal, has warned the US to stop upsetting the regional balance of power by siding with Saudi Arabia.

Writing in the Guardian, Ali Akbar Salehi said "lavish arms purchases" by regional actors – a reference to the Saudi purchase of $100bn of US arms during Donald Trump's recent visit to Riyadh – would be seen as provocative in Tehran and that it would be unrealistic to expect Iran to remain "indifferent".

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Genoa airport lifts liquids ban for pesto

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 09:55 PM PDT

Italian airport is letting travellers take as much as 500g of the sauce in their carry-on luggage, exempting them from the 100ml rule for liquids

The Italian port city of Genoa has taken pride in its famed pesto sauce to new heights by granting special airport waivers for those who can't get enough of the basil and pine nut pasta sauce.

Related: Trevi levy: Rome imposes fines for frolicking at famous fountains

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In China's far west the 'perfect police state' is emerging

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 06:33 PM PDT

During a trip through China's violence-plagued Xinjiang, the Guardian witnesses dramatic security surge as Communist party fights to 'pacify' region

It was Friday, the Islamic day of assembly, but outside Kashgar's Id Kah mosque on Liberation Avenue it was the growl of diesel engines that filled the air not a muezzin's wistful cry.

One by one armoured personnel carriers, some with machine guns poking from their turrets, rolled towards People's Square where a 12-metre statue of Mao Zedong was preparing to preside over the latest in a series of tub-thumping "anti-terror" rallies to be held here in the heartlands of China's Muslim Uighur minority this year.

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US defense contractor caught with $16,500 in luggage is charged with spying for China

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 06:03 PM PDT

Kevin Mallory accused of selling classified documents to Chinese intelligence agents on trips to Shanghai in March and April

A US defense contractor and former State Department security officer who was found with $16,500 in his luggage has been arrested by American counterintelligence officials and charged with spying for China.

The Justice Department said Kevin Mallory of Leesburg, Virginia had sold classified documents to Chinese intelligence agents on trips to Shanghai in March and April.

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Bill Cosby plans to teach young people how to not get accused of sexual assault

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 04:10 PM PDT

Just days after his sexual assault case ended in a mistrial, spokespeople said the disgraced comedian will embark on 'town halls' about the issue

Just days after his sexual assault case ended in a mistrial, Bill Cosby wants to embark on a series of "town halls" to speak to young people about sexual assault – specifically, it seems, how to avoid an accusation.

That's the impression two spokespeople for the disgraced comedian gave when they appeared Thursday on a local news show in Alabama.

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Australian planes to help fight Islamic State-affiliated groups in Philippines

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 02:15 PM PDT

Two RAAF aircraft to operate in southern Mindanao region where four Islamist groups are operating, including Abu Sayyaf

Australia's advanced intelligence-gathering P-3 Orion aircraft will be flown over the southern Philippines to help in the fight against Islamic State-affiliated terrorist groups.

The defence minister, Marise Payne, says two RAAF P-3 Orion aircraft will operate in the Mindanao region where four Islamist groups, including Abu Sayyaf and the Maute group, are fighting, Fairfax Media reports.

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Yellowstone grizzlies can be hunted after endangered protections lifted

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 12:34 PM PDT

Jurisdiction over estimated 700 bears will pass to Montana, Idaho and Wyoming, which will allow limited hunts as long as total number stays above 600

Protections against hunting Yellowstone national park grizzly bears will be lifted this summer after US government officials ruled Thursday that the population is no longer threatened.

The delisting of the bears as an endangered species means that states would be allowed to plan limited bear hunts outside the park's boundaries. Hunting bears inside Yellowstone would still be banned. The bears roam both inside and outside the park, and their range has been expanding as their numbers have grown.

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Pilots condemn ditching of proposed tougher UK laws for laser attacks

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 11:20 AM PDT

Decision puts 'lives of passengers and crew at risk', says union

Airline pilots have expressed anger after a planned crackdown on people who shine lasers at aircraft was dropped by the government.

In February the Department for Transport announced its intention to introduce legislation meaning people who did so could face tougher penalties including jail.

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Briton dies while hiking on mountain in UAE

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 08:05 AM PDT

Alex Underhill, 25, fell and hit his head while trekking with a friend in desert heat on Jebel Jais

A British man has died while hiking up a mountain in desert heat in the United Arab Emirates.

Alex Underhill was walking with a friend on the 1,800-metre (6,000ft) Jebel Jais mountain in the Ras al-Khaimah region when he fell and hit his head.

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Fitness blogger dies after exploding whipped cream dispenser hits her

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 06:36 AM PDT

Consumer journal and family warn of faulty siphons after French woman, 33, has heart attack caused by utensil hitting chest

A popular French fitness blogger has died after a whipped cream dispenser exploded into her chest.

Rebecca Burger, 33, who wrote about fitness and travel on social media, where she had 55,000 Facebook and 154,000 Instagram followers, died last weekend in what her family described as a "domestic accident" at her home at Mulhouse, eastern France.

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The moment a landmark Mosul mosque is destroyed – video

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 06:20 AM PDT

Isis destroyed one of Iraq's most symbolically important mosques on Wednesday night. Militants detonated explosives inside the 840-year-old al-Nuri mosque, according to Iraqi forces

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Justin Welby asks George Carey to quit over church abuse report

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 05:42 AM PDT

Archbishop of Canterbury asks predecessor to step down from honorary position after report on church collusion with Peter Ball

The archbishop of Canterbury has asked his predecessor George Carey to step down as an honorary assistant bishop after a damning independent report found that senior figures in the Church of England colluded over a 20-year period with a disgraced former bishop who sexually abused boys and men.

Justin Welby said the report on the church's handling of former bishop Peter Ball made harrowing reading. "The church colluded and concealed rather than seeking to help those who were brave enough to come forward. This is inexcusable and shocking behaviour," Welby said.

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Afghanistan: Taliban claims responsibility for suicide car bomb attack

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 04:01 AM PDT

Explosion at bank in Helmand province as civilians and officials queued to withdraw salaries leaves at least 30 dead

At least 30 people have been killed in Helmand province after a car bomb targeted soldiers, government employees and other civilians queueing to collect pay cheques from a bank in the provincial capital.

Related: Ramadan on the Afghan frontline: after heavy fighting, hunger and boredom

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Portugal forest fires under control after more than 60 deaths

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 03:19 AM PDT

Officials say some fires could reignite after huge blaze ravaged tens of thousands of hectares around Pedrógão Grande

Wildfires that killed 64 people in Portugal have been brought under control, firefighters have said, as the government insisted it was still too early to say whether the disaster could have been handled better.

Portugal's worst forest fire broke out on Saturday in the central municipality of Pedrógão Grande before spreading to neighbouring areas including Góis, Pampilhosa da Serra and Arganil.

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Why do people still go hungry? – video

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 11:00 PM PDT

There is enough food in the world to go around, yet hundreds of millions of people go to bed each night on an empty stomach. World leaders have promised to end hunger by 2030. But what causes it and how do we prevent it? Actor Dougray Scott explains

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Bunkers, blackmail and bureaucracy: aid agencies accused of outsourcing danger

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 09:36 AM PDT

'Unethical and dangerous practices' condemned as study claims charities keep staff at a safe remove from conflict while relying on local groups to carry out work

Aid agencies often rely on local people to carry out work in the world's war zones while their own staff remain holed up in bunkers, a report based on interviews with 2,000 humanitarian workers has found.

Highlighting alarming practices in countries including Syria, Yemen and Iraq, the authors of the independent study said aid groups are spending too little time on the ground in conflict zones and are over-reliant on subcontractors.

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'I feel betrayed': the Somali refugees sent from safety into a war zone

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 06:26 AM PDT

Somali families repatriated from neighbouring Kenya feel let down by Nairobi and the UN refugee agency, and fear for their safety and survival

Families repatriated to Somalia from Dadaab refugee complex in Kenya say they feel abandoned and let down by the UN after officials used small cash payments to encourage them to return home, where a hunger and security crisis awaited.

Many travelled back to Somalia only to find themselves in a far worse position than they had been in the refugee camp, with no access to food, shelter or medicines. Having lost their legal refugee status by crossing the border, they were no longer entitled to any help.

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Why a lot of Americans resent the cultured ‘New York City elite’

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 09:21 AM PDT

The big city 'elites' drink almond milk, eat organic food – and they're emblematic of a deep cultural divide experienced by the voters who feel left behind

Outclassed: The Secret Life of Inequality is our new column about class. Read all articles here

Last week, Donald Trump Jr went on another tear against New York City elites. He retweeted rightwing pundit Harlan Z Hill: "Events like today are exactly why we took issue with NY elites glorifying the assassination of our president."

The reason for this recent outburst was the Public Theater's production of Julius Caesar in Central Park, featuring the assassination of a Trump-like Caesar. The resulting melee prompted an exodus of Public Theater benefactors – Delta and Bank of America pulled their funding. A far-right protester called the audience "Nazis" and another rushed the stage.

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Chuck Schumer condemns Republican healthcare bill as 'heartless' – video

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 09:41 AM PDT

Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer says the Republican healthcare bill to overhaul Obamacare is a 'wolf in sheep's clothing' and 'heartless'. Mitch McConnell and his lieutenants in the GOP worked in secret for weeks on the bill, and McConnell said debate on it would start next week. On Thursday, Schumer said there was not enough time to properly review the bill

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Hawaii's homeless have few places to go: 'They don't know what to do with us' – video

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 04:00 AM PDT

With the highest homelessness rate of any state in the US, Hawaii lawmakers struggle for solutions amid rising costs of living and low wages. But one group of homeless Hawaiians has taken matters into their own hands, forming a highly organized and self-sustaining community. Could a key part of solving Hawaii's homelessness problem actually come from its homeless citizens?

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