World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Syrian children 'pushed to the brink' after worst atrocities since war began

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 05:01 PM PDT

Unprecedented number of children maimed, killed and recruited for combat roles in 2016, says Unicef report on violations suffered by children

The number of children maimed, killed or recruited to fight in the Syria conflict has increased dramatically over the past year, with children as young as seven forced to act as frontline fighters, prison guards, suicide bombers and executioners.

Grave violations against Syrian children are at the highest level since the war began in 2011, according to a Unicef report, with at least 652 children killed in 2016 – a 20% increase on the year before – and 850 children recruited to fight in the conflict, nearly three times the 331 enlisted in 2015.

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John McCain tells Trump: present evidence or retract wiretapping claim

Posted: 13 Mar 2017 01:24 AM PDT

Senior Republican calls on president to prove extraordinary allegation that his predecessor tapped phones in Trump Tower during the 2016 campaign

Senior Republican John McCain has told Donald Trump to either present evidence proving Barack Obama was involved in wiretapping his phones or retract the claim.

McCain's demand came after the House intelligence committee asked the president for evidence that phones at Trump Tower were tapped during the campaign.

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Troubled waters: Norway keeps watch on Russia's Arctic manoeuvres

Posted: 13 Mar 2017 12:00 AM PDT

Russia's expanding military and the worrying noises from Donald Trump have Norway spending vast sums on defence

If there is one place in Europe that could be most justifiably troubled by Donald Trump's mysterious relationship with Moscow, it is the windswept coastal town of Bodø lying just inside the Arctic Circle in Norway.

A few minutes' drive north of Bodø, remote and deep in a vast cave chiselled out of a mountain of quartz and slate, lies Norway's joint military headquarters, sometimes described as Nato's northern gate.

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Netherlands 'will pay the price' for blocking Turkish visit – Erdoğan

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 12:57 PM PDT

Turkey's president accuses west of nazism as row escalates after minister is turned away from Rotterdam consulate

The Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has warned the Netherlands it will "pay the price" for a diplomatic stand-off after a Turkish minister was blocked from visiting her country's consulate in Rotterdam and tensions between the two countries exploded in angry protests.

Erdoğan described the treatment of Fatma Betül Sayan Kaya, minister for families, as shameless and accused the Dutch of "behaving like a banana republic".

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Rubbish dump landslide kills at least 46 in Ethiopia

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 04:54 PM PDT

Many victims are thought to have been people who scavenged for a living at Koshe landfill site

At least 46 people have died and dozens more have been injured in a giant landslide at Ethiopia's largest rubbish dump outside Addis Ababa, a tragedy squatters living there blamed on a biogas plant being built nearby.

Dozens of homes of squatters who lived in the Koshe landfill site, on the outskirts of the capital, were flattened when the largest pile of rubbish collapsed on Saturday.

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Elizabeth Warren says Trump pushed out prosecutors to install 'cronies'

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 12:46 PM PDT

Progressive senator attacks president over firing of Preet Bharara, while former US attorney writes cryptic tweet alluding to past corruption inquiry

The progressive senator Elizabeth Warren accused Donald Trump of firing a prominent prosecutor to install "cronies" , warning on Sunday of "a massive fight" in the Senate over his picks for new US attorneys.

On Saturday, Trump fired Preet Bharara, the US attorney of the southern district of Manhattan, where the prosecutor had pursued corruption cases against members of both the Republican and Democratic parties. In November, Bharara met with Trump and his nominee for attorney general, Jeff Sessions, and said he had "agreed to stay on" after conversations with both.

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Bus crashes into parade in Haiti, killing at least 34 and injuring 17

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 11:22 AM PDT

  • Driver and passengers held in police station, official says
  • Paraders reportedly threw rocks at bus after crash

At least 34 people were killed and 17 injured in northern Haiti late on Saturday after a bus crashed into a parade of pedestrians, the country's civil protection authorities said on Sunday.

The bus, which was coming from Cap Haitien to the capital, Port-au-Prince, crashed into a "rara" parade in the town of Gonaives in the northern part of the country, authorities said.

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Dozens dead in twin Damascus bombings, says rights monitor

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 04:33 AM PDT

Iraqis visiting Shia shrines are among victims of Saturday's blasts, according to Syrian Observatory for Human Rights

The number dead from twin bombings targeting Shia pilgrims in Damascus has risen to 74, a rights organisation has said.

Among the victims of Saturday's blasts were 43 Iraqi pilgrims who had come to the Syrian capital to visit Shia shrines in the famed Old City, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Sunday.

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Fillon to discipline party workers over antisemitic caricature of Macron

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 07:44 AM PDT

Caricature posted on Twitter account of rightwing Les Républicains party depicted presidential rival as hook-nosed banker

François Fillon, the rightwing French presidential candidate, has promised to discipline party workers who published a caricature of his centrist opponent, Emmanuel Macron, that was likened to 1930s antisemitic propaganda.

The official Twitter account of Fillon's party, Les Républicains, published a caricature of Macron on Friday depicting him as a hook-nosed banker in a top hat cutting a cigar with the Communist symbol of the red sickle.

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Brexit bill faces last rebel push to guarantee final vote in parliament

Posted: 13 Mar 2017 01:45 AM PDT

Article 50 bill returns to MPs on Monday afternoon, where they will consider two amendments inserted by peers

The government faces a last push from rebel backbenchers to guarantee a final vote in parliament on any Brexit deal before the triggering of article 50, with concerns coalescing around what would happen if no agreement was reached with the EU.

The government's bill authorising it to trigger article 50 returns to the Commons on Monday afternoon, where MPs will consider two amendments inserted by peers. It is likely they will return it to the Lords in the evening.

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Peppa Pig pulled: China cracks down on foreign children's books

Posted: 13 Mar 2017 01:00 AM PDT

Chinese publishers have reportedly received orders that the number of foreign titles being printed must be cut to prevent an 'ideology inflow'

Winnie-the-pooh, Peppa Pig, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and even James and his Giant Peach are feeling the heat in China amid reports of a Communist party crackdown on children's literature.

With about 220 million under-14s and a rapidly growing middle class, China is home to a potentially massive market for children's picture books. More than 40,000 children's books were reportedly published here last year alone.

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Deal to allow individual Britons EU rights must go both ways, Theresa May told

Posted: 13 Mar 2017 12:31 AM PDT

Eastern European politicians say if UK wanted to let its citizens apply for freedom of movement it would have to be reciprocal

Theresa May has been told she will have to guarantee a reciprocal deal for eastern Europeans if she wants Britons to have the chance to individually apply for EU rights such as freedom of movement after the UK leaves the bloc.

Diplomats and senior politicians from eastern European states said they would only support a plan to allow British citizens to apply for EU membership benefits if the UK offered their citizens the chance to apply for similar rights from the British government.

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Book reviews: fresh insights on Islam and Isis

Posted: 13 Mar 2017 12:30 AM PDT

Four new books give much-needed insight into a misunderstood religion, from history and philosophy to life under Isis

In the years since 9/11, there has been much talk about "the problem with Islam". Part of the problem, obvious to anyone who follows the news, is that a very small number of people who like to blow up buildings and sever heads do so in the name of Islam. As if the link between violence and religion was now proven (it is not), the current occupant of the White House wishes to restrict the movement of certain Muslims into the US. If you have a historical view of Islam, you will understand the irony in this because a little more than 100 years ago, many Muslims were seen as sensual, mystical and exotic.

You won't find much of those three qualities in The Way of the Strangers. Graeme Wood's book does what it says in the subtitle and offers a series of "encounters with the Islamic State". Well, not quite the state itself, because the chance of becoming another orange-suited sacrifice deters most western journalists from travelling there. Instead, Wood talks to the state's supporters and enthusiasts in Cairo, London, New York and elsewhere.

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Boaty McBoatface to go on its first Antarctic mission

Posted: 13 Mar 2017 12:29 AM PDT

Robot submarine, named after competition, will collect data from depths of Southern Ocean

A small yellow robot submarine, called Boaty McBoatface after a competition to name a new polar research ship backfired, is being sent on its first Antarctic mission.

Boaty, which has arguably one of the most famous names in recent maritime history, is a new type of autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), which will be able travel under ice, reach depths of 6,000 metres, and transmit the data it collects to researchers via a radio link.

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'We do reasonable' – so why are Dutch voters abandoning the centre ground?

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 10:00 PM PDT

After years of backing catch-all centre parties, many in the Netherlands are turning towards anti-politics-as-usual alternatives for the 15 March election

In Purmerend on market day, there is little to suggest the Netherlands may be on the brink of a populist uprising. Little, even, to show the country is days from an election widely portrayed – though not, on the whole, by the Dutch – as the next step in the overthrow of the liberal world order.

On Kaasmarkt, a queue waits patiently in the shadow of the Niklaas church to be served at the stall of Beuse, cheesemongers since 1928. On Koemarkt, the 15th-century cattle market that is now the town's main square, shoppers sip strong coffee in weak sunshine outside Café Aad de Wolf, talking about anything but politics.

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Rail strikes hit passengers in north of England as Southern dispute spreads

Posted: 13 Mar 2017 01:35 AM PDT

More than half of services to be cancelled on Northern and Merseyrail on Monday, but Southern expects to run 90% of trains

Strikes will affect trains on three franchises across England on Monday, as the row over the future roles and responsibilities of guards on the rail network spreads from Southern to Northern and Merseyrail.

Members of the RMT union are to walk out for 24 hours in protest at changes to their jobs.

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'It's life and death': how the growth of Addis Ababa has sparked racial tensions

Posted: 13 Mar 2017 12:15 AM PDT

Addis Ababa had a plan – to expand, and lead newly prosperous Ethiopia into a brave new century. But after protests led to a violent and harrowing state crackdown, what happens next could reverberate across Africa

Drive out of Addis Ababa's new central business district, with its five-star hotels, banks and gleaming office blocks. Head south, along the traffic-choked avenues lined with new apartment blocks, cafes, cheap hotels and, in the neighbourhood where the European Union has its offices, several excellent restaurants. Go past a vast new church, the cement skeletons of several dozen unfinished housing developments, under a new highway and swing left round the vast construction site from which the new terminal for the Ethiopian capital's main international airport is rising.

Here, the tarmac gives way to cobbles and grit and the city loosens its hold. Goats crop a parched field beside corrugated iron and breezeblock sheds, home to a shifting population of labourers and their families. Children in spotless uniforms neatly avoid fetid open drains as they walk home from school. Long-horned cattle wander. Beyond the airport, the road splits into a series of gravel tracks that quickly become dusty paths across fields, which take you to the village of Weregenu.

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Iowa congressman Steve King lauds Geert Wilders, warning over 'demographics'

Posted: 13 Mar 2017 01:43 AM PDT

Republican Steve King offers praise for anti-immigrant politician Geert Wilders, saying: 'We can't restore our civilization with somebody else's babies'

The Republican congressman Steve King applauded the far-right Dutch politician Geert Wilders on Sunday, using Twitter to write an apparent rejection of immigrant children in the United States and Europe.

Related: Can Geert Wilders be more than the Netherlands' agitator-in-chief?

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Guatemalan children's shelter fire: death toll rises to 40 as demonstrations erupt

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 08:34 PM PDT

Disaster puts spotlight on failings in the child protective services agency as thousands take to the streets to protest against the government

The death toll in a fire at a Guatemalan children's shelter has risen to 40 with the announcement that another girl ha died of burns.

The death was announced by Roosevelt Hospital in Guatemala's capital. Nineteen of the adolescents perished at the scene of Wednesday's inferno and 21 others have died in local hospitals.

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Sara Connor jailed for four years over fatal assault on Bali policeman

Posted: 13 Mar 2017 02:04 AM PDT

Australian and British boyfriend David Taylor found guilty over fight on Kuta beach which led to officer's death

Australian Sara Connor has been jailed for four years for her role in a fatal assault on a policeman in Bali.

The 46-year-old from Byron Bay was found guilty over the fight, which took place in August last year, alongside boyfriend David Taylor, a Briton who was jailed for six years at the same court hearing on Monday.

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Violence and isolation used to punish young detainees, inquiry told

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 10:45 PM PDT

Former youth detention centre inmate testifies that tired and overworked guards would lash out at their juvenile charges

Violence and isolation were used as punishments by Northern Territory juvenile detention guards who were tired and overworked, a former detainee has told the royal commission.

The inquiry into the protection and detention of children in the Northern Territory began its latest public hearing on Monday with written and spoken testimony from 21-year-old Jamal Turner, who said while some youth justice officers were good with young detainees, others meted out disrespect and abuse.

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Monday briefing: Trigger warning! Scenes of Brexit ahead

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 11:47 PM PDT

Crunch time for Theresa May's Article 50 bill … desperate plight of Syria's children … and schools urged to bin the idea of 'learning styles'

Hello - Warren Murray making sure you're across it all this morning.

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Trump and Brexit hurt Hungary, says liberal presidential candidate

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 11:00 PM PDT

László Majtényi says global events have bolstered authoritarian leaders such as Viktor Orbán while weakening civil society

Donald Trump's election and the prospect of Brexit have weakened democracy and civil society in Hungary just as campaigners are fighting against a rising tide of authoritarianism, the liberal candidate for the country's presidential election has said.

László Majtényi said the psychological impact of Trump's arrival in the White House represented a greater setback for civil groups in Hungary and other former communist eastern European countries than it did in the US, where he said democracy was probably robust enough to survive.

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Poland fumes at 'cheating' EU for keeping Donald Tusk in top post

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 09:25 PM PDT

Far-right government promises payback after humiliating failure to topple its own former prime minister as European council president

Poland has accused the EU of "cheating" and announced a "negative" policy towards Brussels after losing a diplomatic campaign to oust its own former prime minister as European council president.

"It turned out that EU policy is one of double standards and cheating", said foreign minister Witold Waszczykowski in the weekend edition of the Super Express newspaper.

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That's blown it: high winds cause chaos at Cape Town cycling race

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 06:32 PM PDT

Winds exceeding 100kph blew riders off their bikes and sent portable toilets careening across the road before organisers cancelled the event

Winds of up to 100kph that blew competitors off their bikes have forced organisers to cancel an international road race in South Africa.

The havoc on the Cape Town Cycle Tour began at the start of the race close to the city's foreshore when cyclists encountered gusts so strong that they struggled to hang onto their bikes and stop them from being blown away.

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Viral video hijacked by children prompts fierce debate on social media

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 12:11 PM PDT

Widespread assumption that Asian woman in video was a nanny – and not the mother – leads to accusations of racism

It lasted less than a minute but has been viewed hundreds of millions of times. The BBC interview with the political scientist Prof Robert Kelly, from his spare room, on South Korean president Park Geun-hye is a global hit after being spectacularly hijacked by the professor's two young children.

But amid the mirth and chatter the video clip has generated on social media, a darker theme has emerged.

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UK sending Syrians back to countries where they were beaten and abused

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 08:57 AM PDT

Refugees tell of being held in cages and even tortured in European countries including Hungary and Romania

Britain is using EU rules to send asylum seekers from Syria and other countries back to eastern European states where they were beaten, incarcerated and abused, the Guardian has learned.

Migrant rights groups and lawyers say the Home Office is using the rules to send people back to "police brutality, detention and beatings" in several European countries.

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Turkey and the Netherlands clash over campaign access – video explainer

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 08:12 AM PDT

Turkey and the Netherlands are embroiled in a diplomatic row after the Dutch government barred Turkish ministers from entering the country to campaign for referendum due to take place next month. A private jet carrying Turkish foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu was denied permission to land in Rotterdam on Saturday while the country's family minister, Fatma Betül Sayan Kaya, was blocked from entering the Turkish embassy in the city and escorted back to the German border later that night.

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Pop singer Adam Faith 'spied on Fidel Castro for MI6'

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 06:00 AM PDT

New book claims star was recruited to spy on communist leader when he visited Cuba in 1990s

The late Adam Faith had a versatile career, veering from teen idol, pop star and actor to manager, investor and financial journalist. But according to a former colleague, the 60s star also added espionage to his curriculum vitae.

It is claimed in a new book by David Courtney, whom Faith managed, that the singer told of being asked by MI6 to spy on Cuba's communist leader, Fidel Castro, during a visit there in 1997.

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Turkish PM threatens sanctions against Dutch over minister's expulsion

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 04:32 AM PDT

Binali Yıldırım says there will be 'strong countermeasures' after minister was prevented from campaigning on Erdoğan referendum in Rotterdam

The Turkish prime minister has threatened the Netherlands with sanctions in retaliation for the expulsion of a government minister from the country as she tried to visit the consulate in Rotterdam.

Binali Yıldırım said the Dutch authorities had violated Fatma Betül Sayan Kaya's diplomatic immunity when she was barred from entering the consulate as part of a Turkish referendum campaign.

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US may support world’s worst abusers of women’s rights at UN gender talks

Posted: 13 Mar 2017 12:00 AM PDT

Donald Trump's 'global gag rule' could align US with Iran, Sudan, Syria and other countries targeted by US travel ban at Commission on the Status of Women

US negotiators at this week's UN Commission on the Status of Women could find themselves standing shoulder to shoulder with some of the world's worst violators of women's rights, activists have warned.

Donald Trump's reinstatement of the "global gag rule" and his proposed funding cuts to the UN are expected to embolden right-wing conservative groups seeking to undermine women's rights during the CSW talks in New York.

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