World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Show of military might as Emmanuel Macron is inaugurated as president

Posted: 14 May 2017 09:46 PM PDT

France's new leader promises to rebuild nation's self-confidence and relaunch European Union as he takes power

Emmanuel Macron, France's youngest postwar leader, promised to rebuild his nation's self-confidence and relaunch the flagging European Union as he took power on Sunday in a series of ceremonies that deliberately emphasised France's military power.

"The world and Europe needs a strong France with a sense of its own destiny," the independent centrist, 39, said in his first speech as president at the Élysée Palace. "We need a Europe that is more efficient, more democratic and more political, because it's the instrument of our power and sovereignty," he added, saying he would "rejuvenate and relaunch" the EU.

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Three tales of Mogadishu: violence, a booming economy … and now famine

Posted: 14 May 2017 11:30 PM PDT

Somalia's capital is buzzing: estate agents thrive and it recently hosted a TedX conference. But Mogadishu is facing a fresh challenge as drought forces half a million people to seek aid. Jason Burke visits a growing camp on the outskirts

Friday afternoon and the light is low across the waves breaking on the long shore. Behind the pocked and pitted seafront promenade, hundreds of children play football among their shattered homes. This, the ruins of the old port area of Somalia's Mogadishu, is the war-torn city of the news stories, books and films.

Less than a 10 minute drive away down a newly rebuilt double highway, the scene is very different: hundreds of young men and women stroll along the narrow band of sand left by the high tide; they paddle, swim and drink coffee or soft drinks in cafes. An ancient stretch limousine, hired out for weddings, noses through the traffic. Rickshaw drivers shout for fares.

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Trump relying on charisma to bridge old divides on first foreign trip

Posted: 15 May 2017 12:17 AM PDT

The White House is seeking to recast the US president as a world statesman, but critics say his confidence in his own persuasive powers is simply delusional

Donald Trump is embarking on a week of diplomacy and preparation for his first foreign trip as president, aimed at demonstrating that his personal charisma can override longstanding global divisions and conflicts of interest with old allies.

Trump's personality-driven approach seeks to reassert US preeminence in the world through consolidating bonds with foreign leaders, most notably autocrats, as long as they are aligned with the administration's priorities of defeating the Islamic State and al-Qaida while containing Iranian influence.

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Merkel's Christian Democrats set to beat rivals in German state election

Posted: 14 May 2017 10:33 AM PDT

North Rhine-Westphalia vote is blow to Social Democrats' Martin Schulz, Merkel's rival in upcoming national poll

Angela Merkel's main challenger in the upcoming German election has conceded his party has suffered a "really stinging defeat" in North Rhine-Westphalia in what will be its third consecutive loss in a state vote.

Martin Schulz said the poll in the state, Germany's most populous and regarded as a centre-left stronghold, represented "a difficult day for the Social Democrats (SPD), a difficult day for me personally as well. I come from the state in which we took a really stinging defeat today."

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North Korea says missile tested over weekend can carry nuclear warhead

Posted: 15 May 2017 12:37 AM PDT

Kim Jong-un, who oversaw rocket launch on Sunday, warns Washington that US mainland is in 'sighting range for strike'

North Korea claims the US mainland is now within range of its missiles after it successfully test-fired a new rocket it says is capable of carrying a "large-scale, heavy nuclear warhead".

Related: North Korea test-fires what could be new kind of longer-range missile

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James Clapper: democratic institutions are 'under assault' by Trump

Posted: 14 May 2017 09:36 AM PDT

Former national intelligence director hammers the president's actions, calling James Comey's firing 'another victory for Russia'

Former director of national intelligence James Clapper has accused Donald Trump of placing American democratic institutions "under assault" following the sacking of James Comey and cautioned that the former FBI director's removal is "another victory" for Russia.

The forceful criticism comes as the justice department began screening candidates for Comey's replacement and Democrats renewed calls for a special prosecutor to oversee an investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 election.

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Austrian chancellor expects snap election this year

Posted: 14 May 2017 04:42 AM PDT

Christian Kern says poll likely due to fracturing coalition, raising prospect of far-right Freedom party entering government

Austria will hold a snap parliamentary election this year, the chancellor, Christian Kern, has said, as his foreign minister moved to take control of the main conservative party in the country's fractured coalition.

An election would give the far-right Freedom party (FPO) a good chance of entering national government less than a year after its candidate lost a close-fought presidential runoff.

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Fighting fascism: Americans in the Spanish civil war have a lesson for today

Posted: 14 May 2017 07:54 AM PDT

As Spanish civil war survivors age, a group historians is helping teachers whose students have grown fascinated and frightened by the news

Eighty years after the first Americans went to war against Nazi-backed fascists, a small group of historians trying to preserve the volunteers' memory has found their services unexpectedly in demand.

"Why are people puzzled over the meaning of that word, fascism?" asked Peter Carroll, a historian of the Spanish civil war at Stanford University. "Do I think Donald Trump is Adolf Hitler? No. But there are patterns of contempt for opposition by political leaders that are as unacceptable and intolerable as National Socialism."

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Protests in Moscow at plan to tear down Soviet-era housing in affluent areas

Posted: 14 May 2017 08:59 AM PDT

Residents fear redevelopment plan will expel them from low-rise buildings in quiet neighbourhoods and force them to live in high-rise blocks

Thousands of protesters took to the streets of Moscow on Sunday in a rally against a bill to tear down Soviet-era low-rise apartment buildings.

People, mostly young and middle-aged couples, gathered on a central street to protest against arguably Russia's largest redevelopment project to pull down entire neighbourhoods of Soviet-era prefabricated buildings. City Hall has insisted the buildings are dilapidated and outdated, while many residents and activists see the plans as a ruse to make way for high-rises in some of Moscow's leafiest areas.

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Don't pay ransomware demands, cybersecurity experts say

Posted: 15 May 2017 01:40 AM PDT

In wake of last week's WannaCry attack, technology specialists warn that 'paying money to a criminal is never a good idea'

• Ransomware attacks: 29,000 infections in China – live updates

Cybersecurity experts have warned businesses against meeting hackers' demands for money in the wake of the "unprecedented" attack on hundreds of thousands of computer systems around the world.

Ransomware is a type of malicious software that blocks access to a computer or its data and demands money to release it. The worm used in Friday's attack, dubbed WannaCry, encrypted more than 200,000 computers in more than 150 countries for ransoms of $300 to $600 to restore access.

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Cyber-attack set to escalate as working week begins, experts warn

Posted: 14 May 2017 11:26 PM PDT

Europol and NHS fear further disruption when workers switch on computers for first time since spread of ransomware

Health and security chiefs have warned of possible fresh disruption from the global cyber-attack when workers switch on their computers for the first time at the start of the working week.

Europol, the pan-EU crime-fighting agency, said the threat was escalating and predicted the number of "ransomware" victims was likely to grow across the private and public sectors.

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Where there’s a wall there’s a way: artists take aim at Sumatra’s palm oil industry

Posted: 14 May 2017 11:00 PM PDT

When smoke from Indonesia's palm oil industry reached the studio of artist Ernest Zacharevic in Malaysia, a unique project was born. Intent on making the world reconsider the environment, Zacharevic sold one of his prints to raise funds for Splash and Burn, a public art campaign. The title is a play on the 'slash and burn' practices used by palm oil producers to clear land for farming

On a swampy patch of degraded forest land on the Indonesian island of Sumatra stands a hooded black figure, face obscured by plumes of smoke. Something strange is afoot.

Elsewhere, random limbs protrude eerily from unexpected places. A sun bear, piggybacking a startled child, traipses stoically across a foreign landscape. A miniature man settles into a hammock strung between two oil palm saplings.

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Father of Damilola Taylor in Bafta plea to end London knife killings

Posted: 14 May 2017 06:20 PM PDT

After collecting an award for the drama about the death of his son, Richard Taylor says youngsters must 'spread the message'

The father of schoolboy Damilola Taylor has begged young people to stop the string of killings on the streets of London as he collected a Bafta for a drama about the death of his 10-year-old son.

Damilola, Our Loved Boy was awarded the prize for best single drama at the British Academy Television Awards on Sunday where Richard Taylor made an emotional speech hours after an 18-year-old man died in Enfield, north London, after suffering stab wounds.

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Nato stages summit to counter alleged Russian interference in elections

Posted: 14 May 2017 10:00 PM PDT

Security specialists from 27 nations including Britain and the US will meet for five-day conference in Prague

Security specialists from 27 countries including Britain and the US will meet in Prague in what is being billed as the most concerted attempt yet to counter alleged Kremlin destabilisation measures aimed at undermining western elections.

The Czech interior ministry is hosting the five-day summit staged by Stratcom - Nato's strategic communications arm – in an effort to persuade governments and the European Union to strengthen electoral processes amid rising concern over suspected interference by the Russian government under Vladimir Putin.

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Manus Island detention centre to close by 30 June, detainees told

Posted: 15 May 2017 01:25 AM PDT

Papua New Guinea immigration officials tell refugees they should 'consider their options' as camp shutdown begins

The Manus Island immigration detention centre will close by 30 June, with demolition of the first compounds to begin this month, detainees on the island have been told.

On Monday a man, purported to be a Papua New Guinean immigration official, told detainees to "consider your options" as migration and police officers had already commenced the shutdown process.

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Australian Sara Connor's sentence over Bali police officer's death increased to five years

Posted: 14 May 2017 11:56 PM PDT

Appeal by prosecutors increased by a year the sentence for 46-year-old over fatal assault on Kuta beach 2016

The sentence of the Australian Sara Connor for the fatal assault of a Bali police officer has been increased to five years by Bali's high court.

Two months after Connor, 46, was sentenced to four years over the death of Wayan Sudarsa on Kuta beach in August 2016, three high court judges in Denpasar added a year to her sentence following an appeal by prosecutors.

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Papua New Guinea mass jailbreak: suspects awaiting trial among 17 shot dead

Posted: 14 May 2017 11:33 PM PDT

Killings take place in the Pacific nation's second largest city of Lae after 77 people break out of notorious Buimo jail

Seventeen prisoners have been shot dead and dozens are still at large after a mass escape at Papua New Guinean jail.

At least 77 male prisoners from the notoriously overcrowded prison in the city of Lae attempted a mass escape on Friday morning. Only three were apprehended, and 57 remain at large. PNG police said details were "still sketchy" but noted reports which said "authorities" shot the men.

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Lib Dems promise to scrap mass snooping powers if elected

Posted: 14 May 2017 10:30 PM PDT

Manifesto commits to repeal of new law allowing bulk collection of mobile phone data and internet usage records

The Liberal Democrats have promised that if elected they would scrap the "Orwellian nightmare" of mass snooping powers.

The Investigatory Powers Act passed into law in November, giving British intelligence agencies and police the widest set of surveillance powers in the western world.

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Monday briefing: Just when you thought it was safe to log back on ...

Posted: 14 May 2017 09:54 PM PDT

Ransomware crisis could 'escalate' when people return to work … Damilola Taylor's father pleads at Baftas for an end to knife killings … and beware banana waste

Good morning. I'm Martin Farrer and these are the top stories this Monday morning.

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The world must unite like a 'flock of geese', says China's Xi Jinping

Posted: 14 May 2017 09:44 PM PDT

President urges the world to cooperate, as Germany warns it could refuse to sign up to the Belt and Road initiative unless free tenders are guaranteed

Chinese president Xi Jinping has made his latest bid for global leadership urging world leaders to reject protectionism, embrace globalisation and pull together like an airborne skein of long-necked geese.

Speaking on the final day of a forum promoting the Belt and Road initiative - a potentially historic Chinese infrastructure campaign that could transform swathes of the developing world – Xi said cooperation was the only way to confront the "profound" changes sweeping the globe.

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Forced into porn: Japan moves to stop women being coerced into sex films

Posted: 14 May 2017 06:27 PM PDT

Reports of women tricked into X-rated appearances has prompted authorities to confront the booming porn industry

When Kurumin Aroma was approached on Tokyo street four years ago and asked if she was interested in "glamour modelling", she spied an opportunity to realise her dream of becoming a TV celebrity.

"The talent scout had a proper business card and spoke very respectfully, so I thought he was someone I could trust," Aroma, who uses an assumed name in public, told the Guardian.

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Business leaders want next government to build two more runways

Posted: 14 May 2017 04:01 PM PDT

'Years of dawdling' on airport capacity have left us lagging behind rest of Europe, say Institute of Directors

Business leaders have called for the next government to build two more runways, demanding that a follow-up Airports Commission be established only months after Heathrow's third runway was approved.

Related: Government 'watering down' pollution limits to meet Heathrow pledge

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White nationalist Richard Spencer at rally over Confederate statue's removal

Posted: 14 May 2017 02:41 PM PDT

Spencer said the torch-wielding protest in Charlottesville, Virginia – which evoked memories of the KKK – was a way to communicate with the dead

A small group of torch-wielding protesters, including the white nationalist "alt-right" leader Richard Spencer, descended on Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday evening to protest the sale of a statue commemorating Confederate general Robert E Lee.

Charlottesville's city council voted in April to remove the statue of Lee, who led the Confederate army of northern Virginia in the South's fight to secede from the union and retain slaves in the late 19th century. But a judge placed a six-month stay on the decision following an appeal from a collective of local history groups and Confederate advocates.

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Iranian film director Farhadi endorses Rouhani for president

Posted: 14 May 2017 08:05 AM PDT

Oscar-winning director Asghar Farhadi throws his weight behind moderate incumbent before Friday's poll

Iranian double Oscar-winning film director Asghar Farhadi has endorsed Hassan Rouhani for president, bolstering his campaign before Friday's vote.

Farhadi, who won his second Oscar in February for The Salesman, threw his weight behind the moderate incumbent on Sunday, saying in a statement carried by the Isna news agency: "I will vote for Dr Rouhani and I hope that those who remain undecided would use their basic right and vote despite all the understandable reasons and conditions that they may have, for the fate of children in our homeland and future generations."

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Putin plays piano as he awaits talks with Chinese president – video

Posted: 14 May 2017 07:30 AM PDT

Vladimir Putin plays the piano while awaiting Xi Jinping for bilateral talks in Beijing. According to Russian state television, the tunes were Soviet-era songs about Moscow and St Petersburg. It is not the first time the Russian president has shown off his musical skills. In 2010, Putin took to the piano at a charity event where he played the beginning of Fats Domino's Blueberry Hill

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Brigitte Macron's daughter hits back over 'sexist and ageist' attacks

Posted: 14 May 2017 06:52 AM PDT

Tiphaine Auzière, her daughter from first marriage, defends France's first lady against 'jealousy' of political opponents

The youngest daughter of France's new first lady has accused political opponents of "jealousy" for launching what she called misogynistic attacks on Brigitte Macron.

Tiphaine Auzière, who is standing as a parliamentary candidate for Emmanuel Macron's La Republique En Marche, has defended her mother from what she believes are ageist and sexist insults.

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Emmanuel Macron's inauguration speech: the world needs a strong France – video

Posted: 14 May 2017 05:43 AM PDT

In his speech at the Élysée Palace in Paris, the new president of France says he will do everything that is necessary to fight terrorism. The centrist also lists the global migration crisis and climate change among his challenges

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Joshua Wong, the student who risked the wrath of Beijing: ‘It’s about turning the impossible into the possible’

Posted: 14 May 2017 05:00 AM PDT

He was still a geeky teenager when he led Hong Kong's 2014 umbrella protests. Since then Beijing's grip has tightened, but he's not giving up the resistance

Cometh the hour, cometh the boy. Very much a boy: 17 and looking even younger behind his black-rimmed spectacles, with baggy shorts accentuating his skinniness and shaggy hair in need of a trim. Bright, well-mannered and slightly geeky, everyone's son was about to become an international celebrity.

In September 2014, an unprecedented wave of civil disobedience swept Hong Kong, with tens of thousands of people pouring on to the streets to call for democratic reforms. The shock wasn't just seeing riot police deployed in the heart of a city regarded as apolitical, money-focused and essentially conservative. It was the numbers and sheer youth of these peaceful demonstrators, umbrellas held aloft to ward off teargas and pepper spray, as they confronted – peacefully, tidily and very, very politely – the wrath of Beijing.

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