World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Senegal troops poised at the Gambia border as Jammeh mandate ends

Posted: 19 Jan 2017 01:53 AM PST

Tens of thousands flee as Ecowas-backed regional force prepares to enter amid failure of last-ditch diplomatic efforts to persuade Jammeh to go

Senegalese troops backed by other African forces are poised to enter the Gambia on Thursday after last-ditch diplomatic efforts to persuade the long-time president, Yahya Jammeh, to stand down appear to have failed.

Jammeh's mandate ended at midnight but he has steadfastly refused to leave office after losing elections last month to Adama Barrow, prompting west African states to ramp up pressure on the president. The Gambia has been in a state of political uncertainty since Jammeh refused to cede power, using the courts and parliament to try to extend his 22-year rule.

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Italy earthquakes: 'many dead' after avalanche hits hotel

Posted: 19 Jan 2017 01:27 AM PST

Up to 30 people missing at Hotel Rigopiano in Abruzzo ski resort as avalanche buries building after series of quakes

Up to 30 people are missing with many feared dead after an avalanche struck a hotel in a central Italian ski resort after a series of earthquakes.

About 20-30 guests had been staying at the Rigopiano hotel in the town of Farindola, in the lower Gran Sasso mountain range, when the avalanche struck on Wednesday night.

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Global warning: live from the climate-change frontline as Trump becomes president

Posted: 19 Jan 2017 02:06 AM PST

With climate sceptics moving into the White House, and 2016 now officially declared the hottest year on record thanks to human activity, the Guardian will spend the next 24 hours focusing on the climate change happening right now around the planet

Now then, something a bit different. Yesterday, the world's leading temperature authorities announced that yes, 2016 was the hottest year ever, and that the world was on average 1.1C warmer than in preindustrial times.

The idea of rising temperatures can be hard to visualise. So why not sit back and listen to it instead:

So the UK is by no means immune to climate change, and in the next hour, we'll discover that that goes for Europe too.

Do keep your comments coming – there's a really vibrant debate going on below the line. If you would prefer a Spanish version, have a look at what our partners Univision are doing here. And if you fancy contributing something more artistic or visual, then Tumblr is the place to go.

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Barack Obama's final press conference pep talk: 'I think we're going to be OK'

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 03:01 PM PST

President spoke of his daughters' resilience and said: 'If we work hard, if we're true to those things in us that feel right, the world gets a little better each time'

In the end, it was a father speaking with pride about his daughters and why they give him hope for the future.

The final question put by a journalist to Barack Obama during his presidency merged the political with the personal. Indeed, the two have often been impossible to separate during his eight years in office.

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Over half of world's wild primate species face extinction, report reveals

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 11:00 AM PST

Researchers warn of approaching 'major extinction event' if action is not taken to protect around 300 species, including gorillas, chimps, lemurs and lorises

More than half of the world's apes, monkeys, lemurs and lorises are now threatened with extinction as agriculture and industrial activities destroy forest habitats and the animals' populations are hit by hunting and trade.

In the most bleak assessment of primates to date, conservationists found that 60% of the wild species are on course to die out, with three quarters already in steady decline. The report casts doubt on the future of about 300 primate species, including gorillas, chimps, gibbons, marmosets, tarsiers, lemurs and lorises.

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Former President George HW Bush and wife Barbara hospitalized in Texas

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 11:27 PM PST

Former president was admitted to intensive care unit for respiratory problem, and his wife was hospitalized as precaution after fatigue and coughing

George HW Bush has been admitted to an intensive care unit and his wife, Barbara, was hospitalized as a precaution, according to his spokesman.

The former president was admitted to the ICU at a Houston hospital on Wednesday to "address an acute respiratory problem stemming from pneumonia", a family spokesman, Jim McGrath, said in a statement. McGrath said the former first lady was hospitalized as a precaution after experiencing fatigue and coughing.

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$460m pledged for vaccine initiative aimed at preventing global epidemics

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 02:00 PM PST

Lassa, Mers and Nipah will be first diseases targeted by programme announced at Davos by coalition of governments, philanthropists and business

A coalition of governments, philanthropists and business is pledging to put money and effort into making vaccines to stop the spread of diseases that could threaten mankind – and to prevent another outbreak as devastating as the Ebola epidemic.

At the World Economic Forum in Davos, the Norwegian, Japanese and German governments, the Wellcome Trust and the Gates Foundation announced they were putting in $460 million – half of what is needed for the first five years of the initiative. Three diseases will initially be targeted: Lassa, Mers and Nipah. All three are caused by viruses that have come from animals to infect humans and could trigger dangerous global epidemics.

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Iraq has retaken east Mosul from Isis, says army general

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 09:32 AM PST

Lt Gen Talib Shaghati says government troops are in 'full control' of eastern part of Iraq's second largest city

Iraqi government troops say they are in "full control" of east Mosul three months into a major operation to recapture the country's second city, despite some Islamic State fighters remaining along the Tigris river.

Related: The battle for Mosul in maps

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Boko Haram’s legacy of fear and ruin delays return of displaced Nigerians

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 04:01 PM PST

Aid workers in Borno state say displaced people living in camps have no plans to go back home despite government claims that insurgents have been defeated

The homecoming of tens of thousand of Nigerians displaced by the Boko Haram insurgency has been prevented by enduring fear of the Islamists and reluctance to return to areas of the country's north-east devastated by the campaign against the militants, according to aid workers.

The continued threat posed by Boko Haram was underlined on Monday when twin suicide bombings killed two people at a university in Maiduguri. The city is the provincial capital of Nigeria's north-east Borno state, the epicentre of the group's seven-year campaign to create a regional Islamic caliphate.

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Somalia urged to enforce law on sexual offences after gang rape of 16-year-old

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 11:24 AM PST

Women's groups demand perpetrators of brutal attack are brought to justice after video footage is posted on social media, sparking widespread condemnation

The gang rape of a 16-year-old girl in Somalia, which sparked outrage after a video of the alleged incident was posted on social media, will be the first substantial test of a law aimed at tackling pervasive sexual violence in the country.

Women's groups have urged the authorities to enforce legislation passed last year in Puntland, the semi-autonomous region of Somalia where the rape took place. The law, launched in November and hailed as a vital step towards lasting change, criminalises all sexual offences for the first time.

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Teenager opens fire in Mexico school, injuring four before killing himself

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 11:40 AM PST

  • Teacher and two students hospitalized for head wounds
  • Monterrey school's surveillance footage apparently posted to social media

A 15-year-old student opened fire at a private school in the northern Mexican city of Monterrey on Wednesday, hitting a teacher and two other students in the head before killing himself. Another student suffered lesser injuries in the shootings, which were captured on a chilling video posted to social media.

Nuevo León state governor Jaime Rodríguez said the shooter died at a hospital and that the other three victims with head wounds were "fighting between life and death". The boy wounded in the arm was out of danger.

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The secret of Namibia's 'fairy circles' may be explained at last

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 10:07 AM PST

Using computer models, ecologists think they have finally hit upon the reason for the strange polka dot patches scattered across the Namib desert

The marks on the ground in the Namib desert resemble a vast sheet of polka dots, or to the less romantic observer, perhaps a bad case of chickenpox.

In local myths, the bare, red circles fringed with grass are footprints of the gods, or patches of land once poisoned by the breath of a subterranean dragon. But even among scientists, who strive for more convincing theories, the curious, repetitive patterns have proved hard to explain.

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Dakota Access pipeline activists say police have used 'excessive' force

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 10:57 AM PST

Firsthand accounts from Native Americans along with live footage suggest that police deployed 'less than lethal' weapons against unarmed people

North Dakota law enforcement and the national guard have responded to the latest Standing Rock demonstrations with an aggressive show of force, according to indigenous activists who fear that police violence will escalate after Donald Trump's inauguration.

Related: Standing Rock activists eye pipeline finances to cement Dakota Access win

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Mali suicide bomber kills at least 50 people in Gao military camp

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 06:32 AM PST

Attack marks significant setback for peace efforts in region after vehicle explosion hits joint operational mechanism base

A suicide bomber in a vehicle full of explosives has attacked a camp in northern Mali, killing at least 50 people and wounding dozens of soldiers and former fighters.

Related: The struggle for Mali | Jack Watling and Paul Raymond

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Wole Soyinka confirms he destroyed his green card after Trump win

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 10:09 AM PST

The Nobel laureate, who threatened to destroy his green card last year, confirmed he has done so as an act of protest before 20 January's inauguration ceremony

After threatening to do it a week before the US presidential elections last November, Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka has confirmed he has destroyed his green card because Donald Trump won.

Soyinka, the first African writer to be awarded the Nobel prize in literature, was jailed twice for his criticism of the Nigerian government during the 1960s, famously composing protest poems on toilet paper from his cell in solitary confinement. In 1994, Soyinka's passport was confiscated by the de facto president Sani Abacha after he urged Nigerians to not pay taxes, as their money would aid the military. After years of living in voluntary exile and teaching overseas, Soyinka eventually sought refuge in the United States that same year, with the help of former US president Jimmy Carter. He later received a death sentence in absentia in 1997, from the regime under Abacha.

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Middle classes in crisis, IMF's Christine Lagarde tells Davos 2017

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 03:51 AM PST

IMF head wins support from outgoing US vice-president Joe Biden as she uses American term for working people in demanding action over rising inequality

The head of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, has called for urgent action to tackle a "middle-class crisis" hitting working people as she warned that inequality, distrust and a lack of hope were fuelling growing populism.

Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Lagarde said she had first highlighted the dangers of rising inequality four years ago but had been ignored. "I hope people will listen now," she said.

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Obama to leave office with more than 40 detainees still in Guantánamo Bay

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 10:15 AM PST

A final handful of detainees will be relocated to new lives overseas but the facility will not be closed, a vow that was once a key aspect of Obama's legacy

Over the next 48 hours, US military cargo planes will deposit a handful of detainees from Guantánamo Bay to new lives overseas for what is likely to be the final time for at least four years.

Barack Obama will leave office with either 41 or 42 men still detained at Guantánamo, the Guardian has learned, as his plan to close the infamous detention facility falls short.

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Second winner of environmental prize killed months after Berta Cáceres death

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 10:14 AM PST

Goldman prize winner Isidro Baldenegro López, who was known for his activism against illegal logging, was shot dead months after Berta Cáceres was murdered

A Indigenous Mexican activist who received the prestigious Goldman environmental prize for his crusade against illegal logging has been shot dead, the second award-winner to have been murdered in less than 12 months.

Isidro Baldenegro López, a subsistence farmer and leader of the Tarahumara community in the country's northern Sierra Madre mountain region, was shot at a relative's home on Sunday.

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Germany denies rebuffing Theresa May over citizens' rights deal

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 07:39 AM PST

Angela Merkel's spokeswoman says all EU 27 states agree there can be no negotiations before article 50 is triggered

Germany has denied it rebuffed an attempt by Theresa May to seal an early deal on citizens' rights post-Brexit, and reiterated that there was "complete unanimity" among the EU's 27 member states that the subject could only be discussed once Britain had triggered article 50.

Related: 'Europe's fate is in our hands': Angela Merkel's defiant reply to Trump

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Egyptian judge gives four people suspended sentences over FGM death

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 06:45 AM PST

Mayar Mohamed Moussa, 17, died last year after her mother took her to a private hospital for the procedure

Egyptian experts have criticised lenient sentencing in what is only the country's second ever prosecution for female genital mutilation (FGM) procedure. The four accused were given suspended prison sentences and fines following the death of 17-year-old Mayar Mohamed Moussa after undergoing FGM.

Related: First doctor convicted of FGM death in Egypt only spent three months in jail

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Senators call for investigation of Tom Price's healthcare investments

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 07:44 AM PST

Democrats raise concern over health secretary nominee, who bought and sold health-related stocks while he was an influential voice on healthcare policy

Donald Trump's choice for health secretary, Tom Price, faces his first congressional grilling on Wednesday, hours after leading Democrats called for an investigation of the congressman's investments.

Price bought and sold health-related stocks while he was an influential voice on healthcare policy in the House of Representatives, advocating for and against bills that affected health companies' fortunes.

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The inauguration of Donald Trump: your guide to the events in Washington

Posted: 19 Jan 2017 02:00 AM PST

Everything you need to know about the inaugural – official and otherwise – from Thursday's wreath-laying to a Saturday evening ball for Planned Parenthood

Donald Trump's inauguration is quickly approaching as he prepares to be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States. Thousands will flock to the Capitol to watch the events in person – or participate in protests against them.

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Trump urged to make America great again by embracing green tech

Posted: 19 Jan 2017 01:17 AM PST

Fulfilling pledge to boost fossil fuels will mean US misses out on huge market for clean energy, experts say

Leading climate change experts have urged Donald Trump not to turn his back on the biggest global challenge facing mankind, arguing that he can make America great again – and the world safer – by standing up to global warming and embracing the trillion-dollar green tech revolution.

As new data showed that 2016 was the hottest year on record, scientists, government advisers and people closely involved with global climate talks said it would be self-defeating for Trump to pull the US out of the global Paris climate change deal as he has threatened.

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Italian rescue teams reach hotel buried by avalanche – video

Posted: 19 Jan 2017 01:01 AM PST

Emergency rescue teams in the central Italian region of Abruzzo reach a hotel that was buried under snow by an avalanche on Thursday. There were reportedly 30 guests plus staff at the hotel. The avalanche followed a series of earthquakes

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Police officer found with £700,000 of drugs at his home, court told

Posted: 19 Jan 2017 01:50 AM PST

Insp Keith Boots, who was responsible for disposing of seized drugs, had heroin and cocaine in his Bradford house, jury hears

A police inspector responsible for disposing of seized drugs was found with an estimated £700,000 worth of heroin, cocaine, ecstasy and cannabis at his home, a trial has heard.

A jury at Leeds crown court was told that Insp Keith Boots, 55, was responsible for disposing of confiscated drugs for West Yorkshire police in Bradford but instead stole large quantities to supply to others.

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Alexandria: locals adapt to floods as coastal waters inch closer

Posted: 19 Jan 2017 12:00 AM PST

As cafe owners build defences against winter storms, the government has warned that 13% of Egypt's coastline is at risk from rising Mediterranean sea levels

"Before we were flooded a couple of years ago, we didn't imagine the water could reach this level," said cafe manager Samir Gaber, gesturing at a cluster of tables overlooking the Mediterranean.

Gaber has managed the Latino cafe in Alexandria for six years, during which time the business has had to adapt to increasingly dramatic winter storms. With the storms come the floods, crashing waves engulfing large chunks of the many cafes nestled on the coastline.

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Barack Obama on how Malia and Sasha reacted to Trump’s victory – video

Posted: 19 Jan 2017 12:23 AM PST

President Obama's final White House press conference ends with a question on how his children, Malia, 18, and Sasha, 15, responded to Donald Trump's victory. Obama says that he and the first lady have taught their daughters resilience - an attitude reflected in their reaction

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Details of plot to murder archbishop Óscar Romero revealed in new book

Posted: 19 Jan 2017 01:00 AM PST

Matt Eisenbrandt's Assassination of a Saint details the plot to murder the El Salvadorian archbishop that sparked a civil war and offers an explanation

The assassination of the archbishop Óscar Romero as he celebrated mass in March 1980 remains one of the most notorious political murders of the 20th century. The murder plunged El Salvador into a full-blown civil war which eventually left 80,000 dead and 8,000 disappeared.

Romero is still one of Latin America's most revered figures; his canonization – the final step to sainthood – is imminent. But almost four decades after his murder, the killers remain free.

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Trump inauguration: Taiwan delegation could 'disturb Sino-US relations'

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 11:36 PM PST

Taiwanese delegation will attend new president's swearing-in, prompting Beijing to warn it could 'disturb or undermine Sino-US relations'

The war of words between China and Donald Trump flared again as China urged the US not to let a Taiwanese delegation attend his inauguration.

Trump previously broke decades of diplomatic protocol by speaking directly with Taiwan's president after winning the US presidential election in November.

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Sunshine Coast bushfire may destroy property, firefighters warn

Posted: 19 Jan 2017 12:40 AM PST

Fast-moving blaze approaching Coolum Beach, watch and act alert says – 'Residents are strongly advised to leave now'

A fast-moving bushfire at Coolum on Queensland's Sunshine Coast may destroy property, firefighters have warned.

Residents in the vicinity of Doonan Bridge Road and Arcoona Road have been told to enact their bushfire plans.

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India school bus crash leaves at least 15 children dead

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 10:51 PM PST

Fears that the death toll could rise after the bus collided with a truck in Uttar Pradesh, according to reports

At least 15 children have been killed and dozens more injured after a school bus collided with a a truck in northern India, police said.

The driver of the bus also died in the crash, the latest deadly accident in a country with one of the worst road safety records in the world.

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South Korean court refuses arrest warrant for Samsung boss

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 09:37 PM PST

The decision will hamper an investigation into corruption allegedly involving president Park Geun-hye

A court in South Korea has refused to issue a warrant for the arrest of the acting head of Samsung, Jay Y Lee, over his alleged role in a corruption and influence-peddling scandal that threatens to bring down the country's impeached president, Park Geun-hye.

Special prosecutors investigating Park's relationship with her longtime confidante, Choi Soon-sil, had demanded Lee's arrest on charges of bribery, embezzlement and perjury.

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Why hasn't MH370 been found?

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 08:48 PM PST

Australia's multimillion-dollar search effort for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight 'tested the limits of human endeavour' – and failed. Where did it go wrong?

Nearly three years after the disappearance of MH370, theories abound as to what caused the Boeing-777 to change course and fly more than six hours with its satellite and navigation systems turned off, before plummeting into the Indian Ocean at terrifying speed.

Plenty of theories, but only piecemeal evidence.

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North Korean ICBM test looking more likely, says South

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 07:44 PM PST

Intelligence agencies believe they spotted missile parts being transported, according to South Korean media, after regime boasted of upcoming launch

North Korea may be preparing to test-launch an upgraded prototype of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), South Korea has warned.

In his new year's speech the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, boasted a test launch would happen soon and state media has said a launch could come at any time. Experts on the regime's missile programme believe the claims to be credible.

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Gambia: tourists scramble for flights out as troops mass at border

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 05:52 PM PST

UK Foreign Office warns against all but essential travel to the Gambia after Senegal says it will act if president refuses to accept election defeat

Tourists and Gambians have scrambled to leave the west African country after the Senegalese army said its forces would cross the border if long-time president Yahya Jammeh did not stand down.

Last-ditch efforts by the leaders of Mauritania and Senegal to persuade Jammeh to step aside peacefully after ruling for more than two decades appeared to have failed early on Thursday.

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Northern Territory must respect women's judgment on abortion, advocates say

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 03:10 PM PST

Human rights law centre says proposed changes to abortion law still leave the decision in the hands of a doctor

The Northern Territory must give more respect to women as competent decision-makers and stop using criminal law to restrict access to abortion, the Human Rights Law Centre has urged.

Outside of limited allowable circumstances, abortion is a criminal offence under the NT criminal code, and the territory is currently the only Australian jurisdiction where women must be in a hospital for any abortion.

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Nipah: fearsome virus that caught the medical and scientific world off-guard

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 02:00 PM PST

Nipah will be among the first diseases to be targeted by a new initiative aiming to prevent epidemics. But what is it, and why is it so dangerous?

In 1998, with no explanation or signal of danger, a fearsome disease took off in Malaysia. Pigs died in large numbers and then men slaughtering infected animals also fell ill. They passed it to their families at home. Nearly half of those who got sick died.

It was not Ebola – it was a virus that became known as Nipah, after the Malaysian town of Kampung Sungai Nipah where it was first identified. But there are resemblances to Ebola in the way the disease suddenly emerged from the animal world and then spread between humans, causing a threat to life that caught the medical and scientific world off-guard.

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Deplorables Inaugural Ball celebrates peaceful, 'sexy' transfer of power – video

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 01:40 PM PST

After Donald Trump takes the oath of office on Friday, he and first lady Melania Trump will appear at three official inaugural balls – a tradition going back to 1809. Many of his supporters will instead attend unofficial galas, including Thursday's Deplorables Inaugural Ball run by Miami businessman Evelio Medina

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Tunisia tour operators 'wanted better security before Sousse attack'

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 11:49 AM PST

Tui representative tells UK inquest firm was aware of raised terror risk but did not want to alarm tourists with 'army of police'

Tour operators wanted to increase security at a Tunisian resort before 38 people were killed in a terrorist attack there but were concerned that tourists would be frightened if they saw "an army of police", an inquest has heard.

The hearing into the deaths of 30 Britons in Sousse in June 2015 was told that the idea of increasing police security and how it could make tourists feel "uncomfortable" was discussed at official meetings a month before the attack.

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Four experimental mobile features to try on inauguration day

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 11:23 AM PST

Be one of the first to try live video notifications on mobile as Donald Trump is sworn in as the 45th president of the United States

As part of our mission, the Guardian Mobile Innovation Lab experiments with new ways of telling stories on small screens. On inauguration day, be a part of our experimental group to try out new mobile live blog features and notifications.

We'll be testing four features on three platforms. These experimental features will supplement the Guardian's overall coverage of the inauguration of Donald Trump as president of the United States on Friday 20 January.

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Earthquakes with initial magnitude of 5.3 strike Montereale in Italy

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 11:17 AM PST

Tremors return to central region that suffered deadly quakes in 2016, with towns blocked by snow and without electricity

Four strong earthquakes have shaken the same region of central Italy that suffered deadly tremors last year, further isolating towns that have been buried under more than a metre of snow for days.

Related: Italy earthquake throws spotlight on lax construction laws

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Scientology's UK HQ angers residents by felling trees in conservation area

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 10:35 AM PST

People in St Hill Green, West Sussex brand church 'selfish and arrogant' after 22 trees were cut down, but spokesman says more trees have been planted

The church of Scientology has angered neighbours at its UK headquarters by expanding its facilities without planning consent and felling trees in a designated area of outstanding natural beauty.

Residents close to the sprawling HQ near East Grinstead in West Sussex have accused the church of "selfishly and arrogantly" carrying out "destructive development plans before authorisation" by building a coach and minibus park before securing planning permission.

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Juncker says Brexit talks will be 'very, very, very difficult' as press turns hostile

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 09:16 AM PST

European newspapers attack May's plans as isolationist and unachievable but EU commission says it is not in a hostile mood

The president of the EU commission has said talks on Britain's departure will be "very, very, very difficult" as Europe's press turned hostile, attacking Theresa May's Brexit plans as isolationist, unachievable, extremist – and disastrous for the UK.

Speaking to journalists in Strasbourg on Wednesday, Jean-Claude Juncker played down suggestions that May's speech on Tuesday was a threat to Europe, and emphasised a deal had to reflect the interests of Britain and the EU.

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Are you protesting Trump's inauguration? We want to hear from you

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 07:26 AM PST

Whether you're participating in the Women's March on Washington or standing in solidarity elsewhere, show us what your protest looks like

One day after Donald Trump's inauguration, on 21 January, hundreds of thousands of people will gather in Washington for the Women's March on Washington. And while America's capital will host the largest event, it is hardly alone: more than 300 simultaneous protests are expected across the US, with dozens more solidarity marches planned around the world.

Are you attending one of these events? Share your story with us via GuardianWitness. A selection of your responses will be included in coverage around Trump's inauguration.

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AfD politician says Germany should stop atoning for Nazi crimes

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 04:31 AM PST

Björn Höcke sparks fury by calling for tradition to end and labelling Holocaust memorial a 'monument of shame'

A politician from the rightwing populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has broken with the country's postwar political consensus by calling for a "180-degree turn" from the tradition of remembering and atoning for the Nazi era.

In a speech in a beer hall in Dresden, Björn Höcke, who leads the party in the eastern state of Thuringia, railed against Germany's decade-long tradition of acknowledging the crimes of the National Socialist era, describing the Holocaust memorial in Berlin as a "monument of shame".

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Are you being affected by the political situation in the Gambia?

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 04:27 AM PST

Tourists are being evacuated from the Gambia, due to the deteriorating political situation. If you're in the country you can share your experiences with us

Thomas Cook is to fly almost 1,000 UK customers out of the Gambia, as the UK Foreign Office (FCO) advises against all but essential travel to the country.

The country's political situation has been deteriorating since incumbent president Yahya Jammeh refused to hand power to Adama Barrow, who won in last month's elections. The Gambia's parliament extended president Yahya Jammeh's term by 90 days on Wednesday, but regional leaders have threatened to use military force if he refuses to cede power.

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Gambians flee capital as state of emergency is declared – video

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 03:09 AM PST

Gambians are fleeing the capital city Banjul amid fears of civil war. The exodus follows Gambian president Yahya Jammeh's announcement on Tuesday that a state of emergency has been declared in the west African country. The decree comes two days before Jammeh is due to leave office to be replaced by election winner Adama Barrow

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Japan hotel chain angers China over book's denial of Nanjing massacre

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 03:04 AM PST

APA group is lambasted by Chinese government officials, newspapers and social media users over guestbook

One of Japan's biggest hotel chains has sparked fury in China after placing a book in guest rooms claiming that the 1937 massacre of Chinese troops and civilians by Japanese soldiers in Nanjing was a "fabrication".

Chinese media and government officials lambasted the Tokyo-based APA hotel group for distributing and selling the book, in which its chief executive, Toshio Motoya, disputes Chinese claims that the Japanese imperial army killed 300,000 people after it invaded the eastern city in December 1937.

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Eyewitness: Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 02:16 AM PST

Photographs from the Eyewitness series

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The female street photographers of Instagram – in pictures

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 11:30 PM PST

The art of street photography was long dominated by men and the 'male gaze', but new project Her Side of the Street celebrates women's role in the practice

Throughout history, women have often been subject to observation and evaluation from men as they walk down city streets – whether ogled as objects of desire or judged for their appearance or even presence in certain spaces. In literary and social history, men have usually been the ones who watch, rather than be watched; the urban observer which 19th-century poet Baudelaire made famous as the "flâneur".

In her recent book, Lauren Elkin wrote of the "flâneuse", the woman who reclaimed power by walking through – and writing about – the city streets in defiance of convention, challenging the cultural assumption at the time that women on the street were either sex workers or homeless.

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How a design competition changed the US approach to disaster response

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 05:03 AM PST

Nate Berg tells the story of Rebuild By Design, a competition – and now its own organisation – based on taking a more proactive approach to disaster response in cities; but how far can you prepare for the effects of climate change?

Ten years ago, New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg released a plan to create what he called "the first environmentally sustainable 21st-century city". The blueprint, known as PlaNYC and released on Earth Day, outlined more than 100 projects and policies to create that sustainable city by 2030.

It set a precedent for local action on climate change; cities around the world began drafting their own sustainability plans. But then in October 2012, it got a harsh reality check.

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Charity helping Yazidi survivors of Isis sexual slavery shut down

Posted: 11 Jan 2017 10:00 PM PST

Kurdish authorities' closure of Yazda leaves more than 1,200 women and children without any support, warn activists

Kurdish authorities have shut down a key charity that was supporting women and children from the Yazidi minority who survived Isis sexual slavery.

The decision to abruptly close Yazda leaves more than 1,200 women and children without material, psychological or social support, charity officials and human rights activists warn.

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Brazil's men helped to become better fathers to reduce gender violence

Posted: 02 Jan 2017 03:00 AM PST

A project that promotes men's involvement in childcare is changing attitudes with the aim of promoting equality and protecting women and girls

Getting men to be active fathers may not seem the most obvious way to tackle gender-based violence. But, according to Gary Barker, CEO and founder of Promundo, which engages men and boys in ending violence against women and girls, policies that encourage men to do more unpaid care work are a vital part of achieving gender equality.

"To us, it seemed obvious that we needed to figure out more constructive ways to engage men on this topic," he says.

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Nepalese women offer up food for thought in the Story Kitchen | Liz Ford

Posted: 30 Dec 2016 01:00 AM PST

A project enabling women to give their side of Nepal's history has a key role to play in the truth and reconciliation commission's inquiries into civil war abuses

Jaya Luintel has a vision: to see the history of Nepal retold through the eyes of women. The Story Kitchen, a project she helped set up, aims to do just that.

The initiative uses community radio and workshops to offer an outlet for women to tell their life stories, particularly their experiences during the country's decade-long civil war.

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Women bear the brunt as finances and families are undone by India's cash crisis

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:00 PM PST

Bank accounts are rare among Indian women, leaving them unable to deposit savings that many have preferred to keep secret from their spouses

By midday, Soni Mishra* has taken off her dupatta (scarf), wiped the makeup off her sweaty face, and phoned her husband twice to make sure he can collect their son from school. Mishra, along with at least a dozen other women, has been queuing for two hours in baking heat at a Dena Bank branch in Mumbai, hoping to deposit a bundle of cash she has brought with her.

For the past 15 years, Mishra, a housewife, has been saving for a rainy day. "Every month, my husband gives me some money for the household expenses. I spend most of it, but I save a few rupees in case of an emergency. I save for my son's education, for his future. My husband also saves, of course, but I save so I have my own money in case there's a problem in my life."

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Women of Las Patronas get fast food to migrants on Mexico’s Beast train – video

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 11:30 PM PST

For a quarter of a century, a group of women in eastern Mexico has provided food and water to the hundreds of Central American migrants who pass by on top of the infamous freight train known as The Beast. The women, known as Las Patronas, or the Bosses, distribute about 300 parcels a day – a life-saving act of kindness towards those risking life and limb to reach the US and finally escape violence and poverty at home

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Searching for our missing children: ‘It’s been six years. It feels like yesterday’ – video

Posted: 14 Dec 2016 11:00 PM PST

Almost a thousand people enter Mexico daily, heading for the US. Some never make it – they are kidnapped, imprisoned or killed along the way. Each year, in a bid to find their lost loved ones, a group of women from Central America travel together across Mexico, raising their voices in protest, publicising photographs of the missing and sharing each other's pain. This is their story

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Nepalese teenager dies after being banished to shed for menstruating

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 07:55 PM PST

Roshani Tiruwa, 15, believed to have suffocated after being forced to stay in dilapidated animal hut during her period, in custom outlawed a decade ago

A 15-year-old girl in western Nepal suffocated to death after being forced to stay in a poorly ventilated shed because she was menstruating, in an age-old Hindu practice banned over a decade ago, police said on Tuesday.

Roshani Tiruwa's body was discovered by her father early on Sunday in mud-and-stone hut in Gajra village in Achham district, 440km (275 miles) west of Kathmandu.

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African women form a united front in the battle for equality – podcast

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 11:00 PM PST

Kary Stewart looks at how feminists are championing women's rights across the continent and beyond, and examines what is at the heart of gender inequality

Gender equality remains a distant dream for women in Africa. Less than a third of all agricultural land in Africa is operated by women, nearly one in five of whom do not have access to contraception. In addition, almost a quarter of African women are likely to experience violence from their partners. Kary Stewart finds out how women have been working to bring about gender equality. There are contributions from Awino Okech, lecturer on gender studies at Soas, University of London; Jessica Horn, director of programmes for the African Women's Development Fund; Patricia Isabella Essel, programme manager for Women in Law and Development in Africa; and Hakima Abbas, director of programmes for the Association for Women's Rights in Development.

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African women form a united front in the battle for equality – podcast transcript

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 10:59 PM PST

Kary Stewart looks at how feminists are championing women's rights across the continent and beyond, and examines what is at the heart of gender inequality

Reports and presenters:

KS Kary Stewart

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Who are the three-quarters of adult Americans who didn't vote for Trump?

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 04:00 AM PST

The president-elect came second in the popular vote in November but the biggest bloc in the US electorate was those who for different reasons did not vote

If you were to knock on the door of a random house in a random street in America and ask a random person if they voted for Donald Trump, chances are they would say no. That's because three in four US adults didn't check a box in November to say they approve of the president-elect.

Some 63 million votes were cast for Trump out of America's 250 million adults. The rest of the population includes several different types of people. There are the 73.5 million people who voted against Trump. They include more than 65.8 million who cast a vote for Hillary Clinton – a majority by a straight popular vote count. Then there are those who didn't have the right to vote, and those who didn't exercise that right for various reasons. (Still others voted for third-party candidates.)

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Smoke and mirrors: how Trump manipulates the media and opponents

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 03:00 AM PST

The president-elect has a number of tactics – including empty words, misleading spectacles, and 'gaslighting' – in his arsenal

Donald Trump has been called a "master media manipulator" by the New York Times, a "genius" tactician by Kanye West and a "master wizard" of persuasion by the creator of Dilbert. Whether or not that is the case, there are certain patterns of language and action the president-elect uses to try to dominate the media, win political debates, and intimidate enemies. Here the Guardian examines some of them.

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Obama defends decision to commute Chelsea Manning’s sentence – video

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 12:51 PM PST

Barack Obama said he felt comfortable commuting the sentence of Chelsea Manning, in his final White House press conference on Wednesday. Obama says the decision to commute Manning's sentence would not signal leniency toward leakers of US government secrets

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Standing Rock activists clash with police – video

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 10:55 AM PST

Amateur footage shot on Monday shows Standing Rock activists clashing with police and the National Guard, as demonstrations continue over the construction of the Dakota Access pipeline in Cannon Ball, North Dakota. Activists live streamed some of their encounters with police, which at times turned violent

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Who is Chelsea Manning? – video profile

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 07:31 AM PST

Whistleblower Chelsea Manning will be released from military prison in May after her sentence for leaking classified information was commuted by the outgoing US president Barack Obama. As an intelligence analyst in Iraq, Manning leaked hundreds of thousands of documents via the anti-secrecy organisation WikiLeaks.

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Joe Biden tells Davos: top 1% must do more – video

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 04:44 AM PST

US vice-president Joe Biden calls on the richest 1% to pull their weight in a speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, on Wednesday. Biden says economic trends fuelled social unrest, that people need help to adjust to technology change and that workers need basic protections

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