World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Nicolas Sarkozy to face trial over 2012 campaign financing

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 01:20 AM PST

Judicial source says former French president to stand trial over allegations of illegally financing his failed re-election bid

Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy is to face trial over the allegedly fraudulent financing of his doomed 2012 bid for re-election, a legal source has said.

The prosecution claims Sarkozy greatly exceeded a spending limit of €22.5m (£19.5m) by using false billing from a public relations firm called Bygmalion.

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Up to 13,000 secretly hanged in Syrian jail, says Amnesty

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 12:30 AM PST

Thousands of other opponents of Assad died from torture and starvation at Saydnaya prison, witness reports suggest

As many as 13,000 opponents of Bashar al-Assad were secretly hanged in one of Syria's most infamous prisons in the first five years of the country's civil war as part of an extermination policy ordered by the highest levels of the Syrian government, according to Amnesty International.

Many thousands more people held in Saydnaya prison died through torture and starvation, Amnesty said, and the bodies were dumped in two mass graves on the outskirts of Damascus between midnight and dawn most Tuesday mornings for at least five years.

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Donald Trump's 'under-reported' terror list includes Paris, Berlin and Nice attacks

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 12:12 AM PST

White House backs up president's claim that media is deliberately ignoring terror attacks by releasing list riddled with errors

The White House has distributed a list of 78 terrorist attacks to support Donald Trump's claim that the media is failing to properly report them.

But the list includes many atrocities that received blanket western media coverage including the Paris Bataclan attacks, the Nice truck killings and the San Bernardino shootings.

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May refuses Netanyahu's call to impose new sanctions on Iran

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 11:02 AM PST

The prime minister of Israel called on all 'reasonable countries' to follow Trump's lead after Iran carried out missile tests

Theresa May has resisted pressure to re-examine the viability of the international nuclear deal with Iran from her Israeli counterpart, Benjamin Netanyahu, who urged her to follow Donald Trump's example by imposing fresh sanctions.

May also said only a two-state solution could bring about peace in the Middle East, and her spokeswoman said the extension of illegal settlements made a solution more difficult.

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Trump tries to salvage travel ban amid numerous legal briefs to block it

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 08:19 AM PST

More than 100 tech companies and various former top officials ask courts to strike down ban as Trump also faces fight over Besty DeVos's nomination

Donald Trump scrambled to salvage his controversial travel ban as courts were warned that the move to target Muslim-majority countries could lead to the perception of the US being at war with Islam.

Related: Furious Trump says judge who defied him has put US 'in peril'

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Successful male contraceptive gel trial brings new form of birth control closer

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 05:00 PM PST

Designed to be a reversible and less invasive form of vasectomy, Vasalgel has been found to work reliably in primates

A male contraceptive gel has been found to work reliably in a trial in primates, bringing the prospect of an alternative form of birth control for humans closer.

The product, called Vasalgel, is designed to be a reversible and less invasive form of vasectomy and in the latest study was 100% effective at preventing conception. A blob of the gel is injected into the sperm-carrying tube, known as the vas deferens, and acts as a long-lasting barrier.

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Lifting Russia sanctions would not be 'smart', White House senior official says

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 03:27 PM PST

Kevin Harrington says he has not seen any draft plans to ease pressure on Moscow, and cautions against such plans in absence of change in behaviour

A senior official in the Trump White House has said he was not aware of any plans to lift sanctions on Russia and did not think it would be a "smart" thing to do in the absence of any change in Moscow's behaviour.

Kevin Harrington, the newly appointed deputy assistant to the president for strategic planning, cautioned on Monday that the fact he had not seen any draft plans to relax pressure on Moscow did not mean they did not exist, but he stressed he did not think it would be good policy.

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Melania Trump refiles $150m libel lawsuit against Daily Mail site publisher

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 08:33 PM PST

The lawsuit, now filed in New York, claims Trump had a 'once in a lifetime opportunity' as First Lady to launch multi-million dollar businesses

Melania Trump has re-filed a libel lawsuit against the corporation that publishes the Daily Mail's website, this time in New York, for reporting rumours that she worked as an escort.

Related: Melania Trump's Vanity Fair Mexico cover draws ire: 'It's a lack of sensitivity'

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Israel passes bill retroactively legalising Jewish settlements

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 01:53 PM PST

The bill was supported by Benjamin Netanyahu, but opponents said the law 'makes theft an official Israeli policy'

Israel's parliament has approved a controversial bill to retroactively "legalise" illegal Jewish outposts built on privately owned Palestinian land, setting up an inevitable confrontation with the international community.

The so-called regulation bill paves the way for Israel to recognise thousands of illegally built Jewish settler homes constructed on privately-owned Palestinian land in what opponents have dubbed a "theft" and "land grab".

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Russian millionaire details plans to re-establish Romanov empire on remote Pacific island

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 03:30 PM PST

Anton Bakov and his wife Maria want to lease three islands in Kiribati where they plan to set up an alternative Russia

A Russian millionaire is in advanced talks with the Kiribati government to lease three uninhabited islands and establish an alternative Russia and revive the monarchy.

Russian Anton Bakov and his wife Maria are planning to re-establish the Romanov Empire on three remote islands in the south Pacific nation of Kiribati, and invest hundreds of millions of dollars into the impoverished island's economy.

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US-China war would be a disaster for the world, says Communist party

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 02:10 AM PST

Editorial says two countries should strive to avoid conflict in first statement since Donald Trump's election win

A military conflict between the US and China would spell disaster for the world, the Communist party's official mouthpiece has warned, in its first pronouncement on ties between the world's two largest economies since Donald Trump moved into the White House.

"Were the United States and China to wage war on one another, the whole world would divide itself," the People's Daily newspaper argued in a commentary, paraphrasing Henry Kissinger, the veteran US diplomat whose secret mission to China led to the historic rapprochement between Richard Nixon and Mao Zedong in 1972.

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Russia demands apology from Fox News for Bill O'Reilly calling Putin a 'killer'

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 11:33 AM PST

The TV host used the word when pressing Trump to explain why he respects the Russian president, which the Kremlin found 'unacceptable' and 'insulting'

The Kremlin has demanded an apology from Fox News over what it said were "unacceptable" comments one of the channel's presenters made about Russian president Vladimir Putin in an interview with US counterpart Donald Trump.

Fox News host Bill O'Reilly described Putin as "a killer" in the interview with Trump as he tried to press the US president to explain more fully why he respected his Russian counterpart. O'Reilly did not say who he thought Putin had killed.

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'The UK is a tax haven' – Bermuda attacks plan to end financial secrecy

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 07:32 AM PST

Islands' deputy premier hits back against British MPs' attempt to force offshore companies to name their owners

The government of Bermuda has hit back at British efforts to end offshore financial secrecy, claiming the UK itself is a "tax haven".

Speaking ahead of a meeting on Wednesday between Theresa May and the leaders of Britain's overseas territories, Bermuda's deputy premier and finance minister, Bob Richards, pushed back against proposed legislation that would create public registers naming the owners of offshore companies.

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Vatican defends inviting Chinese ex-minister to organ trafficking talks

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 04:11 AM PST

Huang Jiefu's inclusion at summit risks conferring legitimacy on Beijing's transplantation programme, say critics

Vatican officials have defended their decision to invite a Chinese former deputy health minister to a conference on organ trafficking despite concerns that China still relies on the organs of executed prisoners in its transplant programme.

Medical ethics experts and human rights activists have decried the move by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences to invite Huang Jiefu to a two-day conference starting on Tuesday that aims to expose organ trafficking and seeks to find "moral and appropriate solutions" to the issue.

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No case for relaxation of Russia sanctions, Boris Johnson to tell EU

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 04:25 AM PST

Foreign secretary will say UK position has not softened, suggesting Britain wishes to distance itself from Donald Trump

Boris Johnson has said the British government will insist on the EU maintaining its sanctions on Russia, in comments that appeared to blame Vladimir Putin for a recent outbreak of violence in east Ukraine.

Related: EU ministers press Russia over fighting in Ukraine

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Buddhist monk held after millions of meth pills found in monastery

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 08:09 AM PST

Monk in custody in Myanmar after police swoop following record haul of stimulant seizures last year

A Buddhist monk in Myanmar has been caught hiding more than 4m methamphetamine pills in his monastery, police said, following a record haul of stimulant seizures last year.

The monk, named Arsara, was put into custody after police said they discovered hundreds of thousands of tablets in his car as he was driving from Shwe Baho village in the town of Maungdaw in Rakhine state, bordering Bangladesh.

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Google to appeal against order to hand over user emails stored outside US

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 02:41 AM PST

Judge rules Gmail-provider must comply with FBI warrants despite privacy implications, contrary to previous ruling in similar Microsoft case

Google has said it will appeal a ruling by a US judge to hand over the emails of Gmail users stored outside of the country – which puts the privacy of non-US citizens at risk.

US magistrate judge Thomas Rueter in Philadelphia ruled on Friday that Google must comply with search warrants issued by the FBI as part of a domestic fraud investigation. He said that transferring emails from a foreign server so FBI agents could review them locally did not qualify as a seizure because there was "no meaningful interference" with the account holder's "possessory interest" in the data sought.

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US popcorn exports in doubt, warns head of Mexican cinema chain

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 06:23 AM PST

Head of the country's largest cinema chain says Donald Trump's impending free trade renegotiations may force him to buy in from Argentina

The head of Mexico's largest cinema chain has said the impending renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (Nafta) means the US popcorn industry is at risk.

Alejandro Ramirez's company, Cinepolis de Mexico – which is the fourth largest cinema chain in the world – buys around $10m of kernels from Kansas, Missouri and Iowa.

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Former Catalan PM defends 'democratic' independence vote

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 07:07 AM PST

Artur Mas tells first day of trial for staging 2014 referendum that he had no intention of committing crime or disobeying anyone

The former Catalan prime minister Artur Mas has insisted he was following a democratic mandate when he organised a symbolic independence referendum three years ago and had no intention "of committing any crime or disobeying anyone".

Mas, who governed Catalonia from 2010 to 2016, appeared in the high court in Barcelona on Monday along with the former vice-president Joana Ortega and former education minister Irene Rigau.

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French police brutality in spotlight again after officer charged with rape

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 03:56 AM PST

One officer charged with the rape of a young man, and three other officers with assault over violent arrest in suburb of Paris

Police in France are again facing allegations of brutality after an officer was charged with the rape of a young man during a violent arrest in a suburb of Paris.

Four officers arrived at a housing estate in Aulnay-sous-Bois, north of Paris, on Thursday evening, where they began stopping youths and asking to see identity papers. During the operation, a 22-year-old man with no criminal record, identified only by his first name, Theo, was allegedly forced to the ground and beaten.

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'We fear soldiers more than gangsters': El Salvador's 'iron fist' policy turns deadly

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 03:00 AM PST

State security forces have turned the war on gangs into an extrajudicial siege in Distrito Italia, where young men are being killed indiscriminately with impunity

A group of teenage boys were celebrating a birthday with cake and cold beers, larking around and uploading selfies to Facebook. It should have been an ordinary scene played out among old friends, but in El Salvador, these are anything but ordinary times.

Shortly before 11pm, soldiers with rifles quietly descended from the surrounding hills and cornered the youngsters in an alleyway. Most of the teens were were thrown face-down on the ground – but two boys ran, and the soldiers gave chase.

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Refugees crossing into Canada from US on foot despite freezing temperatures

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 02:00 AM PST

Uncertainty caused by Trump's policies has pushed asylum seekers to take long, risky routes that in one case cost two Ghanian men several fingers to frostbite

A growing number of asylum seekers are braving freezing cold temperatures to walk into Canada from the US, driven by fears of what Donald Trump's presidency will mean for refugees, advocates say.

Last week, amid the chaos and uncertainty triggered by Trump's travel ban, one agency dedicated to resettling refugees opened an unprecedented 10 refugee claims in one day. Eight of the claimants had walked into Canada in order to avoid detection by border officials.

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Images of Trump in a bathrobe flood Twitter after Spicer says he 'doesn't own one'

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 01:54 AM PST

Spokesman's denial of New York Times report that included claim Trump watches television 'in a bathrobe' subjected to comprehensive take down

Photographs of Donald Trump wearing a bathrobe have been shared on social media in response to his press secretary's assertion he "definitely doesn't wear one".

An article published in the New York Times on Sunday painted an unsettling picture of life in the White House, with aides unable to locate light switches being forced to meet in the dark, visitors being left to find their own way out of the building after meetings and a "darkened, mostly empty West Wing".

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Secrecy around £1bn aid and security fund raises 'significant concern', say MPs

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 01:54 AM PST

The 'opaque' conflict, stability and security fund undermines government aims for transparency on aid, says joint committee on national security stategy

MPs and Lords have expressed "significant concern" over the lack of transparency, accountability and leadership of a £1bn government fund aimed at tackling conflicts and building stability overseas.

An inquiry into the conflict, stability and security fund (CSSF) described it as "opaque" and said the government had failed to provide enough evidence to scrutinise the fund effectively. The secrecy surrounding the fund, which comes partly from aid money, undermined the government's objectives for transparency over aid funding, according to the joint committee on the national security strategy.

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John Bercow does not speak for government on Trump, says minister

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 01:27 AM PST

Sajid Javid makes clear ministers will engage fully with US president as Speaker accused of hypocrisy over UK state visit

The government does not agree with the Speaker of the House of Commons that Donald Trump should be prevented from addressing parliament when he makes a state visit, the communities secretary, Sajid Javid, has said.

While being careful to not directly criticise John Bercow, who said Trump was unfit to address MPs at Westminster Hall because of parliament's opposition "to racism and to sexism", Javid made it plain ministers planned to engage fully with the US president.

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In Australia and the US, sound climate policy is being held hostage by vested interests

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 03:15 PM PST

We must shift away from a culture of politically motivated climate change denialism to an acceptance of the truly existential threat now facing humanity

It's been a bad couple of weeks for the world's climate and environment. The inauguration of billionaire property developer and reality TV star Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States has presaged a new Dark Age of climate politics.

In an opening fortnight of controversial executive orders, President Trump has decreed the expansion of major fossil fuel developments including the controversial Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines, and the neutering of long-standing environmental protections. In addition, he and his leadership team have made it plain they intend to dismantle many of the Obama administration's climate initiatives and withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement. All this runs in direct counterpoint to the rapid decarbonisation required to avoid dangerous climate change.

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Radio 4 presenter Steve Hewlett told he 'only has weeks to live'

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 05:18 PM PST

Hewlett, who also writes for the Guardian, married his partner Rachel in hospital 'in under an hour' after being told cancer treatment could not continue

The broadcaster and media commentator Steve Hewlett has married his partner in hospital after being told his cancer treatment could not continue and he might only have weeks to live.

The presenter of Radio 4's The Media Show, who was diagnosed with cancer of the oesophagus last year, has been openly discussing his treatment on the radio and in his Guardian blog called My cancer diary.

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Only a third of voters think Labour will win an election by 2025, poll suggests - Politics live

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 01:55 AM PST

Rolling coverage of the day's political developments as they happen, including the second day of the article 50 bill's committee stage debate

On the BBC's Victoria Derbyshire show Andrew Mitchell, the Conservative former chief whip and former international development secretary, has just said that he does not agree with what John Bercow said about Donald Trump but that he thinks Bercow was entitled to say what he said. Mitchell said Bercow was "a very good, modern Speaker".

Sajid Javid, the communities secretary, said told the Today programme this morning that John Bercow, the Commons speaker, was not speaking on behalf of the government when he said President Trump should not be invited to address parliament because of his racism and sexism. Here is our story with the latest reaction to what Bercow said.

Related: John Bercow does not speak for government on Trump, says minister

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Assad’s slaughterhouse defies description, but it’s horrifyingly real | Kate Allen

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 12:59 AM PST

According to Amnesty, Saydnaya prison is an extermination centre where starvation and torture are the prelude to mass hangings, up to 50 at a time

After the pulverising bombings, the brutal sieges and the barbaric chemical weapons attacks, you might think nothing could shock you now about the catastrophic conflict in Syria. You'd be wrong.

Amnesty has learned from prisoners who were detained there and released and former guards about what they describe as a calculated programme of extermination taking place in one of President Bashar al-Assad's military prisons – Saydnaya, in Damascus. Here, they have told Amnesty, thousands of civilians considered opponents of the regime are systematically starved, deliberately dehumanised, mercilessly tortured and finally hanged in the utmost secrecy in the dead of night, 20 to 50 at a time. These witnesses have described executions and the conditions in the prison before December 2015 but they could be continuing.

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Tunisia attack survivors say travel firm did not highlight terror threat

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 11:06 AM PST

Witnesses tell inquests into Sousse beach shootings they would not have travelled if Thomson had flagged security issues

Survivors of the Sousse beach attack in Tunisia, including the widow of a former soldier killed in the shooting, told an inquest they would not have travelled to the country if tour operator Thomson had flagged the high threat from terrorism.

Seifeddine Rezgui, 23, killed 38 holidaymakers, including 30 Britons, when he opened fire with an assault rifle in the Imperial Marhaba hotel on 26 June 2015. The inquests into the deaths of the 30 Britons heard evidence from survivors about the booking process, all of whom said they were not directed by Thomson to sections of travel advice from the Foreign Office (FCO) that described a high threat of terrorism in Tunisia and that warned foreigners could be targeted.

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Australian man Antonio Bagnato sentenced to death in Thailand

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 09:18 PM PST

Bagnato found guilty of 2015 abduction and murder of Hell Angels gang member Wayne Schneider at Pattaya

Australian man Antonio Bagnato has been found guilty and sentenced to death by a Thai court for his role in the 2015 abduction and murder of Hells Angels gang member Wayne Schneider.

The judge at the Pattaya criminal court read the verdict on Tuesday to a packed courtroom.

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Bob Day sought arrangement to receive rent for electorate office, court hears

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 01:14 AM PST

High court told former Family First senator's 'indirect pecuniary interest' made him ineligible to be elected in 2016

Former Family First senator Bob Day had an "indirect pecuniary interest" in the lease of his electoral office because his family trust sold the property so he could personally receive rent from the government, the commonwealth has submitted.

The solicitor general, Stephen Donaghue, made the submission in the high court hearing on Tuesday into Day's eligibility to be a senator before he resigned in November.

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Judicial review aiming to stop UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia to begin

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 11:00 PM PST

Campaigners will claim that British weapons could be used in strikes in Yemen that break international humanitarian law

A judicial review that aims to halt UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia because they could be used to illegally kill civilians in Yemen is set to begin on Tuesday.

The Campaign Against the Arms Trade will claim that the indiscriminate nature of the airstrikes by Saudi Arabia in Yemen means there is a significant risk that British arms are being used in strikes that break international humanitarian law.

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Tuesday briefing: Brexit bill not for turning

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 10:52 PM PST

Government sees off first attempts to amend article 50 trigger … horrific report details Syrian mass hangings … and fixing Britain's 'broken housing market'

Hello, this is Warren Murray bringing you today's Guardian morning briefing.

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Hungary submits plans to EU to detain all asylum seekers

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 10:00 PM PST

Government spokesman says applicants would be held in 'shelters', and denies they would be 'detention centres'

Hungary will submit proposals to the EU to protect Europe's borders by automatically detaining any asylum seeker for the whole period of their asylum application, according to the government's chief spokesman, Zoltán Kovács.

Kovács claimed Donald Trump's election in the US was contributing to "a change of mood in Europe" that vindicated the Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán's tough position on migration, and said the recent EU summit in Malta marked a turning point in the EU's attitude to migration in the Mediterranean.

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Partner of jetski crash victim Emily Collie to be charged in Thailand

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 03:14 PM PST

Australian Tommy Keating will be accused of reckless driving causing the death of his girlfriend in Phuket, police say

A man whose partner died after the jetskis they were riding collided on a Phuket beach will be charged with reckless driving, Thai police have said.

Emily Jayne Collie, 20, from Victoria, died after colliding at high speed with a jetski being driven by her partner, Tommy Keating, off Kata beach.

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Indonesian illegal gold mining – in pictures

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 02:34 PM PST

Indonesian miners painstakingly sift through the waste for scraps from the largest gold mine in the world: the Grasberg mine in West Papua

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Post your questions for Father Bob Maguire

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 02:32 PM PST

He's a social justice warrior, agony uncle and that shouty guy from Triple J: here's your chance to ask anything you want of Australia's maverick Catholic priest

Father Bob Maguire – Australia's best-known maverick Catholic priest – is a man known for practising what he preaches. A self-described "patron saint of the unloved and unlovely", he was a parish priest in South Melbourne for nearly 40 years and the co-host of Sunday Night Safran on Triple J for a decade.

While the 82-year-old has since retired from these roles, he remains at the helm of the Father Bob Foundation, which feeds about 600 of Melbourne's homeless a week, supports at-risk children and advocates for the poor. He recently said his goal for 2017 was to help "tackle sadness".

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Brazil sends 200 troops to control lethal violence sparked by police strike

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 02:12 PM PST

  • As many as 50 people have died in crimewave, according to local reports
  • Espirito Santo police stopped work over pay dispute amid worst recession

Brazil's president has ordered 200 troops to the south-eastern state of Espírito Santo, where a police strike in recent days sparked a wave of violence including what is already believed to be dozens of murders.

The law enforcement stoppage in a state struggling with a budget shortfall is the latest example of how depleted public finances, amid Brazil's worst recession on record, are crippling even basic health services, education and security in some states.

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François Fillon admits error but refuses to quit French presidential race

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 12:01 PM PST

Rightwinger insists taxpayer-funded jobs he gave to his family were real and not illegal but apologises for employing them

The rightwing French presidential candidate François Fillon has apologised for hiring his wife as a parliamentary assistant, admitting he made an "error" but refusing to quit the race.

Fillon, once seen as a frontrunner to face the far-right Front National's Marine Le Pen in the final round of the presidential election in May, has seen his ratings drop after anti-fraud prosecutors opened an investigation into allegations that he paid his wife and children large amounts of taxpayers' money for fake parliamentary assistant jobs.

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'27 years of corruption is enough': Romanians on why they are protesting

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 09:37 AM PST

Thousands of Romanians have spent six nights marching in towns and cities across the country. We asked them why

After six nights on the streets, Romanian protesters appear to have won after the government scrapped corruption legislation that ignited the country's largest demonstrations since the fall of communism. But those who responded to a Guardian callout say it is not enough, and are demanding that the government step down.

"They are profoundly corrupt. Their first priority after taking office is to alter the most important work that has been done in Romania in the past 28 years: the anti-corruption fight," says Andrei, a 28-year-old air traffic controller, who protested in Bucharest. "Nobody wants a reversal to the period of the early noughties where there was no consequences for organised fraud."

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French PM says terms of any Brexit deal inferior to full EU membership

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 09:35 AM PST

Bernard Cazeneuve joins president of European commission in warning UK of 'a strong will' to defend interests of bloc

The prime minister of France and the president of the European commission have warned Britain that the terms of any Brexit deal cannot be superior to full membership.

Bernard Cazeneuve, who worked closely with Theresa May as French interior minister before becoming the premier in December, stood beside Jean-Claude Juncker as he said there was a strong will to defend the interests of the EU.

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Can Marine Le Pen win the French presidential election? – video explainer

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 07:40 AM PST

Marine Le Pen, leader of the far-right Front National, is expected to reach the final round in this year's French presidential election. Polls suggest she doesn't have enough nationwide support to win the presidency, but Le Pen is invoking Brexit and Donald Trump in an effort to maintain a nationalistic trend in global politics

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Eyewitness: Viareggio, Italy

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 07:00 AM PST

Photographs from the Eyewitness series

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'We want you to know you're not alone': why I went to visit a mosque

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 06:54 AM PST

Visit My Mosque day helps educate people about Islam to combat rising Islamophobia. Readers tell us about their experiences

More than 150 UK mosques opened their doors on Sunday for the third annual Visit My Mosque day, an event aimed at fostering a better understanding of Islam.

It came after Donald Trump banned people from seven Muslim-majority countries and all Syrian refugees from entering the US. Many saw the open days as an opportunity to counter rising Islamophobia.

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Romanians create sea of light with phones at anti-government protest – video

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 06:50 AM PST

Romanian demonstrators light up their phones in the centre of Bucharest on Sunday night. Protests in Romania have continued despite the government halting plans to decriminalise corruption. Many are calling on their government to quit

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Thomson said Tunisia was '100% safe', Sousse attack inquest hears

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 06:02 AM PST

Paul Thompson says he raised safety fears with holiday operator after Bardo Museum attack, but was told this was a 'one-off'

A survivor of the Sousse beach attack in Tunisia was told by holiday operator Thomson the country was "100% safe" before booking their trip, despite official advice that there was a high threat from terrorism, an inquest has heard.

Paul Thompson said he and his wife, Zoe, raised safety concerns with the travel agent after the attack on the Bardo museum in Tunis in March 2015, which claimed the lives of 21 people, including a British national, but were assured that it was a "one-off", similar to the 7 July 2005 bombings in London.

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California protests lead the way for Trump resistance movement

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 04:00 AM PST

State has embraced its reputation for progressive politics and civil rights activism, cementing its role leading the movement to defy the White House

The activists entered the train tracks, chained themselves together with PVC piping and halted all commuter rail traffic in San Francisco. Two miles away, hundreds shut down Uber's corporate offices, blockaded Wells Fargo's global headquarters and formed a barricade at the Israeli consulate.

While protests erupted across the US on Donald Trump's inauguration day, the carefully planned demonstrations in the San Francisco Bay Area offered a window into the highly coordinated and energetic resistance campaign that is rapidly emerging in California.

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UK government hires M&C Saatchi to fight far-right threat

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 02:36 AM PST

Advertising campaigns come amid news of secret Whitehall unit monitoring links between UK and European extremists

The advertising giant M&C Saatchi is working with the UK government to tackle racist myths perpetuated online by the far right.

The dangers posed to Britain by continental Europe's growing far-right movement are also being monitored by a secretive anti-subversion section of Whitehall, as part of Theresa May's £60m fight against extremism, the Times reports (£).

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Trade, not poverty, could become focus of £1.3bn UK aid pot, watchdog warns

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 04:01 PM PST

Independent Commission for Aid Impact says new prosperity fund is 'not sufficiently transparent', as critics warn that it fails to prioritise reducing poverty

The UK's aid watchdog has warned that a £1.3bn pot of UK aid money intended primarily to reduce global poverty could become focused on trade with wealthier economies such as China and Brazil.

The Independent Commission for Aid Impact (Icai) also cautioned that potential suppliers of services to the government's prosperity fund had been providing advice – often at a UK embassy level – on the designs of programmes in "ways that are not sufficiently transparent". Icai called on the fund to improve its levels of transparency overall, saying there was too little public information available about its work.

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Villagers in Bolivia refuse to be left high and dry by drought – in pictures

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 02:00 AM PST

Despite January rains heavy enough to cause flooding in some areas, the effects of severe drought continue to be felt keenly in many areas of Bolivia, affecting about 125,000 families. A resourceful village in Mizque province has come up with ways to eke out what little water is available

All photographs by Andrew Philip/Tearfund

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Everything you need to know about the legal showdown over Trump's travel ban

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 12:59 PM PST

America is awaiting a ruling on whether a judge's temporary suspension of Trump's ban will stand. So how did we get to this point, and what comes next?

Donald Trump's executive order suspending refugee admissions and banning travel to the US from seven Muslim-majority countries has produced a showdown in federal court and an unusually high-stakes test for the new presidency.

Related: Trump tries to salvage travel ban amid numerous legal briefs to block it

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Trump claims media is deliberately ignoring terror attacks – video

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 10:25 PM PST

Speaking to a military crowd in Florida, US president Donald Trump has again criticised the media, branding them 'very dishonest' and saying news outlets are deliberately not reporting on terrorist attacks

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Hillary Clinton's first post-inauguration statement: 'The future is female' – video

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 09:53 PM PST

Former US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has released her first video statement since Donald Trump's inauguration. She recorded it for the Makers conference, which focuses on women's issues and is being held this week in California. In the video, she says that 'despite all the challenges' she still believes 'the future is female.'

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Democrats prepare for all-night protest ahead of Betsy DeVos vote – video

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 01:49 PM PST

Democrats are planning to hold a 24-hour talkathon before Tuesday's planned vote for Donald Trump's education secretary nominee. DeVos, a billionaire philanthropist and advocate for charter schools, has faced unusually fierce opposition for a role that rarely receives congressional debate or public notice

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‘Finally, I am here’: Iranian researcher caught in travel ban arrives in US – video

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 02:27 AM PST

An Iranian researcher who had been prevented by Donald Trump's travel ban from coming to the United States to work at Stanford University gives his reaction after arriving at New York's Kennedy Airport on Sunday. Nima Enayati was turned away last week when he tried to fly to New York from Italy

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