World news and comment from the Guardian |

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World news and comment from the Guardian |

Erdogan declares victory in Turkey election and turns on opposition

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 01:06 AM PDT

Prime minister vows to make political enemies 'pay the price' as party triumphs in local elections despite corruption allegations

The Turkish prime minister, Tayyip Erdogan, declared victory for his party in local polls and said he would "enter the lair" of enemies who have accused him of corruption and leaked state secrets. "They will pay for this," he said.

Erdogan, fighting the biggest challenge of his 12-year rule, addressed supporters from a balcony at AKP headquarters, after the end of a long and bitter election campaign in which he had labelled his opponents "terrorists" and an "alliance of evil".

MH370 search will take 'some time to come' live updates

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 01:06 AM PDT

  • Malaysia still hopes for survivors however remote
  • Australia's PM Tony Abbott praises international effort
  • Black box detector fitted to search ship
  • Relatives demand apology from Malaysia

Australia is to start testing a US pinger locator in the hope of finding MH370's black box, but it could already be too late, according to AFP.

The Australian vessel Ocean Shield is to conduct sea trials of the pinger locator off Perth on Monday before heading to the search area.

Captain Mark Matthews from the US Navy said it was "critical" to first locate a likely crash site.

"Right now the search area is basically the size of the Indian Ocean, which would take an untenable amount of time to search," he said.

Malaysia's acting transport minister Hishammuddin Hussein has told relatives of the missing passengers that he hasn't given up hope of finding survivors however remote that possibility.

After meeting Chinese relatives who travelled to Kuala Lumpur, Hishammuddin gave an interview to China's state broadcaster CCTV. He said: "I told them to read deep into my heart. Even hoping against hope, even praying for a miracle, no matter how remote. They said 'please search for survivors'. I said that has always been my priority. It's not about the plane. It's not about the black box. It's about the people in the plane."

Relatives of the missing passengers have demanded meetings with the aircraft's manufacturers Boeing and Rolls Royce, according to a video from China's state news agency Xinhua.

It has footage of the relatives spokesman Jiang Hui demanding an apology from Malaysia over its handling of the investigation and communication with relatives.

Welcome to our continuing coverage of the search for Malaysia Airlines flight Mh370 more than three weeks after it went missing with 239 people on board.

Here's a summary of the latest developments.

On Sunday one of Australia's P-3 Orions search planes spotted four orange objects at sea, each more than two metres in size. The co-ordinates and images of the items, the latest to be sighted, were "of interest" but would need to be analysed, Flight-Lieutenant Russell Adams told Fairfax Media from RAAF Pearce base after returning from an 11-hour mission on Sunday night.

Dozens of angry relatives of Chinese passengers aboard the missing flight have demanded that Malaysia apologise for its handling of the investigation as they arrived in Kuala Lumpur from Beijing on Sunday. About 50 more family members joined those who had earlier flown to Malaysia, saying they hoped to get more information from officials in the capital.

Pakistan's former ruler Pervez Musharraf in court on treason charges

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 12:55 AM PDT

President of Pakistan from 1999 to 2008 faces charges relating to imposition of emergency rule in 2007

A Pakistani court has indicted former military ruler Pervez Musharraf for treason on charges relating to his imposition of emergency rule in 2007, in a historic first for a country controlled for half its history by the army.

Tahira Safdar, one of three judges of a special court convened to hear the case, read out five charges, with the ex-president pleading not guilty to each.

Julia Gillard's former speechwriter appointed to head Labor thinktank

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 12:34 AM PDT

Michael Cooney will 'cultivate ideas' and conduct analysis for Chifley research centre

Labor thinktank the Chifley research centre has appointed Julia Gillards former speechwriter Michael Cooney to be its executive director.

Cooney, who also advised Labor leaders Kim Beazley and Mark Latham, said it was the job of the research centre to cultivate ideas and do detailed analysis of policy to prepare Labor for a return to government.

Ehud Olmert found guilty of corruption by Israeli court

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 12:29 AM PDT

Former prime minister convicted of bribery over Hoyland apartments property deal while he was mayor of Jerusalem

An Israeli court has convicted the former prime minister Ehud Olmert of bribery over his ties to a property deal while he was mayor of Jerusalem, a ruling which is likely to end any prospect of a political comeback.

Olmert, a centrist internationally credited with pursuing peace with the Palestinians, had denied wrongdoing in the Holyland apartment complex deal, and other corruption allegations that forced him to resign as prime minister in 2008.

French Socialists suffer dismal night as far-right and conservatives sweep elections

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 12:24 AM PDT

Front National takes control of 11 town halls in local polls while Hidalgo's victory in Paris is only bright spot for Hollande

Paris elected its first female mayor on Sunday night, but the victory for socialist Anne Hidalgo was an isolated piece of good news for President François Hollande's embattled party as the far-right Front National (FN) appeared on course to win a record number of town halls.

"I am the first woman mayor of Paris. I am aware of the challenge," Hidalgo said in a victory speech after defeating the candidate of the conservative right, former minister Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet.

South Korea returns fire after North Korean shells land in disputed waters

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 12:08 AM PDT

Residents on South-controlled island are evacuated to shelters after exchange of fire caps days of rising tension

South Korean islanders fled to shelters as their countrys forces returned the Norths fire near a disputed sea boundary on Monday, amid renewed tensions on the Korean peninsula.

Tony Abbott and WA premier shake hands on NDIS trials

Posted: 31 Mar 2014 12:03 AM PDT

Prime minister will deliver a 'sustainable, affordable' scheme for people with disabilities

Tony Abbott has affirmed his commitment to delivering the national disability insurance scheme (NDIS) in a sustainable, affordable way as he spruiked an agreement to push ahead with trial sites in Western Australia.

The prime minister and the Western Australian premier, Colin Barnett, announced a deal to begin a trial site in the Perth Hills area on 1 July. The planned trials would benefit about 8400 people with disabilities in the state, the government said in a statement.

Chris Lilley's Ja'mie up against drama heavyweights for top Logie

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 11:47 PM PDT

Can the 'private school girl' win outstanding actor over David Wenham, Julian McMahon and Lachy Hulme?

Comedian Chris Lilley is a surprise nomination in the most outstanding actor category in the 2014 Logies for his role as a spoilt teenage girl in the controversial ABC series Jamie: Private School Girl.

The series spin-off of one of Lilleys most popular characters from Summer Heights High, Jamie was not universally well received by critics and lagged in the ratings.

North and South Korea exchange fire after military drill video

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 11:41 PM PDT

South Korea and the US conducted a large-scale amphibious landing drill shortly before an exchange of fire between North and South Korea. After the exercises, shells from North Korea landed south of the international sea boundary. South Korea returned fire into North Korean waters

Tony Abbott: Australia owes it to world to find MH370 video

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 10:58 PM PDT

Tony Abbott says Australia owes it to the wider world to keep searching for 'quite some time to come' for missing flight MH370. He said it was a difficult exercise with limited information, but it was an 'act of international citizenship'. Australia is heading up the search efforts from Perth

Climate change will damage Australia's coastal infrastructure, says IPCC

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 10:32 PM PDT

New report predicts species loss, a degraded Great Barrier Reef, and more dangerously hot days Report and reaction

Australia is set to suffer a loss of native species, significant damage to coastal infrastructure and a profoundly altered Great Barrier Reef due to climate change, an exhaustive UN report has found.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, delivered to the worlds governments in Japan on Monday, states there is significant change in community composition and structure of coral reefs and montane ecosystems and risk of loss of some native species in Australia as a result of warming temperatures and ocean acidification.

Maules Creek mine: 30 arrested as police break up protest gallery

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 10:06 PM PDT

Around 30 protesters have been arrested at Whitehaven Coal's Maules Creek operation in the Leard State Forest in northern NSW. Among those arrested was a 92-year-old second world war veteran. Protesters had locked themselves to machinery as part of campaign against the mine, before the police moved in

Hey Dad! star's lawyer asks why alleged assault victim kept going to star's house

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 10:01 PM PDT

Robert Hughes's lawyer says 'rumour and innuendo' played role in allegations of five women

The lawyer for Hey Dad! actor Robert Hughes has questioned why an alleged victim would continue going to the TV star's house "time and time again" if she had been assaulted by him.

In making his closing submissions in Hughes's defence on Monday, Greg Walsh questioned the allegations of the five women, saying that rumour and innuendo had played a role in the case.

Maules Creek mine protesters arrested, including 92-year-old war veteran

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 10:01 PM PDT

Bill Ryan, who served in Kokoda in the second world war, is one of about 30 people arrested at the Whitehaven Coal mine

A 92-year-old war veteran has been arrested during a protest at a mine development site in NSW's northwest.

Bill Ryan, who served in Kokoda during the second world war, is one of about 30 people arrested at Whitehaven Coal's Maules Creek operation on Monday.

Jewish donations to Liberal party could be hit by race act changes

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 09:50 PM PDT

Proposed changes to Racial Discrimination Act could affect donations and on the ground support, says Jewish leader

Donations from the Jewish community to the Liberal party and physical support such as letterboxing could be affected by the governments proposal to remove offend, insult and humiliate and broaden the exemptions in the Racial Discrimination Act, a prominent Jewish leader has warned.

Peter Wertheim, executive director of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, said while he suspected only a small number of the Jewish community would change their votes on the issue, it could affect donations to the Coalition and on-the-ground support for the Liberal party.

Construction union fined more than $1m for illegal Melbourne blockade

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 09:50 PM PDT

Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union ordered to pay fine and could face court costs for blockade

Several days illegally blockading Melbourne building sites has cost Australia's biggest construction union more than $1m.

The Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) is set to be fined $1.25m and ordered to pay costs for ignoring court orders and blocking the sites.

Burma census: Rohingya anger at snub video

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 08:53 PM PDT

Burma's first census in over 30 years has been overshadowed by disputes centring on ethnicity. The country's minority Rohingya Muslims have expressed their grief at not being allowed to classify themselves as 'Rohingya' on census forms, while Buddhists in Rakhine state threatened to boycott the census if the term was permitted. The United Nations, which has helped Burma carry out the census, said all people should be able to choose their identity

Legal aid denied to asylum seekers who arrive through unauthorised channels

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 08:37 PM PDT

Immigration lawyers say fulfilling Coalition pledge to axe legal aid scheme may mean legitimate refugee claims are rejected

The federal government has cut all taxpayer funded legal advice to asylum seekers who have arrived in Australia through unauthorised channels, drawing criticism from immigration law experts who say it will jeopardise thousands of refugee protection claims.

The Coalition pledged to make the cuts to the Immigration Advice and Application Scheme (IAAAS), which will save $100m, before last year's federal election and it is understood cases have not been referred to the scheme since November.

Icac told talk of Morris Iemma's axing over AWH was speculation, not fact

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 08:37 PM PDT

Former NSW premier says he was not aware that AWH had anything to do with him losing his premiership until claim was raised at Icac

The man who said Morris Iemma would be axed as New South Wales premier as part of a deal to benefit Australian Water Holdings has told the corruption inquiry it was speculation on his part and he did not have specific knowledge.

The Independent Commission Against Corruption (Icac) is investigating the company which would have made the Obeid family and former assistant treasurer Arthur Sinodinos, among others, millions of dollars if a lucrative deal had gone through with the state government.

North Korea declares no-go area in disputed seas as tension flares

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 08:27 PM PDT

Pyongyang warns South that it will be conducting live fire drills in a contested area off its west coast

North Korea declared disputed areas off its west coast a no-go area for shipping and has notified the South that it will conduct firing drills, a South Korean government official said.

The area is near the so-called "northern limit line", drawn up at the end of the 1950-53 Korean War, which the North has refused to recognise. Past clashes between the two navies in the area killed scores of sailors on both sides.

Tony Abbott praises international co-operation in search for missing MH370

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 07:40 PM PDT

Prime minister says concerted effort shows 'nations can come together for the betterment of humanity'

Tony Abbott has praised international efforts in the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane after a joint agency co-ordination centre was appointed to oversee the operation.

Since the planes flight paths were identified and satellite images have picked up what could be debris, searches have focused on the southern Indian Ocean west and south-west of Perth. Malaysian authorities announced last week that it was believed the plane had been lost in the ocean, claiming the lives of all passengers on board.

Some victims of Washington state landslide may never be found

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 07:04 PM PDT

30 people reported missing are feared to be buried
Official death toll from mudslide increases to 21

Some of the victims engulfed by the devastating mudslide that hit rural Washington state last Saturday may never be recovered, authorities have warned.

On Sunday, rescue and recovery teams continued to comb the ruins of the small community of Oso, north of Seattle, where 30 people reported missing are believed to be buried.

MH370: Australian pilots spot orange debris in hunt for missing Malaysia Airlines plane - video

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 05:56 PM PDT

Australian air force pilots say they have spotted several pieces of orange debris while searching for missing Malaysia Airlines jet MH370. It was unclear if the material was from the missing plane, authorities said, but further investigations are under way. Rescuers hope to pick up signals from the plane's black box recorder before it stops emitting. The plane has been missing for more than three weeks

Russia sets terms for Ukraine deal as 40,000 troops mass on border

Posted: 30 Mar 2014 05:08 PM PDT

Lavrov demands that Kiev have only limited powers as Kerry says military moves are obstructing peace deal

Russia on Sunday night repeated its demand that the US and its European partners accept its proposal that ethnic Russian regions of eastern and southern Ukraine be given extensive autonomous powers independent of Kiev as a condition for agreeing a diplomatic solution to the crisis over its annexation of Crimea.

Sergei Lavrov, Russia's foreign minister, told reporters Ukraine could not function as a "unified state" and should become a loose federation. He made the remarks after an inconclusive meeting with John Kerry, the US secretary of state, at the Russian ambassador's residence in Paris following a day in which tensions over Ukraine deepened appreciably. Lavrov called the talks "very, very constructive".

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