World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Anti-terrorism laws have ‘chilling effect’ on vital aid deliveries to Somalia

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 11:00 PM PDT

Fear of prosecution under UK and US counter-terror laws hinders those trying to provide humanitarian assistance in areas held by Islamic militants

Strict British and US counter-terrorism laws are discouraging humanitarian organisations from delivering vital emergency assistance to millions of people facing starvation and fatal diseases in drought-hit Somalia.

Senior humanitarian officials say the laws, which target any individual or organisation found to have materially assisted a terrorist group, exert a "chilling effect" on vital assistance in areas of Somalia controlled by Islamic militants from al-Shabaab, an al-Qaida affiliate.

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US moves missile defence to South Korea site amid tensions with North

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 01:28 AM PDT

Controversial Thaad system is being deployed amid protests from local residents and China over threat to regional security balance

The US military has started moving parts of its controversial Thaad missile defence system to a deployment site in South Korea amid high tensions over North Korea's missile and nuclear programmes.

The earlier-than-expected move prompted protests by hundreds of local residents and was denounced by the frontrunner in South Korea's presidential election on 9 May.

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Mexico talks tough to Trump as border wall funding appears to stall

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 05:03 PM PDT

Foreign minister called plans 'hostile' and an 'absolute waste of money', as Trump appears to back down on demand for funding from Congress

Mexican foreign minister Luis Videgaray tore into the idea of building a border, calling it "unfriendly, "a hostile act" and "unlikely to fulfill the objectives" of stopping the flow of migrants and illegal merchandise into the United States.

Appearing before the international relations commission in the lower house of Congress, Videgaray unleashed uncharacteristically tough talk on Donald Trump's demand that Mexico pay for building a border, telling lawmakers that Mexico would not put a peso towards the construction costs. He also called plans for fencing off the frontier "an absolute waste of money" and said Mexico would pursue legal measures if its borders were infringed upon by the wall.

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Ivanka Trump met with jeers in Berlin as she calls father 'champion of families'

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 11:44 PM PDT

US president's daughter hears boos at W20 summit for calling him a 'champion of supporting families' as Angela Merkel tries hard to make her guest feel welcome

One of the issues at the top of the agenda of the W20 summit in Berlin on Tuesday was how working women can better balance family and work.

So perhaps it was inevitable that the first question for Ivanka Trump – a woman accused of mixing business interests and dynastic ambition in ways the White House has rarely seen – should have focused on alleged conflicts of interest.

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Lynching of a student sparks uproar in Pakistan against blasphemy laws

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 11:00 PM PDT

Mashal Khan was shot dead by a mob after a heated university discussion. But rarely has the country responded so forcefully for someone accused of blasphemy

Mashal Khan was never afraid to speak his mind. The 23-year-old journalism student was known for questioning his peers and speaking out against injustice and corruption.

But on 13 April – a few days after a heated discussion at his university in Madan in north-western Pakistan – Khan was seized from his dorm room by a mob that stripped and beat him, then shot him dead.

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China's new generation of war correspondents hit the front line

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 06:00 PM PDT

Beijing's state-run press expands its global footprint as part of an ambitious media offensive designed to project the country's voice across the world

Chen Xu credits Confucian philosophy with calming his nerves as he raced down Israel's Highway 4 towards his first taste of war.

It was 15 November 2012 and the young Chinese journalist was heading for the Gaza Strip after the start of a major Israeli assault dubbed Operation Pillar of Defence.

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Council of Europe vote puts pressure on Turkey over human rights

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 10:00 PM PDT

Pace votes to restart monitoring Turkey, a process it had relaxed in 2004, triggering furious reaction from Ankara

One of Europe's leading human rights bodies has put Turkey back on a watchlist over "serious concerns" about democracy and human rights, putting pressure on the EU to reassess relations with Ankara.

Related: Erdoğan's referendum victory spells the end of Turkey as we know it | Yavuz Baydar

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US may avoid government shutdown as Trump softens demand for border wall

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 03:04 PM PDT

Congressional leaders sounded confident that they will be able to row back from the brink as the president took funding for the wall off the table

Congressional leaders sounded confident on Tuesday that they would be able to row back from the brink of a government shutdown after Donald Trump signaled a softening on his demand for immediate funding of the wall along the US-Mexico border.

Though Trump insisted that his controversial plan to build a barrier along the southern border would begin "soon", Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill were reportedly pressing ahead with a spending plan that included no such funding. Congress has until Friday to approve a spending package to avoid a shutdown of the federal government.

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North Korea conducts live-fire drill with US submarine nearby, raising tensions

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 11:22 AM PDT

Exercise using 300 to 400 long-range artillery pieces was a clear reminder that North Korea could destroy large swaths of the South Korean capital

The North Korean army conducted a live-fire drill with massed artillery hours after a US submarine armed with cruise missiles docked at a South Korean base for naval exercises, further raising tensions in a volatile battle of nerves in north-east Asia.

Between 300 and 400 long-range artillery pieces, capable of hitting Seoul, took part in the drill on Tuesday, according to the Yonhap news agency quoting government officials.

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Hackers have targeted election campaign of Macron, says cyber firm

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 10:56 AM PDT

Trend Mirco says it detected fake web domains for French presidential candidate on digital infrastructure used by group named Pawn Storm

The campaign of the French presidential frontrunner, Emmanuel Macron, has been targeted by hackers linked to Russia, according to researchers with a Japanese anti-virus firm.

The researchers added to previous suggestions that the centrist politician was being singled out for electronic eavesdropping by the Kremlin.

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'Heist of the century': Brazilian gang hits security vault and police HQ in Paraguay

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 09:39 AM PDT

Using automatic rifles, dynamite and anti-aircraft guns, around 50 gangsters turned city into a battle zone before fleeing in speedboats with about $8m

Brazilian gangsters have taken armed robbery to a lethal new level with a cross-border attack on a Paraguayan security vault and police headquarters using automatic rifles, dynamite and anti-aircraft guns in what local media have described as "the heist of the century".

One police officer was murdered in the assault and three suspects were killed by police after they fled the scene and crossed the river border in speedboats with an estimated $8m.

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Couple charged in shooting of protester at Milo Yiannopoulos event in Seattle

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 12:47 PM PDT

Elizabeth Hokoana charged with first-degree assault for shooting 34-year-old protester in abdomen, and her husband was charged with third-degree assault

Prosecutors on Monday charged a couple in connection with a Seattle shooting during a demonstration over an appearance by the rightwing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos in January.

Elizabeth Hokoana, 29, was charged with first-degree assault for shooting a 34-year-old protester in the abdomen. Her husband, Marc Hokoana, was charged with third-degree assault. Lawyers for the two said they acted in self-defense.

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Two-thirds of people in Mexico, Chile and Ecuador are obese, UN finds

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 12:29 PM PDT

Study calls epidemic frightening and finds that 'overnutrition' and sedentary lifestyles are costing countries tens of billions of dollars every year

More than two-thirds of people living in Mexico, Chile and Ecuador are overweight or obese, costing their economies tens of billions of dollars every year, driving rates of disease and straining health services, according to a new UN report.

While the number of hungry people in Latin America and the Caribbean has halved in the past 25 years, the region is now struggling to combat an obesity epidemic.

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Stock markets surge to new highs ahead of Trump's tax reform plan

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 12:43 PM PDT

US technology shares rise while investors bet on Emmanuel Macron victory in French election

World markets have hit new peaks, pushed higher by continuing optimism about the outcome of the French presidential election, a series of positive US company results and growing anticipation over Donald Trump's promised tax reforms.

The biggest gains on Tuesday came from the US, with the technology-heavy Nasdaq Composite breaking the 6,000 barrier for the first time, 17 years after it first reached 5,000 during the height of the dotcom boom. The index was boosted by technology giants such as Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Google and Facebook, which will be among the main beneficiaries of any Trump tax reforms.

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Facebook under pressure after man livestreams killing of his daughter

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 08:38 AM PDT

Distressing footage of murder of 11-month old in Thailand was accessible to Facebook users for approximately 24 hours before being taken down

Facebook is coming under fresh pressure over its Facebook Live service after a Thai man broadcast a video of himself killing his 11-month-old daughter.

Wuttisan Wongtalay, 20, filmed the murder of his daughter on the rooftop of a deserted hotel in two video clips streamed on Facebook, before committing suicide, police in the Thai town of Phuket said on Tuesday. Relatives reportedly saw the distressing footage on Monday evening and alerted the police, who arrived too late to save either Wuttisan or his daughter.

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Macron and Le Pen pay tribute to officer killed in Champs Élysées attack

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 04:02 AM PDT

French election candidates pause from campaign to attend memorial for Xavier Jugelé, who was murdered last week

For a brief moment on Tuesday morning, France's battling presidential candidates suspended a bitter campaign to honour the police officer shot dead on the Champs-Elysées in Paris last week.

François Hollande, the outgoing president, led the tribute to Xavier Jugelé, 37, as the independent centrist Emmanuel Macron and the far-right leader Marine Le Pen looked on.

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Justin Trudeau: father's influence made my brother's marijuana charge 'go away'

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 11:06 AM PDT

  • Canada prime minister's brother Michel charged with possession in 1998
  • Government facing calls for blanket pardon for pot convictions

Days after his government confirmed that its plans to legalise marijuana will not include a blanket pardon for those with past pot convictions, Justin Trudeau has admitted that his late brother was once charged with marijuana possession – and that their father's resources and connections helped make the charge "go away".

The Canadian prime minister's comments, made at a town hall meeting hosted by Vice Media, came in response to a young Canadian who said he had been charged with pot possession.

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Pope tells leaders in first TED talk: act humbly or power will ruin you

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 01:46 AM PDT

Pontiff makes a surprise appearance at Vancouver conference via video link-up from the Vatican

He sits behind a desk rather than pacing around a stage, but the power of his message is not diluted. Pope Francis has made a surprise TED talk, beamed from the Vatican to Vancouver, calling for leaders to act with humility and tenderness.

The first pontifical TED talk, which lasted 18 minutes, featured Francis dispensing advice to politicians and leaders of big business, as well as talking about his own background as the son of migrants.

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Yemen aid not reaching intended recipients, say activists on ground

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 01:46 AM PDT

UN secretary general António Guterres tells humanitarian donors conference war-torn country is facing 'a tragedy of immense proportions'

The UN has been promised half the amount requested for its humanitarian appeal for Yemen, secretary general António Guterres has said, as activists on the ground said relief was being prevented from reaching its recipients.

Donors at a fundraising conference in Geneva pledged sums to take the total promised to $1.1bn (£860m), in a $2.1bn appeal that was only 15% funded previously.

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Inside a denim factory in Nairobi – in pictures

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 01:06 AM PDT

A look at the United Aryan Export Processing Zone textile factory in Nairobi, Kenya, which employs more than 3,500 people and makes jeans for a number of brands including Levi's

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United Airlines in new PR disaster after giant rabbit dies on UK flight

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 12:27 AM PDT

Airline launches investigation after rabbit expected to be the world's biggest found dead after travelling from London to Chicago

United Airlines is facing another PR disaster after a potentially record-breaking giant rabbit perished onboard one of its transatlantic flights.

The 3ft (90cm) continental giant rabbit named Simon, which was 10 months old, died while travelling from London Heathrow to O'Hare airport in Chicago, the Sun reported.

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‘Act humbly’: Pope Francis’s message to world leaders at TED talk – video

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 12:26 AM PDT

At a TED talk in Vancouver on Tuesday, the pontiff says the greater the power held by world leaders, the greater their duty is to 'act humbly'. Speaking from the Vatican via video link, the pope says he hopes technological innovation will bring equality and social inclusion

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Madeleine McCann: UK police still have 'critical line' of inquiry to pursue

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 11:27 PM PDT

Kate and Gerry McCann vow never to give up search for daughter, in message marking decade since three-year-old vanished

The police chief leading the hunt to find Madeleine McCann has said investigators still have a "critical line" of inquiry to explore as they try to solve the mystery of her disappearance a decade ago.

Metropolitan police assistant commissioner Mark Rowley said the joint Portuguese and British inquiry may never establish definitive answers and could not say whether she was still alive.

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Will London survive as a financial centre after Brexit?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 12:08 AM PDT

EU rivals including Paris and Frankfurt are circling in the hope they can claw back business from the UK

Brexit has set a hungry cat among the financial pigeons of the City of London. No one yet knows what kind of access to the European Union's single financial market UK-based firms will have, and Theresa May's call for a general election to be held on 8 June has further clouded the picture, at least in the short term. But there is a nagging assumption that things cannot remain the same, and that there will be a price to be paid for leaving the EU.

So UK-based financial services firms, especially those that have chosen London as their European headquarters precisely in order to secure access to the whole EU market from one location, are reviewing their options. Indeed, regulators are obliging them to do so, by asking how they will maintain continuity of service to their clients in the event of a "hard" Brexit. (May's government prefers to talk of a "clean" Brexit, but that is semantics.)

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How rich hippies and developers went to war over Instagram’s favourite beach

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 09:30 PM PDT

With its Mayan ruins and moonlight raves, Tulum has become Mexico's hippest holiday destination. But a spate of violent evictions reveals a darker side

Reviews of Uno Astrolodge, a boutique new age-style hotel on Mexico's Caribbean coast, lean heavily on words such as "magic", "paradise" and "peace". When it opened in 2001, Uno Astrolodge was one of the first upscale hotels in the beach town of Tulum. Over the past decade, the once-sleepy town, 75 miles south of Cancún, has become the kind of spiritual oasis particularly favoured by the fashion industry and wealthy New Yorkers. Until recently, guests at Uno Astrolodge, set on an exclusive stretch of white sandy beach, paid up to $300 per night for a room in a candlelit bungalow with a view of the ocean. They showered under the trees in private outdoor bathrooms and ate fresh bread baked on site every morning. They could spend their time detoxing in Native American sweat lodge ceremonies or getting their Mayan astrology charts read. Wednesdays at the Astrolodge featured sound healing ceremonies; a "women's circle" welcomed every full moon with ecstatic dancing.

But this other-worldly pampering was rudely interrupted on 17 June 2016. That morning Uno Astrolodge's founder, Nuno Silva, a rangy Portuguese 45-year-old with a soft voice and long bronze dreadlocks, was at home with his wife and daughter. Just after sunrise, the hotel manager ran across the road to alert him to a problem. There were hundreds of men amassing in the street outside Silva's beachfront property, the manager told him. Some of them were armed with machetes and big sticks. They were coming to seize the hotel.

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Gold Coast police urging victims to drop complaints to improve crime statistics

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 11:37 PM PDT

Queensland government report finds an unhealthy focus on achieving performance targets over quality data

Gold Coast police officers are trying to paint a better picture of the official crime rate by "soliciting" victims to withdraw complaints, a damning report has found.

The Queensland auditor general's report also warns crime statistics collated and released by the state's police service should be "treated with caution".

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Hong Kong police detain pro-independence lawmakers after China protest

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 10:14 PM PDT

Sixtus Leung and Yau Wai-ching taken from their apartments and are to be charged with 'illegal assembly', according to their party

Hong Kong police have detained two former pro-independence lawmakers at their homes, amid a widening crackdown on dissenting voices in the former British colony.

The pair, Yau Wai-ching and Sixtus "Baggio" Leung, were disqualified from the city's legislature late last year after a dramatic anti-China protest during their swearing-in ceremony in October.

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Wednesday briefing: Trump runs up against a brick wall

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 09:59 PM PDT

Border barrier is met with budget blockade … free schools condemned as huge waste of money … and row over claims about fat and heart health

The Mexican government has seized on Donald Trump's problems with his border wall. Apparently emboldened by the president's failure to squeeze money out of Congress for his pet project, the Mexican finance minister, Luis Videgaray, declared it a "hostile" plan and "absolute waste of money" that Mexico will never agree to pay for. "Under no scenario will we contribute economically to an action of this kind," Videgaray said.

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Japan minister quits after saying it was 'better' tsunami hit the north of country

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 09:27 PM PDT

Masahiro Imamura, who was overseeing reconstruction of disaster areas, said it was better the north-eastern region was hit instead of Tokyo

The Japanese cabinet minister overseeing reconstruction of areas devastated by the 2011 tsunami and Fukushima nuclear disaster resigned on Wednesday after saying it was better the disaster struck the north-eastern region instead of Tokyo.

Masahiro Imamura was forced to quit after remarks he made on Tuesday at a party for ruling Liberal Democratic party lawmakers and is the latest in a spate of ruling party lawmakers in trouble for their comments or behaviour.

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China launches second aircraft carrier that is first built at home

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 08:42 PM PDT

Warship is due to go into service in 2020 when it will join existing carrier, the Soviet-era Liaoning, bought secondhand from Ukraine

China has launched its first domestically built aircraft carrier, which will join an existing one bought secondhand from Ukraine, amid rising tensions over North Korea and worries about Beijing's assertiveness in the South China Sea.

State media said the carrier, designed in China and built in the north-east port of Dalian, was not expected to enter service until 2020.

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Mexico says Trump border wall 'an absolute waste of resources' – video

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 08:19 PM PDT

Mexico's foreign minister Luis Videgaray unleashed uncharacteristically tough talk on the US president's demand that Mexico pay for building a border wall, saying his government would pursue legal measures if its borders were infringed upon

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'Run! Run! Run!' First day on the job for groundbreaking Shanghai reporter

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 07:07 PM PDT

Female voices are still a rarity among China's war correspondents, but Yuan Wenyi hopes she is helping to shake off outdated conceptions

When Yuan Wenyi touched down in Tripoli in 2011 to witness the downfall of Colonel Gaddafi for Shanghai's Dragon TV she became the first female war correspondent from the city since Mao founded the People's Republic of China in 1949.

The 36-year-old reporter remembers her action-packed debut as a conflict reporter as a "sheer delight". But her first experience of war was almost her last.

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US businesswoman Phan Phan-Gillis sentenced in China on spying charges

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 06:45 PM PDT

'Sandy' Phan-Gillis disappeared while on a business trip to China in 2015 and little had been heard of her case until her sentence

An American woman detained during a business trip to China and charged with spying was sentenced on Tuesday to three and a half years in prison, raising the possibility that she may be allowed to return home soon.

Phan Phan-Gillis has faced an uncertain fate since March 2015 when she disappeared from her group traveling in southern China. She was later accused of espionage, which carries a possible death sentence. A United Nations panel has said her detention violated international norms and the US has long pressed China to resolve the case fairly.

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'You will not have my hatred': moving eulogy for slain French policeman – video

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 06:28 PM PDT

Etienne Cardiles delivers a moving eulogy at his partner's funeral at Paris police headquarters on Tuesday. Politicians and dignitaries attended to pay their respects to the officer, Xavier Jugelé, who was shot dead on the Champs-Elysées in Paris last week. President François Hollande led the tributes, while Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, the two candidates vying to replace him also attended

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Brazilian goalkeeper guilty of murder back in prison after brief return to football

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 05:12 PM PDT

An earlier court decision had allowed Bruno Fernandes de Souza to sign for a second-division soccer club, causing a public uproar

Brazil's Supreme Court has ordered the re-arrest of a professional footballer who was convicted of murdering his girlfriend, then prematurely released and allowed to sign for a club.

Bruno Fernandes de Souza - who was an icon during his period as goalkeeper for Brazil's most popular club Flamengo - handed himself in to police, ending two months of liberty that had generated fierce debate about the violence and misogyny of Latin America's biggest country.

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Justin Trudeau: ‘My father’s resources cleared brother’s cannabis charge’ – video

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 12:31 PM PDT

The Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau, speaks to Vice Canada about his government's plans to legalise marijuana. He tells a story about how his late brother was charged with cannabis possession nearly two decades ago but his father's connections made the charge 'go away'

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Macron will not change this crisis of globalisation | Letters

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 11:56 AM PDT


Like Natalie Nougayrède, I too felt a huge sense of relief that Emmanuel Macron had made it through to the second round of the French presidential election (The nightmare of a Le Pen win, 25 April). But there is clearly something wrong with a French system which so easily could have selected the far-left candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who was only a few percentage points behind Macron. I agree that anti-establishment sentiment that is indifferent to the outcome it produces (Brexit/Trump) results in chaos and nihilism, not renewal. A Mélenchon v Le Pen vote-off would have been a disaster for France and for Europe.
Stan Labovitch
Windsor, Berkshire

Here's why I voted for Macron in the French presidential elections: I see myself as part of this new generation of French voters that believes in free trade and responsible public spending, while (as Macron famously says, "en même temps") setting up regulations to control globalisation. These voters recognise the need for reforms and more flexible employment laws, as well as worker protection and lifelong learning. France represents 3% of world GDP and the challenges of today's world – including terrorism, military defence and global warming and innovation – will have to be tackled at European level. French voters outside of France understand that, so it is not surprising that 40% of us voted for Macron. He has brought optimism to depressed French voters with a programme that puts progressivism and Europe at the centre of his aspirations.

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University chief appeals for EU help to fight Hungarian clampdown

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 09:33 AM PDT

Rector of Central European University hopeful EU will launch infringement proceedings against Orbán government

The head of a leading university threatened with closure in Hungary has made an emotional plea for help from the EU and accused the country's rightwing, authoritarian prime minister, Viktor Orbán, of effectively putting a gun to his head.

Michael Ignatieff, rector of the US-linked Central European University (CEU), said he was "cautiously optimistic" that the EU would launch infringement proceedings against the Hungarian government for its "outrageous" attack on academic freedoms.

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Passengers don't want overweight flight crew, say Aeroflot officials after lawsuits

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 08:20 AM PDT

Airline representatives claim customers choose it partly on basis of employees' appearance, after court rejects complaints

Representatives of the Russian airline Aeroflot have said it is reasonable for female flight attendants to face financial penalties if they are deemed to be overweight.

At a press conference on Tuesday following two recent lawsuits, two Aeroflot representatives appeared to attempt to justify the airline's alleged policing of its female employees' appearance.

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Israel snubs German foreign minister in row over human rights talks

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 08:19 AM PDT

Benjamin Netanyahu cancels talks with Sigmar Gabriel after German foreign minister vows to meet Israeli rights groups

Israel's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has abruptly cancelled a meeting with the visiting German foreign minister, Sigmar Gabriel, in a high-profile diplomatic row over the German minister's plan to meet two Israeli rights groups.

Netanyahu's snub came after he issued an ultimatum to Gabriel to cancel meetings with military whistleblower group Breaking the Silence and human rights group B'Tselem.

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Ditch the outrage over Macron’s marriage age gap – we all have fascists to fight

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 06:09 AM PDT

The reaction to the age disparity between the French presidential hopeful and his wife proves one thing: endemic ageism and sexism are alive and kicking

I have no great desire to do a feminist analysis of the marriage of Emmanuel Macron, the last non-fascist standing in the forthcoming French elections, but the fathomless nastiness of the Daily Mail has made it necessary. "How can I get the world to take me seriously," writes Jan Moir, channelling Macron's interior voice, "if they think I am a mummy's boy with a wife who is 25 years older than him?"

This idea is dispatched relatively easily: men don't need authority over their wives in order to be taken seriously, except in the Sopranos and the 12th century. One of these days, that entire newspaper will realise how close it is in outlook to Isis and cut those medieval terrorists some solidarity slack.

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US considers cabin laptop ban on flights from UK airports

Posted: 24 Apr 2017 05:13 PM PDT

All travellers from Europe could face ban aimed at thwarting terrorists who want to smuggle explosives in electronic gadgets

The Trump administration is considering barring passengers flying to the US from UK airports from taking laptops into the cabins, sources have told the Guardian.

The proposed ban would be similar to one already imposed on travellers from several Middle Eastern countries.

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A government of death is plundering our ancient Munduruku lands. Help us stop it

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 06:05 AM PDT

As the UN forum on indigenous issues meets in New York, we, the Munduruku people of Brazil, demand an end to the destruction of our territory

We, the Munduruku people, send our thoughts and words to you who live far away. We echo the cry for help from our mother, the forest, and from all the indigenous peoples in Brazil.

Our home of Mundurukânia and all 13,000 of our people are threatened by the Brazilian government's plans to build more than 40 hydroelectric dams in the Tapajós basin, as well as an industrial waterway and other major projects.

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UK overseas aid budget fraud levels do not seem credible, watchdog says

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 04:41 AM PDT

Commons committee questions official figures for how much the Department for International Development has lost

The government's claims of low levels of fraud in Britain's overseas aid budget do not seem credible given mounting evidence of missing money, the House of Commons financial watchdog has said.

The public accounts committee questioned official findings on how much the Department for International Development (DfID) has lost to overseas corruption after its budget increased by more than a quarter to nearly £10bn since 2011.

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Trump pledges on Holocaust Remembrance Day to stamp out antisemitism – video

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 02:05 PM PDT

The US president gives a speech on Capitol Hill on Tuesday to mark Holocaust Remembrance Day and says he will always stand with 'our great friend and partner, the state of Israel'. Trump has previously been criticised for his administration's remarks on the Holocaust after spokesman Sean Spicer claimed that Hitler had not used chemical weapons against 'his own people'

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Audience groans as Ivanka Trump defends father at G20 women’s summit – video

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 06:03 AM PDT

Ivanka Trump defends her father's attitude to women at the G20 women's summit in Berlin on Tuesday. Some members of the audience groaned as she spoke of the US president being a 'tremendous champion of supporting families and enabling them to thrive' and blamed the media for publicising his public denigration of women in the past

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