World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Donald Trump focuses fire on Iran's support for 'terrorists and militias'

Posted: 22 May 2017 08:19 AM PDT

Theme emerges as US president visits Israel during first international trip, saying Iran must cease 'funding terrorists' and never obtain nuclear weapons

Donald Trump, on his first presidential visit to Israel and the West Bank, has escalated his war of words against Iran, demanding that Tehran immediately stop its financial and military support for "terrorists and militias" and reiterating that it must never be permitted to possess nuclear weapons.

Trump referred to the Iran issue repeatedly on Monday, expanding on his speech in Saudi Arabia the day before in which he blamed "Iran's rising ambitions" for violently destabilising the Middle East.

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French diplomat 'Sarko Boy' goes on trial over bag stuffed with banknotes

Posted: 22 May 2017 08:54 AM PDT

Boris Boillon, a former adviser to Nicolas Sarkozy, faces tax fraud and forgery charges after being stopped with a bag stuffed with cash

A French diplomat and close adviser to the former president Nicolas Sarkozy has gone on trial after he was stopped trying to leave the country with a bag stuffed with banknotes.

Boris Boillon, who was known as "Sarko Boy", appeared in a Paris court on Monday on charges of tax fraud and forgery following the discovery.

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‘Bibi’ of the Bundesliga blows whistle on sexism in German football

Posted: 22 May 2017 09:35 AM PDT

Bibiana Steinhaus's appointment as a top-flight referee has been likened to Angela Merkel becoming chancellor in 2005

The appointment of a woman as a top-flight referee in Germany has been hailed as a breakthrough for equality domestically and a milestone for football.

Bibiana Steinhaus has become an overnight celebrity since the announcement by the German football federation's referee commission that she will take charge of games in the Bundesliga next season. The same organisation banned women from playing football as recently as the 1950s.

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Two Turkish teachers on 75-day hunger strike detained by police

Posted: 22 May 2017 06:21 AM PDT

Nuriye Gülmen and Semih Özakça have been on strike after losing their jobs in purge that followed coup attempt

Two Turkish teachers who are on their 75th day of a hunger strike have been detained by police in Ankara.

Nuriye Gülmen, a professor of literature, and Semih Özakça, a primary school teacher, have been on strike for more than 10 weeks after losing their jobs following the failed coup against the president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, last July.

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Revealed: Facebook's internal rulebook on sex, terrorism and violence

Posted: 21 May 2017 10:00 AM PDT

Leaked policies guiding moderators on what content to allow are likely to fuel debate about social media giant's ethics

Facebook's secret rules and guidelines for deciding what its 2 billion users can post on the site are revealed for the first time in a Guardian investigation that will fuel the global debate about the role and ethics of the social media giant.

The Guardian has seen more than 100 internal training manuals, spreadsheets and flowcharts that give unprecedented insight into the blueprints Facebook has used to moderate issues such as violence, hate speech, terrorism, pornography, racism and self-harm.

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Ariana Grande 'broken' as musicians react to Manchester terror attack

Posted: 23 May 2017 01:41 AM PDT

Singer whose concert was bombed says she is 'so so sorry' as figures from music world voice their shock and sympathy

Ariana Grande, whose concert at the Manchester Arena was targeted in an attack on Monday night, has joined other celebrities in expressing horror at the events.

The American pop star, who was not hurt in the blast, tweeted that she was "broken" by news of casualties.

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'We stand in solidarity' – Trump leads global reaction to Manchester attack

Posted: 23 May 2017 01:41 AM PDT

US president extends condolences as politicians from around world send messages of support

Donald Trump has led a global chorus of condemnation over the deadly attack on a pop concert in Manchester on Monday night.

Speaking in Bethlehem, where he was meeting Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas, Trump said:

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Up to 150 children under five die each day in Aung San Suu Kyi's Myanmar

Posted: 23 May 2017 01:30 AM PDT

Government reforms do not reach children worst affected by conflict and poverty, says Unicef report, calling for an end to blocks on aid deliveries

As many as 150 children die every day in Myanmar before they reach their fifth birthday, the UN children's agency said on Tuesday, in a report calling for the government to end blocks on humanitarian access to conflict areas.

Despite reform and reconciliation efforts undertaken by the one-year-old government headed by Aung San Suu Kyi, children affected by widespread fighting and poverty are not reaping the benefits, Unicef added.

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Chinese student abused for praising 'fresh air of free speech' in US

Posted: 23 May 2017 12:57 AM PDT

Nationalists in China seize on remarks by Yang Shuping, accusing her of 'demonising' it in backlash fuelled by state-run media

A Chinese student has faced abuse from nationalists in China after she used her graduation address at a US university to celebrate "the fresh air of free speech".

Yang Shuping, a psychology and theatre graduate from Yunnan province, came to study at the University of Maryland five years ago, as a dramatic clampdown on civil society and academia began back home under Xi Jinping.

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Labor targets bank tax and school funding in question time – as it happened

Posted: 23 May 2017 12:20 AM PDT

Gonski 2.0 school funding package comes to parliament and dominates question time following party meetings. As it happened

Thanks to the brainy trust, Paul Karp, Katharine Murphy and Gareth Hutchens. Mike Bowers will have to bathe his clicking finger in unguents.

Murph has been busy. Labor senator Lisa Singh has departed from the script.

The federal Labor senator Lisa Singh has said the Adani coalmine would be "a huge mistake for this country" in a departure from the official Labor position. The opposition maintains the controversial project can proceed on its merits, but without any government support.

Singh, a left-leaning Tasmanian senator, told Guardian Australia on Tuesday the coal project had absolutely no merit.

Related: Labor senator breaks ranks and says Adani coalmine would be a 'huge mistake'

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Too fast, too soon: how China's growth led to the Tianjin disaster

Posted: 22 May 2017 11:15 PM PDT

The 2015 warehouse explosion in Tianjin was one of the worst manmade disasters in Chinese history – and exposed the darker side of rapid urbanisation

It was almost midnight on a summer Wednesday in 2015 when Xiumin Hu was jolted awake by a loud noise. Her apartment building in the affluent Harbour City development was shaking violently. She ran from the bedroom to find her husband standing in the study, looking out of the window.

From here they could see out over the port of Tianjin; one of the warehouses was on fire. They backed away from the window just moments before the warehouse exploded in one of the worst manmade disasters in China's history.

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Manchester Arena: children among 22 dead in suicide attack at Ariana Grande concert – latest

Posted: 23 May 2017 01:54 AM PDT

The Dean of Manchester, Rogers Govender, led prayers close to the arena, writes Steven Morris.

Govender explained that normal morning prayers could not take place at the cathedral because it was within the cordon.

The Dean of Manchester cathedral, Rogers Govender, has led prayers at the cordon.

Mums and daughters leaving hotels and heading home following Manchester attack.

Our northern editor Helen Pidd just spoken to an A&E doctor at Manchester Royal Infirmary (MRI) who has come in on his day off to offer his services.

In response to last night's tragic incident in #Manchester - we have all the blood required for hospital patients at the present time.

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No bailout funds for Greece as eurozone finance chiefs fail to agree deal

Posted: 23 May 2017 12:05 AM PDT

IMF and eurozone states fail to bridge divide over Greek debt relief raising prospect of a summer crisis for the single currency if Athens misses repayment

Eurozone finance ministers have failed to agree a debt relief plan for Greece, raising the prospect of a summer crisis for the single currency bloc if Athens misses a loan repayment.

A meeting of the eurozone's 19 finance ministers broke up late on Monday night, amid a row with the International Monetary Fund about Greece's debt burden.

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Politicians and protesters greet Trump in Israel – in pictures

Posted: 22 May 2017 12:39 PM PDT

The next leg of Donald Trump's first international visit saw him arrive in Israel greeted by politicians and religious leaders, but he was also met with protests. Palestinian demonstrators protested the visit, holding signs reading 'US policy is shameful to humanity'

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UN urges Libyan government to shut ‘inhumane’ refugee centres

Posted: 22 May 2017 09:35 AM PDT

Call comes as Libya Quartet meets in Brussels to discuss ways to prevent deadly Mediterranean crossings

The UN refugee agency has called on the Libyan government in Tripoli to close its refugee detention centres, describing conditions as inhumane and shocking.

The call comes as the Libya Quartet meets in Brussels on Tuesday to discuss how to slow the flow of refugees across the Mediterranean from Libya to Italy.

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Trump diehards stay loyal in Montana's 'white man's country'

Posted: 22 May 2017 11:00 PM PDT

Trump's presidency may be in crisis. But Paul Lewis finds the president's supporters in Montana are not wavering. Republican congressional candidate Greg Gianforte, a millionaire tech entrepreneur, is latching onto Trump in the hope it will give him an edge over Democrat Rob Quist, a country musician and poet

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The Guardian Essential Report, 23 May results

Posted: 23 May 2017 12:52 AM PDT

This report summarises the results of a weekly poll conducted by Essential Research with data provided by Your Source. Some questions are repeated regularly (such as political preference and leadership approval), while others are unique to each week and reflect current media and social issues

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Indonesian men caned for consensual gay sex in Aceh

Posted: 22 May 2017 11:28 PM PDT

Hundreds packed mosque's courtyard to witness the canings in Aceh, the only province in Indonesia to practise sharia law

Two men in Indonesia's Aceh province have been publicly caned dozens of times for consensual gay sex, a punishment rights advocates denounced as "medieval torture" and escalates an anti-gay backlash.

Man given 85 lashes for gay sex in Aceh - the first time this punishment imposed for homosexuality

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Tuesday briefing: moment of terror in Manchester

Posted: 22 May 2017 11:26 PM PDT

Blast at Ariana Grande concert kills at least 22 people … election campaign suspended in mark of respect … and more revelations from the Facebook files

Hello, it's Warren Murray bringing you the Briefing on this very sombre morning.

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News Corp journalist quits gay rights lobby's board after being 'targeted' over employer

Posted: 22 May 2017 10:25 PM PDT

Complaints by third parties suggested Shannon Molloy's involvement compromised NSW Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby

News Corp journalist Shannon Molloy has resigned from the board of the New South Wales Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby amid reports of a targeted campaign by third parties against his involvement because of his employer.

Jill Stark, a former Age journalist who reports on LGBTI issues, said Molloy had been pressured to quit by people who complained that his employment by News Corp put him at odds with the organisation.

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Royal bullfight in Madrid – archive, 23 May 1902

Posted: 22 May 2017 09:00 PM PDT

23 May 1902: The crowd yelled for darts provided with fire crackers to be stuck in the bull's flanks, the crackers exploding in the animal's flesh

The scene within the amphitheatre furnished a feast of colour and animation. The upper tier of boxes was hung with handsome tapestries embroidered with the arms of the Spanish grandees and with garlands of foliage and flowers. A carpet bearing the Royal arms drooped over the King's box. The roof was decorated with pennants displaying the national colours, while in the arena itself sand of various colours was disposed so as to represent the arms of Spain, bordered with the inscriptions "Viva el Rey!" "Viva la Reina!"

The Royal party drove to the Plaza de Toros, accompanied by an escort of Horse Guards. On entering the Royal box, the King, who was in the uniform of an admiral, advanced to the front and bowed in response to the enthusiastic cheering of the spectators. His Majesty gave the signal with a handkerchief for the proceedings to begin. Trumpets blared, drums beat, and the gate of the arena was thrown open, and the performance commenced with the time-honoured procession around the arena of all the bull-fighters taking part in the function.

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Philippine president Duterte flies to Moscow to meet 'hero' Putin

Posted: 22 May 2017 06:00 PM PDT

Rodrigo Duterte embarks on five-day visit as he seeks to loosen ties with Washington and strengthen bond with Russia

The Philippine president, Rodrigo Duterte, is due to arrive in Moscow for a five-day trip in which he will meet his "favourite hero" Vladimir Putin and attempt to reorient his country's geopolitical alliance further away from the US and towards Moscow.

Duterte has lambasted the US since he came to power last year, calling Barack Obama a "son of a bitch", and has said Russia and China are the only two major world powers he trusts.

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UN panel releases draft treaty banning possession and use of nuclear weapons

Posted: 22 May 2017 04:42 PM PDT

States would have to destroy any nuclear weapons they have and would be forbidden from transferring them

A United Nations-backed panel has publicly released a draft treaty banning the possession and use of all nuclear weapons.

The draft treaty is the culmination of a sustained campaign, supported by more than 130 non-nuclear states frustrated with the sclerotic pace of disarmament, to prohibit nuclear weapons and persuade nuclear-armed states to disarm.

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UN experts hacked while investigating violations of sanctions on North Korea

Posted: 22 May 2017 03:19 PM PDT

Member of North Korea sanctions committee, known as the 1718 committee, warns of 'sustained cyber campaign' after hackers breached expert's computer

United Nations experts investigating violations of sanctions on North Korea have suffered a "sustained" cyber-attack by unknown hackers with "very detailed insight" into their work, according to an email warning seen by Reuters.

The hackers eventually breached the computer of one of the experts on 8 May, the chair of the panel of experts wrote in an email to UN officials and the UN security council's North Korea sanctions committee, known as the 1718 committee.

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Turkey complains about 'aggressive' US police after Erdoğan protest brawl

Posted: 22 May 2017 02:36 PM PDT

Ankara asks US to 'conduct a full investigation' after Erdoğan's bodyguards were shown beating demonstrators outside the Turkish embassy in Washington

Turkey has summoned the American ambassador to complain about the behaviour of US security personnel during a US visit by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan that turned violent when Erdoğan's diplomatic escort beat up protesters outside the Turkish diplomatic mission in Washington.

Related: 'I could have died': how Erdoğan's bodyguards turned protest into brawl

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The reception of Basque refugees in 1937 showed Britain at its best and worst | Letters

Posted: 22 May 2017 11:53 AM PDT

Daniel Vulliamy and Simon Martinez on their family links to the children who fled the Spanish civil war on the Habana and were evacuated to the UK

On this day 80 years ago, after German planes had bombed the north of Spain, particularly around Bilbao and Guernica, an old cruise liner, the Habana, docked at Southampton. On board were almost 4,000 refugee children from both sides of the conflict plus 230 teachers, helpers and Catholic priests. The children were accommodated for some weeks in tents, with latrines and kitchens rapidly built by local trade union branches and others, before being moved to houses all over the country, financed by churches, councils, trade unions, generous local benefactors and thousands of volunteers.

The British government was extremely reluctant to accept the refugees, preferring to adhere to a non-intervention agreement that the German and Italian fascists were clearly ignoring. The prime minister, Stanley Baldwin, thought the climate would not be to the liking of the children. The eventual agreement was that the children would only stay for a few months and that no public money could be used to support them; the tents provided by the army were actually rented to the organisers.

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Human rights activists criticize US praise for lack of Saudi Arabia protests

Posted: 22 May 2017 11:18 AM PDT

US commerce secretary Wilbur Ross suggested no protesters was a sign of Saudi Arabia's goodwill, but laws there strictly forbid any demonstrations

The US commerce secretary Wilbur Ross's praise for the lack of protests during Donald Trump's visit to Saudi Arabia has been criticized by civil rights activists who pointed out that protesting in Saudi Arabia is illegal.

Ross travelled with the US president to Saudi Arabia in the first stage of his first international tour since taking office. Speaking with CNBC on Monday morning, Ross said there was "no sign of" protesters and seemed to suggest this was a sign of the country's goodwill towards the US.

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Italian mafia boss gunned down while riding his bike in Sicily

Posted: 22 May 2017 10:16 AM PDT

Giuseppe Dainotti, 67, was shot in the head as he cycled along a street in Palermo, in what police say is a warning that Cosa Nostra is far from beaten

A mafia boss has been gunned down while riding his bicycle in Sicily, in what appeared to have been the sort of mob killing that has become rarer in recent years as dangerous figures have been locked up.

Giuseppe Dainotti, 67, was shot in the head as he cycled along a street in Palermo, almost 25 years to the day since anti-Mafia magistrate Giovanni Falcone was killed in a bomb blast on a motorway on the Italian island.

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Agnes Mumford obituary

Posted: 22 May 2017 09:40 AM PDT

My friend Agnes Mumford, known as Nan, who has died aged 88, was a late entrant into the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), but epitomised in every area of her life the Quaker encouragement to "live adventurously".

She was born in Taiwan to Agnes (nee Clewes) and Harold Mumford, who were both British-born medical missionaries. Nan came to Britain aged seven when her father found work as a doctor in the Pontefract area of West Yorkshire. She completed her education at Wakefield high school for girls and then trained as a nurse and midwife at St Mary's hospital in London, working afterwards at Pontefract general infirmary.

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Bill Cosby arrives at courthouse as jury selection begins in sexual assault trial

Posted: 22 May 2017 07:06 AM PDT

Trial consultant says prosecutors should be 'worried about fans' as lawyers pick jurors in Pittsburgh before trial next month in suburban Philadelphia

Thirteen years after a Temple University basketball team manager went to its alumnus Bill Cosby's nearby home for career advice, her complaint that the TV star and comedian drugged and molested her that night will soon be a task for a Pennsylvania jury.

Lawyers this week hope to find a dozen jurors and six alternates willing to spend two weeks or more sequestered nearly 300 miles from home.

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We are ready for Brexit talks, says EU's chief negotiator

Posted: 22 May 2017 06:34 AM PDT

Michel Barnier plays down suggestions talks with UK may collapse, as EU agrees position ahead of June negotiations

The European Union has agreed its Brexit negotiating stance, clearing the way for talks to begin with the British government in mid-June.

Michel Barnier, the EU's Brexit negotiator, said he hoped to begin the first round of talks in the week of 19 June, while playing down suggestions negotiations could collapse.

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America's obsession with rooting out communism is making a comeback

Posted: 22 May 2017 02:00 AM PDT

California shoots down bill to strike language barring Communist party members from government jobs as Trump's alleged Russia ties stoke cold war sentiments

It was a scene straight out of the 1950s, but the year was 2017. Travis Allen, a Republican from southern California, took to the floor of the state assembly on 8 May to denounce communism. "To allow subversives and avowed communists to now work for the state of California," he railed, "is a direct insult to the people of California who pay for that government."

Allen was speaking out against a move to remove language from the California code that that bars members of the Communist party from holding government jobs in the state.

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Moscow's Viennese ball – in pictures

Posted: 22 May 2017 01:30 AM PDT

The Gostiny Dvor shopping and exhibition centre hosts the 15th Viennese Ball charity event in Moscow, which is is reminiscent of a Tsarist era ballroom dancing that was absent from Russian life during the communist Soviet Union.

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Kids working on Kabul's streets get a second chance at childhood | Sune Engel Rasmussen

Posted: 22 May 2017 04:45 AM PDT

Afghan parents in desperate poverty often rely on sending children to work, but a school run on donations offers young people an alternative to a life of toil

Omid used to spend his days in traffic jams around Kabul, washing cars with a ragged cloth. At the end of the day, the seven-year-old took home the money he had earned so his father wouldn't sell another piece of furniture from the house to buy drugs.

Haroon began working in traffic at the age of six, as an espandi, warding off evil spirits by waving a tin of coals over car bonnets so smoke wafted through drivers' windows. On his best day of business, a woman stopped in an armoured vehicle and handed him 1,000 afghanis (£11). On most days, he earned less than 100 afghanis.

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My reaction to the Times Square crash: I hoped his name wasn't Muhammad | Mona Chalabi

Posted: 22 May 2017 02:06 PM PDT

When I heard about the car crash, I worried that it was a terrorist attack. My first thought should have been about the consequences, not the motives

When I got a news alert last week saying that a car had crashed into pedestrians in New York's Times Square, my first thought was: "Please, say the driver's name isn't Muhammad." That's wrong. My first thought should have been about the consequences, not the motives. I should have thought "I hope no one was hurt", but my brain has been thoroughly trained to view every atrocity as a sorting exercise: terrorism/not terrorism.

That exercise is a dangerous one. Assuming national security and counter-terrorism is one and the same thing (and equating terrorism with "radical Islamic terrorism", as Donald Trump so often does) simply ignores the other threats that America is facing right now.

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Trump says he never discussed Israel with Russia – video

Posted: 22 May 2017 10:32 PM PDT

US president Donald Trump on Monday said he 'never mentioned the word or the name Israel' during a recent conversation with top Russian diplomats. The president's eagerness to defend his own conduct, coupled with his failure to deny that he shared intelligence or that Israel was indeed the source, appeared to confirm that the latter point was accurate and that he had mistakenly assumed the media reports accused him of naming Israel

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Donald Trump in the Middle East – in pictures

Posted: 22 May 2017 10:49 AM PDT

Donald Trump took Ivanka, Melania and Steve Bannon to Saudi Arabia for his first overseas engagement as US president. But what was really going on behind the scenes?

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Melania Trump appears to flick away Donald Trump’s hand – video

Posted: 22 May 2017 08:37 AM PDT

Melania Trump appears to bat away her husband's hand as they greet members of the Israeli government during a visit to Tel Aviv. The presidential couple visited Saudi Arabia in Donald Trump's first foreign trip since taking office, before heading to Israel on Monday

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'They love us': Trumps and Netanyahus overheard in Israel – video

Posted: 22 May 2017 07:30 AM PDT

The US president, Donald Trump, and the first lady, Melania Trump, arrive in Tel Aviv on Monday and are greeted by Benjamin and Sara Netanyahu. Upon arrival the Israeli prime minister admitted there was a lot of protocol that he didn't understand. Later on Sara Netanyahu told Melania Trump that the two couples shared common ground over the media's negative coverage

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Notre Dame students walk out during Mike Pence speech – video

Posted: 22 May 2017 01:39 AM PDT

Graduating students from the University of Notre Dame in Indiana walk out of the ceremony during the commencement address by the US vice-president Mike Pence. As the former Indiana governor begins to speak, about a dozen graduates and their families silently stand up and leave.

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