World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Australia struggles to save refugee agreement after Trump's fury at 'dumb deal'

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 11:34 PM PST

Malcolm Turnbull adamant that resettlement of up to 1,250 refugees detained by Australia will take place, but some officials say privately deal now 'can't survive'

Australia is scrambling to save its agreement to resettle refugees in the US after Donald Trump raged publicly at "a dumb deal" and told the country's prime minister Malcolm Turnbull in private it was the "worst deal ever".

The US president took to Twitter late on Wednesday night in Washington to condemn the refugee swap and brand the asylum seekers held in camps on Nauru and Manus Island "illegal immigrants".

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François Fillon fights to save presidential bid amid fake jobs scandal

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 10:43 AM PST

French rightwing candidate was favourite to win but latest poll shows him being eliminated in first round as backlash grows

François Fillon is battling to save his rightwing bid for the French presidency as party colleagues increased pressure on him to stand aside after fresh allegations he paid his family large amounts of taxpayers' money.

Fillon was considered a favourite to win the two-round presidential election in April and May. But for the first time since allegations broke last week that he had paid his wife for an allegedly fake job as a parliamentary assistant, a poll showed him sinking and being eliminated in the first round, lagging behind the far-right Marine Le Pen and overtaken by the centrist, maverick independent Emmanuel Macron.

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Ukraine clashes leave several dead and test Trump's Russia stance

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 08:21 AM PST

Both sides accuse the other of shelling, and water and power shortages in -18C weather raise fears of humanitarian crisis

Parts of east Ukraine are on the brink of a humanitarian crisis as the worst violence for a year in the conflict between Kiev and Russia-backed separatists has left up to 19 dead and thousands of people without water and heating in freezing temperatures.

The violence is an early test of Donald Trump's stated desire for better US relations with Russia. Kiev has watched nervously as Trump has repeatedly praised Vladimir Putin and floated the idea of lifting sanctions.

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Romanians clash with police in protests over decriminalisation of corruption

Posted: 02 Feb 2017 12:13 AM PST

Thousands hit the streets across the country for the second night amid anger at change to law on string of corruption offences

Protesters have clashed with police in Bucharest after hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets in cities across Romania in anger at the government's decriminalising of a string of corruption offences.

In the largest demonstrations since the fall of communism in 1989, an estimated 200,000 to 300,000 protesters braved sub-zero temperatures to demonstrate on Wednesday night, with some shouting "Thieves!" and "Resign!" a day after the government passed an emergency decree.

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UC Berkeley cancels 'alt-right' speaker Milo Yiannopoulos as thousands protest

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 06:51 PM PST

Violence flares after group of anti-fascist activists shot fireworks at venue where the controversial Breitbart editor was due to give a talk

The University of California Berkeley cancelled a speech by right-wing internet troll Milo Yiannopoulos after thousands of students gathered in protest and a group of black-clad anti-fascist activists shot fireworks at the speech venue.

Related: Two nights on Milo Yiannopoulos's campus tour: as offensive as you'd imagine

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Dutch will count all election ballots by hand to thwart hacking

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 06:18 PM PST

Ministers want no repeat of US-Russia controversy in the March poll that could see Geert Wilders' far-right party win power

Dutch authorities will count by hand all the votes cast in next month's general elections, ditching "vulnerable" computer software to thwart any cyber hacking bid, a senior minister has said.

"I cannot rule out that state actors may try to benefit from influencing political decisions and public opinion in the Netherlands," interior minister Ronald Plasterk said in a letter to parliament on Wednesday.

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Japanese court rules against paedophile in 'right to be forgotten' online case

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 08:41 PM PST

Man convicted for breaking child prostitution laws loses legal bid to have details removed from Google results

Japan's supreme court has rejected a man's attempt to argue for the "right to be forgotten" in order to have references to his arrest for child prostitution removed from Google search results.

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Briton who died in Syria shot himself to avoid becoming Isis hostage

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 04:08 PM PST

Body of Ryan Lock, who was fighting alongside Kurdish forces near Raqqa, is due to be repatriated to UK 'in the next few days'

A British man who died fighting alongside Kurdish forces in Syria killed himself to avoid being taken hostage by Islamic State militants.

Ryan Lock, 20, from Chichester, West Sussex, died in an offensive by anti-Isis forces in a bid to retake the northern city of Raqqa, considered to be the terrorist group's de facto capital.

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Libya may allow EU ships to pursue people-smugglers in its waters

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 09:19 AM PST

UN-backed PM says foreign ships could be permitted to operate in Libyan waters alongside national military coastguard

Libya's UN-backed prime minister, Fayez al-Serraj, has said Nato or EU ships could be permitted to operate in Libyan waters alongside the national military coastguard to slow the flow of people-smuggling across the Mediterranean.

The move came as a report claimed elements of the Libyan coastguard were complicit in the smuggling and said returning anyone caught on boats to coastal detention centres was risky since conditions there were horrendous.

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Canadians ask: what radicalized alleged Québec City mosque gunman?

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 12:10 PM PST

Alexandre Bissonnette is recalled as a white nationalist introvert as Canada prepares for a public funeral on Thursday for three of the six Muslim men killed

Days after a gunman opened fire on a Québec City mosque, acquaintances of the man accused of murdering six Muslim men as they knelt at prayer were still searching for clues to suggest how the 27-year-old university student had become radicalised.

Related: 'Islamophobia killed Canadians': anti-Muslim rhetoric blamed in Québec attack

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Facebook's Oculus must pay $500m in virtual reality lawsuit

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 02:36 PM PST

Jury determined that VR company's CEO Palmer Luckey failed to comply with a non-disclosure agreement with games company ZeniMax

The Facebook-owned company Oculus has been ordered to pay half a billion dollars to the games company ZeniMax after a jury determined that the Oculus CEO, Palmer Luckey, failed to comply with a non-disclosure agreement.

Related: Who is Palmer Luckey, and why is he funding pro-Trump trolls?

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Trump tells Republicans to use 'nuclear option' to confirm supreme court pick

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 10:07 AM PST

With some Democrats vowing to block Neil Gorsuch's ascent, Mitch McConnell could change rules to lower confirmation threshold to 50 votes

Donald Trump has urged Republicans to use the so-called "nuclear option" to force through his supreme court nominee against Democratic opposition.

The US president named the conservative judge Neil Gorsuch on Tuesday night to fill the vacancy on America's highest court left by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia nearly a year ago.

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#DeleteUber: company automates account removal due to demand

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 03:35 AM PST

Taxi company, perceived to be pro-Trump, accused of taking advantage of protests against migrant travel ban

So many people have been deleting their Uber accounts, the company has set up an automated process.

#DeleteUber was trending for much of the weekend after Uber lifted surge pricing around John F Kennedy airport during protests about Trump's ban on migration from seven Islamic nations. Whether Uber was actively attempting to counter the strike is a matter of dispute – the company ended its "surge pricing" shortly after the end of the protest – but its actions, combined with a number of other aspects of perceived support for Trump including chief executive Travis Kalanick's membership of a presidential advisory board, proved the final straw for many.

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UN chief decries discriminatory border bans in rebuke to Trump travel decree

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 06:24 AM PST

  • António Guterres: ban based on religion or ethnicity violates basic values
  • Secretary general says such a ban risks fueling terrorist propaganda

António Guterres, the new UN secretary general, said on Wednesday, in a clear response to the Trump administration's refugee ban, that border policies based on religion, ethnicity or race were "against the fundamental principles and values on which our societies are based".

Related: US travel ban puts 20,000 refugees in 'precarious circumstances', UN says

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Beyoncé announces she's pregnant with twins

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 11:17 AM PST

The star released a brief statement on Instagram, accompanied by a photograph, to her 92.4 million followers that her 'family will be growing by two'

Pop queen Beyoncé is pregnant with twins.

She announced the news in an Instagram post on Wednesday, where she reveals her bump while dressed in underwear and a tulle veil, in front of a wall of roses.

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Mais wee, monsieur: Paris finds eco solution to public peeing

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 07:01 AM PST

Boxes installed in French capital convert urine into compost for use in parks, and absorb unpleasant smell

It may be better known as the city of light and of love, but Paris is also – and all too often – the city of pee, and consequently of pong.

But the French capital has a new weapon in its longstanding battle against les pipis sauvages, or wild peeing, the time-honoured if technically prohibited practice of urinating in the street, and its unsavoury accompanying odours.

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South African scandal after nearly 100 mental health patients die

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 10:08 AM PST

Gauteng minister resigns after facilities found to be 'unable to distinguish between proper care and a business opportunity'

At least 94 patients with mental health issues died after South African authorities moved themfrom hospitals to unlicensed health facilities that were likened to concentration camps, a government investigation has revealed.

Many of the deaths were due to pneumonia, dehydration and diarrhoea as the patients were hurriedly moved to 27 "poorly prepared" facilities in an apparent cost-cutting measure that showed evidence of neglect.

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Pakistan refuses to grant new ID cards to Bin Laden doctor's family

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 09:13 AM PST

Lawyer says officials refused to renew ID cards for wife and children of Shakil Afridi, who helped US track and kill al-Qaida chief

Pakistan has refused to grant identity cards to the family of Shakil Afridi, the jailed doctor who helped the US hunt Osama bin Laden, his lawyer has said, in effect denying them passports and voting rights.

Related: CIA organised fake vaccination drive to get Osama bin Laden's family DNA

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Zimbabwean pastor who led anti-Mugabe protests arrested in Harare

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 11:05 AM PST

Evan Mawarire detained at airport on return home from US and charged with subverting government, lawyer says

A Zimbabwean pastor accused last year of trying to overthrow the government after helping launch protests against President Robert Mugabe has been arrested after flying home from the US.

Evan Mawarire was detained at Harare airport, according to his lawyer. He was charged with subverting a constitutionally elected government and would probably spend the night in custody, Harrison Nkomo said.

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Fears for jailed activists as Cameroon cracks down on anglophone minority

Posted: 02 Feb 2017 12:08 AM PST

Agbor Balla and Fontem Neba could face death penalty over protests to promote rights of nation's English-speaking minority

Two activists jailed for trying to promote anglophone rights in Cameroon will remain in prison after their trial for terrorism was delayed without an official explanation.

Human rights lawyer Felix Agbor Balla and university lecturer Fontem Neba, who were arrested last month, could face the death penalty for organising peaceful protests to promote the rights of the English-speaking minority in the central African country.

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Facebook data supports 'wrong man' claim in people-smuggling case

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 06:28 AM PST

Social media trail suggests man held in Italy is innocent refugee rather than alleged people smuggler Medhanie Yehdego Mered

Facebook has come to the aid of a man accused by Italian prosecutors and British police of being one of the world's most wanted people smugglers, providing electronic data that suggests the detainee is a victim of mistaken identity.

Last June, Italian and British officials claimed to have captured Medhanie Yehdego Mered, alleged to be responsible for smuggling of thousands of people from north Africa to Europe.

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India caps cash donations to parties in landmark reform

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 04:30 AM PST

Funding proposal in budget follows revelation that nearly 70% of political donations could not be traced to any source

Cash donations to Indian political parties will be capped at 2,000 rupees (£23.50), with larger donations able to be made by "electoral bonds" under landmark funding reforms announced by the government.

The changes were proposed by the finance minister, Arun Jaitley, while unveiling his first national budget since November's shock decision to invalidate India's two highest-value bank notes.

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Tunisian suspect in Bardo Museum attack arrested in German raids

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 05:00 AM PST

Detained man is suspected of building a network of supporters to plan and carry out an attack in Germany

A Tunisian man suspected of involvement in the Bardo Museum attack in Tunis has been arrested in Germany during large-scale police raids.

The 36-year-old, who has not yet been named, was arrested in the early hours of Wednesday morning. He did not resist arrest, according to police.

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Protesters in Romania denounce plan to decriminalise misconduct offences

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 04:22 AM PST

Thousands take to streets after government passes emergency ordinance that critics say will help corrupt politicians escape justice

Tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets in Romania to protest against an emergency ordinance passed on Tuesday night that decriminalises some offences, including official misconduct in cases where the financial damage is less than 200,000 lei (£38,000).

Critics of the ordinance, introduced by a government that won parliamentary elections in December, say it could reverse an anti-corruption fight in Romania that has drawn widespread praise internationally. Additional laws could be issued in the coming days, further eroding ministers' accountability, according to the government's opponents.

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Council of Europe urged to investigate Azerbaijan bribery allegations

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 04:10 AM PST

Parliamentary assembly accused of turning blind eye to corruption after claims that ex-member was paid €2.4m to rig election

One of Europe's most venerable human rights bodies has been warned it risks falling into irrelevance unless it sets up a robust investigation into allegations of vote-rigging in favour of Azerbaijan's authoritarian regime.

The parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe (Pace) has been accused of turning a blind eye to corruption, after allegations that a former senior member was paid €2.39m (£2.06m) to engineer votes to protect the kleptocratic regime of Azerbaijan's president, Ilham Aliyev.

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19th-century female artist finally gets credit for works attributed to men

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 02:00 AM PST

Gallery learned Caroline Louisa Daly was rightful artist behind Prince Edward Island watercolours after her great-grandson raised doubts

For nearly half a century, Caroline Louisa Daly's sketches and watercolours have graced the walls of one of the largest galleries in Atlantic Canada – but until recently they were always mistakenly attributed to two male artists.

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Labour will fight against May's 'reckless Brexit', says John McDonnell

Posted: 02 Feb 2017 01:38 AM PST

Shadow chancellor says party will not give PM a 'blank cheque' after three-line whip in favour of Brexit bill was defied by 47 MPs

John McDonnell, the shadow chancellor, has promised that Labour will fight against Theresa May's pursuit of a "reckless Brexit" after the party was whipped in favour of giving her the power to trigger article 50.

Jeremy Corbyn's closest ally said the party would not give the prime minister a "blank cheque for what others call a hard Brexit and I think is a reckless Brexit".

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Deutsche Börse chief probed over €4.5m share deals ahead of LSE merger talks

Posted: 02 Feb 2017 01:22 AM PST

Carsten Kengeter investigated over buying stock in the company weeks before the announcement of a tie-up with its UK rival

German authorities have opened an investigation into suspected insider share dealing by Deutsche Börse chief executive Carsten Kengeter shortly before the announcement of the group's planned merger with the London Stock Exchange.

The Frankfurt prosecutor's office said the investigation related to talks between Deutsche Börse's management and that of the LSE between July and December 2015.

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Appease or oppose? How the world's nations are reacting to Trump

Posted: 02 Feb 2017 12:47 AM PST

As a new era of international relations dawns, governments are scrambling to calculate where their own interests lie

The question of how to handle Donald Trump is proving to be a major headache for governments around the world, and there is no agreement on how best to do it. The shared fear, reflected across the international community, is that everything that can go wrong, will go wrong.

The explosive row between Trump and Australia's prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, is a prime example of how things can suddenly go south. Ignoring the possible negative impact on a key US strategic alliance, Trump told the Australian leader a refugee resettlement agreement, made by Barack Obama, was a "dumb deal", then reportedly hung up.

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Are you happy with how your MP voted on article 50?

Posted: 02 Feb 2017 12:22 AM PST

The Brexit bill was passed to its next stage on Wednesday – now we want to know your views on your MP's vote

British MPs voted on Wednesday with a majority of 384 to give Theresa May's government the authority to invoke article 50.

Related: The full list of MPs who voted against the Brexit bill

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The Russian Buddhists v the billionaire – a photo essay

Posted: 02 Feb 2017 12:00 AM PST

A small group of Buddhists led by a veteran of the USSR's Afghan war has spent 21 years establishing a monastery in the Ural mountains. It sits on land claimed by a company belonging to one of Russia's most powerful oligarchs. After years of delays, a date has now been set for the complex's removal. Photojournalist Amos Chapple visited the monastery for RFE/RL

A 7km forest trail leads up to the monastery on the summit of Mount Kachkanar, which rises 888 metres above sea level. After heavy snowfall, the hike can take up to seven hours.

Teams travel by sled down the mountain to collect supplies.

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Man shot dead outside chip shop in Liverpool

Posted: 02 Feb 2017 01:11 AM PST

Police launch murder investigation after witnesses said 26-year-old was shot nine times in 'cold-blooded, targeted attack'

A murder investigation is under way after a man was shot dead in a "cold-blooded, targeted" attack outside a chip shop in Liverpool.

Witnesses said a 26-year-old appeared to have been shot nine times outside Anna Jung's in Grosvenor Road, Wavertree, at about 7pm on Wednesday.

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Beirut's last public beach: residents fear privatisation of Ramlet al-Baida

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 11:15 PM PST

A private development close to Beirut's last remaining public beach is sparking anger among residents who fear companies will leave nothing for the poor and middle classes – encroaching further into a city that already lacks public space

Take a stroll down the golden sands of Ramlet al-Baida, Beirut's last public beach, and you'll see families fishing and smoking shisha in ramshackle palm frond cabanas, boys kicking footballs under battered lamp-posts, and children building sandcastles in the waves. It is a rare outlet in a city where public spaces are few and far between. But at the beach's southern end, the scene abruptly gives way to looming cranes and men in hard hats driving rebars into a rising edifice of concrete.

The development, known as the Eden Bay resort – a more than 5,000 sq metre project billed by its website as "a sanctuary of luxury and refinement" – began construction last year, sparking outrage among beachgoers, civil society activists and public space advocates. The company behind the project says they have complied with the law and are set to inject vital investment and hundreds of jobs into Lebanon's bruised economy. But many of the poor and middle class Beirutis who have been going to the beach for generations see it as an encroachment on one of the few public spaces they have left.

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'Bad hombres': reports claim Trump spoke of sending troops to Mexico

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 08:25 PM PST

Transcript of phone conversation is said to include president telling his Mexican counterpart that America's military might weigh in against gangs

Donald Trump spoke of sending troops south of the border to take care of "bad hombres" while on the telephone with his Mexican counterpart, according to a transcript cited by the Associated Press.

Trump was said to have made either an offer – or a veiled threat – of the US military weighing in to fight Mexican gangs in a conversation on Friday that Enrique Peña Nieto's office later described as "constructive".

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Nauru overrules Australia over decision to transfer sick pregnant refugee

Posted: 02 Feb 2017 12:40 AM PST

Island nation says 37-year-old Kuwaiti facing a life-threatening delivery does not need to go to Queensland, despite reluctant decision by Australia to move her

The Nauruan government has said a heavily pregnant refugee – facing a potentially life-threatening, complex delivery on Nauru – does not need to be flown to Australia to give birth, defying the Australian immigration department which reluctantly decided she should be moved.

The 37-year-old Kuwaiti is more than 36 weeks' pregnant and, according to doctors who have examined her case notes, appearing to be suffering from pre-eclampsia.

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Turnbull tries out shirtfronting Trump as a way to handle the bully-in-chief | Katharine Murphy

Posted: 02 Feb 2017 12:57 AM PST

Rather than wilting, the Australian prime minister cut to the chase and told the US president to honour the refugee deal

Lest there have been any remaining doubt, Donald Trump has confirmed a bully now resides in the White House. The question for Malcolm Turnbull, and for all world leaders, is how do you deal with the bully-in-chief?

Turnbull – who right now is in a world of pain, and has absolutely everything on the line – has decided to deal with the bully in time-honoured Australian fashion, by standing his ground.

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Close encounters of the kestrel kind – video

Posted: 02 Feb 2017 01:16 AM PST

A kestrel takes a shine to a Highways England CCTV camera at Junction 11a of the M5 in Gloucestershire. First spotted by traffic officers in October 2016, the kestrel is seen on separate occasions checking its reflection in the camera, struggling against high winds and being assailed by a magpie and a raven

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Romanians clash with police in anti-corruption protest – video

Posted: 02 Feb 2017 12:08 AM PST

Protesters clash with police in Bucharest on Wednesday evening, after hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets in cities across Romania in anger at the government's decriminalising of a string of corruption offences. The government issued an emergency decree on Tuesday decriminalising some official misconduct, benefiting Romanian officials facing corruption charges

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Garuda passenger plane with 130 on board skids off runway in Indonesia

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 10:03 PM PST

Airline's Boeing 737 slipped off the strip at Yogyakarta in heavy rain but there were no injuries

An Indonesian passenger plane carrying 130 people has skidded off the runway after landing at Yogyakarta airport in heavy rain, the latest mishap to hit the country's aviation sector.

No one was hurt after the Boeing 737-800 operated by Indonesian flag carrier Garuda came off the runway at the airport early on Thursday as it arrived from Jakarta.

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Milo Yiannopoulos talk cancelled as Berkeley protests erupt – video

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 07:45 PM PST

Anti-fascist activists shoot fireworks at the University of California, Berkeley, where the 'alt-right' Breitbart editor was due to speak at a Republican students event. The university chancellor Nicholas Dirks had earlier defended the invitation, but described Yiannopoulos as "a troll and provocateur". Yiannopoulos said the cancellation proved "the left is absolutely terrified of free speech and will do literally anything to shut it down".

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Racism claims in College for Emergency Medicine to be investigated over exam results

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 07:39 PM PST

Students complain after just 6.8% of non-white doctors pass exam to become an emergency specialist

The Australasian College for Emergency Medicine will investigate claims of racism against non-white doctors in tests crucial to their careers.

The move follows reports that just 6.8% of non-white doctors had passed an exam needed to become an emergency specialist in the second half of last year. They reportedly made up a quarter of the 204 applicants.

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Reports of antisemitic incidents increase to record levels in UK

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 04:01 PM PST

Rise in incidents is blamed on factors including Labour party antisemitism row and rise in xenophobia after Brexit vote

The number of antisemitic incidents in the UK rose by more than a third to record levels in 2016, according to data released by the Community Security Trust.

The CST, which monitors antisemitism and provides security to Jewish communities, recorded 1,309 incidents of anti-Jewish hate last year, compared with 960 in 2015, a rise of 36%. The previous record number of incidents was in 2014, when 1,182 were recorded.

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Sale of puppies under eight weeks old to be made illegal

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 04:01 PM PST

Environment secretary announces plans for formal licence and strict welfare criteria in effort to tackle puppy farms

The sale of puppies under eight weeks old is to be made illegal under plans to crack down on so-called backstreet breeders.

Anyone breeding and selling three or more litters of puppies a year will have to apply for a formal licence under tougher rules announced by Andrea Leadsom, the environment secretary.

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Trump administration 'officially putting Iran on notice', says Michael Flynn

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 03:55 PM PST

National security adviser issues statement in response to recent Iranian actions as expert warns the White House 'could stumble into war'

The Trump administration has said it was "officially putting Iran on notice" in reaction to an Iranian missile test and an attack on a Saudi warship by Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen but gave no details about how Washington intended to respond.

The threat was made on Wednesday by the national security adviser, Michael Flynn, in his first public statement since taking office.

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Justin Trudeau abandons campaign promise to reform voting system

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 12:31 PM PST

Frustration over move adds to pressure over controversies surrounding cash-for-access fundraisers and investigation into a private island vacation

The Canadian government has abandoned plans to change the country's electoral system, breaking a major campaign promise in a move that prompted one opposition politician to call Justin Trudeau "a liar".

Frustration over the reversal of the election pledge adds to pressure the prime minister is already facing for controversies surrounding cash-for-access fundraisers, as well as an ethics investigation into a vacation at a private island over the New Year's holiday.

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Volcano produces rare 'firehose' lava flow into Pacific Ocean – video

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 09:33 AM PST

Hawaii's Kilauea volcano has produced a rare 'firehose' of lava which is flowing into the Pacific Ocean. Footage captured by the US Geological Survey on 28 January shows a steady stream of molten lava creating littoral explosions as it impacts the cold sea water

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Turkmenistan's singing dictator heralds upcoming elections

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 08:52 AM PST

Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov, set to win new term, sings on TV and participates in, and wins, cycle and horse races

There is little doubt that Turkmenistan's president, Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov, will win a new term in office in elections set for later this month. The question is what the dictatorial leader will get up to during the campaign.

This week, he was pictured giving a rendition of an apparently self-written song to a group of workers in the country, accompanying himself on the guitar.

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The public urinal that turns pee into compost – video

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 07:01 AM PST

Eco-friendly urinals have been set up at the busy Gare de Lyon in Paris to combat unpleasant odours caused by street urination. The Uritrottoir has a slot for urine, which leads to a compartment filled with straw, which eventually makes compost. Their designer Laurent Lebot says they are more ethical than chemical urinals

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Eight-year-old American girl 'killed in Yemen raid approved by Trump'

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 06:58 AM PST

Anwar al-Awlaki's daughter, Nawar, may have been fatally shot in intelligence operation on al-Qaida that left at least 14 people, including a US commando, dead

President Donald Trump personally approved a US commando raid in Yemen that left one elite serviceman dead and may have killed an eight-year-old American girl, the US military has told the Guardian.

At least 14 people died in Sunday's raid by the elite Joint Special Operations Command, which was the subject of a preliminary inquiry to determine if allegations of civilian deaths were sufficiently credible to merit a full investigation.

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Zhou Youguang obituary

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 05:31 AM PST

Chinese scholar whose western alphabet system advanced literacy and comprehension between speakers of different languages

A fortune teller once warned Zhou Youguang he would not live past 35. The prediction was plausible, as Zhou himself later noted. Average life expectancy in China was then around 30. He had experienced tuberculosis and depression and within a few years would narrowly escape death in a Japanese bombing raid that killed the man beside him. Yet his eventual death came the day after his 111th birthday.

By then he had fewer than 50 peers worldwide. The rest are known primarily for their survival, and Zhou had a variety of explanations for his own longevity: modern medicine, eating when hungry and sleeping when tired, and simply the fact that "God has forgotten me", a remark reflecting both his humility and his humour. But he had staked his claim to a place in the history books more than half a century before, as "the father of pinyin", having established what became the international standard for romanisation of Chinese.

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First class meal: could the declining US postal service deliver food to the needy?

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 04:00 AM PST

Students in St Louis propose to help millions of 'food insecure' people and reduce America's mountain of food waste ... by piggybacking on the vehicles and shuttered offices of the United States Postal Service

Despite living in one of the wealthiest nations in the world, one in seven US residents is "food insecure". These 48 million people struggle to reliably find food, even as the rest of the poulation throw out about 60m tonnes of it a year.

Typically America's food-insecure population is also low-income and trapped in food deserts, where they lack fresh, healthy, affordable eating options. Residents of food deserts make up almost 18% of the population, or about 54.4 million people, who live more than half a mile away from the nearest supermarket in urban areas or more than 10 miles away in rural areas.

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Violence, prejudice and low pay: all in a day's work for migrants in Malaysia | Pete Pattison

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 11:00 PM PST

Undocumented workers in Malaysia put in long hours for little money, are often excluded from healthcare and schools, and face routine intimidation

Sonam Lapcha might have been able to handle the putrid toilets, dirty drinking water and drunkards staggering around his workers' hostel, were it not that he had to share a single hall with 300 other men.

Lapcha, 30, a migrant worker from Nepal, spent five years crammed alongside hundreds of fellow migrants from Nepal, Myanmar and Bangladesh, all employed by a factory close to Malaysia's capital, Kuala Lumpur.

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Saudi inquiry into Yemen abuse claims like 'marking your own homework'

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 10:14 AM PST

Former development secretary Andrew Mitchell hints at need for independent inquiry into alleged humanitarian law violations by Saudi Arabia in Yemen

Saudi Arabia's investigation of its own alleged humanitarian law violations in Yemen is "like marking your own homework", said the former UK international development secretary Andrew Mitchell.

Mitchell, recently returned from Yemen, told MPs that an independent investigation of alleged abuses during the two-year conflict was necessary to maintain credibility and the rule of humanitarian law at a time when such law was under "extraordinary pressure".

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Immunisation drive hailed as watershed for Africa as leaders target public health

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 06:13 AM PST

Heads of state at African Union summit approve universal immunisation push as new Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention is announced

In a double move hailed as a milestone for public health, African leaders have launched an agency to tackle global threats such as Ebola and pledged to make immunisation available throughout the continent by 2020.

Under the twin commitments, African heads of state will establish regional health centres around the continent, increase funding for immunisation, improve supply chains and delivery, and prioritise vaccines as part of broader efforts to strengthen health systems.

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Protesters in the Gambia call for resignation of national assembly

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 03:00 AM PST

Young activists condemn assembly's support for state of emergency declared by ex-president Yahya Jammeh last month, which threw the country into crisis

Fifteen hundred young people converged outside the Gambia's parliament on Tuesday in the first demonstration since the country became a democracy, following the inauguration of president Adama Barrow.

The protesters called for all members of the national assembly to resign for supporting the decision by the disgraced ex-president, Yahya Jammeh, to declare a state of emergency two days before his mandate expired. The move increased the exodus of Gambians fleeing potential conflict, forced tourists to abandon holidays, and brought the country to the brink of civil war.

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Rex Tillerson needs to win battles at home before the wars abroad

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 09:22 PM PST

The new US secretary of state needs to win over a disgruntled staff before soothing allies alienated by Trump's chaotic administration

Every new US secretary of state comes to the office at Foggy Bottom to find a full in-tray waiting, but Rex Tillerson will find his overflowing on Thursday with looming new crises created in the first two weeks of his own administration.

In the time it has taken for the former ExxonMobil executive to get his senate confirmation, Donald Trump has alienated allies in the Arab and Islamic world with his refugee ban, setting off a wave of dissent from more than a thousand US diplomats, whom the White House then angered further by inviting them to leave their jobs.

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Trump tweets anger at 'dumb' Australia refugee deal – video

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 10:23 PM PST

While Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull remained tight-lipped on the phone call between himself and the US president, Donald Trump fired off a scathing tweet regarding the US agreement to resettle refugees from Australia's offshore detention centres, calling it a 'dumb deal' and describing the refugees as illegal immigrants.

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Trump travel ban should end as soon as possible, says UN head – video

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 07:02 PM PST

The UN secretary general, António Guterres, speaking at the UN headquarters in New York, says US president Donald Trump's travel ban imposed on travellers, refugees and immigrants from seven countries with Muslim majorities should be 'removed sooner rather than later, that was the appeal I made'

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Trump makes visit to honour US Navy Seal killed in Yemen raid – video

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 05:36 PM PST

President Donald Trump makes an unannounced trip on Wednesday to honour the returning remains of a US Navy Seal killed in a weekend raid in Yemen. Chief petty officer William "Ryan" Owens, a 36-year-old from Peoria, Illinois, was the first known US combat casualty since Trump took office less than two weeks ago. An eight-year-old American girl was among 30 others killed in the operation on an al-Qaida compound. Three other US service members were wounded.

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White House puts Iran 'on notice’ over missile test - video

Posted: 01 Feb 2017 01:55 PM PST

Donald Trump's national security adviser, Michael Flynn, said on Wednesday that the United States was 'officially' putting Iran on notice over its 'destabilizing activity' after it test-fired a ballistic missile over the weekend. Flynn said the ballistic missile launch on Sunday was in defiance of a UN security council resolution that called on Iran not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons

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